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Last active July 16, 2020 23:03
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Spectral matting in numpy/scipy
# Spectral Matting
import time
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage, sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sparse_linalg
TEST_SMALL_IMAGE = False # takes the top left corner of the image
def printt(arr):
for x in range(len(arr)):
for y in range(len(arr[x])):
print arr[x][y],
def change_img_colorsys(img, cspace="hsv"):
"""Change img colorspace from rgb to hsv, hls or yiq
if cspace not in ("hsv", "hls", "yiq"): raise ValueError
import colorsys
if cspace == "hsv": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv
elif cspace == "hls": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_hls
elif cspace == "yiq": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_yiq
new_img = np.empty(img.shape)
for h in range(len(img)):
for w in range(len(img[h])):
new_img[h,w] = fn(*img[h,w])
return new_img
def add_img_colorsys(img, cspaces=("hsv",)):
"""Add img colorspace(s) to matrix -- turning the image from a w*h*3 image to
a w*h*6|9|12 image
if any(cspace not in ("hsv", "hls", "yiq") for cspace in cspaces): raise ValueError
import colorsys
new_imgs = []
for cspace in cspaces:
if cspace == "hsv": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv
elif cspace == "hls": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_hls
elif cspace == "yiq": fn = colorsys.rgb_to_yiq
for h in range(len(img)):
for w in range(len(img[h])):
new_imgs[-1][h,w] = fn(*img[h,w])
stacked_img = np.copy(img)
for new_img in new_imgs:
stacked_img = np.dstack((img, new_img))
return stacked_img
bname = "woman_small"
save_partial_results = True
# Globals
# win_size=1 actually makes a 3x3 window -- more like a radius
win_size = 1
win_diam = (win_size*2)+1
neb_size = win_diam**2
epsilon = 0.00001
# 212x165x3 image
# EDU>> I(1:4,1:4, 1)
# 0.1922 0.1961 0.1843 0.1765
# 0.1608 0.1608 0.1451 0.1529
# 0.1882 0.1765 0.1765 0.2039
# 0.2000 0.1961 0.2039 0.2118
# Calculate local window variances
# Python-derived image is different to the one stored in my_images.mat
# Therefore just read in woman.png array from my_images.mat to ensure the same as matlab
# See for comparison
# To run matlab:
# plant_medium = double(imread('plant_medium.png'))/255.;
# save('plant_medium.mat', 'plant_medium');
img = ndimage.imread("%s.png" % bname).astype(np.float) / 255.0
#img = np.array([float(val) for line in open("woman.mat.textfile") for val in line.strip().split(",")])
#img = np.reshape(img, (212,3,165))
#img = np.transpose(img, axes=(0,2,1))
img = img[:60,:120,:3]
img = add_img_colorsys(img, cspaces=("hls",))
h,w,c = img.shape
print "loaded image", img.shape, "TEST_SMALL_IMAGE", TEST_SMALL_IMAGE
img_size = w*h
sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals = [], [], []
for col in range(win_size,w-win_size,1):
for row in range(win_size,h-win_size,1):
winI = img[row-win_size:row+win_size+1,
winI = np.transpose(winI, (1,0,2)).reshape(neb_size,c)
win_mu = winI.mean(axis=0)
# win_var1 and win_var2 are almost identical
# numpy variance uses N, numpy covariance uses N-1 (sampling variance?)
# matlab variance uses N-1, matlab covariance uses N-1
win_var1 = np.cov(winI.T) # 3x3
# uses N not N-1 so it's slightly difference to cov
win_var2 = np.matrix(winI).T*np.matrix(winI)/neb_size - np.matrix(win_mu).T*np.matrix(win_mu)
# win_var3 uses array notation instead of matrix notation
# matlab: win_var3 = inv(winI'*winI/neb_size-win_mu*win_mu' +epsilon/neb_size*eye(c));
# I need to turn win_mu into 2D column and row vectors from 1D vectors
win_var3 =, winI)/neb_size -[:,np.newaxis], win_mu[np.newaxis,:])
# win_var2/win_var3 are very close but not identical to matlab
win_var = win_var3
assert np.array_equal(win_var2, win_var3)
assert np.abs(win_var2[0,0] - np.var(winI[:,0])) < 1e-4
win_var_plus = np.linalg.inv(win_var + (epsilon/neb_size)*np.eye(c))
# Final win_var_plus is almost equal to matlab win_var_plus
# minor differences due to numerical instability?
n_winI = winI - win_mu
# matrix version converted to array
# tvals = np.asarray((1 + np.matrix(n_winI) * np.matrix(win_var_plus) * np.matrix(n_winI).T) / neb_size)
tvals = (1 +, win_var_plus), n_winI.T)) / neb_size
assert winI.shape == (neb_size,c)
assert win_var_plus.shape == (c,c)
assert tvals.shape == (neb_size,neb_size)
#print "tvals", row, col
#print tvals
# rc:
# [[-1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1]
# [-1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1]]
# move out of loop
rc = np.array([np.repeat(range(-win_size,win_size+1),win_diam),
for t_r in range(len(tvals)):
new_row1 = row + rc[1][t_r]
new_col1 = col + rc[0][t_r]
ind1 = new_col1*h + new_row1
#print "new_row1", row, rc[0][t_r], t_r
#print "ind1", ind1, new_row1, new_col1
for t_c in range(len(tvals[t_r])):
new_row2 = row + rc[1][t_c]
new_col2 = col + rc[0][t_c]
ind2 = new_col2*h + new_row2
# sparse array is very similar but not exactly the same as matlab
# things start to diverge at win_var3, and win_var_plus, due to numerical instability
print "sparse"
print sparse_vals[:10], sparse_vals[-10:]
print sparse_rows[:10], sparse_rows[-10:]
print sparse_cols[:10], sparse_cols[-10:]
print w*h
def sum_identical_row_cols(sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals):
Sum values that have the same row and column (there is some repetition)
to exactly match matlab code -- it's possible to remove it later if it was
not on purpose in matlab.
By default when converting [from COO] to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j) entries will be summed together.
This facilitates efficient construction of finite element matrices and the like. (see example)
assert len(sparse_rows) == len(sparse_cols) == len(sparse_vals)
zipped_rc = zip(sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals, range(len(sparse_rows)))
new_zipped_rc = []
i = 0
while i < len(zipped_rc):
row, col, val, ind = zipped_rc[i]
j = i + 1
while j < len(zipped_rc):
jrow, jcol, jval, jind = zipped_rc[j]
if jrow == row and jcol == col:
val = val + jval
j += 1
new_zipped_rc.append((row, col, val, ind))
i = j
# go back to being sorted by the original index
new_zipped_rc.sort(key=lambda x:x[3])
sparse_rows = [i[0] for i in new_zipped_rc]
sparse_cols = [i[1] for i in new_zipped_rc]
sparse_vals = [i[2] for i in new_zipped_rc]
return sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals
def test_sum_identical():
sparse_rows = [0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2]
sparse_cols = [0,0,0,1,2,1,2,1,2]
sparse_vals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
assert sum_identical_row_cols(sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals) == \
([0, 1, 1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 2, 2, 1], [6, 10, 5, 16, 8])
#sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals = sum_identical_row_cols(sparse_rows, sparse_cols, sparse_vals)
# Make a sparse matrix
# By default when converting [from COO] to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j) entries will be summed together.
# This facilitates efficient construction of finite element matrices and the like. (see example)
A = sparse.coo_matrix((sparse_vals, (sparse_rows,sparse_cols)), shape=(w*h,w*h))
A = sparse.csc_matrix(A)
# works the same as matlab sumA except matlab is not sparse
sumA = A.sum(1)
import scipy.sparse
A = scipy.sparse.spdiags(sumA.ravel(1),0,img_size,img_size)-A;
# Create the L (Laplacian) matrix (eigenvectors)
# matlab calcMattingComponent -- produces the L matrix
import scipy.sparse.linalg
eigs_num = 50
nclust = 10
maxItr = 20
exp_a = 0.9
I = img
L = A
st = time.time()
d00, u00 = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(L, k=eigs_num, sigma=0)
print "eig time", time.time()-st
if d00[0] > d00[-1]:
raise Exception, "d00 is not sorted correctly -- matlab code reverses under these \
circumstances but it may never happen anyway"
print d00
# Although the eigenvalues do return in approximately the right order, there can be
# misordering in there. In a test with 50 eigenvalues there were 2 out of order in the middle
# assert np.array_equal(np.sort(d00), d00), "%s %s" % (np.sort(d00), d00)
# FIXFIX d00 should be 51 not 50 (like in matlab) -- check this
d = np.diag(d00)
u = u00
print "u00", u00.shape
print u00[0:10,0:10]
print u00[-10:,-10:]
print "d00", d00.shape
print d00
s_eigs_num = 20
eigs_weights = 1.0/(d00[1:s_eigs_num+1]**0.5)
print "eigs_weights", eigs_weights
print "eigss", eigss.shape, eigss
# Apply KMEANS
# scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans does not work since it uses distance, not squared distance
# kmeans2 appears to work. vq also does not work, possibly for the same reason
# use labels instead of vq "codebook"
# codebook, distortion = kmeans(eigss, nclust)
# code, dist = vq(eigss, codebook)
from scipy.cluster.vq import (kmeans2, vq)
#from z_kmeans import kmeans
# there is quite a lot of variability in total dist so rerun kmeans2 several times to
# get a good answer
dist = np.inf
replicates = 2
for i in range(replicates):
st = time.time()
pre_centroids, pre_labels = kmeans2(eigss, nclust)
#pre_centroids, pre_labels, iters = kmeans(eigss, nclust)
print "kmeans", int(time.time()-st)
#print "centroid1", pre_centroids.shape, pre_labels.shape
#code, dist = vq(eigss, centroids)
#print "kmeans stuff, iter", i
pre_dist = 0
for l in range(nclust):
pre_dist += np.sum(np.sum((eigss[pre_labels==l] - pre_centroids[l])**2, axis=1))
# print "centroid", pre_centroids.shape, "labels", pre_labels.shape, "iters", iters, \
# "dist", pre_dist
print "centroid", pre_centroids.shape, "labels", pre_labels.shape, "dist", pre_dist
if pre_dist < dist:
dist, centroids, labels = pre_dist, pre_centroids, pre_labels
# Remove randomness from kmeans for testing
labels = np.array([int(i)-1 for i in open("kmeans.out")])
print "labels", labels.shape, " ".join([str(i) for i in labels])
# convert labels to indicator array
x = np.zeros((len(labels),nclust), np.float64) - 1
for l in range(nclust):
x[:,l] = (labels==l)
assert sum(x.ravel()<0)==0, "every point must have a cluster"
print "x", x.shape, x[:15,:15]
# Set up for iterateProjComps
e1 = (w1**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x-1),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
e0 = (w0**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
eig_vectors = u[:,0:eigs_num]
eig_values = d[0:eigs_num]
omaxItr = maxItr
maxItr = int(np.ceil(omaxItr/4))
# inputs to iterateProjComps
# e0, e1
# L, eig_vectors, eig_values
def iterateProjComps(e0,e1,x, TEST_IPC=False):
"""This function works exactly the same as matlab"""
#global x, y
'''if TEST_IPC:
# e0: 1600x10, e1: 1600x10
# L: 1600x1600, eig_values: 50, eig_vectors: 1600x50
# u: 1600x50, d: 50,
# FIXFIX d should be 51 according to matlab, not 50
print e0.shape, e1.shape
print L.shape, eig_values.shape, eig_vectors.shape
print u.shape, d.shape'''
# eig_values needs to be a diagonal matrix, not a 1D array, for this fn. to work
assert len(eig_values.shape) == 2 and eig_values.shape[0]==eig_values.shape[1]
# default params
exp_a=0.9; thr_e=1e-10; w1=0.3; w0=0.3
for itr in range(maxItr):
tA = np.zeros(((nclust-1)*eigs_num, (nclust-1)*eigs_num))
tb = np.zeros((nclust-1)*eigs_num)
eig_vectors = u[:,:eigs_num]
for k in range(nclust-1):
weighted_eigs = np.tile(e1[:,k] + e0[:,k], (eigs_num, 1)).T * eig_vectors
tA[k*eigs_num:(k+1)*eigs_num, k*eigs_num:(k+1)*eigs_num] =, weighted_eigs) + scld*eig_values
tb[k*eigs_num:(k+1)*eigs_num] =, e1[:,k])
k = nclust-1 # last element: nclust in matlab, nclust-1 here
weighted_eigs = np.tile(e1[:,k] + e0[:,k], (eigs_num, 1)).T*eig_vectors
ttA =, weighted_eigs) + scld*eig_values
# reshape(-1) turns a 1D column (made from the L matrix), e.g. [[1][1][1]] into a 1D array
# replace np.array(scld*(np.sum(, L.todense()), axis=1))).reshape(-1)
# which dies due to L.todense() being too big. There are some accumulated differences
# though once you go above 1000x1000
#print scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eig_vectors.T)
#print type(L), L.shape
#print type(scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eig_vectors.T)), scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eig_vectors.T).shape
#print, L)
#print "Yes"
#print np.array(scld*(, L)))
#print np.array(scld*(, L).sum(axis=1)))
#print np.array(scld*(, L).sum(axis=1))).reshape(-1)
#ttb =, e0[:,k]) + \
# np.array(scld*(, L).sum(axis=1))).reshape(-1)
ttb = (eig_vectors.conj().T).dot(e0[:,k]) + \
np.array(scld*( (scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(eig_vectors.T).dot(L)).sum(axis=1) )).reshape(-1)
# tA is 450x450, tb is (450,)
tA = tA + np.tile(ttA,(nclust-1,nclust-1))
tb = tb + np.tile(ttb,nclust-1)
# a\b in matlab translates to np.linalg.solve(a, b) (for square a)
y = np.reshape(np.linalg.solve(tA,tb), (nclust-1, eigs_num)).T
x =[:,0:eigs_num], y)
# each row is supposed to sum to one, but each element in x is >1e4,
# so it may be a bug in the matlab code. The column added onto the end is
# approximately -1e5 in my test case
x = np.column_stack([x, 1 - np.sum(x[:,0:nclust-1],axis=1)])
if itr < maxItr-1:
e1 = (w1**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x-1),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
e0 = (w0**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
# return e0, e1 or they go out of scope
return e0, e1, x
# Test the iterateProjComps function using test data
F = 1600
eigs_num = 50
nclust = 10
scld = 1
maxItr = 20
e0 = 0 * np.reshape(range(1,F*nclust+1), (nclust,F)).T / 1e6
e1 = 0 * np.reshape(range(1,F*nclust+1), (nclust,F)).T / 1e6
L = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(np.mod(np.reshape(range(1,F*F+1), (F,F)).T, 0.927)-.5)
eig_values = np.diag(np.array(range(1,eigs_num+1)) / 1e3)
eig_vectors = None #np.reshape(range(1,F*eigs_num+1), (eigs_num,F)).T / 1e6
u = (np.mod(np.reshape(range(1,F*eigs_num+1), (eigs_num,F)).T, 0.859)-.5) / 1e2
d = None #np.array(range(1,eigs_num+2)) / 1e4
for nzitr in range(3):
# compute matting component with sparsity prior.
e0, e1, x = iterateProjComps(e0, e1, x)
# remove matting components that are close to zero.
nzii = np.where(np.max(np.abs(x), axis=0) > 0.1)[0]
nclust = len(nzii)
x = x[:,nzii]
print "nzii", nzii
print "x", x.shape, x
e1 = (w1**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x-1),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
e0 = (w0**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
# Final iterateProjComps
# matlab and numpy do diverge for e0, e1, x, but not enough to indicate a bug
# I am still not sure what causes this
e0, e1, x = iterateProjComps(e0, e1, x)
alpha_comps = np.copy(x)
print alpha_comps
print "e0", e0[:10,:10]
print "e1", e1[:10,:10]
print "x", x[:10,:10]
for l in range(nclust):
if save_partial_results:
compname = '%s_components%.2d.png' % (bname, l)
rotated = ((alpha_comps[:,l].T).reshape(w,h).T).astype(np.float128)
scipy.misc.imsave(compname, rotated) #np.reshape(alpha_comps.astype(np.float128)[:,l], (h,w)).T)
print "l", l, np.sum(alpha_comps.astype(np.float128)[:,l])
# unsupervised GroupMatting
# alpha=unsp_GroupMattingComponents(L, alpha_comps, I, bname, save_partial_results);
SizeThresh = 0.35
nclust = alpha_comps.shape[1]
# FIXFIX check that n,m match w,h for non-square matrices
[n,m,c] = I.shape
assert n==h and m==w, "n %s m %s w %s h %s" % (n,m,w,h)
N = n*m
perrM = np.zeros((nclust, nclust))
clust_size = np.zeros(nclust)
for i in range(nclust):
clust_size[i] = np.sum(np.sum(alpha_comps[:,i]))
for j in range(i+1):
# array * sparse_matrix == dot(array, array)
# dot(array, sparse_matrix) == array of sparse matrices(!)
terrp =[:,i].T * L, alpha_comps[:,j])
# clust_size matches matlab +/-3%, but definitely in the right order
# perrM also matches +/-3% or so
free_clust_len = nclust
# find grouping for which the sum of costs is small, and
# whose size is within SizeThresh to (1-SizeThresh) of the image.
scr = np.ones(2**(free_clust_len-1))
sizes = np.ones(2**(free_clust_len-1))
for subg in range(2**(free_clust_len-1)):
#bits = ind2bin(subg, free_clust_len)
bits = np.array([i for i in reversed(np.binary_repr(subg+1, width=free_clust_len))], np.float128)
scr[subg] =,perrM),bits)
sum_alpha = np.sum(,bits))
sizes[subg] = sum_alpha
if ((sum_alpha < SizeThresh*N) or (sum_alpha > (1-SizeThresh)*N)):
scr[subg] = 1e7
print "scr", scr.shape, scr
print "sizes", sizes.shape, sizes
# ok up to here -- scr and sizes match almost perfectly
def decideFB(alpha):
""" foreground vs background """
falpha = np.copy(alpha)
ones_mat = np.ones(alpha.shape)
# flatten() for row-wise ; flatten(1) is column-wise
# in this case it doesn't matter since the border is symmetrical
border_size = np.sum(ones_mat.flatten(1)) - np.sum(np.sum(ones_mat[1:-1,1:-1]))
border_alpha = sum(alpha.flatten(1)) - np.sum(np.sum(alpha[1:-1,1:-1]))
print "border_size", border_size
print "border_alpha", border_alpha
flipped = (border_alpha/border_size) > 0.5
if flipped: falpha = 1 - falpha
return falpha
nbest = 10
mi = np.argsort(scr)
mv = scr[mi]
# mi does not match matlab -- there are small differences
# I do not think it's a bug, but not sure. In my test dataset:
# mi[5] and mi[6] are identical to 4 decimal places, so they could be switched
# However, mi[7-9] should be in the correct order, unless they are just unstable
# e.g., mi (python): mi [ 13 14 497 213 495 69 197 78 209 206]
# mi (matlab): 14 15 498 214 496 198 70 215 207 210
print "mi", mi[:10]
print "mv", mv[:10]
best_x = np.zeros((N,nbest))
for l in range(nbest):
subg = mi[l]
bits = np.array([i for i in reversed(np.binary_repr(subg+1, width=free_clust_len))], np.float128)
print "alpha_comps", alpha_comps
# FIXFIX make sure this works with non-square images (n!=m)
# because numpy is row-first and matlab is column-first, use m,n and transpose
alpha = np.reshape(, bits), (m,n)).T
print "alpha", alpha[:10,:10], alpha[-10:,-10:]
alpha = decideFB(alpha)
# again, column-first flattening
best_x[:,l] = alpha.flatten(1)
print best_x[:,l][:10], best_x[:,l][-10:]
if (save_partial_results):
# in matlab, plot everything as one image
for l in range(len(best_x[0])):
print "saving l", l
compname = "%s_alpha_all_cands_%d.png" % (bname,l)
scipy.misc.imsave(compname, np.reshape(best_x[:,l], (w,h)).T)
print "done"
# now work on the best one...
best_idx = 0
bits = np.array([i for i in reversed(np.binary_repr(subg+1, width=free_clust_len))], np.float128)
alpha = np.reshape(,bits),(h,w)).T
alpha = decideFB(alpha)
if (save_partial_results):
scipy.misc.imsave("%s_best_alpha.png" % bname, alpha.T.astype(np.float128))
apply_final_enhancement = True
def finalEnhancment(alpha,eigs_num,eig_vectors,eig_values):
# do some iterations of the Newton's method, to get a sparser alpha matte
su = eig_vectors
sd = eig_values
scld = 1
orig_exp_a = exp_a
x = alpha.flatten(1)
for i in range(30):
e1 = (w1**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x-1),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
e0 = (w0**exp_a)*np.maximum(np.abs(x),thr_e)**(exp_a-2)
print e1.shape, e0.shape, (e1+e0).shape, eigs_num
ssu = np.tile(e1+e0, (eigs_num,1)).T * su
# y=(su'*ssu+scld*sd)\(su'*e1);
print type((,ssu) + scld*sd)[0,0])
print type(,e1)[0])
y = np.linalg.solve((,ssu) + scld*sd).astype(np.float),,e1).astype(np.float))
x =,y)
print x
if i==20:
exp_a = exp_a-0.2;
n,m = alpha.shape
# FIXFIX make sure this works with non-square matrix
alpha = np.reshape(x,(h,w)).T
exp_a = orig_exp_a
return alpha
if apply_final_enhancement:
alpha = finalEnhancment(alpha, eigs_num, eig_vectors, eig_values)
if (save_partial_results):
rotated = ((alpha.T).reshape(w,h).T).astype(np.float128)
# If I do not truncate at [0,1] then imsave doesn't work properly (white is light grey)
rotated[rotated<0] = 0
rotated[rotated>1] = 1
scipy.misc.imsave("%s_alpha.png" % bname, rotated)
np.savetxt("", alpha)
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onilton commented Jun 4, 2019

Fixed problems with z_kmeans and float type

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I am getting all blank images as outputs. What can be the problem??

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onilton commented Jul 16, 2020

@netizen136 I have not run this in a long time 😅 Did you fixed your issue?

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