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Created June 28, 2022 21:46
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# function adapted from
Function Execute-Command ($commandTitle, $commandPath, $commandArguments)
Try {
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = $commandPath
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = $commandArguments
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
commandTitle = $commandTitle
stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
Catch {
# call this with garmin username & password to sync from withings
function withings-sync( $username, $password )
# setup vars
$hoursToPause = 2
$fromDate = Get-Date
$loop = $true
$countOfTries = 0
$maxTries = 10
$user = $username
$pwd = $password
$wsPath = "C:\python38\scripts\withings-sync.exe"
# discord setup
$discordBot = "Withings -> Garmin Sync"
$hookUrl = ""
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: Garmin upload beginning for $user." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Info" -Description $content -Color LightGrey
# send discord update on start
Write-Host $content
Send-DiscordMessage -webHookUrl $hookUrl -Sections $section -AvatarName $discordBot
# only retry $maxTries times
if($countOfTries -lt $maxTries)
# create args, then try withings-sync upload and capture output
$args = ("--garmin-username ${user} --garmin-password ${pwd} --fromdate {0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f $fromDate).ToString()
$process = Execute-Command -commandTitle "Withings->Garmin Sync" -commandPath $wsPath -commandArguments $args
$outputText = $process.stdout
Write-Host $outputText
# if upload worked, break loops
if( $outputText.Contains("Fit file uploaded to Garmin Connect") )
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: Garmin upload successful for $user." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Info" -Description $content -Color Green
$loop = $false
# if no measurements, wait and try again later
elseif( $outputText.Contains("No measurements to upload for date or period specified") )
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: No Withings measurements found for $user; sleeping $hoursToPause hour(s) and trying again." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Alert" -Description $content -Color Yellow
# if withings refresh failed
elseif( $outputText.Contains("withings - ERROR") )
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: Withings refresh failed for $user; sleeping $hoursToPause hour(s) and trying again." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Alert" -Description $content -Color Red
# if garmin upload failed
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: Garmin upload failed for $user; sleeping $hoursToPause hour(s) and trying again." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Alert" -Description $content -Color Red
# send discord update
Write-Host $content
Send-DiscordMessage -webHookUrl $hookUrl -Sections $section -AvatarName $discordBot
# pause for $countOfTries hour(s) and try again
$countOfTries = $countOfTries + 1
if($loop) { Start-Sleep ( $hoursToPause * 60 * 60 ) }
# after #maxTries failures, send discord update and exit the loop
$content = "{0:HH:mm:ss}: Garmin upload failed $maxTries times, aborting." -f ( (Get-Date) )
$section = New-DiscordSection -Title "Alert" -Description $content -Color Red
Write-Host $content
Send-DiscordMessage -webHookUrl $hookUrl -Sections $section -AvatarName $discordBot
$loop = $false
while ($loop -eq $true)
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