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Forked from kei-q/amida.hs
Created June 12, 2012 17:21
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import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Data.List (subsequences)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
main :: IO ()
main = test 4 10
test :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
test r c = genAmida r c >>= drawAmida
data AMIDA = AMIDA Int Int [[Int]] deriving Show
amidaRows n = tail $ subsequences [1..n]
validAmidaRows = filter pred . amidaRows
pred xs = notElem 1 $ zipWith (-) (tail xs) xs
genAmida :: Int -> Int -> IO AMIDA
genAmida row col = AMIDA row col <$> amida
amida = replicateM col $ (possibility !!) <$> randomRIO(0, length possibility - 1)
possibility = validAmidaRows row
drawAmida :: AMIDA -> IO ()
drawAmida (AMIDA rn cn lines) = mapM_ aux lines
aux row = putStr "|" >> mapM_ (putStr . conv . (`elem` row)) [1..rn] >> putStrLn ""
conv True = "---|"
conv False = " |"
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