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Last active March 28, 2022 04:53
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actor GiftCache {
private(set) var cachedGifts: [GiftId: CachedGift] = [:]
// this method would be caller by other parts
func add(gift: CachedGift) {
cachedGifts[gift.giftId] = gift
func cachedGift(of giftId: GiftId) throws -> CachedGift {
if let gift = cachedGifts[giftId] {
return gift
} else {
let gift = try load(giftId) // this is a synce operation
cachedGifts[giftId] = gift
return gift
public class GiftManager {
let cache = GiftCache()
private var unsafeCachedGifts: [GiftId: CachedGift] = [:]
public func refreshUnsafeCache() async {
self.unsafeCachedGifts = await cache.cachedGifts
public func unsafeDurationForGift(giftId: GiftId) -> TimeInterval {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(.main))
Task {
_ = try? await cache.cachedGift(of: giftId)
await refreshUnsafeCache()
let gift = unsafeCachedGifts[giftId]
return // ...
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