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Nginx: What is server_names_hash_bucket_size?


While I'm learning how to use Nginx, I was instructed to update the server_names_hash_bucket_size (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) value from 32 to 64, but I don't understand why should I increase the value to 64.


References that have been read so far:

Key takeaways

  • The default value of server_names_hash_bucket_size depends on the size of the processor’s cache line
  • If a large number of server names are defined, or unusually long server names are defined, tuning the server_names_hash_max_size and server_names_hash_bucket_size directives at the http level may become necessary.
  • If the default value of server_names_hash_bucket_size used at the server is not enough, means nginx complained with could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32, the directive value should be increased to the next power of two (e.g. in this case to 64).
  • If a large number of server names are defined, and nginx complained with the following error could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase either server_names_hash_max_size: 512 or server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32. try to set server_names_hash_max_size to a number close to the number of server names. Only if this does not help, or if nginx’s start time is unacceptably long, try to increase server_names_hash_bucket_size.
  • The hash bucket size parameter is aligned to the size that is a multiple of the processor’s cache line size
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