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Last active January 18, 2021 17:15
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Save onion2k/8615d92178f9d1eb2d162da694959187 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A checklist to go through prior to submitting a PR. A PR should be about the change that's being proposed. In order to focus on that it's good to make sure there aren't any trivial points that need to be tidied up before people can focus on the real changes that you've made. Running through this list before making the PR should eliminate most of…
Things to check before submitting a PR.
[ ] Have you definitely created a new branch for this PR using `git checkout -b <branch name>`?
[ ] `git add` all your changes to the branch.
[ ] `git pull` on the branch that you've based the branch on, and then merge that branch in to your branch.
[ ] Are there conflicts? Fix them now.
[ ] Check each of the AC in the story. Have they all been achieved?
[ ] Check the designs. Does the feature look like the designs? Have differences been noted?
[ ] Check the bug replication steps. Is the bug definitely fixed?
[ ] Check other likely problem areas. Have you introduced any regressions? Fix them.
[ ] Does the change affect the details in the README file? Update the README.
[ ] The UI must be responsive. Are all components working asynchronously (eg no awaits)?
[ ] Things should fail gracefully. Are components handling their loading, loaded, and failing states properly?
[ ] API calls can be slow or fail entirely. Are slow/failing API calls handled by components well?
[ ] Are there tests for any new features? Is there enough coverage? Check.
[ ] Are the existing tests up to date with the code changes? Update any tests that should change.
[ ] Do all the tests pass? Fix any tests that are failing.
[ ] Does the feature work properly in all target browsers (Chrome, Edgium, Firefox, Safari)?
[ ] Does the feature work with network conditioning? Try it with 'Slow 3G'.
Code cleaniless
[ ] There should be no ambiguous variable names. Make sure it's clear what things are, especially in destructuring.
[ ] Is there any dead (commented) or unreachable code? Delete it.
[ ] Are there any inline styles? Refactor them out to CSS.
[ ] Are there any 'magic numbers' (values in code)? Refactor them out to a constants file.
[ ] Are there any secrets in the constants? Refactor them out to env vars.
[ ] If you've copy'n'pasted any code, update any old names or comments so they're relevant to the new code.
[ ] Is the linter complaining about anything? Fix lint errors (and warnings if possible).
[ ] Is this an opportunity to refactor? Check the code and see if there's anything to improve. Improve all the things!
[ ] Link to the story in the project management app
[ ] Link to any other related PRs (eg API changes)
[ ] Write a useful description. Try not to just duplicate the story; describe what the change is, not what the change is doing.
[ ] Select any reviewers who need to check the code. Ask for more reviewers if there's only one.
[ ] If relevant add screenshots, or even a video.
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onion2k commented Jan 4, 2021

Every PR should link back to the project management app to make it easier to see what the change is supposed to do. Similarly every PR should link to related PRs if they've been made in other branches or other repos.

Write a useful description of the change that's been made. That doesn't mean duplicating the story - it means describing the changes that have been made in the code, not what the changes do. Don't be afraid of being verbose. It's better to overcommunicate what the change is than to leave the reviewer wondering.

Every PR should be checked by more than one person if possible.

Github lets you add screenshots, so add some. Be proud of the work you've done. Show it off. Make it really easy to know that the change has been made, has been demonstrated to work, and that it looks right.

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