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Last active March 22, 2023 20:17
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A Unity 2021+ Pooling Framework using TypeObjects and ScriptableObjects; GameEffect & GameEffectSetup show how to use it to easily start/stop Particle Systems effects; Pickup & PickupSetup show how to use it to create pickups like Gems or Coins.
using UnityEngine;
public class GameEffect : PooledObjectBase
public Transform EffectTarget;
public float EffectDuration;
[SerializeField] private float timer;
public override void BeforeEnable()
timer = 0;
private void Update()
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (EffectDuration > 0f && timer >= EffectDuration) // first see if the effect has a timer
// if no timer, see if we should be following a target
if (EffectTarget && EffectTarget.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) transform.position = EffectTarget.position;
// otherwise quit if we have no target
else if (EffectDuration == 0 && !EffectTarget) ReleaseToPool();
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "GameEffect_", menuName = "Scriptable Objects/Game Effect", order = 51)]
public class GameEffectSetup : PooledObjectSetup
public GameEffect PlayEffect(Vector3 position, Transform target = null, float duration = 0f)
var newEffect = (GameEffect)GetPooledObject(position);
newEffect.EffectDuration = duration;
newEffect.EffectTarget = target;
return newEffect;
public GameEffect PlayEffect(Vector3 position, float duration = 0f) => PlayEffect(position, null, duration);
public void StopEffect(GameEffect effect)
effect.EffectDuration = 0;
effect.EffectTarget = null;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
public enum PickupTypes{Wood, Stone, Material, Meat}
public class Pickup : PooledObjectBase
[SerializeField] private GameData gameData;
[SerializeField] private GameEvents gameEvents;
[SerializeField] private PickupTypes pickupType;
[SerializeField] private int amount;
private float timer = 0;
private PickupSetup PickupObjectSetup => (PickupSetup)ObjectSetup;
public override void InitializeObjectSetup()
pickupType = PickupObjectSetup.PickupType;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
var player = other.GetComponent<Player>();
if (!player) return;
var message = "Picked up " + amount + " " + PickupObjectSetup.PickupName + ".";
case PickupTypes.Wood:
gameData.Wood += amount;
gameData.Food += amount / 4f;
case PickupTypes.Stone:
gameData.Stone += amount;
gameData.Food += amount / 4f;
case PickupTypes.Material:
gameData.Material += amount;
gameData.Food += amount / 4f;
case PickupTypes.Meat:
gameData.Meat += amount;
gameData.Food += amount;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
gameEvents.GameMessageEvent.Raise(new Message(PickupObjectSetup.PickupIcon, message, 1f));
public override void BeforeEnable()
amount = Random.Range(PickupObjectSetup.PickupMin, PickupObjectSetup.PickupMax) + gameData.AdditionalPickup;
timer = 0;
void Update()
timer += Time.deltaTime;
// pickups expire after N secs
if (timer > GameData.PickupExpireTime) ReleaseToPool();
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu (fileName = "Pickup_", menuName = "Pickup Setup", order = 51)]
public class PickupSetup : PooledObjectSetup
public string PickupName;
public int PickupMin = 1;
public int PickupMax = 3;
public PickupTypes PickupType;
public AudioClip PickupSound;
public Sprite PickupIcon;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
public abstract class PooledObjectBase : MonoBehaviour
protected PooledObjectSetup ObjectSetup;
private IObjectPool<PooledObjectBase> objectPool;
public virtual void BeforeDisable() { } // called when object returned to pool
public virtual void BeforeDestroy() { } // called when object deleted from pool
public virtual void InitializeObjectSetup() { } // called when object created in pool
public virtual void BeforeEnable() { } // called when object taken from pool
// called when pooled object first created
public void AssignObjectSetup(PooledObjectSetup newSetup, IObjectPool<PooledObjectBase> newPool)
ObjectSetup = newSetup;
objectPool = newPool;
// called to return object to pool
public void ReleaseToPool()
StopAllCoroutines(); // this might not be necessary, SetActive(false) automatically does this
// only reason is if we want the coroutine to stop mid loop
// try/catch in case we try to recycle the same enemy twice
catch (Exception e)
// ignored
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
public abstract class PooledObjectSetup : ScriptableObject
[SerializeField] private PooledObjectBase basePrefab;
[SerializeField] private List<GameObject> modelPrefabs;
private IObjectPool<PooledObjectBase> objectPool;
private Transform poolOrganizer;
private GameObject masterParent;
private void OnEnable()
objectPool = new ObjectPool<PooledObjectBase>(CreatePooledObject, OnTakeObjectFromPool, OnObjectReturnedToPool,
private void OnTakeObjectFromPool(PooledObjectBase pooledObject)
if (!pooledObject) return; // sometimes the pool destroys an object before we can grab it...
// then OnEnable() runs
private void OnObjectReturnedToPool(PooledObjectBase pooledObject)
if (!pooledObject) return; // sometimes the pool destroys an object before we can return it...
// then OnDisable() runs
private void OnDestroyObject(PooledObjectBase pooledObject)
if (!pooledObject) return; // sometimes the pool destroys an object before we can return it...
// then OnDestroy() runs
private void CheckPoolOrganizer()
if (poolOrganizer) return;
var poolOrganizerGO = new GameObject("Pool: " +;
poolOrganizer = poolOrganizerGO.transform;
if (!masterParent) masterParent = GameObject.Find("Pools");
if (!masterParent) masterParent = new GameObject("Pools");
poolOrganizer.parent = masterParent.transform;
private PooledObjectBase CreatePooledObject()
var newObject = Instantiate(basePrefab);
newObject.AssignObjectSetup(this, objectPool); // assign our type object setup
newObject.InitializeObjectSetup(); // run whatever init code this object has using its setup
if (modelPrefabs.Count > 0)
// bring in a random model from our list
var model = Instantiate(modelPrefabs.RandomItem(), newObject.transform); = "Model";
newObject.transform.parent = poolOrganizer; =;
return newObject;
public PooledObjectBase GetPooledObject(Vector3 position, Transform parent = null)
PooledObjectBase newObject;
newObject = objectPool.Get();
} while (!newObject); // ensure we actually get an object from the pool
newObject.transform.position = position;
if (parent) newObject.transform.parent = parent;
return newObject;
public static class Extensions
public static T RandomItem<T>(this T[] array)
return array.Length == 0 ? default : array[Random.Range(0, array.Length)];
public static T RandomItem<T>(this IList<T> array)
return array.Count == 0 ? default : array[Random.Range(0, array.Count)];
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