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Created March 4, 2021 10:12
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void ACar::update(const GameUpdateSets& updateSets)
m_traitCamera.update(this, updateSets);
m_traitCamera.rotateWorkingDirectionTowardsFlat((-getTransformMtx().data[0].xyz().normalized0() + 2.5f*vec3f::getAxis(1)).normalized(), updateSets.dt);
//m_traitCamera.rotateWorkingDirectionTowardsFlat((-getTransformMtx().data[0].xyz().normalized0() + 0.5f*vec3f::getAxis(1)).normalized(), updateSets.dt);
struct Tyre
Tyre(vec3f localOffset, float radius, bool isSteering, bool isHandbrakeable)
: localOffset(localOffset)
, radius(radius)
, isSteering(isSteering)
, isHandbrakeable(isHandbrakeable)
// Parameters.
vec3f localOffset;
float radius;
bool isSteering;
bool isHandbrakeable;
// Per-frame parameters:
bool hasContact = false;
vec3f hitNormalWS = vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
vec3f steeringDir = vec3f::getAxis(0);
vec3f forceToApply = vec3f(0.f);
vec3f centralTorque = vec3f(0.f);
btVector3 forcePos;
Tyre tyres[4] =
// Front (left, right)
Tyre(vec3f(0.65f, 0.2f, -0.70f), 0.7f, true, false),
Tyre(vec3f(0.65f, 0.2f, 0.70f), 0.7f, true, false),
// Back (left, right)
Tyre(vec3f(-0.85f, 0.2f, -0.70f), 0.7f, false, true),
Tyre(vec3f(-0.85f, 0.2f, 0.70f), 0.7f, false, true),
vec2f sterringInput =, true);
bool isBreakBtnDown =;
bool isNitroBtnDown =;
bool isRandomForceBtnDown =;
bool isJumpBtnDown =;
bool isJumpBtnReleased =;
if(sterringInput.lengthSqr() < 1e-2f)
sterringInput.x =;
if( & 0x1) {
sterringInput.y = +1;
if( < -1e-3f){
sterringInput.y =;
isJumpBtnDown |= ( & 0x3) != 0;
isBreakBtnDown |= ( & 0x3) == 1;
isNitroBtnDown |= ( & 0x3) == 1;
isJumpBtnReleased |= ( & 0x3) == 2;
float const antiFlip = 0.4f; // [0; 1]
float const nitroAccelMult = isNitroBtnDown ? 2.f : 1.f;
float const nitroTopSpeedMult = isNitroBtnDown ? 1.2f : 1.f;
float const topSpeed = 60.f;
m_targetSteering = -sterringInput.x;
if(sterringInput.x == 0) m_workingSteering = 0.f;
else m_workingSteering = m_workingSteering + (m_targetSteering - m_workingSteering)*updateSets.dt * 8.f;
//m_workingSteering = m_targetSteering;
const mat4f worldTransform = getTransformMtx();
btRigidBody* rb = m_traitRB.getRigidBody()->getBulletRigidBody();
const btTransform worldPhys = rb->getWorldTransform();
auto& grp = getCore()->getDebugDraw2().getGroup(getDisplayName().c_str());
auto velocityAtPointWS = [&](vec3f ptWS) -> vec3f {
vec3f linVel = fromBullet(rb->getLinearVelocity());
vec3f angVel = fromBullet(rb->getAngularVelocity());
vec3f result = linVel + angVel.cross(ptWS - fromBullet(rb->getCenterOfMassPosition()));
return result;
vec3f const localUp =[1].xyz().normalized();
vec3f pos((rand() % 100) / 100.f, (rand() % 100) / 100.f, (rand() % 100) / 100.f);
pos = pos * 2.f - vec3f(1.f);
rb->applyImpulse(toBullet(vec3f::getAxis(1) * 10.f), toBullet(pos));
const float jumpImpulsePowerMin = 5.f;
const float jumpImpulsePowerMax = 30.f;
const float jumpFullChargeTime = 0.5f;
if(isJumpBtnDown) {
m_jumpAnticipationTime += updateSets.dt;
float k = clamp01(m_jumpAnticipationTime / jumpFullChargeTime);
float power = lerp(jumpImpulsePowerMin, jumpImpulsePowerMax, k);
rb->applyCentralImpulse(btVector3(0.f, power, 0.f));
m_jumpAnticipationTime = 0.f;
if(!isJumpBtnDown) {
m_jumpAnticipationTime = 0;
//grp.getWiered().line([3].xyz(),[3].xyz() + fromBullet(rb->getLinearVelocity()), 0xffffffff);
// Performe the raycast and apply comute the force that is going to be applied.
RayResultActor rayResults[SGE_ARRSZ(tyres)];
for(int t = 0; t < SGE_ARRSZ(tyres); ++t)
tyres[t].forceToApply = vec3f(0.f);
vec3f const rayPosWS = mat_mul_pos(worldTransform, tyres[t].localOffset);
vec3f const rayTarWS = rayPosWS - localUp * tyres[t].radius;
btVector3 const rayPosBulletWS = toBullet(rayPosWS);
btVector3 const rayTarBulletWS = toBullet(rayTarWS);
rayResults[t].setup(this, rayPosBulletWS, rayTarBulletWS);
getWorld()->physicsWorld.dynamicsWorld->rayTest(rayPosBulletWS, rayTarBulletWS, rayResults[t]);
// No hit, so no force.
if(rayResults[t].hasHit() == false) {
btVector3 const hitToTyre = rayPosBulletWS - rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld;
float const hitDistance = hitToTyre.length();
vec3f const hitPointWorld = fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld);
vec3f const hitPointRel = hitPointWorld - fromBullet(rb->getCenterOfMassPosition());
tyres[t].hasContact = true;
tyres[t].hitNormalWS = fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitNormalWorld);
tyres[t].forcePos = toBullet(hitPointRel);
Plane const groundPlaneApprox(tyres[t].hitNormalWS, 0.f);
vec3f const velocity = velocityAtPointWS(fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld));
vec3f const velocityOnGround = groundPlaneApprox.Project(velocity);
// Suspension.
float const compression = tyres[t].radius - hitDistance;//1.f - hitDistance / tyres[t].radius;
vec3f suspensionForce = tyres[t].hitNormalWS * compression * 66.f;
vec3f const dragForce = -tyres[t].hitNormalWS * dot(tyres[t].hitNormalWS, velocity);
tyres[t].forceToApply = suspensionForce + dragForce;
// Update tyre visual position.
m_tyreTransform[t] = mat4f::getTranslation(hitPointWorld + vec3f(0.f, tyres->radius, 0.f)) * mat4f::getRotationQuat(m_logicTransform.r);
// Debug draw.
//grp.getWiered().sphere(mat4f::getTranslation(hitPointWorld), 0xffff00ff, 1.f);
//grp.getWiered().line(hitPointWorld, hitPointWorld + suspensionForce, 0xff00ff00);
//grp.getWiered().line(hitPointWorld, hitPointWorld + dragForce, 0xff00ffff);
// Acceleration + Steering.
tyres[t].steeringDir = groundPlaneApprox.Project([0].xyz()).normalized();
float const maxVelocity = topSpeed * nitroTopSpeedMult;
vec3f const velocityAlongSteeringDir = tyres[t].steeringDir * dot(tyres[t].steeringDir, velocityOnGround);
float const currentVelocity = velocityAlongSteeringDir.length();
float speedRatio = 1.f - clamp(currentVelocity / maxVelocity, 0.f, 1.f);
mat4f const rot = mat4f::getAxisRotation(tyres[t].hitNormalWS, m_workingSteering * deg2rad(30.f));
tyres[t].steeringDir = mat_mul_dir(rot, tyres[t].steeringDir);
m_tyreTransform[t] = m_tyreTransform[t] * rot;
vec3f totalForce = vec3f(0.f);
if(sterringInput.y != 0.f) {
//if(sign(sterringInput.y) == sign(currentVelocity) || currentVelocity == 0.f)
vec3f const engineForce = tyres[t].steeringDir * (sterringInput.y * speedRatio * (10.0f * nitroAccelMult));
totalForce = engineForce;
// // Changing forwards to backwards (or vice versa).
// vec3f const engineForce = tyres[t].steeringDir * (sterringInput.y * speedRatio * (20.0f * nitroAccelMult));
// //vec3f const fakeFrictionForce = -velocityAlongSteeringDir * 0.6f;
// //totalForce = engineForce + fakeFrictionForce;
tyres[t].forceToApply += totalForce;
//grp.getWiered().line(fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld), fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld) + totalForce, 0xff00ffff);
// Handbreak and road friction. Depends on steering
vec3f const tyreRightWS = cross(tyres[t].hitNormalWS, tyres[t].steeringDir).normalized();
if(isBreakBtnDown && tyres[t].isHandbrakeable) {
// Breaks.
tyres[t].forceToApply += tyres[t].steeringDir * dot(tyres[t].steeringDir, -velocityOnGround.normalized0() * topSpeed * 0.3f) * 0.8f;
tyres[t].forceToApply += tyreRightWS * dot(tyreRightWS, -velocityOnGround) * 1.f;
// Friction with the road.
float scale = dot(tyreRightWS, velocity);
const float speed = velocity.length();
//float f0 = 3.f;
//float f1 = 0.7f;
//float f1Speed = 40.f;
//float sidewaysFriction = lerp(f0, f1, sqr(sqr(clamp(speed / f1Speed, 0.f, 1.f))));
const float lowSpeedFriction = 7.f;
const float highSpeedFriction = 0.8f;
const float lowSpeed = 5.f;
const float highSpeed = 15.f;
float sidewaysFriction = 0.f;
if(speed < lowSpeed) sidewaysFriction = lowSpeedFriction;
if(speed > highSpeed) sidewaysFriction = highSpeedFriction;
else sidewaysFriction = lerp(lowSpeedFriction, highSpeedFriction, (speed - lowSpeed) / (highSpeed - lowSpeed));
vec3f force = -tyreRightWS * scale * sidewaysFriction;// *sqrt(1.f - sqr(speedRatio - 1.f));
//force += -tyres[t].steeringDir * dot(tyres[t].steeringDir, velocity) * sidewaysFriction * 0.1f;
//vec3f force = (tyres[t].steeringDir * dot(tyres[t].steeringDir, velocityOnGround) - velocityOnGround) * 1.f;
if(sterringInput.y == 0.f)
force += -tyres[t].steeringDir * minOf(dot(tyres[t].steeringDir, velocityOnGround) * 0.1f, topSpeed * 0.1f);
tyres[t].forceToApply += force;
tyres[t].centralTorque += -hitPointRel.cross(force) * antiFlip;
// Debug draw.
//grp.getWiered().line(fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld), fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld) + velocityOnGround, 0x00ffffff);
//grp.getWiered().line(fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld), fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld) + force, 0xff0000ff);
//grp.getWiered().line(fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld), fromBullet(rayResults[t].m_hitPointWorld) + tyres[t].steeringDir, 0xf00f00ff);
//getWorld()->inspector->showNotification(string_format("%f", rb->getLinearVelocity().length()).c_str());
// Wind
float const windScale = clamp(fromBullet(rb->getLinearVelocity()).length() / topSpeed, 0.f, 1.f);
rb->applyCentralForce(toBullet(windScale * -localUp * 10.f));
// Apply the forces
for(int t = 0; t < SGE_ARRSZ(tyres); ++t)
rb->applyImpulse(toBullet(tyres[t].forceToApply) * updateSets.dt, tyres[t].forcePos);
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