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Last active April 4, 2023 20:21
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Vue3-toastify in Laravel/Inertia.js/Vue/Tailwind
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
import { usePage } from '@inertiajs/vue3'
import { toast } from 'vue3-toastify'
const toasts = ref()
const reToasted = ref(false)
function fireToast(notification, sticky = false) {
toast(notification.message, {
type: notification.type,
newestOnTop: true,
theme: toast.THEME.COLORED,
autoClose: !sticky && (notification.type == 'success' ? 5000 : false),
closeOnClick: !sticky,
onClose: () => (reToasted.value = false),
function fireToasts(sticky = false) {
toasts.value?.forEach((notification) => fireToast(notification, sticky))
function toastAgain() {
reToasted.value ? toast.remove() : fireToasts(true)
reToasted.value = !reToasted.value
// NOTE: Since Inertia.js 1.0.1, usePage() may return null initially.
() => usePage()?.props?.flash.toasts,
(newToasts) => {
reToasted.value = false
toasts.value = newToasts
export function useToasts() {
return {
<script setup>
import { BellAlertIcon, BellSlashIcon } from '@heroicons/vue/24/outline'
import { useToasts } from '@/Composables/ToastNotifications'
const { toasts, toastAgain, reToasted } = useToasts()
class="flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-800 hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:text-white"
:class="{ 'animate-pulse': !reToasted }"
<component :is="reToasted ? 'BellSlashIcon' : 'BellAlertIcon'" class="h-5 w-5" />
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Inertia\Middleware;
class HandleInertiaRequests extends Middleware
public function share(Request $request)
return array_merge(parent::share($request), [
'flash' => fn () => [
'toasts'=> $request->session()->get('toasts'),
// ...
if (! function_exists('toast')) {
function toast(ToastType $type, string $message, ?RedirectResponse $response = null)
$toasts = session()->get('toasts', []);
$toasts[] = [
'id' => Str::uuid(),
'type' => $type->value,
'message' => $message,
if ($response) {
return $response->with('toasts', $toasts);
} else {
session()->flash('toasts', $toasts);
if (! function_exists('toast_success')) {
function toast_success(string $message)
return toast(ToastType::SUCCESS, $message);
if (! function_exists('toast_warning')) {
function toast_warning(string $message)
return toast(ToastType::WARNING, $message);
if (! function_exists('toast_error')) {
function toast_error(string $message)
return toast(ToastType::ERROR, $message);
namespace App\Enums;
* Enum for toast messages type
enum ToastType: string
case SUCCESS = 'success';
case WARNING = 'warning';
case ERROR = 'error';
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