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Created September 2, 2022 16:03
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unpack Unreal Engine .pck files into .wav
"""unpack Unreal Engine .pck audio packs and convert them into .wav
quickbms and vgmstream must be installed and available on your PATH as 'quickbms' and 'vgmstream-cli'.
If not, specify the paths using the '-q' and '-v' options:
unpck -q=<path to quickbms binary> -v=<path to vgmstream-cli> ...
known issues:
- vgmstream does not support Unicode filenames on Windows, so the WEM file will be renamed temporarily to use an ASCII filename if it contains Unicode characters.
import argparse
import sys
import subprocess
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
PCK_EXT = "*.pck"
WEM_EXT = "*.wem"
QUICKBMS = shutil.which("quickbms")
VGMSTREAM = shutil.which("vgmstream-cli")
# scan data for wave files
# RIFF and RIFX header supported
# note: There are wave files with a wrong file size after RIFF/RIFX
# This script takes the stream size, adds the header size and writes the correct size after RIFF/RIFX
# (c) 2012-06-26 by AlphaTwentyThree
# future update plans:
# - option to also write data between found wave files to disk
# - option to automatically transform the file to a playable or at least decodable format
for i = 1 # run through loop with count variable i
FindLoc OFFSET string "WAVE" 0 "" # search for "WAVE", save position as variable OFFSET
if OFFSET == "" # when nothing is found
cleanexit # the script exits (e.g. at end of file)
math OFFSET -= 8 # jump to possible
goto OFFSET # RIFF/RIFX file start
getDstring IDENT 4 # read string of 4 bytes, save variable as IDENT
if IDENT == "RIFX" # differentiate between header possibilities
endian big # set endianness to big, if file has RIFX identifier
callfunction write 1 # see function section below
elif IDENT == "RIFF" # endianness stays little
callfunction write 1 # also run function
else # string "WAVE" found, but doesn't belong to wave file
set SIZE 0xc # do as if something with 0xc bytes was found to continue search from the right position
set SEARCH OFFSET # set marker to position from where to search next
math SEARCH += SIZE # (that would be after the file that was found)
if SEARCH == FSIZE # in case the last found file ends with the main file, we exit
goto SEARCH # if we haven't exited the script above, we set out cursor to after the last found file
next i
startfunction write # function "write" starts here, is called when a wave file is found above
get NAME basename # save name without extension under variable NAME
string NAME += "_" # add underscore to the name
string NAME += i # add the loop variable to the name
goto OFFSET # set cursor to the beginning of the found file
get DUMMY long # RIFF/RIFX identifier, not needed
get DUMMY long # riff size, not needed
get DUMMY long # "WAVE", not needed, we arrive at the "fmt " section
for # loop search for the "data" section at the start of the stream (get the stream size from there)
getDstring AREA_NAME 4 # name of area in header
get AREA_SIZE long # size of area in header
savepos MYOFF # save position we are at
if AREA_NAME == "data" # when we arrive at the needed "data" area:
break # we exit the loop
else # otherwise:
if AREA_NAME == "LIST" # that's the area of the marker names
callfunction retrievename 1 # see below
math MYOFF += AREA_SIZE # not reached "data" area -> adjust cursor position...
goto MYOFF # ... and go there
next # remember: the cursor is now directly at the stream start
set STREAMSIZE AREA_SIZE # the last AREA_SIZE is the size we need (size of the audio stream)
math HEADERSIZE -= OFFSET # calculate the size of the stream header (offset - offset = size)
math SIZE += STREAMSIZE # calculate complete file size (header + stream = file)
log MEMORY_FILE OFFSET SIZE # write file to memory
math SIZE -= 8 # subtract 8 bytes to get the riff size
putVarChr MEMORY_FILE 4 SIZE long # write the correct riff size to the header inside the memory
string NAME += ".wem" # add extension to the name (the name could contain the name of the first marker if the file has markers)
math SIZE += 8 # add the subtracted 8 bytes again
log NAME 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE # write file in memory to disk
endfunction # remember that we continue with our next i now!
startfunction retrievename # get possible file name from first marker name, rmember: our cursor is after the size of the LIST area
get DUMMY long # always "adtl", not needed
get DUMMY long # always "labl", not needed
get MSIZE long # size of the label area for this marker
math MSIZE -= 4 # subtracting 4 bytes leaves us with the length of the marker label
get DUMMY long # marker type, not needed
getDstring MNAME MSIZE # cursor is at the beginning of the label name, now get the marker name with the desired length MSIZE
string NAME += "~"
string NAME += MNAME # add the marker name to the file name
def cmd(args, ignore):
result =, capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8")
if result.returncode != 0:
f"error: command returned exit code {result.returncode}.",
f"args: {result.args}",
f"output: {result.stderr}",
if not ignore:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quickbms", help="path to quickbms binary")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--vgmstream", help="path to vgmstream-cli binary")
help="ignore errors when running commands",
help="keep the wem directory after conversion (it is in the dest folder)",
parser.add_argument("dest", help="where to output the .wav files")
help=".pck files or a folder with .pck files",
args = parser.parse_args()
quickbms = args.quickbms or QUICKBMS
vgmstream = args.vgmstream or VGMSTREAM
dest = Path(args.dest)
# check if path is a folder
path = Path(args.files[0])
if path.is_dir():
files = path.glob(PCK_EXT)
files = [Path(f) for f in args.files]
script = dest / ""
wem_dir = dest / "wem"
for file in files:
if file.is_dir():
print("error: you can only specify 1 folder or any number of files")
print(f"[*] unpacking {file}")
print("[+] unpacking done!")
for file in Path(wem_dir).glob(WEM_EXT):
print(f"[*] converting {file}")
name = file.stem
unicode = not name.isascii()
if unicode:
f"[!] filename {name} contains Unicode characters, temporarily renaming with ASCII..."
new_file = file.rename(
file.with_stem(name.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("utf-8"))
# no need to rename
new_file = file
str(dest / f"{new_file.stem}.wav"),
if unicode:
# rename back to original unicode filename
print("[+] converting done!")
if not args.keep_wem:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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