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Created November 13, 2013 02:00
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Para victor y su prueba de inputTexts
import 'dart:html';
void main() {
querySelectorAll("input:not([value]),input[value='']").forEach((Element e)=>e.classes.add("empty"));
querySelectorAll("input").forEach((InputElement e){
void changeClasss(InputElement e){
e.classes.toggle("empty", e.value=="");
// Generated by dart2js, the Dart to JavaScript compiler.
// The code supports the following hooks:
// dartPrint(message) - if this function is defined it is called
// instead of the Dart [print] method.
// dartMainRunner(main) - if this function is defined, the Dart [main]
// method will not be invoked directly.
// Instead, a closure that will invoke [main] is
// passed to [dartMainRunner].
(function($) {
var A = {};
delete A.x;
var B = {};
delete B.x;
var C = {};
delete C.x;
var D = {};
delete D.x;
var E = {};
delete E.x;
var F = {};
delete F.x;
var G = {};
delete G.x;
var H = {};
delete H.x;
var J = {};
delete J.x;
var K = {};
delete K.x;
var L = {};
delete L.x;
var M = {};
delete M.x;
var N = {};
delete N.x;
var O = {};
delete O.x;
var P = {};
delete P.x;
var Q = {};
delete Q.x;
var R = {};
delete R.x;
var S = {};
delete S.x;
var T = {};
delete T.x;
var U = {};
delete U.x;
var V = {};
delete V.x;
var W = {};
delete W.x;
var X = {};
delete X.x;
var Y = {};
delete Y.x;
var Z = {};
delete Z.x;
function Isolate() {}
$ = Isolate.$isolateProperties;
var $$ = {};
// Native classes
// Method closures
$$.BoundClosure$i0 = [H, {"": "BoundClosure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
call$0: function() {
return, this._receiver);
$$.BoundClosure$1 = [H, {"": "BoundClosure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
call$1: function(p0) {
return, p0);
$is_args1: true
$$.BoundClosure$0 = [P, {"": "BoundClosure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
call$0: function() {
$$.BoundClosure$i1 = [P, {"": "BoundClosure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
call$1: function(p0) {
return, this._receiver, p0);
$is_args1: true
$$.BoundClosure$2 = [P, {"": "BoundClosure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
call$2: function(p0, p1) {
return, p0, p1);
call$1: function(p0) {
return$2(p0, null);
$is_args2: true,
$is_args1: true
$$.Closure$2 = [H, {"": "Closure;call$2,$name", $is_args2: true}];
$$.Closure$0 = [H, {"": "Closure;call$0,$name"}];
$$.Closure$7 = [H, {"": "Closure;call$7,$name"}];
$$.Closure$1 = [P, {"": "Closure;call$1,$name", $is_args1: true}];
$$.Closure$20 = [P, {"": "Closure;call$2,$name",
call$1: function(p0) {
return$2(p0, null);
$is_args2: true,
$is_args1: true
(function (reflectionData) {
function map(x){x={x:x};delete x.x;return x}
if (!init.libraries) init.libraries = [];
if (!init.mangledNames) init.mangledNames = map();
if (!init.mangledGlobalNames) init.mangledGlobalNames = map();
if (!init.statics) init.statics = map();
if (!init.typeInformation) init.typeInformation = map();
if (!init.globalFunctions) init.globalFunctions = map();
var libraries = init.libraries;
var mangledNames = init.mangledNames;
var mangledGlobalNames = init.mangledGlobalNames;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var length = reflectionData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var data = reflectionData[i];
var name = data[0];
var uri = data[1];
var metadata = data[2];
var globalObject = data[3];
var descriptor = data[4];
var isRoot = !!data[5];
var fields = descriptor && descriptor[""];
var classes = [];
var functions = [];
function processStatics(descriptor) {
for (var property in descriptor) {
if (!, property)) continue;
if (property === "") continue;
var element = descriptor[property];
var firstChar = property.substring(0, 1);
var previousProperty;
if (firstChar === "+") {
mangledGlobalNames[previousProperty] = property.substring(1);
if (descriptor[property] == 1) descriptor[previousProperty].$reflectable = 1;
if (element && element.length) init.typeInformation[previousProperty] = element;
} else if (firstChar === "@") {
property = property.substring(1);
$[property]["@"] = element;
} else if (firstChar === "*") {
globalObject[previousProperty].$defaultValues = element;
var optionalMethods = descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArguments;
if (!optionalMethods) {
descriptor.$methodsWithOptionalArguments = optionalMethods = {}
optionalMethods[property] = previousProperty;
} else if (typeof element === "function") {
globalObject[previousProperty = property] = element;
init.globalFunctions[property] = element;
} else {
previousProperty = property;
var newDesc = {};
var previousProp;
for (var prop in element) {
if (!, prop)) continue;
firstChar = prop.substring(0, 1);
if (prop === "static") {
processStatics(init.statics[property] = element[prop]);
} else if (firstChar === "+") {
mangledNames[previousProp] = prop.substring(1);
if (element[prop] == 1) element[previousProp].$reflectable = 1;
} else if (firstChar === "@" && prop !== "@") {
newDesc[prop.substring(1)]["@"] = element[prop];
} else if (firstChar === "*") {
newDesc[previousProp].$defaultValues = element[prop];
var optionalMethods = newDesc.$methodsWithOptionalArguments;
if (!optionalMethods) {
newDesc.$methodsWithOptionalArguments = optionalMethods={}
optionalMethods[prop] = previousProp;
} else {
newDesc[previousProp = prop] = element[prop];
$$[property] = [globalObject, newDesc];
libraries.push([name, uri, classes, functions, metadata, fields, isRoot,
["_foreign_helper", "dart:_foreign_helper", , H, {
JS_CONST: {"": "Object;code"}}],
["_interceptors", "dart:_interceptors", , J, {
getInterceptor: function(object) {
return void 0;
makeDispatchRecord: function(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) {
return {i: interceptor, p: proto, e: extension, x: indexability};
getNativeInterceptor: function(object) {
var record, proto, objectProto, interceptor;
record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
if (record == null)
if ($.initNativeDispatchFlag == null) {
record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
if (record != null) {
proto = record.p;
if (false === proto)
return record.i;
if (true === proto)
return object;
objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
if (proto === objectProto)
return record.i;
if (record.e === objectProto)
throw H.wrapException(P.UnimplementedError$("Return interceptor for " + H.S(proto(object, record))));
interceptor = H.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object);
if (interceptor == null)
return C.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
return interceptor;
Interceptor: {"": "Object;",
$eq: function(receiver, other) {
return receiver === other;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return H.Primitives_objectToString(receiver);
"%": "DOMError|FileError|MediaError|MediaKeyError|Navigator|NavigatorUserMediaError|PositionError|SQLError|SVGAnimatedNumberList"
JSBool: {"": "bool/Interceptor;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return String(receiver);
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;
$isbool: true
JSNull: {"": "Interceptor;",
$eq: function(receiver, other) {
return null == other;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return "null";
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return 0;
JavaScriptObject: {"": "Interceptor;",
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return 0;
PlainJavaScriptObject: {"": "JavaScriptObject;"},
UnknownJavaScriptObject: {"": "JavaScriptObject;"},
JSArray: {"": "List/Interceptor;",
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
forEach$1: function(receiver, f) {
return H.IterableMixinWorkaround_forEach(receiver, f);
join$1: function(receiver, separator) {
var t1, list, i, t2;
t1 = receiver.length;
list = P.List_List(t1, null);
for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i) {
t2 = H.S(receiver[i]);
if (i >= t1)
throw H.ioore(list, i);
list[i] = t2;
return list.join(separator);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length)
throw H.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return H.IterableMixinWorkaround_toStringIterable(receiver, "[", "]");
toList$1$growable: function(receiver, growable) {
return P.List_List$from(receiver, growable, H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(receiver, "JSArray", 0));
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return new H.ListIterator(receiver, receiver.length, 0, null);
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
H.throwExpression(P.UnsupportedError$("indexed set"));
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
receiver[index] = value;
$isList: true,
$asList: null,
$isList: true,
$isEfficientLength: true
JSMutableArray: {"": "JSArray;", $isJSMutableArray: true,
$asJSArray: function() {
return [null];
$asList: function() {
return [null];
JSFixedArray: {"": "JSMutableArray;"},
JSExtendableArray: {"": "JSMutableArray;", $isJSExtendableArray: true},
JSNumber: {"": "num/Interceptor;",
remainder$1: function(receiver, b) {
return receiver % b;
toInt$0: function(receiver) {
var t1;
if (receiver >= -2147483648 && receiver <= 2147483647)
return receiver | 0;
if (isFinite(receiver)) {
t1 = receiver < 0 ? Math.ceil(receiver) : Math.floor(receiver);
return t1 + 0;
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$('' + receiver));
toString$0: function(receiver) {
if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)
return "-0.0";
return "" + receiver;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
return receiver & 0x1FFFFFFF;
$tdiv: function(receiver, other) {
if ((receiver | 0) === receiver && (other | 0) === other && 0 !== other && -1 !== other)
return receiver / other | 0;
return this._slowTdiv$1(receiver, other);
_slowTdiv$1: function(receiver, other) {
return this.toInt$0(receiver / other);
$shr: function(receiver, other) {
if (other < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(other));
if (receiver > 0) {
if (other > 31)
return 0;
return receiver >>> other;
if (other > 31)
other = 31;
return receiver >> other >>> 0;
$lt: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver < other;
$gt: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(other));
return receiver > other;
$ge: function(receiver, other) {
if (typeof other !== "number")
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(other));
return receiver >= other;
$isnum: true,
static: {
"": "JSNumber__MIN_INT32,JSNumber__MAX_INT32",
JSInt: {"": "int/JSNumber;", $isnum: true, $isint: true},
JSDouble: {"": "double/JSNumber;", $isnum: true},
JSString: {"": "String/Interceptor;",
codeUnitAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(index));
if (index < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
if (index >= receiver.length)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
substring$2: function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (endIndex == null)
endIndex = receiver.length;
if (typeof endIndex !== "number" || Math.floor(endIndex) !== endIndex)
if (startIndex < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if (typeof endIndex !== "number")
throw H.iae(endIndex);
if (startIndex > endIndex)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(startIndex));
if (endIndex > receiver.length)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(endIndex));
return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
substring$1: function($receiver, startIndex) {
return this.substring$2($receiver, startIndex, null);
trim$0: function(receiver) {
var endIndex, startIndex, codeUnit, endIndex0, endIndex1;
for (endIndex = receiver.length, startIndex = 0; startIndex < endIndex;) {
if (startIndex >= endIndex)
codeUnit = receiver.charCodeAt(startIndex);
if (codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 13 || J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
if (startIndex === endIndex)
return "";
for (endIndex0 = endIndex; true; endIndex0 = endIndex1) {
endIndex1 = endIndex0 - 1;
if (endIndex1 < 0)
if (endIndex1 >= endIndex)
codeUnit = receiver.charCodeAt(endIndex1);
if (codeUnit === 32 || codeUnit === 13 || J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
if (startIndex === 0 && endIndex0 === endIndex)
return receiver;
return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex0);
get$isEmpty: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length === 0;
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver;
get$hashCode: function(receiver) {
var t1, hash, i;
for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
hash = 536870911 & hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i);
hash = 536870911 & hash + ((524287 & hash) << 10 >>> 0);
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash = 536870911 & hash + ((67108863 & hash) << 3 >>> 0);
hash ^= hash >> 11;
return 536870911 & hash + ((16383 & hash) << 15 >>> 0);
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(index));
if (index >= receiver.length || index < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
return receiver[index];
$isString: true,
static: {
JSString__isWhitespace: function(codeUnit) {
if (codeUnit < 256)
switch (codeUnit) {
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 32:
case 133:
case 160:
return true;
return false;
switch (codeUnit) {
case 5760:
case 6158:
case 8192:
case 8193:
case 8194:
case 8195:
case 8196:
case 8197:
case 8198:
case 8199:
case 8200:
case 8201:
case 8202:
case 8232:
case 8233:
case 8239:
case 8287:
case 12288:
case 65279:
return true;
return false;
["_isolate_helper", "dart:_isolate_helper", , H, {
_callInIsolate: function(isolate, $function) {
var result = isolate.eval$1($function);
return result;
startRootIsolate: function(entry) {
var rootContext;
$globalState = H._Manager$(entry);
if ($globalState.isWorker === true)
rootContext = H._IsolateContext$();
$globalState.rootContext = rootContext;
$globalState.currentContext = rootContext;
if (!!entry.$is_args1)
rootContext.eval$1(new H.startRootIsolate_closure(entry));
else if (!!entry.$is_args2)
rootContext.eval$1(new H.startRootIsolate_closure0(entry));
IsolateNatives_computeThisScript: function() {
var currentScript = init.currentScript;
if (currentScript != null)
return String(currentScript.src);
if (typeof version == "function" && typeof os == "object" && "system" in os)
return H.IsolateNatives_computeThisScriptD8();
if (typeof version == "function" && typeof system == "function")
return thisFilename();
IsolateNatives_computeThisScriptD8: function() {
var stack, matches;
stack = new Error().stack;
if (stack == null) {
stack = (function() {try { throw new Error() } catch(e) { return e.stack }})();
if (stack == null)
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("No stack trace"));
matches = stack.match(new RegExp("^ *at [^(]*\\((.*):[0-9]*:[0-9]*\\)$", "m"));
if (matches != null)
return matches[1];
matches = stack.match(new RegExp("^[^@]*@(.*):[0-9]*$", "m"));
if (matches != null)
return matches[1];
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract URI from \"" + stack + "\""));
IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage: function(sender, e) {
var msg, t1, functionName, entryPoint, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyTo, context, t2;
msg = H._deserializeMessage(;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(msg);
switch (t1.$index(msg, "command")) {
case "start":
$globalState.currentManagerId = t1.$index(msg, "id");
functionName = t1.$index(msg, "functionName");
entryPoint = functionName == null ? $globalState.entry : init.globalFunctions[functionName];
args = t1.$index(msg, "args");
message = H._deserializeMessage(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
isSpawnUri = t1.$index(msg, "isSpawnUri");
replyTo = H._deserializeMessage(t1.$index(msg, "replyTo"));
context = H._IsolateContext$();
$$1(new H._IsolateEvent(context, new H.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_closure(entryPoint, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyTo), "worker-start"));
$globalState.currentContext = context;
case "spawn-worker":
H.IsolateNatives__spawnWorker(t1.$index(msg, "functionName"), t1.$index(msg, "uri"), t1.$index(msg, "args"), t1.$index(msg, "msg"), t1.$index(msg, "isSpawnUri"), t1.$index(msg, "replyPort"));
case "message":
if (t1.$index(msg, "port") != null)
t1.$index(msg, "port").send$1(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
case "close":
t1 = $globalState.managers;
t2 = $.get$IsolateNatives_workerIds();
t1.remove$1(t1, t2.$index(t2, sender));
case "log":
H.IsolateNatives__log(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
case "print":
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t2 = H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "print", "msg", msg], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null)));
} else
P.print(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
case "error":
throw H.wrapException(t1.$index(msg, "msg"));
IsolateNatives__log: function(msg) {
var trace, t1, t2, exception;
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t2 = H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "log", "msg", msg], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null)));
} else
try {
} catch (exception) {
trace = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
throw H.wrapException(P.Exception_Exception(trace));
IsolateNatives__startIsolate: function(topLevel, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyTo) {
var t1;
$.lazyPort = H.ReceivePortImpl$();
t1 = $.lazyPort;
replyTo.send$1(["spawned", new H._NativeJsSendPort(t1, $]);
if (isSpawnUri !== true)$1(message);
else {
t1 = J.getInterceptor(topLevel);
if (!!t1.$is_args2)$2(args, message);
else if (!!t1.$is_args1)$1(args);
IsolateNatives__spawnWorker: function(functionName, uri, args, message, isSpawnUri, replyPort) {
var worker, t1, workerId;
if (uri == null)
uri = $.get$IsolateNatives_thisScript();
worker = new Worker(uri);
worker.onmessage = function(e) { H.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage$$2(worker, e); };
t1 = $globalState;
workerId = t1.nextManagerId;
t1.nextManagerId = workerId + 1;
t1 = $.get$IsolateNatives_workerIds();
t1.$indexSet(t1, worker, workerId);
t1 = $globalState.managers;
t1.$indexSet(t1, workerId, worker);
worker.postMessage(H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "start", "id", workerId, "replyTo", H._serializeMessage(replyPort), "args", args, "msg", H._serializeMessage(message), "isSpawnUri", isSpawnUri, "functionName", functionName], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null))));
_waitForPendingPorts: function(message, callback) {
var finder = H._PendingSendPortFinder$();
P.Future_wait(finder.ports).then$1(new H._waitForPendingPorts_closure(callback));
_serializeMessage: function(message) {
var t1;
if ($globalState.supportsWorkers === true) {
t1 = new H._JsSerializer(0, new H._MessageTraverserVisitedMap());
t1._visited = new H._JsVisitedMap(null);
return t1.traverse$1(message);
} else {
t1 = new H._JsCopier(new H._MessageTraverserVisitedMap());
t1._visited = new H._JsVisitedMap(null);
return t1.traverse$1(message);
_deserializeMessage: function(message) {
if ($globalState.supportsWorkers === true)
return new H._JsDeserializer(null).deserialize$1(message);
return message;
_MessageTraverser_isPrimitive: function(x) {
return x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean";
_Deserializer_isPrimitive: function(x) {
return x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean";
startRootIsolate_closure: {"": "Closure;entry_0",
call$0: function() {$1([]);
startRootIsolate_closure0: {"": "Closure;entry_1",
call$0: function() {$2([], null);
_Manager: {"": "Object;nextIsolateId,currentManagerId,nextManagerId,currentContext,rootContext,topEventLoop,fromCommandLine,isWorker,supportsWorkers,isolates,mainManager,managers,entry",
_nativeDetectEnvironment$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $.get$globalWindow() == null;
t2 = $.get$globalWorker();
this.isWorker = t1 && $.get$globalPostMessageDefined() === true;
if (this.isWorker !== true)
t2 = t2 != null && $.get$IsolateNatives_thisScript() != null;
t2 = true;
this.supportsWorkers = t2;
this.fromCommandLine = t1 && this.isWorker !== true;
_nativeInitWorkerMessageHandler$0: function() {
var $function = function (e) { H.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage$$2(this.mainManager, e); };
$.get$globalThis().onmessage = $function;
$.get$globalThis().dartPrint = function (object) {};
_Manager$1: function(entry) {
this.topEventLoop = new H._EventLoop(P.ListQueue$(null, H._IsolateEvent), 0);
this.isolates = P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, J.JSInt, H._IsolateContext);
this.managers = P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, J.JSInt, null);
if (this.isWorker === true) {
this.mainManager = new H._MainManagerStub();
static: {
_Manager$: function(entry) {
var t1 = new H._Manager(0, 0, 1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, entry);
return t1;
_IsolateContext: {"": "Object;id,ports,isolateStatics<",
eval$1: function(code) {
var old, result;
old = $globalState.currentContext;
$globalState.currentContext = this;
$ = this.isolateStatics;
result = null;
try {
result =$0();
} finally {
$globalState.currentContext = old;
if (old != null)
$ = old.get$isolateStatics();
return result;
lookup$1: function(portId) {
var t1 = this.ports;
return t1.$index(t1, portId);
register$2: function(_, portId, port) {
var t1;
if (this.ports.containsKey$1(portId))
throw H.wrapException(P.Exception_Exception("Registry: ports must be registered only once."));
t1 = this.ports;
t1.$indexSet(t1, portId, port);
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
t1.$indexSet(t1,, this);
unregister$1: function(portId) {
var t1 = this.ports;
t1.remove$1(t1, portId);
if (this.ports._collection$_length === 0) {
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
_IsolateContext$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $globalState;
t2 = t1.nextIsolateId;
t1.nextIsolateId = t2 + 1; = t2;
this.ports = P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, J.JSInt, P.ReceivePort);
this.isolateStatics = new Isolate();
static: {
_IsolateContext$: function() {
var t1 = new H._IsolateContext(null, null, null);
return t1;
_EventLoop: {"": "Object;events,activeTimerCount",
dequeue$0: function() {
var t1 =;
if (t1._head === t1._tail)
return t1.removeFirst$0();
checkOpenReceivePortsFromCommandLine$0: function() {
if ($globalState.rootContext != null && $globalState.isolates.containsKey$1($ && $globalState.fromCommandLine === true && $globalState.rootContext.ports._collection$_length === 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.Exception_Exception("Program exited with open ReceivePorts."));
runIteration$0: function() {
var $event, t1, t2;
$event = this.dequeue$0();
if ($event == null) {
t1 = $globalState;
if (t1.isWorker === true && t1.isolates._collection$_length === 0 && t1.topEventLoop.activeTimerCount === 0) {
t1 = t1.mainManager;
t2 = H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "close"], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null)));
return false;
return true;
_runHelper$0: function() {
if ($.get$globalWindow() != null)
new H._EventLoop__runHelper_next(this).call$0();
for (; this.runIteration$0();)
run$0: function() {
var e, trace, exception, t1, t2;
if ($globalState.isWorker !== true)
try {
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
trace = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
t1 = $globalState.mainManager;
t2 = H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "error", "msg", H.S(e) + "\n" + H.S(trace)], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null)));
_EventLoop__runHelper_next: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
if (!this.this_0.runIteration$0())
P.Timer_Timer(C.Duration_0, this);
_IsolateEvent: {"": "Object;isolate,fn,message",
process$0: function() {
_MainManagerStub: {"": "Object;"},
IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage_closure: {"": "Closure;entryPoint_0,args_1,message_2,isSpawnUri_3,replyTo_4",
call$0: function() {
H.IsolateNatives__startIsolate(this.entryPoint_0, this.args_1, this.message_2, this.isSpawnUri_3, this.replyTo_4);
_BaseSendPort: {"": "Object;", $isSendPort: true},
_NativeJsSendPort: {"": "_BaseSendPort;_receivePort,_isolateId",
send$1: function(message) {
H._waitForPendingPorts(message, new H._NativeJsSendPort_send_closure(this, message));
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(other);
return typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!t1.$is_NativeJsSendPort && J.$eq(this._receivePort, other._receivePort);
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return this._receivePort.get$_id();
$is_NativeJsSendPort: true,
$isSendPort: true
_NativeJsSendPort_send_closure: {"": "Closure;this_1,message_2",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, isolate, shouldSerialize, msg;
t1 = {};
t2 = $globalState.isolates;
t3 = this.this_1;
t4 = t3._isolateId;
isolate = t2.$index(t2, t4);
if (isolate == null)
if ((t3._receivePort.get$__isolate_helper$_controller()._state & 4) !== 0)
shouldSerialize = $globalState.currentContext != null && $ !== t4;
msg = this.message_2;
t1.msg_0 = msg;
if (shouldSerialize)
t1.msg_0 = H._serializeMessage(t1.msg_0);
t2 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t4 = "receive " + H.S(msg);$1(new H._IsolateEvent(isolate, new H._NativeJsSendPort_send__closure(t1, t3, shouldSerialize), t4));
_NativeJsSendPort_send__closure: {"": "Closure;box_0,this_3,shouldSerialize_4",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.this_3._receivePort;
if ((t1.get$__isolate_helper$_controller()._state & 4) === 0) {
if (this.shouldSerialize_4) {
t2 = this.box_0;
t2.msg_0 = H._deserializeMessage(t2.msg_0);
t1 = t1.__isolate_helper$_controller;
t2 = this.box_0.msg_0;
if (t1._state >= 4)
_WorkerSendPort: {"": "_BaseSendPort;_workerId,_receivePortId,_isolateId",
send$1: function(message) {
H._waitForPendingPorts(message, new H._WorkerSendPort_send_closure(this, message));
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(other);
return typeof other === "object" && other !== null && !!t1.$is_WorkerSendPort && J.$eq(this._workerId, other._workerId) && J.$eq(this._isolateId, other._isolateId) && J.$eq(this._receivePortId, other._receivePortId);
get$hashCode: function(_) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._workerId;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$shl();
t2 = this._isolateId;
if (typeof t2 !== "number")
throw t2.$shl();
t3 = this._receivePortId;
if (typeof t3 !== "number")
throw H.iae(t3);
return (t1 << 16 ^ t2 << 8 ^ t3) >>> 0;
$is_WorkerSendPort: true,
$isSendPort: true
_WorkerSendPort_send_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,message_1",
call$0: function() {
var t1, workerMessage, t2, manager;
t1 = this.this_0;
workerMessage = H._serializeMessage(H.fillLiteralMap(["command", "message", "port", t1, "msg", this.message_1], P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null)));
if ($globalState.isWorker === true) {
} else {
t2 = $globalState.managers;
manager = t2.$index(t2, t1._workerId);
if (manager != null)
ReceivePortImpl: {"": "Stream;_id<,__isolate_helper$_controller<",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var t1 = this.__isolate_helper$_controller;
t1 = new P._ControllerStream(t1);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError);
close$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.__isolate_helper$_controller;
if ((t1._state & 4) !== 0)
get$close: function(_receiver) {
return new H.BoundClosure$i0(this, H.ReceivePortImpl.prototype.close$0, _receiver, "close$0");
ReceivePortImpl$0: function() {
this.__isolate_helper$_controller = P.StreamController_StreamController(this.get$close(this), null, null, null, true, null);
var t1 = $globalState.currentContext;
t1.register$2(t1, this._id, this);
static: {
"": "ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId",
ReceivePortImpl$: function() {
var t1 = $.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId;
$.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = t1 + 1;
t1 = new H.ReceivePortImpl(t1, null);
return t1;
_waitForPendingPorts_closure: {"": "Closure;callback_0",
call$1: function(_) {
$is_args1: true
_PendingSendPortFinder: {"": "_MessageTraverser;ports,_visited",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1 = this._visited;
if (t1.$index(t1, list) != null)
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, list, true);
J.forEach$1$ax(list, this.get$_dispatch());
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1 = this._visited;
if (t1.$index(t1, map) != null)
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, map, true);
J.forEach$1$ax(map.get$values(map), this.get$_dispatch());
visitSendPort$1: function(port) {
_PendingSendPortFinder$0: function() {
this._visited = new H._JsVisitedMap(null);
static: {
_PendingSendPortFinder$: function() {
var t1 = new H._PendingSendPortFinder([], new H._MessageTraverserVisitedMap());
return t1;
_JsSerializer: {"": "_Serializer;_nextFreeRefId,_visited",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (!!x.$is_NativeJsSendPort)
return ["sendport", $globalState.currentManagerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePort.get$_id()];
if (!!x.$is_WorkerSendPort)
return ["sendport", x._workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePortId];
throw H.wrapException("Illegal underlying port " + H.S(x));
_JsCopier: {"": "_Copier;_visited",
visitSendPort$1: function(x) {
if (!!x.$is_NativeJsSendPort)
return new H._NativeJsSendPort(x._receivePort, x._isolateId);
if (!!x.$is_WorkerSendPort)
return new H._WorkerSendPort(x._workerId, x._receivePortId, x._isolateId);
throw H.wrapException("Illegal underlying port " + H.S(x));
_JsDeserializer: {"": "_Deserializer;_deserialized",
deserializeSendPort$1: function(list) {
var t1, managerId, isolateId, receivePortId, isolate, receivePort;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
managerId = t1.$index(list, 1);
isolateId = t1.$index(list, 2);
receivePortId = t1.$index(list, 3);
if (J.$eq(managerId, $globalState.currentManagerId)) {
t1 = $globalState.isolates;
isolate = t1.$index(t1, isolateId);
if (isolate == null)
receivePort = isolate.lookup$1(receivePortId);
if (receivePort == null)
return new H._NativeJsSendPort(receivePort, isolateId);
} else
return new H._WorkerSendPort(managerId, receivePortId, isolateId);
_JsVisitedMap: {"": "Object;tagged",
$index: function(_, object) {
return object.__MessageTraverser__attached_info__;
$indexSet: function(_, object, info) {
object.__MessageTraverser__attached_info__ = info;
reset$0: function(_) {
this.tagged = P.List_List(null, null);
cleanup$0: function() {
var $length, i, t1;
for ($length = this.tagged.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = this.tagged;
if (i >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, i);
t1[i].__MessageTraverser__attached_info__ = null;
this.tagged = null;
_MessageTraverserVisitedMap: {"": "Object;",
$index: function(_, object) {
$indexSet: function(_, object, info) {
reset$0: function(_) {
cleanup$0: function() {
_MessageTraverser: {"": "Object;",
traverse$1: function(x) {
var result, t1;
if (H._MessageTraverser_isPrimitive(x))
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
t1 = this._visited;
result = null;
try {
result = this._dispatch$1(x);
} finally {
return result;
_dispatch$1: function(x) {
var t1;
if (x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean")
return this.visitPrimitive$1(x);
t1 = J.getInterceptor(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && (x.constructor === Array || !!t1.$isList))
return this.visitList$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!t1.$isMap)
return this.visitMap$1(x);
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null && !!t1.$isSendPort)
return this.visitSendPort$1(x);
return this.visitObject$1(x);
get$_dispatch: function() {
return new H.BoundClosure$1(this, H._MessageTraverser.prototype._dispatch$1, null, "_dispatch$1");
visitObject$1: function(x) {
throw H.wrapException("Message serialization: Illegal value " + H.S(x) + " passed");
_Copier: {"": "_MessageTraverser;",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1, copy, len, t2, i;
t1 = this._visited;
copy = t1.$index(t1, list);
if (copy != null)
return copy;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
len = t1.get$length(list);
copy = P.List_List(len, null);
t2 = this._visited;
t2.$indexSet(t2, list, copy);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
t2 = this._dispatch$1(t1.$index(list, i));
if (i >= len)
throw H.ioore(copy, i);
copy[i] = t2;
return copy;
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = {};
t2 = this._visited;
t1.copy_0 = t2.$index(t2, map);
t2 = t1.copy_0;
if (t2 != null)
return t2;
t1.copy_0 = P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null);
t2 = this._visited;
t2.$indexSet(t2, map, t1.copy_0);
map.forEach$1(map, new H._Copier_visitMap_closure(t1, this));
return t1.copy_0;
_Copier_visitMap_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0,this_1",
call$2: function(key, val) {
var t1 = this.this_1;
J.$indexSet$ax(this.box_0.copy_0, t1._dispatch$1(key), t1._dispatch$1(val));
$is_args2: true
_Serializer: {"": "_MessageTraverser;",
visitPrimitive$1: function(x) {
return x;
visitList$1: function(list) {
var t1, copyId, id;
t1 = this._visited;
copyId = t1.$index(t1, list);
if (copyId != null)
return ["ref", copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, list, id);
return ["list", id, this._serializeList$1(list)];
visitMap$1: function(map) {
var t1, copyId, id;
t1 = this._visited;
copyId = t1.$index(t1, map);
if (copyId != null)
return ["ref", copyId];
id = this._nextFreeRefId;
this._nextFreeRefId = id + 1;
t1 = this._visited;
t1.$indexSet(t1, map, id);
return ["map", id, this._serializeList$1(J.toList$0$ax(map.get$keys())), this._serializeList$1(J.toList$0$ax(map.get$values(map)))];
_serializeList$1: function(list) {
var t1, len, result, i, t2;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
len = t1.get$length(list);
result = P.List_List(len, null);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
t2 = this._dispatch$1(t1.$index(list, i));
if (i >= len)
throw H.ioore(result, i);
result[i] = t2;
return result;
_Deserializer: {"": "Object;",
deserialize$1: function(x) {
if (H._Deserializer_isPrimitive(x))
return x;
this._deserialized = P.HashMap_HashMap(null, null, null, null, null);
return this._deserializeHelper$1(x);
_deserializeHelper$1: function(x) {
var t1, id;
if (x == null || typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "number" || typeof x === "boolean")
return x;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(x);
switch (t1.$index(x, 0)) {
case "ref":
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
t1 = this._deserialized;
return t1.$index(t1, id);
case "list":
return this._deserializeList$1(x);
case "map":
return this._deserializeMap$1(x);
case "sendport":
return this.deserializeSendPort$1(x);
return this.deserializeObject$1(x);
_deserializeList$1: function(x) {
var t1, id, dartList, len, i;
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(x);
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
dartList = t1.$index(x, 2);
t1 = this._deserialized;
t1.$indexSet(t1, id, dartList);
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(dartList);
len = t1.get$length(dartList);
if (typeof len !== "number")
throw H.iae(len);
i = 0;
for (; i < len; ++i)
t1.$indexSet(dartList, i, this._deserializeHelper$1(t1.$index(dartList, i)));
return dartList;
_deserializeMap$1: function(x) {
var result, t1, id, t2, keys, values, len, i;
result = P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, null, null);
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(x);
id = t1.$index(x, 1);
t2 = this._deserialized;
t2.$indexSet(t2, id, result);
keys = t1.$index(x, 2);
values = t1.$index(x, 3);
t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(keys);
len = t1.get$length(keys);
if (typeof len !== "number")
throw H.iae(len);
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(values);
i = 0;
for (; i < len; ++i)
result.$indexSet(result, this._deserializeHelper$1(t1.$index(keys, i)), this._deserializeHelper$1(t2.$index(values, i)));
return result;
deserializeObject$1: function(x) {
throw H.wrapException("Unexpected serialized object");
TimerImpl: {"": "Object;_once,_inEventLoop,_handle",
cancel$0: function() {
if ($.get$globalThis().setTimeout != null) {
if (this._inEventLoop)
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Timer in event loop cannot be canceled."));
if (this._handle == null)
var t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount - 1;
if (this._once)
this._handle = null;
} else
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer."));
TimerImpl$2: function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1, t2;
if (milliseconds === 0)
t1 = $.get$globalThis().setTimeout == null || $globalState.isWorker === true;
t1 = false;
if (t1) {
this._handle = 1;
t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t2 = $globalState.currentContext;$1(new H._IsolateEvent(t2, new H.TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, callback), "timer"));
this._inEventLoop = true;
} else if ($.get$globalThis().setTimeout != null) {
t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount + 1;
this._handle = $.get$globalThis().setTimeout(H.convertDartClosureToJS(new H.TimerImpl_internalCallback0(this, callback), 0), milliseconds);
} else
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Timer greater than 0."));
static: {
TimerImpl$: function(milliseconds, callback) {
var t1 = new H.TimerImpl(true, false, null);
t1.TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);
return t1;
TimerImpl_internalCallback: {"": "Closure;this_0,callback_1",
call$0: function() {
this.this_0._handle = null;$0();
TimerImpl_internalCallback0: {"": "Closure;this_2,callback_3",
call$0: function() {
this.this_2._handle = null;
var t1 = $globalState.topEventLoop;
t1.activeTimerCount = t1.activeTimerCount - 1;$0();
["_js_helper", "dart:_js_helper", , H, {
isJsIndexable: function(object, record) {
var result, t1;
if (record != null) {
result = record.x;
if (result != null)
return result;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(object);
return typeof object === "object" && object !== null && !!t1.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior;
S: function(value) {
var res;
if (typeof value === "string")
return value;
if (typeof value === "number") {
if (value !== 0)
return "" + value;
} else if (true === value)
return "true";
else if (false === value)
return "false";
else if (value == null)
return "null";
res = J.toString$0(value);
if (typeof res !== "string")
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(value));
return res;
Primitives_initializeStatics: function(id) {
$.Primitives_mirrorFunctionCacheName = $.Primitives_mirrorFunctionCacheName + ("_" + H.S(id));
$.Primitives_mirrorInvokeCacheName = $.Primitives_mirrorInvokeCacheName + ("_" + H.S(id));
Primitives_objectHashCode: function(object) {
var hash = object.$identityHash;
if (hash == null) {
hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0;
object.$identityHash = hash;
return hash;
Primitives_objectTypeName: function(object) {
var $name, decompiled;
$name = C.JS_CONST_86y(J.getInterceptor(object));
if ($name === "Object") {
decompiled = String(object.constructor).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1];
if (typeof decompiled === "string")
$name = decompiled;
if (J.getInterceptor$s($name).codeUnitAt$1($name, 0) === 36)
$name = C.JSString_methods.substring$1($name, 1);
return $name + H.joinArguments(H.getRuntimeTypeInfo(object), 0, null);
Primitives_objectToString: function(object) {
return "Instance of '" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + "'";
Primitives_newFixedList: function($length) {
var result = new Array($length);
result.fixed$length = true;
return result;
Primitives__fromCharCodeApply: function(array) {
var end, t1, result, i, subarray, t2;
end = array.length;
for (t1 = end <= 500, result = "", i = 0; i < end; i += 500) {
if (t1)
subarray = array;
else {
t2 = i + 500;
t2 = t2 < end ? t2 : end;
subarray = array.slice(i, t2);
result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, subarray);
return result;
Primitives_stringFromCodePoints: function(codePoints) {
var a, t1, i;
a = [];
a.$builtinTypeInfo = [J.JSInt];
for (t1 = new H.ListIterator(codePoints, codePoints.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();) {
i = t1._dev$_current;
if (typeof i !== "number" || Math.floor(i) !== i)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(i));
if (i <= 65535)
else if (i <= 1114111) {
a.push(55296 + (C.JSInt_methods.$shr(i - 65536, 10) & 1023));
a.push(56320 + (i & 1023));
} else
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(i));
return H.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(a);
Primitives_stringFromCharCodes: function(charCodes) {
var t1, i;
for (t1 = new H.ListIterator(charCodes, charCodes.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();) {
i = t1._dev$_current;
if (typeof i !== "number" || Math.floor(i) !== i)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(i));
if (i < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(i));
if (i > 65535)
return H.Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(charCodes);
return H.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(charCodes);
Primitives_getProperty: function(object, key) {
if (object == null || typeof object === "boolean" || typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "string")
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(object));
return object[key];
Primitives_setProperty: function(object, key, value) {
if (object == null || typeof object === "boolean" || typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "string")
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(object));
object[key] = value;
iae: function(argument) {
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$(argument));
ioore: function(receiver, index) {
if (receiver == null)
if (typeof index !== "number" || Math.floor(index) !== index)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
wrapException: function(ex) {
var wrapper;
if (ex == null)
ex = new P.NullThrownError();
wrapper = new Error();
wrapper.dartException = ex;
if ("defineProperty" in Object) {
Object.defineProperty(wrapper, "message", { get: H.toStringWrapper$$0 }); = "";
} else
wrapper.toString = H.toStringWrapper$$0;
return wrapper;
toStringWrapper: function() {
return J.toString$0(this.dartException);
throwExpression: function(ex) {
throw H.wrapException(ex);
unwrapException: function(ex) {
var t1, message, number, ieErrorCode, t2, t3, t4, nullLiteralCall, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, match;
t1 = new H.unwrapException_saveStackTrace(ex);
if (ex == null)
if (typeof ex !== "object")
return ex;
if ("dartException" in ex)
else if (!("message" in ex))
return ex;
message = ex.message;
if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") {
number = ex.number;
ieErrorCode = number & 65535;
if ((C.JSInt_methods.$shr(number, 16) & 8191) === 10)
switch (ieErrorCode) {
case 438:
return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(H.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", null));
case 445:
case 5007:
t2 = H.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")";
return$1(new H.NullError(t2, null));
if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
t2 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern();
t3 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern();
t4 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern();
nullLiteralCall = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern();
t5 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern();
t6 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern();
t7 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern();
t8 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern();
t9 = $.get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern();
match = t2.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match != null)
return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
else {
match = t3.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match != null) {
match.method = "call";
return$1(H.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
} else {
match = t4.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = t5.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = t6.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = t7.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = t8.matchTypeError$1(message);
if (match == null) {
match = t9.matchTypeError$1(message);
t2 = match != null;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
} else
t2 = true;
if (t2) {
t2 = match == null ? null : match.method;
return$1(new H.NullError(message, t2));
t2 = typeof message === "string" ? message : "";
return$1(new H.UnknownJsTypeError(t2));
if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
if (typeof message === "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1)
return new P.StackOverflowError();
return$1(new P.ArgumentError(null));
if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError)
if (typeof message === "string" && message === "too much recursion")
return new P.StackOverflowError();
return ex;
objectHashCode: function(object) {
if (object == null || typeof object != 'object')
return J.get$hashCode$(object);
return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
fillLiteralMap: function(keyValuePairs, result) {
var $length, index, index0, index1;
$length = keyValuePairs.length;
for (index = 0; index < $length; index = index1) {
index0 = index + 1;
index1 = index0 + 1;
result.$indexSet(result, keyValuePairs[index], keyValuePairs[index0]);
return result;
invokeClosure: function(closure, isolate, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor(numberOfArguments);
if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 0))
return H._callInIsolate(isolate, new H.invokeClosure_closure(closure));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 1))
return H._callInIsolate(isolate, new H.invokeClosure_closure0(closure, arg1));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 2))
return H._callInIsolate(isolate, new H.invokeClosure_closure1(closure, arg1, arg2));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 3))
return H._callInIsolate(isolate, new H.invokeClosure_closure2(closure, arg1, arg2, arg3));
else if (t1.$eq(numberOfArguments, 4))
return H._callInIsolate(isolate, new H.invokeClosure_closure3(closure, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4));
throw H.wrapException(P.Exception_Exception("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure"));
convertDartClosureToJS: function(closure, arity) {
var $function;
if (closure == null)
$function = closure.$identity;
if (!!$function)
return $function;
$function = (function(closure, arity, context, invoke) { return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) { return invoke(closure, context, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4); };})(closure,arity,$globalState.currentContext,H.invokeClosure$$7);
closure.$identity = $function;
return $function;
throwCyclicInit: function(staticName) {
throw H.wrapException(P.CyclicInitializationError$("Cyclic initialization for static " + H.S(staticName)));
setRuntimeTypeInfo: function(target, typeInfo) {
if (target != null)
target.$builtinTypeInfo = typeInfo;
return target;
getRuntimeTypeInfo: function(target) {
if (target == null)
return target.$builtinTypeInfo;
getRuntimeTypeArguments: function(target, substitutionName) {
return H.substitute(target["$as" + H.S(substitutionName)], H.getRuntimeTypeInfo(target));
getRuntimeTypeArgument: function(target, substitutionName, index) {
var $arguments = H.getRuntimeTypeArguments(target, substitutionName);
return $arguments == null ? null : $arguments[index];
getRuntimeTypeAsString: function(runtimeType, onTypeVariable) {
return runtimeType[0].builtin$cls + H.joinArguments(runtimeType, 1, onTypeVariable);
runtimeTypeToString: function(type, onTypeVariable) {
if (type == null)
return "dynamic";
else if (typeof type === "object" && type !== null && type.constructor === Array)
return H.getRuntimeTypeAsString(type, onTypeVariable);
else if (typeof type == "function")
return type.builtin$cls;
else if (typeof type === "number" && Math.floor(type) === type)
return C.JSInt_methods.toString$0(type);
joinArguments: function(types, startIndex, onTypeVariable) {
var buffer, index, firstArgument, allDynamic, argument, str;
if (types == null)
return "";
buffer = P.StringBuffer$("");
for (index = startIndex, firstArgument = true, allDynamic = true; index < types.length; ++index) {
if (firstArgument)
firstArgument = false;
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + ", ";
argument = types[index];
if (argument != null)
allDynamic = false;
str = H.runtimeTypeToString(argument, onTypeVariable);
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : H.S(str);
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + str;
return allDynamic ? "" : "<" + H.S(buffer) + ">";
substitute: function(substitution, $arguments) {
if (typeof substitution === "object" && substitution !== null && substitution.constructor === Array)
$arguments = substitution;
else if (typeof substitution == "function") {
substitution = H.invokeOn(substitution, null, $arguments);
if (typeof substitution === "object" && substitution !== null && substitution.constructor === Array)
$arguments = substitution;
else if (typeof substitution == "function")
$arguments = H.invokeOn(substitution, null, $arguments);
return $arguments;
computeSignature: function(signature, context, contextName) {
return H.invokeOn(signature, context, H.getRuntimeTypeArguments(context, contextName));
invokeOn: function($function, receiver, $arguments) {
return $function.apply(receiver, $arguments);
toStringForNativeObject: function(obj) {
var t1 = $.getTagFunction;
return "Instance of " + (t1 == null ? "<Unknown>" :$1(obj));
hashCodeForNativeObject: function(object) {
return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
defineProperty: function(obj, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
lookupAndCacheInterceptor: function(obj) {
var tag, record, interceptor, interceptorClass, mark, t1;
tag = $$1(obj);
record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag];
if (record != null) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag];
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag];
if (interceptorClass == null) {
tag = $$2(obj, tag);
if (tag != null) {
record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag];
if (record != null) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag];
if (interceptor != null)
return interceptor;
interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag];
if (interceptorClass == null)
interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
mark = tag[0];
if (mark === "!") {
record = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag] = record;
Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return record.i;
if (mark === "~") {
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag] = interceptor;
return interceptor;
if (mark === "-") {
t1 = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return t1.i;
if (mark === "+")
return H.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
if (mark === "*")
throw H.wrapException(P.UnimplementedError$(tag));
if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) {
t1 = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return t1.i;
} else
return H.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
patchInteriorProto: function(obj, interceptor) {
var proto, record;
proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
record = J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null);
Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
return interceptor;
makeLeafDispatchRecord: function(interceptor) {
return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior);
makeDefaultDispatchRecord: function(tag, interceptorClass, proto) {
var interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
if (init.leafTags[tag] === true)
return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior);
return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null);
initNativeDispatch: function() {
if (true === $.initNativeDispatchFlag)
$.initNativeDispatchFlag = true;
initNativeDispatchContinue: function() {
var map, tags, i, tag, proto, record, interceptorClass;
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object.create(null);
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object.create(null);
map = init.interceptorsByTag;
tags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map);
if (typeof window != "undefined") {
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
tag = tags[i];
proto = $$1(tag);
if (proto != null) {
record = H.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, map[tag], proto);
if (record != null)
Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
tag = tags[i];
if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(tag)) {
interceptorClass = map[tag];
map["!" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["~" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["-" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["+" + tag] = interceptorClass;
map["*" + tag] = interceptorClass;
initHooks: function() {
var hooks, transformers, i, transformer, getTag, getUnknownTag, prototypeForTag;
hooks = C.JS_CONST_TtD();
hooks = H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_0, H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_Fs4, H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_Fs4, H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_rD3, H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_6qb, H.applyHooksTransformer(C.JS_CONST_Cbr(C.JS_CONST_86y), hooks))))));
if (typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined") {
transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer;
if (typeof transformers == "function")
transformers = [transformers];
if (transformers.constructor == Array)
for (i = 0; i < transformers.length; ++i) {
transformer = transformers[i];
if (typeof transformer == "function")
hooks = transformer(hooks) || hooks;
getTag = hooks.getTag;
getUnknownTag = hooks.getUnknownTag;
prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
$.getTagFunction = new H.initHooks_closure(getTag);
$.alternateTagFunction = new H.initHooks_closure0(getUnknownTag);
$.prototypeForTagFunction = new H.initHooks_closure1(prototypeForTag);
applyHooksTransformer: function(transformer, hooks) {
return transformer(hooks) || hooks;
TypeErrorDecoder: {"": "Object;_pattern,_arguments,_argumentsExpr,_expr,_method,_receiver",
matchTypeError$1: function(message) {
var match, result, t1;
match = new RegExp(this._pattern).exec(message);
if (match == null)
result = {};
t1 = this._arguments;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.arguments = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = this._argumentsExpr;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = this._expr;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.expr = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = this._method;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.method = match[t1 + 1];
t1 = this._receiver;
if (t1 !== -1)
result.receiver = match[t1 + 1];
return result;
static: {
"": "TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern,TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern,TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern",
TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern: function(message) {
var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver;
message = message.replace(String({}), '$receiver$').replace(new RegExp("[[\\]{}()*+?.\\\\^$|]", 'g'), '\\$&');
match = message.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g);
if (match == null)
match = [];
$arguments = match.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$");
argumentsExpr = match.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$");
expr = match.indexOf("\\$expr\\$");
method = match.indexOf("\\$method\\$");
receiver = match.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$");
return new H.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace('\\$arguments\\$', '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace('\\$argumentsExpr\\$', '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace('\\$expr\\$', '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace('\\$method\\$', '((?:x|[^x])*)').replace('\\$receiver\\$', '((?:x|[^x])*)'), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver);
TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn: function(expression) {
return function($expr$) {
var $argumentsExpr$ = '$arguments$'
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOnNull: function() {
return function() {
var $argumentsExpr$ = '$arguments$'
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOnUndefined: function() {
return function() {
var $argumentsExpr$ = '$arguments$'
try {
(void 0).$method$($argumentsExpr$);
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn: function(expression) {
return function($expr$) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOnNull: function() {
return function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOnUndefined: function() {
return function() {
try {
(void 0).$method$;
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
NullError: {"": "Error;_message,_method",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this._method;
if (t1 == null)
return "NullError: " + H.S(this._message);
return "NullError: Cannot call \"" + H.S(t1) + "\" on null";
$isError: true
JsNoSuchMethodError: {"": "Error;_message,_method,_receiver",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._method;
if (t1 == null)
return "NoSuchMethodError: " + H.S(this._message);
t2 = this._receiver;
if (t2 == null)
return "NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call \"" + t1 + "\" (" + H.S(this._message) + ")";
return "NoSuchMethodError: Cannot call \"" + t1 + "\" on \"" + t2 + "\" (" + H.S(this._message) + ")";
$isError: true,
static: {
JsNoSuchMethodError$: function(_message, match) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = match == null;
t2 = t1 ? null : match.method;
t1 = t1 ? null : match.receiver;
return new H.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1);
UnknownJsTypeError: {"": "Error;_message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this._message;
return C.JSString_methods.get$isEmpty(t1) ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1;
unwrapException_saveStackTrace: {"": "Closure;ex_0",
call$1: function(error) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor(error);
if (typeof error === "object" && error !== null && !!t1.$isError)
if (error.$thrownJsError == null)
error.$thrownJsError = this.ex_0;
return error;
$is_args1: true
_StackTrace: {"": "Object;_exception,_trace",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1, trace;
t1 = this._trace;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
t1 = this._exception;
trace = typeof t1 === "object" ? t1.stack : null;
t1 = trace == null ? "" : trace;
this._trace = t1;
return t1;
invokeClosure_closure: {"": "Closure;closure_0",
call$0: function() {
invokeClosure_closure0: {"": "Closure;closure_1,arg1_2",
call$0: function() {
invokeClosure_closure1: {"": "Closure;closure_3,arg1_4,arg2_5",
call$0: function() {
return$2(this.arg1_4, this.arg2_5);
invokeClosure_closure2: {"": "Closure;closure_6,arg1_7,arg2_8,arg3_9",
call$0: function() {
return$3(this.arg1_7, this.arg2_8, this.arg3_9);
invokeClosure_closure3: {"": "Closure;closure_10,arg1_11,arg2_12,arg3_13,arg4_14",
call$0: function() {
return$4(this.arg1_11, this.arg2_12, this.arg3_13, this.arg4_14);
Closure: {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Closure";
BoundClosure: {"": "Closure;_self,_target,_receiver,__js_helper$_name",
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this === other)
return true;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(other);
if (typeof other !== "object" || other === null || !t1.$isBoundClosure)
return false;
return this._self === other._self && this._target === other._target && this._receiver === other._receiver;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
var t1, receiverHashCode;
t1 = this._receiver;
if (t1 == null)
receiverHashCode = H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._self);
receiverHashCode = typeof t1 !== "object" ? J.get$hashCode$(t1) : H.Primitives_objectHashCode(t1);
return (receiverHashCode ^ H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._target)) >>> 0;
$isBoundClosure: true
initHooks_closure: {"": "Closure;getTag_0",
call$1: function(o) {
return this.getTag_0(o);
$is_args1: true
initHooks_closure0: {"": "Closure;getUnknownTag_1",
call$2: function(o, tag) {
return this.getUnknownTag_1(o, tag);
$is_args2: true
initHooks_closure1: {"": "Closure;prototypeForTag_2",
call$1: function(tag) {
return this.prototypeForTag_2(tag);
$is_args1: true
["", "dart:_collection-dev", , H, {
Arrays_copy: function(src, srcStart, dst, dstStart, count) {
var i, j, t1;
if (srcStart < dstStart)
for (i = srcStart + count - 1, j = dstStart + count - 1; i >= srcStart; --i, --j) {
if (i < 0 || i >= src.length)
throw H.ioore(src, i);
C.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(dst, j, src[i]);
for (t1 = srcStart + count, j = dstStart, i = srcStart; i < t1; ++i, ++j) {
if (i < 0 || i >= src.length)
throw H.ioore(src, i);
C.JSArray_methods.$indexSet(dst, j, src[i]);
IterableMixinWorkaround_forEach: function(iterable, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = new H.ListIterator(iterable, iterable.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1._dev$_current);
IterableMixinWorkaround_toStringIterable: function(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
var result, i, t1;
for (i = 0; i < $.get$IterableMixinWorkaround__toStringList().length; ++i) {
t1 = $.get$IterableMixinWorkaround__toStringList();
if (i >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, i);
if (t1[i] === iterable)
return H.S(leftDelimiter) + "..." + H.S(rightDelimiter);
result = P.StringBuffer$("");
try {
result.writeAll$2(iterable, ", ");
} finally {
t1 = $.get$IterableMixinWorkaround__toStringList();
if (0 >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, 0);
return result.get$_contents();
IterableMixinWorkaround__rangeCheck: function(list, start, end) {
if (start < 0 || start > list.length)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(start, 0, list.length));
if (end < start || end > list.length)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(end, start, list.length));
IterableMixinWorkaround_setRangeList: function(list, start, end, from, skipCount) {
var $length;
H.IterableMixinWorkaround__rangeCheck(list, start, end);
$length = end - start;
if ($length === 0)
if (skipCount < 0)
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError(skipCount));
if (skipCount + $length > from.length)
throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$("Not enough elements"));
H.Arrays_copy(from, skipCount, list, start, $length);
printToConsole: function(line) {
if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log == "function") {
if (typeof window == "object")
if (typeof print == "function") {
throw "Unable to print message: " + String(line);
Symbol_getName: function(symbol) {
return symbol.get$_name();
ListIterable: {"": "IterableBase;",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return new H.ListIterator(this, this.get$length(this), 0, null);
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var $length, i;
$length = this.get$length(this);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(this.elementAt$1(this, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(this))
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
fold$2: function(_, initialValue, combine) {
var $length, value, i;
$length = this.get$length(this);
for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
value =$2(value, this.elementAt$1(this, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(this))
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
return value;
$asIterableBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
ListIterator: {"": "Object;_iterable,_dev$_length,_index,_dev$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._dev$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, t2, $length, t3;
t1 = this._iterable;
t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
$length = t2.get$length(t1);
if (this._dev$_length !== $length)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
t3 = this._index;
if (t3 >= $length) {
this._dev$_current = null;
return false;
this._dev$_current = t2.elementAt$1(t1, t3);
this._index = this._index + 1;
return true;
MappedIterable: {"": "IterableBase;_iterable,_f",
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
t1 = new H.MappedIterator(null, t1, this._f);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "MappedIterable", 0), H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "MappedIterable", 1)]);
return t1;
get$length: function(_) {
var t1 = this._iterable;
return t1.get$length(t1);
$asIterableBase: function($S, $T) {
return [$T];
static: {
MappedIterable_MappedIterable: function(iterable, $function, $S, $T) {
var t1;
if (!!iterable.$isEfficientLength) {
t1 = new H.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, $function);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$S, $T]);
return t1;
t1 = new H.MappedIterable(iterable, $function);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$S, $T]);
return t1;
EfficientLengthMappedIterable: {"": "MappedIterable;_iterable,_f", $asMappedIterable: null, $isEfficientLength: true},
MappedIterator: {"": "Iterator;_dev$_current,_iterator,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._iterator;
if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
this._dev$_current = this._f$1(t1.get$current());
return true;
this._dev$_current = null;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._dev$_current;
$asIterator: function($S, $T) {
return [$T];
MappedListIterable: {"": "ListIterable;_source,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
get$length: function(_) {
return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
return this._f$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this._source, index));
$asListIterable: function($S, $T) {
return [$T];
$isEfficientLength: true
WhereIterable: {"": "IterableBase;_iterable,_f",
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this._iterable);
t1 = new H.WhereIterator(t1, this._f);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "WhereIterable", 0)]);
return t1;
$asIterableBase: null
WhereIterator: {"": "Iterator;_iterator,_f",
_f$1: function(arg0) {
moveNext$0: function() {
for (var t1 = this._iterator; t1.moveNext$0();)
if (this._f$1(t1.get$current()) === true)
return true;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._iterator.get$current();
$asIterator: null
FixedLengthListMixin: {"": "Object;",
set$length: function(receiver, newLength) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list"));
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"));
["dart.async", "dart:async", , P, {
_invokeErrorHandler: function(errorHandler, error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor(errorHandler);
if (!!t1.$is_args2)
return$2(error, stackTrace);
_registerErrorHandler: function(errorHandler, zone) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor(errorHandler);
if (!!t1.$is_args2)
return errorHandler;
return errorHandler;
Future_wait: function(futures) {
var t1, t2, t3, future, pos, t4, t5, result, completer;
t1 = {};
t1.completer_0 = null;
t1.values_1 = null;
t2 = new P.Future_wait_handleError(t1);
t1.remaining_2 = 0;
for (t3 = new H.ListIterator(futures, futures.length, 0, null); t3.moveNext$0();) {
future = t3._dev$_current;
pos = t1.remaining_2;
t1.remaining_2 = pos + 1;
t4 = future.catchError$1(t2);
t5 = $.Zone__current;
result = new P._Future(0, t5, null, null, new P.Future_wait_closure(t1, pos), null, P._registerErrorHandler(null, t5), null);
result.$builtinTypeInfo = [null];
t2 = t1.remaining_2;
if (t2 === 0)
return P._Future$immediate(C.List_empty, null);
t1.values_1 = P.List_List(t2, null);
t2 = J.JSArray;
completer = new P._AsyncCompleter(P._Future$(t2));
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(completer, [t2]);
t1.completer_0 = completer;
return t1.completer_0.future;
_asyncRunCallback: function() {
var callback, t1, exception, milliseconds;
for (; t1 = $.get$_asyncCallbacks(), t1._head !== t1._tail;) {
callback = $.get$_asyncCallbacks().removeFirst$0();
try {$0();
} catch (exception) {
milliseconds = C.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(C.Duration_0._duration, 1000);
H.TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, P._asyncRunCallback$closure);
throw exception;
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = false;
_scheduleAsyncCallback: function(callback) {
if (!$._callbacksAreEnqueued) {
P._createTimer(C.Duration_0, P._asyncRunCallback$closure);
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = true;
scheduleMicrotask: function(callback) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 === C.C__RootZone) {
P._scheduleAsyncCallback(t1.bindCallback$2$runGuarded(callback, true));
StreamController_StreamController: function(onCancel, onListen, onPause, onResume, sync, $T) {
var t1;
if (sync) {
t1 = new P._SyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel, null, 0, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
} else {
t1 = new P._AsyncStreamController(onListen, onPause, onResume, onCancel, null, 0, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
return t1;
StreamController_StreamController$broadcast: function(onCancel, onListen, sync, $T) {
var t1;
if (sync) {
t1 = new P._SyncBroadcastStreamController(onListen, onCancel, 0, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
t1._async$_previous = t1;
t1._async$_next = t1;
} else {
t1 = new P._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(onListen, onCancel, 0, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
t1._async$_previous = t1;
t1._async$_next = t1;
return t1;
_runGuarded: function(notificationHandler) {
var result, e, s, t1, t2, exception;
if (notificationHandler == null)
try {
result =$0();
t1 = result;
t2 = J.getInterceptor(t1);
if (typeof t1 === "object" && t1 !== null && !!t2.$isFuture)
return result;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
t1 = $.Zone__current;
P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t1, null, t1, e, s);
_nullDataHandler: function(value) {
_nullErrorHandler: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t1, null, t1, error, stackTrace);
_nullDoneHandler: function() {
_runUserCode: function(userCode, onSuccess, onError) {
var e, s, exception, t1;
try {$1($0());
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);$2(e, s);
_cancelAndError: function(subscription, future, error, stackTrace) {
var cancelFuture, t1;
cancelFuture = subscription.cancel$0();
t1 = J.getInterceptor(cancelFuture);
if (typeof cancelFuture === "object" && cancelFuture !== null && !!t1.$isFuture)
cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(new P._cancelAndError_closure(future, error, stackTrace));
future._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
_cancelAndErrorClosure: function(subscription, future) {
return new P._cancelAndErrorClosure_closure(subscription, future);
Timer_Timer: function(duration, callback) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 === C.C__RootZone) {
return P._createTimer(duration, callback);
return P._createTimer(duration, t1.bindCallback$2$runGuarded(callback, true));
_createTimer: function(duration, callback) {
var milliseconds = C.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(duration._duration, 1000);
return H.TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
_rootHandleUncaughtError: function($self, $parent, zone, error, stackTrace) {
P._rootRun($self, null, $self, new P._rootHandleUncaughtError_closure(error, stackTrace));
_rootRun: function($self, $parent, zone, f) {
var old, t1, t2;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
t2 = zone;
if (t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2)
old = t1;
try {
$.Zone__current = zone;
t1 =$0();
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_rootRunUnary: function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {
var old, t1, t2;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
t2 = zone;
if (t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2)
old = t1;
try {
$.Zone__current = zone;
t1 =$1(arg);
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_rootRunBinary: function($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {
var old, t1, t2;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
t2 = zone;
if (t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2)
return$2(arg1, arg2);
old = t1;
try {
$.Zone__current = zone;
t1 =$2(arg1, arg2);
return t1;
} finally {
$.Zone__current = old;
_AsyncError: {"": "Object;error>,stackTrace<", $isError: true},
_BroadcastStream: {"": "_ControllerStream;_async$_controller", $as_ControllerStream: null},
_BroadcastSubscription: {"": "_ControllerSubscription;_eventState,_async$_next@,_async$_previous?,_async$_controller,_async$_onData,_onError,_onDone,_zone,_state,_cancelFuture,_pending",
get$_async$_controller: function() {
return this._async$_controller;
_expectsEvent$1: function(eventId) {
var t1 = this._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$and();
return (t1 & 1) === eventId;
_onPause$0: function() {
get$_onPause: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._BroadcastSubscription.prototype._onPause$0, null, "_onPause$0");
_onResume$0: function() {
get$_onResume: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._BroadcastSubscription.prototype._onResume$0, null, "_onResume$0");
$as_ControllerSubscription: null,
static: {
"": "_BroadcastSubscription__STATE_EVENT_ID,_BroadcastSubscription__STATE_FIRING,_BroadcastSubscription__STATE_REMOVE_AFTER_FIRING",
_BroadcastStreamController: {"": "Object;_async$_next?,_async$_previous?",
_ensureDoneFuture$0: function() {
var t1 = this._doneFuture;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
t1 = P._Future$(null);
this._doneFuture = t1;
return t1;
_addListener$1: function(subscription) {
subscription._async$_previous = this._async$_previous;
subscription._async$_next = this;
this._async$_previous = subscription;
subscription._eventState = this._state & 1;
_removeListener$1: function(subscription) {
var previous, next;
previous = subscription._async$_previous;
next = subscription._async$_next;
subscription._async$_previous = subscription;
subscription._async$_next = subscription;
_subscribe$1: function(cancelOnError) {
var t1, t2, t3, subscription;
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
throw H.wrapException(new P.StateError("Subscribing to closed stream"));
t1 = H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_BroadcastStreamController", 0);
t2 = $.Zone__current;
t3 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0;
subscription = new P._BroadcastSubscription(null, null, null, this, null, null, null, t2, t3, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(subscription, [t1]);
subscription._async$_previous = subscription;
subscription._async$_next = subscription;
t1 = this._async$_next;
t2 = this._async$_previous;
if (t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2)
return subscription;
_recordCancel$1: function(subscription) {
var t1;
if (subscription.get$_async$_next() === subscription)
t1 = subscription._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$and();
if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
subscription._eventState = (t1 | 4) >>> 0;
else {
if ((this._state & 2) === 0 && this._async$_next === this)
_recordPause$1: function(subscription) {
_recordResume$1: function(subscription) {
_addEventError$0: function() {
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
return new P.StateError("Cannot add new events after calling close");
return new P.StateError("Cannot add new events while doing an addStream");
add$1: function(_, data) {
if (this._state >= 4)
throw H.wrapException(this._addEventError$0());
get$add: function(_receiver) {
return new P.BoundClosure$i1(this, P._BroadcastStreamController.prototype.add$1, _receiver, "add$1");
addError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
if (this._state >= 4)
throw H.wrapException(this._addEventError$0());
this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
get$addError: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$2(this, P._BroadcastStreamController.prototype.addError$2, null, "addError$2");
close$0: function(_) {
var t1, doneFuture;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
return this._doneFuture;
if (t1 >= 4)
throw H.wrapException(this._addEventError$0());
this._state = (t1 | 4) >>> 0;
doneFuture = this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
return doneFuture;
_async$_add$1: function(data) {
_addError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
_close$0: function() {
var addState = this._addStreamState;
this._addStreamState = null;
this._state = (this._state & 4294967287) >>> 0;
_forEachListener$1: function(action) {
var t1, id, link, link0;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$("Cannot fire new event. Controller is already firing an event"));
if (this._async$_next === this)
id = t1 & 1;
this._state = (t1 ^ 3) >>> 0;
link = this._async$_next;
for (; link !== this;)
if (link._expectsEvent$1(id)) {
t1 = link._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$or();
link._eventState = (t1 | 2) >>> 0;$1(link);
t1 = link._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$xor();
link._eventState = (t1 ^ 1) >>> 0;
link0 = link._async$_next;
t1 = link._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$and();
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
t1 = link._eventState;
if (typeof t1 !== "number")
throw t1.$and();
link._eventState = (t1 & 4294967293) >>> 0;
link = link0;
} else
link = link._async$_next;
this._state = (this._state & 4294967293) >>> 0;
if (this._async$_next === this)
_callOnCancel$0: function() {
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0 && this._doneFuture._state === 0)
_SyncBroadcastStreamController: {"": "_BroadcastStreamController;_onListen,_onCancel,_state,_async$_next,_async$_previous,_addStreamState,_doneFuture",
_sendData$1: function(data) {
if (this._async$_next === this)
this._forEachListener$1(new P._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure(this, data));
_sendError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
if (this._async$_next === this)
this._forEachListener$1(new P._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
_sendDone$0: function() {
if (this._async$_next !== this)
this._forEachListener$1(new P._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure(this));
$as_BroadcastStreamController: null
_SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,data_1",
call$1: function(subscription) {
$is_args1: true
_SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,error_1,stackTrace_2",
call$1: function(subscription) {
subscription._addError$2(this.error_1, this.stackTrace_2);
$is_args1: true
_SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(subscription) {
$is_args1: true
_AsyncBroadcastStreamController: {"": "_BroadcastStreamController;_onListen,_onCancel,_state,_async$_next,_async$_previous,_addStreamState,_doneFuture",
_sendData$1: function(data) {
var link;
for (link = this._async$_next; link !== this; link = link._async$_next)
link._addPending$1(new P._DelayedData(data, null));
_sendError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var link;
for (link = this._async$_next; link !== this; link = link._async$_next)
link._addPending$1(new P._DelayedError(error, stackTrace, null));
_sendDone$0: function() {
var link = this._async$_next;
if (link !== this)
for (; link !== this; link = link._async$_next)
$as_BroadcastStreamController: null
Future: {"": "Object;", $isFuture: true},
Future_wait_handleError: {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(error) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
if (t1.values_1 != null) {
t1.values_1 = null;
$is_args1: true
Future_wait_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0,pos_1",
call$1: function(value) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.box_0;
t2 = t1.values_1;
if (t2 == null)
t3 = this.pos_1;
if (t3 < 0 || t3 >= t2.length)
throw H.ioore(t2, t3);
t2[t3] = value;
t1.remaining_2 = t1.remaining_2 - 1;
if (t1.remaining_2 === 0) {
t2 = t1.completer_0;
t1 = t1.values_1;
t2 = t2.future;
if (t2._state !== 0)
H.throwExpression(new P.StateError("Future already completed"));
$is_args1: true
_Completer: {"": "Object;"},
_AsyncCompleter: {"": "_Completer;future",
completeError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1;
if (error == null)
throw H.wrapException(new P.ArgumentError("Error must not be null"));
t1 = this.future;
if (t1._state !== 0)
throw H.wrapException(new P.StateError("Future already completed"));
t1._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
completeError$1: function(error) {
return this.completeError$2(error, null);
$as_Completer: null
_Future: {"": "Object;_state,_zone<,_resultOrListeners,_nextListener<,_onValueCallback,_errorTestCallback,_onErrorCallback,_whenCompleteActionCallback",
get$_isComplete: function() {
return this._state >= 4;
get$_hasError: function() {
return this._state === 8;
set$_isChained: function(value) {
if (value)
this._state = 2;
this._state = 0;
get$_onValue: function() {
return this._state === 2 ? null : this._onValueCallback;
_onValue$1: function(arg0) {
return this.get$_onValue().call$1(arg0);
get$_whenCompleteAction: function() {
return this._state === 2 ? null : this._whenCompleteActionCallback;
_whenCompleteAction$0: function() {
return this.get$_whenCompleteAction().call$0();
then$2$onError: function(f, onError) {
var result = P._Future$_then(f, onError, null);
return result;
then$1: function(f) {
return this.then$2$onError(f, null);
catchError$2$test: function(onError, test) {
var result = P._Future$_catchError(onError, test, null);
return result;
catchError$1: function(onError) {
return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null);
whenComplete$1: function(action) {
var result = P._Future$_whenComplete(action, H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_Future", 0));
return result;
get$_value: function() {
return this._resultOrListeners;
get$_error: function() {
return this._resultOrListeners;
_setValue$1: function(value) {
this._state = 4;
this._resultOrListeners = value;
_setError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
this._state = 8;
this._resultOrListeners = new P._AsyncError(error, stackTrace);
_addListener$1: function(listener) {
if (this._state >= 4) {
P._scheduleAsyncCallback(new P._Future__addListener_closure(this, listener));
} else {
listener._nextListener = this._resultOrListeners;
this._resultOrListeners = listener;
_removeListeners$0: function() {
var current, prev, next;
current = this._resultOrListeners;
this._resultOrListeners = null;
for (prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {
next = current.get$_nextListener();
current._nextListener = prev;
return prev;
_complete$1: function(value) {
var t1, listeners;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(value);
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !!t1.$isFuture) {
P._Future__chainFutures(value, this);
listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
_completeError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
this._setError$2(error, stackTrace);
P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
get$_completeError: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$2(this, P._Future.prototype._completeError$2, null, "_completeError$2");
_asyncComplete$1: function(value) {
if (this._state !== 0)
H.throwExpression(P.StateError$("Future already completed"));
this._state = 1;
P._scheduleAsyncCallback(new P._Future__asyncComplete_closure(this, value));
_asyncCompleteError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
if (this._state !== 0)
H.throwExpression(new P.StateError("Future already completed"));
this._state = 1;
P._scheduleAsyncCallback(new P._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
_async$_Future$immediate$1: function(value, $T) {
$is_Future: true,
$isFuture: true,
static: {
"": "_Future__INCOMPLETE,_Future__PENDING_COMPLETE,_Future__CHAINED,_Future__VALUE,_Future__ERROR",
_Future$: function($T) {
var t1 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, null, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
return t1;
_Future$immediate: function(value, $T) {
var t1 = new P._Future(0, $.Zone__current, null, null, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
t1._async$_Future$immediate$1(value, $T);
return t1;
_Future$_then: function(onValueCallback, onErrorCallback, $T) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
t1 = new P._Future(0, t1, null, null, onValueCallback, null, P._registerErrorHandler(onErrorCallback, t1), null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
return t1;
_Future$_catchError: function(onErrorCallback, errorTestCallback, $T) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = $.Zone__current;
t2 = P._registerErrorHandler(onErrorCallback, t1);
t2 = new P._Future(0, t1, null, null, null, errorTestCallback, t2, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t2, [$T]);
return t2;
_Future$_whenComplete: function(whenCompleteActionCallback, $T) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
t1 = new P._Future(0, t1, null, null, null, null, null, whenCompleteActionCallback);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
return t1;
_Future__chainFutures: function(source, target) {
var t1;
target._state = 2;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(source);
if (typeof source === "object" && source !== null && !!t1.$is_Future)
if (source._state >= 4)
P._Future__propagateToListeners(source, target);
source.then$2$onError(new P._Future__chainFutures_closure(target), new P._Future__chainFutures_closure0(target));
_Future__propagateMultipleListeners: function(source, listeners) {
var listeners0;
do {
listeners0 = listeners.get$_nextListener();
listeners._nextListener = null;
P._Future__propagateToListeners(source, listeners);
if (listeners0 != null) {
listeners = listeners0;
} else
} while (true);
_Future__propagateToListeners: function(source, listeners) {
var t1, t2, hasError, asyncError, t3, t4, t5, chainSource, listeners0;
t1 = {};
t1.source_4 = source;
for (; true;) {
t2 = {};
if (!t1.source_4.get$_isComplete())
hasError = t1.source_4.get$_hasError();
if (hasError && listeners == null) {
t2 = t1.source_4;
asyncError = t2.get$_error();
t2 = t2._zone;
t3 = J.get$error$x(asyncError);
t4 = asyncError.get$stackTrace();
P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t2, null, t2, t3, t4);
if (listeners == null)
if (listeners._nextListener != null) {
P._Future__propagateMultipleListeners(t1.source_4, listeners);
if (hasError) {
t3 = t1.source_4.get$_zone();
t4 = listeners._zone;
t3 = t4 == null ? t3 != null : t4 !== t3;
} else
t3 = false;
if (t3) {
t2 = t1.source_4;
asyncError = t2.get$_error();
t2 = t2._zone;
t3 = J.get$error$x(asyncError);
t4 = asyncError.get$stackTrace();
P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t2, null, t2, t3, t4);
t3 = $.Zone__current;
t4 = listeners._zone;
if (t3 == null ? t4 != null : t3 !== t4) {
P._rootRun(t4, null, t4, new P._Future__propagateToListeners_closure(t1, listeners));
t2.listenerHasValue_1 = null;
t2.listenerValueOrError_2 = null;
t2.isPropagationAborted_3 = false;
P._rootRun(t4, null, t4, new P._Future__propagateToListeners_closure0(t1, t2, hasError, listeners));
if (t2.isPropagationAborted_3)
t3 = t2.listenerHasValue_1 === true;
if (t3) {
t4 = t2.listenerValueOrError_2;
t5 = J.getInterceptor(t4);
t5 = typeof t4 === "object" && t4 !== null && !!t5.$isFuture;
t4 = t5;
} else
t4 = false;
if (t4) {
chainSource = t2.listenerValueOrError_2;
t2 = J.getInterceptor(chainSource);
if (typeof chainSource === "object" && chainSource !== null && !!t2.$is_Future && chainSource._state >= 4) {
listeners._state = 2;
t1.source_4 = chainSource;
P._Future__chainFutures(chainSource, listeners);
if (t3) {
listeners0 = listeners._removeListeners$0();
t2 = t2.listenerValueOrError_2;
listeners._state = 4;
listeners._resultOrListeners = t2;
} else {
listeners0 = listeners._removeListeners$0();
asyncError = t2.listenerValueOrError_2;
t2 = J.get$error$x(asyncError);
t3 = asyncError.get$stackTrace();
listeners._state = 8;
listeners._resultOrListeners = new P._AsyncError(t2, t3);
t1.source_4 = listeners;
listeners = listeners0;
_Future__addListener_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,listener_1",
call$0: function() {
P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.this_0, this.listener_1);
_Future__chainFutures_closure: {"": "Closure;target_0",
call$1: function(value) {
$is_args1: true
_Future__chainFutures_closure0: {"": "Closure;target_1",
call$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
this.target_1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
call$1: function(error) {
return$2(error, null);
$is_args2: true,
$is_args1: true
_Future__asyncComplete_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,value_1",
call$0: function() {
_Future__asyncCompleteError_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,error_1,stackTrace_2",
call$0: function() {
this.this_0._completeError$2(this.error_1, this.stackTrace_2);
_Future__propagateToListeners_closure: {"": "Closure;box_2,listener_3",
call$0: function() {
P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.box_2.source_4, this.listener_3);
_Future__propagateToListeners_closure0: {"": "Closure;box_2,box_1,hasError_4,listener_5",
call$0: function() {
var t1, value, asyncError, test, matchesTest, errorCallback, e, s, t2, t3, t4, exception;
t1 = {};
try {
t2 = this.box_2;
if (!this.hasError_4) {
value = t2.source_4.get$_value();
t2 = this.listener_5;
t3 = t2._state === 2 ? null : t2._onValueCallback;
t4 = this.box_1;
if (t3 != null) {
t4.listenerValueOrError_2 = t2._onValue$1(value);
t4.listenerHasValue_1 = true;
} else {
t4.listenerValueOrError_2 = value;
t4.listenerHasValue_1 = true;
} else {
asyncError = t2.source_4.get$_error();
t2 = this.listener_5;
test = t2._state === 2 ? null : t2._errorTestCallback;
matchesTest = true;
if (test != null)
matchesTest =$1(J.get$error$x(asyncError));
if (matchesTest === true)
t3 = (t2._state === 2 ? null : t2._onErrorCallback) != null;
t3 = false;
if (t3) {
errorCallback = t2._state === 2 ? null : t2._onErrorCallback;
t2 = this.box_1;
t2.listenerValueOrError_2 = P._invokeErrorHandler(errorCallback, J.get$error$x(asyncError), asyncError.get$stackTrace());
t2.listenerHasValue_1 = true;
} else {
t2 = this.box_1;
t2.listenerValueOrError_2 = asyncError;
t2.listenerHasValue_1 = false;
t2 = this.listener_5;
if ((t2._state === 2 ? null : t2._whenCompleteActionCallback) != null) {
t1.completeResult_0 = t2._whenCompleteAction$0();
t3 = t1.completeResult_0;
t4 = J.getInterceptor(t3);
if (typeof t3 === "object" && t3 !== null && !!t4.$isFuture) {
t1.completeResult_0.then$2$onError(new P._Future__propagateToListeners__closure(this.box_2, t2), new P._Future__propagateToListeners__closure0(t1, t2));
this.box_1.isPropagationAborted_3 = true;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
if (this.hasError_4) {
t1 = J.get$error$x(this.box_2.source_4.get$_error());
t2 = e;
t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2;
t1 = t2;
} else
t1 = false;
t2 = this.box_1;
if (t1)
t2.listenerValueOrError_2 = this.box_2.source_4.get$_error();
t2.listenerValueOrError_2 = new P._AsyncError(e, s);
this.box_1.listenerHasValue_1 = false;
_Future__propagateToListeners__closure: {"": "Closure;box_2,listener_6",
call$1: function(ignored) {
P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.box_2.source_4, this.listener_6);
$is_args1: true
_Future__propagateToListeners__closure0: {"": "Closure;box_0,listener_7",
call$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this.box_0;
t2 = t1.completeResult_0;
t3 = J.getInterceptor(t2);
if (typeof t2 !== "object" || t2 === null || !t3.$is_Future) {
t1.completeResult_0 = P._Future$(null);
t1.completeResult_0._setError$2(error, stackTrace);
P._Future__propagateToListeners(t1.completeResult_0, this.listener_7);
call$1: function(error) {
return$2(error, null);
$is_args2: true,
$is_args1: true
Stream: {"": "Object;",
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var t1, future;
t1 = {};
future = P._Future$(null);
t1.subscription_0 = null;
t1.subscription_0 = this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(new P.Stream_forEach_closure(t1, this, action, future), true, new P.Stream_forEach_closure0(future), future.get$_completeError());
return future;
get$length: function(_) {
var t1, future;
t1 = {};
future = P._Future$(J.JSInt);
t1.count_0 = 0;
this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(new P.Stream_length_closure(t1), true, new P.Stream_length_closure0(t1, future), future.get$_completeError());
return future;
Stream_forEach_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0,this_1,action_2,future_3",
call$1: function(element) {
P._runUserCode(new P.Stream_forEach__closure(this.action_2, element), new P.Stream_forEach__closure0(), P._cancelAndErrorClosure(this.box_0.subscription_0, this.future_3));
$is_args1: true
Stream_forEach__closure: {"": "Closure;action_4,element_5",
call$0: function() {
Stream_forEach__closure0: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(_) {
$is_args1: true
Stream_forEach_closure0: {"": "Closure;future_6",
call$0: function() {
Stream_length_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$1: function(_) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
t1.count_0 = t1.count_0 + 1;
$is_args1: true
Stream_length_closure0: {"": "Closure;box_0,future_1",
call$0: function() {
StreamSubscription: {"": "Object;"},
_StreamController: {"": "Object;",
get$_pendingEvents: function() {
if ((this._state & 8) === 0)
return this._varData;
return this._varData.get$varData();
_ensurePendingEvents$0: function() {
if ((this._state & 8) === 0) {
if (this._varData == null)
this._varData = new P._StreamImplEvents(null, null, 0);
return this._varData;
var t1 = this._varData.get$varData();
return t1;
get$_subscription: function() {
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
return this._varData.get$varData();
return this._varData;
_badEventState$0: function() {
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
return new P.StateError("Cannot add event after closing");
return new P.StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream");
_ensureDoneFuture$0: function() {
if (this._doneFuture == null) {
this._doneFuture = P._Future$(null);
if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
return this._doneFuture;
add$1: function(_, value) {
if (this._state >= 4)
throw H.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
close$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
return this._doneFuture;
if (t1 >= 4)
throw H.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
this._state = (t1 | 4) >>> 0;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) {
t1 = this._ensurePendingEvents$0();
t1.add$1(t1, C.C__DelayedDone);
return this._doneFuture;
_async$_add$1: function(value) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) {
t1 = this._ensurePendingEvents$0();
t1.add$1(t1, new P._DelayedData(value, null));
_addError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
else if ((t1 & 3) === 0) {
t1 = this._ensurePendingEvents$0();
t1.add$1(t1, new P._DelayedError(error, stackTrace, null));
_close$0: function() {
var addState = this._varData;
this._varData = addState.get$varData();
this._state = (this._state & 4294967287) >>> 0;
_subscribe$1: function(cancelOnError) {
var t1, t2, subscription, pendingEvents, addState;
if ((this._state & 3) !== 0)
throw H.wrapException(new P.StateError("Stream has already been listened to."));
t1 = $.Zone__current;
t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0;
subscription = new P._ControllerSubscription(this, null, null, null, t1, t2, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(subscription, [null]);
pendingEvents = this.get$_pendingEvents();
this._state = (this._state | 1) >>> 0;
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0) {
addState = this._varData;
} else
this._varData = subscription;
subscription._guardCallback$1(new P._StreamController__subscribe_closure(this));
return subscription;
_recordCancel$1: function(subscription) {
var t1, future;
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
this._varData = null;
this._state = (this._state & 4294967286 | 2) >>> 0;
t1 = new P._StreamController__recordCancel_complete(this);
future = P._runGuarded(this.get$_onCancel());
if (future != null)
future = future.whenComplete$1(t1);
return future;
_recordPause$1: function(subscription) {
var addState;
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0) {
addState = this._varData;
_recordResume$1: function(subscription) {
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
_StreamController__subscribe_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
_StreamController__recordCancel_complete: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
var t1 = this.this_0._doneFuture;
if (t1 != null && t1._state === 0)
_SyncStreamControllerDispatch: {"": "Object;",
_sendData$1: function(data) {
_sendError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
this.get$_subscription()._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
_sendDone$0: function() {
_AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: {"": "Object;",
_sendData$1: function(data) {
this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new P._DelayedData(data, null));
_sendError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new P._DelayedError(error, stackTrace, null));
_sendDone$0: function() {
_AsyncStreamController: {"": "_StreamController__AsyncStreamControllerDispatch;_onListen<,_onPause<,_onResume<,_onCancel<,_varData,_state,_doneFuture"},
_StreamController__AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: {"": "_StreamController+_AsyncStreamControllerDispatch;"},
_SyncStreamController: {"": "_StreamController__SyncStreamControllerDispatch;_onListen<,_onPause<,_onResume<,_onCancel<,_varData,_state,_doneFuture"},
_StreamController__SyncStreamControllerDispatch: {"": "_StreamController+_SyncStreamControllerDispatch;"},
_ControllerStream: {"": "_StreamImpl;_async$_controller",
_createSubscription$1: function(cancelOnError) {
return this._async$_controller._subscribe$1(cancelOnError);
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return (H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._async$_controller) ^ 892482866) >>> 0;
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this === other)
return true;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(other);
if (typeof other !== "object" || other === null || !t1.$is_ControllerStream)
return false;
return other._async$_controller === this._async$_controller;
$is_ControllerStream: true,
$as_StreamImpl: null
_ControllerSubscription: {"": "_BufferingStreamSubscription;_async$_controller<,_async$_onData,_onError,_onDone,_zone,_state,_cancelFuture,_pending",
_onCancel$0: function() {
return this.get$_async$_controller()._recordCancel$1(this);
_onPause$0: function() {
get$_onPause: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._ControllerSubscription.prototype._onPause$0, null, "_onPause$0");
_onResume$0: function() {
get$_onResume: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._ControllerSubscription.prototype._onResume$0, null, "_onResume$0");
$as_BufferingStreamSubscription: null
_EventSink: {"": "Object;"},
_BufferingStreamSubscription: {"": "Object;_async$_onData,_onError,_onDone,_zone<,_state,_cancelFuture,_pending",
_setPendingEvents$1: function(pendingEvents) {
if (pendingEvents == null)
this._pending = pendingEvents;
if (!pendingEvents.get$isEmpty(pendingEvents)) {
this._state = (this._state | 64) >>> 0;
onData$1: function(handleData) {
this._async$_onData = handleData;
onError$1: function(_, handleError) {
if (handleError == null)
handleError = P._nullErrorHandler$closure;
this._onError = P._registerErrorHandler(handleError, $.Zone__current);
onDone$1: function(handleDone) {
if (handleDone == null)
handleDone = P._nullDoneHandler$closure;
this._onDone = handleDone;
pause$1: function(_, resumeSignal) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
this._state = (t1 + 128 | 4) >>> 0;
if (t1 < 128 && this._pending != null)
if ((t1 & 4) === 0 && (this._state & 32) === 0)
pause$0: function($receiver) {
return this.pause$1($receiver, null);
resume$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
if (t1 >= 128) {
this._state = t1 - 128;
t1 = this._state;
if (t1 < 128) {
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) {
t2 = this._pending;
t2 = !t2.get$isEmpty(t2);
} else
t2 = false;
if (t2)
else {
this._state = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
if ((this._state & 32) === 0)
cancel$0: function() {
this._state = (this._state & 4294967279) >>> 0;
if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
return this._cancelFuture;
return this._cancelFuture;
get$_mayResumeInput: function() {
if (this._state < 128) {
var t1 = this._pending;
t1 = t1 == null || t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
} else
t1 = false;
return t1;
_cancel$0: function() {
this._state = (this._state | 8) >>> 0;
if ((this._state & 64) !== 0)
if ((this._state & 32) === 0)
this._pending = null;
this._cancelFuture = this._onCancel$0();
_async$_add$1: function(data) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
if (t1 < 32)
this._addPending$1(new P._DelayedData(data, null));
_addError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
if (t1 < 32)
this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
this._addPending$1(new P._DelayedError(error, stackTrace, null));
_close$0: function() {
var t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
this._state = (t1 | 2) >>> 0;
if (this._state < 32)
_onPause$0: function() {
get$_onPause: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype._onPause$0, null, "_onPause$0");
_onResume$0: function() {
get$_onResume: function() {
return new P.BoundClosure$0(this, P._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype._onResume$0, null, "_onResume$0");
_onCancel$0: function() {
_addPending$1: function($event) {
var pending, t1;
pending = this._pending;
if (pending == null) {
pending = new P._StreamImplEvents(null, null, 0);
this._pending = pending;
pending.add$1(pending, $event);
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 64) === 0) {
this._state = (t1 | 64) >>> 0;
if (this._state < 128)
_sendData$1: function(data) {
var t1 = this._state;
this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;
this._zone.runUnaryGuarded$2(this._async$_onData, data);
this._state = (this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
_sendError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._state;
t2 = new P._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(this, error, stackTrace);
if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
this._state = (t1 | 16) >>> 0;
t1 = this._cancelFuture;
t3 = J.getInterceptor(t1);
if (typeof t1 === "object" && t1 !== null && !!t3.$isFuture)
} else {$0();
this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
_sendDone$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = new P._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(this);
this._state = (this._state | 16) >>> 0;
t2 = this._cancelFuture;
t3 = J.getInterceptor(t2);
if (typeof t2 === "object" && t2 !== null && !!t3.$isFuture)
_guardCallback$1: function(callback) {
var t1 = this._state;
this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;$0();
this._state = (this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
_checkState$1: function(wasInputPaused) {
var t1, t2, isInputPaused;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) {
t2 = this._pending;
t2 = t2.get$isEmpty(t2);
} else
t2 = false;
if (t2) {
this._state = (t1 & 4294967231) >>> 0;
if ((this._state & 4) !== 0 && this.get$_mayResumeInput())
this._state = (this._state & 4294967291) >>> 0;
for (; true; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused) {
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
this._pending = null;
isInputPaused = (t1 & 4) !== 0;
if (wasInputPaused === isInputPaused)
this._state = (t1 ^ 32) >>> 0;
if (isInputPaused)
this._state = (this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
t1 = this._state;
if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && t1 < 128)
static: {
"": "_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_CLOSED,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_INPUT_PAUSED,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_CANCELED,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_IN_CALLBACK,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_HAS_PENDING,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_PAUSE_COUNT,_BufferingStreamSubscription__STATE_PAUSE_COUNT_SHIFT",
_BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError: {"": "Closure;this_0,error_1,stackTrace_2",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
t1 = this.this_0;
t2 = t1._state;
if ((t2 & 8) !== 0 && (t2 & 16) === 0)
t1._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0;
t2 = t1._zone;
t3 = $.Zone__current;
if (t3 == null ? t2 != null : t3 !== t2)
P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t3, null, t3, this.error_1, this.stackTrace_2);
else {
t3 = t1._onError;
t4 = J.getInterceptor(t3);
t5 = this.error_1;
if (!!t4.$is_args2)
t2.runBinaryGuarded$3(t3, t5, this.stackTrace_2);
t2.runUnaryGuarded$2(t3, t5);
t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
_BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$0: function() {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.this_0;
t2 = t1._state;
if ((t2 & 16) === 0)
t1._state = (t2 | 42) >>> 0;
t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
_StreamImpl: {"": "Stream;",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var subscription = this._createSubscription$1(true === cancelOnError);
subscription.onError$1(subscription, onError);
return subscription;
_createSubscription$1: function(cancelOnError) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_StreamImpl", 0);
t2 = $.Zone__current;
t3 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0;
t3 = new P._BufferingStreamSubscription(null, null, null, t2, t3, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t3, [t1]);
return t3;
$asStream: null
_DelayedEvent: {"": "Object;next@"},
_DelayedData: {"": "_DelayedEvent;value,next",
perform$1: function(dispatch) {
_DelayedError: {"": "_DelayedEvent;error>,stackTrace<,next",
perform$1: function(dispatch) {
dispatch._sendError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
_DelayedDone: {"": "Object;",
perform$1: function(dispatch) {
get$next: function() {
set$next: function(_) {
throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$("No events after a done."));
_PendingEvents: {"": "Object;",
schedule$1: function(dispatch) {
var t1 = this._state;
if (t1 === 1)
if (t1 >= 1) {
this._state = 1;
P.scheduleMicrotask(new P._PendingEvents_schedule_closure(this, dispatch));
this._state = 1;
cancelSchedule$0: function() {
if (this._state === 1)
this._state = 3;
_PendingEvents_schedule_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,dispatch_1",
call$0: function() {
var t1, oldState;
t1 = this.this_0;
oldState = t1._state;
t1._state = 0;
if (oldState === 3)
_StreamImplEvents: {"": "_PendingEvents;firstPendingEvent,lastPendingEvent,_state",
get$isEmpty: function(_) {
return this.lastPendingEvent == null;
add$1: function(_, $event) {
var t1 = this.lastPendingEvent;
if (t1 == null) {
this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
this.firstPendingEvent = $event;
} else {
this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
handleNext$1: function(dispatch) {
var $event = this.firstPendingEvent;
this.firstPendingEvent = $event.get$next();
if (this.firstPendingEvent == null)
this.lastPendingEvent = null;
_cancelAndError_closure: {"": "Closure;future_0,error_1,stackTrace_2",
call$0: function() {
return this.future_0._completeError$2(this.error_1, this.stackTrace_2);
_cancelAndErrorClosure_closure: {"": "Closure;subscription_0,future_1",
call$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
return P._cancelAndError(this.subscription_0, this.future_1, error, stackTrace);
$is_args2: true
_BaseZone: {"": "Object;",
runGuarded$1: function(f) {
var e, s, t1, exception;
try {
t1 =$1(f);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
return this.handleUncaughtError$2(e, s);
runUnaryGuarded$2: function(f, arg) {
var e, s, t1, exception;
try {
t1 = this.runUnary$2(f, arg);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
return this.handleUncaughtError$2(e, s);
runBinaryGuarded$3: function(f, arg1, arg2) {
var e, s, t1, exception;
try {
t1 = this.runBinary$3(f, arg1, arg2);
return t1;
} catch (exception) {
t1 = H.unwrapException(exception);
e = t1;
s = new H._StackTrace(exception, null);
return this.handleUncaughtError$2(e, s);
bindCallback$2$runGuarded: function(f, runGuarded) {
var registered = this.registerCallback$1(f);
if (runGuarded)
return new P._BaseZone_bindCallback_closure(this, registered);
return new P._BaseZone_bindCallback_closure0(this, registered);
bindUnaryCallback$2$runGuarded: function(f, runGuarded) {
var registered = this.registerUnaryCallback$1(f);
if (runGuarded)
return new P._BaseZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure(this, registered);
return new P._BaseZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure0(this, registered);
_BaseZone_bindCallback_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,registered_1",
call$0: function() {
return this.this_0.runGuarded$1(this.registered_1);
_BaseZone_bindCallback_closure0: {"": "Closure;this_2,registered_3",
call$0: function() {
_BaseZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,registered_1",
call$1: function(arg) {
return this.this_0.runUnaryGuarded$2(this.registered_1, arg);
$is_args1: true
_BaseZone_bindUnaryCallback_closure0: {"": "Closure;this_2,registered_3",
call$1: function(arg) {
return this.this_2.runUnary$2(this.registered_3, arg);
$is_args1: true
_rootHandleUncaughtError_closure: {"": "Closure;error_0,stackTrace_1",
call$0: function() {
P._scheduleAsyncCallback(new P._rootHandleUncaughtError__closure(this.error_0, this.stackTrace_1));
_rootHandleUncaughtError__closure: {"": "Closure;error_2,stackTrace_3",
call$0: function() {
var t1, trace, t2;
t1 = this.error_2;
P.print("Uncaught Error: " + H.S(t1));
trace = this.stackTrace_3;
if (trace == null) {
t2 = J.getInterceptor(t1);
t2 = typeof t1 === "object" && t1 !== null && !!t2.$isError;
} else
t2 = false;
if (t2)
trace = t1.get$stackTrace();
if (trace != null)
P.print("Stack Trace: \n" + H.S(trace) + "\n");
throw H.wrapException(t1);
_RootZone: {"": "_BaseZone;",
$index: function(_, key) {
handleUncaughtError$2: function(error, stackTrace) {
return P._rootHandleUncaughtError(this, null, this, error, stackTrace);
run$1: function(f) {
return P._rootRun(this, null, this, f);
runUnary$2: function(f, arg) {
return P._rootRunUnary(this, null, this, f, arg);
runBinary$3: function(f, arg1, arg2) {
return P._rootRunBinary(this, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);
registerCallback$1: function(f) {
return f;
registerUnaryCallback$1: function(f) {
return f;
["dart.collection", "dart:collection", , P, {
_defaultEquals: function(a, b) {
return J.$eq(a, b);
_defaultHashCode: function(a) {
return J.get$hashCode$(a);
HashMap_HashMap: function(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
var t1 = new P._HashMap(0, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$K, $V]);
return t1;
HashSet_HashSet$identity: function($E) {
var t1 = new P._IdentityHashSet(0, null, null, null, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$E]);
return t1;
_iterableToString: function(iterable) {
var parts, t1;
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
if (t1.contains$1(t1, iterable))
return "(...)";
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
t1.add$1(t1, iterable);
parts = [];
try {
P._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);
} finally {
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
t1.remove$1(t1, iterable);
t1 = P.StringBuffer$("(");
t1.writeAll$2(parts, ", ");
return t1._contents;
_iterablePartsToStrings: function(iterable, parts) {
var it, $length, count, next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision;
it = iterable.get$iterator(iterable);
$length = 0;
count = 0;
while (true) {
if (!($length < 80 || count < 3))
if (!it.moveNext$0())
next = H.S(it.get$current());
$length += next.length + 2;
if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
if (count <= 5)
if (0 >= parts.length)
throw H.ioore(parts, 0);
ultimateString = parts.pop();
if (0 >= parts.length)
throw H.ioore(parts, 0);
penultimateString = parts.pop();
} else {
penultimate = it.get$current();
if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
if (count <= 4) {
ultimateString = H.S(penultimate);
if (0 >= parts.length)
throw H.ioore(parts, 0);
penultimateString = parts.pop();
$length += ultimateString.length + 2;
} else {
ultimate = it.get$current();
for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) {
ultimate0 = it.get$current();
if (count > 100) {
while (true) {
if (!($length > 75 && count > 3))
if (0 >= parts.length)
throw H.ioore(parts, 0);
$length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
penultimateString = H.S(penultimate);
ultimateString = H.S(ultimate);
$length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4;
if (count > parts.length + 2) {
$length += 5;
elision = "...";
} else
elision = null;
while (true) {
if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3))
if (0 >= parts.length)
throw H.ioore(parts, 0);
$length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
if (elision == null) {
$length += 5;
elision = "...";
if (elision != null)
LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap: function(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
var t1 = new P._LinkedHashMap(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$K, $V]);
return t1;
LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet: function(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $E) {
var t1 = new P._LinkedHashSet(0, null, null, null, null, null, 0);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$E]);
return t1;
Maps_mapToString: function(m) {
var t1, result, i, t2;
t1 = {};
for (i = 0; i < $.get$Maps__toStringList().length; ++i) {
t2 = $.get$Maps__toStringList();
if (i >= t2.length)
throw H.ioore(t2, i);
if (t2[i] === m)
return "{...}";
result = P.StringBuffer$("");
try {
t1.first_0 = true;
J.forEach$1$ax(m, new P.Maps_mapToString_closure(t1, result));
} finally {
t1 = $.get$Maps__toStringList();
if (0 >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, 0);
return result.get$_contents();
_HashMap: {"": "Object;_collection$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_keys",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
get$keys: function() {
var t1 = new P.HashMapKeyIterable(this);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_HashMap", 0)]);
return t1;
get$values: function(_) {
var t1 = new P.HashMapKeyIterable(this);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_HashMap", 0)]);
return H.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new P._HashMap_values_closure(this), H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t1, "IterableBase", 0), null);
$index: function(_, key) {
var strings, t1, entry, nums, rest, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
t1 = null;
else {
entry = strings[key];
t1 = entry === strings ? null : entry;
return t1;
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
t1 = null;
else {
entry = nums[key];
t1 = entry === nums ? null : entry;
return t1;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1];
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
var strings, nums, rest, hash, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
strings = P._HashMap__newHashTable();
this._strings = strings;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings, key, value);
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null) {
nums = P._HashMap__newHashTable();
this._nums = nums;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums, key, value);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
rest = P._HashMap__newHashTable();
this._rest = rest;
hash = this._computeHashCode$1(key);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null) {
P._HashMap__setTableEntry(rest, hash, [key, value]);
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
} else {
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket[index + 1] = value;
else {
bucket.push(key, value);
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var keys, $length, i, key;
keys = this._computeKeys$0();
for ($length = keys.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];$2(key, this.$index(this, key));
if (keys !== this._keys)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
_computeKeys$0: function() {
var t1, result, strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0;
t1 = this._keys;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
result = P.List_List(this._collection$_length, null);
strings = this._strings;
if (strings != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
entries = names.length;
for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = names[i];
} else
index = 0;
nums = this._nums;
if (nums != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = +names[i];
rest = this._rest;
if (rest != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
bucket = rest[names[i]];
$length = bucket.length;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) {
result[index] = bucket[i0];
this._keys = result;
return result;
_addHashTableEntry$3: function(table, key, value) {
if (table[key] == null) {
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._keys = null;
P._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value);
_computeHashCode$1: function(key) {
return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
if (J.$eq(bucket[i], key))
return i;
return -1;
$isMap: true,
static: {
_HashMap__setTableEntry: function(table, key, value) {
if (value == null)
table[key] = table;
table[key] = value;
_HashMap__newHashTable: function() {
var table = Object.create(null);
P._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, "<non-identifier-key>", table);
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
return table;
_HashMap_values_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(each) {
var t1 = this.this_0;
return t1.$index(t1, each);
$is_args1: true
HashMapKeyIterable: {"": "IterableBase;_map",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._map._collection$_length;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._map;
return new P.HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0(), 0, null);
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, keys, $length, i;
t1 = this._map;
keys = t1._computeKeys$0();
for ($length = keys.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(keys[i]);
if (keys !== t1._keys)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
$asIterableBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
HashMapKeyIterator: {"": "Object;_map,_keys,_offset,_collection$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var keys, offset, t1;
keys = this._keys;
offset = this._offset;
t1 = this._map;
if (keys !== t1._keys)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (offset >= keys.length) {
this._collection$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._collection$_current = keys[offset];
this._offset = offset + 1;
return true;
_LinkedHashMap: {"": "Object;_collection$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_first,_last,_modifications",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
get$keys: function() {
var t1 = new P.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_LinkedHashMap", 0)]);
return t1;
get$values: function(_) {
var t1 = new P.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_LinkedHashMap", 0)]);
return H.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new P._LinkedHashMap_values_closure(this), H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t1, "IterableBase", 0), null);
containsKey$1: function(key) {
var strings, nums, rest;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
return false;
return strings[key] != null;
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
return false;
return nums[key] != null;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(key)], key) >= 0;
$index: function(_, key) {
var strings, cell, nums, rest, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
cell = strings[key];
return cell == null ? null : cell.get$_collection$_value();
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
cell = nums[key];
return cell == null ? null : cell.get$_collection$_value();
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
return bucket[index].get$_collection$_value();
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
var strings, nums, rest, hash, bucket, index;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
strings = P._LinkedHashMap__newHashTable();
this._strings = strings;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings, key, value);
} else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null) {
nums = P._LinkedHashMap__newHashTable();
this._nums = nums;
this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums, key, value);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
rest = P._LinkedHashMap__newHashTable();
this._rest = rest;
hash = this._computeHashCode$1(key);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)];
else {
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index >= 0)
bucket.push(this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
remove$1: function(_, key) {
var rest, bucket, index, cell;
if (typeof key === "string" && key !== "__proto__")
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._strings, key);
else if (typeof key === "number" && (key & 0x3ffffff) === key)
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._nums, key);
else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
if (index < 0)
cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
return cell.get$_collection$_value();
clear$0: function(_) {
if (this._collection$_length > 0) {
this._last = null;
this._first = null;
this._rest = null;
this._nums = null;
this._strings = null;
this._collection$_length = 0;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var cell, modifications;
cell = this._first;
modifications = this._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$2(cell.get$_key(), cell._collection$_value);
if (modifications !== this._modifications)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
cell = cell._next;
_addHashTableEntry$3: function(table, key, value) {
var cell = table[key];
if (cell == null)
table[key] = this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value);
_removeHashTableEntry$2: function(table, key) {
var cell;
if (table == null)
cell = table[key];
if (cell == null)
delete table[key];
return cell.get$_collection$_value();
_newLinkedCell$2: function(key, value) {
var cell, last;
cell = new P.LinkedHashMapCell(key, value, null, null);
if (this._first == null) {
this._last = cell;
this._first = cell;
} else {
last = this._last;
cell._previous = last;
this._last = cell;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
return cell;
_unlinkCell$1: function(cell) {
var previous, next;
previous = cell.get$_previous();
next = cell.get$_next();
if (previous == null)
this._first = next;
if (next == null)
this._last = previous;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length - 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
_computeHashCode$1: function(key) {
return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3ffffff;
_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, key) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (J.$eq(bucket[i].get$_key(), key))
return i;
return -1;
toString$0: function(_) {
return P.Maps_mapToString(this);
$isMap: true,
static: {
_LinkedHashMap__newHashTable: function() {
var table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
return table;
_LinkedHashMap_values_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0",
call$1: function(each) {
var t1 = this.this_0;
return t1.$index(t1, each);
$is_args1: true
LinkedHashMapCell: {"": "Object;_key<,_collection$_value@,_next@,_previous@"},
LinkedHashMapKeyIterable: {"": "IterableBase;_map",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._map._collection$_length;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this._map;
t1 = new P.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._modifications, null, null);
t1._cell = t1._map._first;
return t1;
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, cell, modifications;
t1 = this._map;
cell = t1._first;
modifications = t1._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$1(cell.get$_key());
if (modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
cell = cell._next;
$asIterableBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
LinkedHashMapKeyIterator: {"": "Object;_map,_modifications,_cell,_collection$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._map;
if (this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else {
t1 = this._cell;
if (t1 == null) {
this._collection$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._collection$_current = t1.get$_key();
this._cell = this._cell.get$_next();
return true;
_HashSet: {"": "_HashSetBase;",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return new P.HashSetIterator(this, this._computeElements$0(), 0, null);
get$length: function(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
contains$1: function(_, object) {
var strings, nums, rest;
if (typeof object === "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
return strings == null ? false : strings[object] != null;
} else if (typeof object === "number" && (object & 0x3ffffff) === object) {
nums = this._nums;
return nums == null ? false : nums[object] != null;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
lookup$1: function(object) {
var t1, rest, bucket, index;
if (!(typeof object === "string" && object !== "__proto__"))
t1 = typeof object === "number" && (object & 0x3ffffff) === object;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return this.contains$1(this, object) ? object : null;
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return J.$index$asx(bucket, index);
add$1: function(_, element) {
var strings, table, rest, hash, bucket;
if (typeof element === "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._strings = table;
strings = table;
return this._addHashTableEntry$2(strings, element);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._rest = table;
rest = table;
hash = this._computeHashCode$1(element);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [element];
else {
if (this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
return false;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._elements = null;
return true;
remove$1: function(_, object) {
var rest, bucket, index;
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return false;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length - 1;
this._elements = null;
bucket.splice(index, 1);
return true;
_computeElements$0: function() {
var t1, result, strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0;
t1 = this._elements;
if (t1 != null)
return t1;
result = P.List_List(this._collection$_length, null);
strings = this._strings;
if (strings != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
entries = names.length;
for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = names[i];
} else
index = 0;
nums = this._nums;
if (nums != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
result[index] = +names[i];
rest = this._rest;
if (rest != null) {
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
entries = names.length;
for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
bucket = rest[names[i]];
$length = bucket.length;
for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; ++i0) {
result[index] = bucket[i0];
this._elements = result;
return result;
_addHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {
if (table[element] != null)
return false;
table[element] = 0;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._elements = null;
return true;
_computeHashCode$1: function(element) {
return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 0x3ffffff;
_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, element) {
var $length, i;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
if (J.$eq(bucket[i], element))
return i;
return -1;
$as_HashSetBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
_IdentityHashSet: {"": "_HashSet;_collection$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_elements",
_computeHashCode$1: function(key) {
return H.objectHashCode(key) & 0x3ffffff;
_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, element) {
var $length, i, t1;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = bucket[i];
if (t1 == null ? element == null : t1 === element)
return i;
return -1;
$as_HashSet: null
HashSetIterator: {"": "Object;_set,_elements,_offset,_collection$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var elements, offset, t1;
elements = this._elements;
offset = this._offset;
t1 = this._set;
if (elements !== t1._elements)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else if (offset >= elements.length) {
this._collection$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._collection$_current = elements[offset];
this._offset = offset + 1;
return true;
_LinkedHashSet: {"": "_HashSetBase;_collection$_length,_strings,_nums,_rest,_first,_last,_modifications",
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = new P.LinkedHashSetIterator(this, this._modifications, null, null);
t1._cell = t1._set._first;
return t1;
get$length: function(_) {
return this._collection$_length;
contains$1: function(_, object) {
var strings, nums, rest;
if (typeof object === "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null)
return false;
return strings[object] != null;
} else if (typeof object === "number" && (object & 0x3ffffff) === object) {
nums = this._nums;
if (nums == null)
return false;
return nums[object] != null;
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
lookup$1: function(object) {
var t1, rest, bucket, index;
if (!(typeof object === "string" && object !== "__proto__"))
t1 = typeof object === "number" && (object & 0x3ffffff) === object;
t1 = true;
if (t1)
return this.contains$1(this, object) ? object : null;
else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return J.$index$asx(bucket, index).get$_collection$_element();
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var cell, modifications;
cell = this._first;
modifications = this._modifications;
for (; cell != null;) {$1(cell.get$_collection$_element());
if (modifications !== this._modifications)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(this));
cell = cell._next;
add$1: function(_, element) {
var strings, table, rest, hash, bucket;
if (typeof element === "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
strings = this._strings;
if (strings == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._strings = table;
strings = table;
return this._addHashTableEntry$2(strings, element);
} else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null) {
table = Object.create(null);
table["<non-identifier-key>"] = table;
delete table["<non-identifier-key>"];
this._rest = table;
rest = table;
hash = this._computeHashCode$1(element);
bucket = rest[hash];
if (bucket == null)
rest[hash] = [this._newLinkedCell$1(element)];
else {
if (this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
return false;
return true;
addAll$1: function(_, objects) {
var t1;
for (t1 = new P.LinkedHashSetIterator(objects, objects._modifications, null, null), t1._cell = t1._set._first; t1.moveNext$0();)
this.add$1(this, t1._collection$_current);
remove$1: function(_, object) {
var rest, bucket, index;
if (object !== "__proto__")
return this._removeHashTableEntry$2(this._strings, object);
else {
rest = this._rest;
if (rest == null)
return false;
bucket = rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)];
index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
if (index < 0)
return false;
this._unlinkCell$1(bucket.splice(index, 1)[0]);
return true;
_addHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {
if (table[element] != null)
return false;
table[element] = this._newLinkedCell$1(element);
return true;
_removeHashTableEntry$2: function(table, element) {
var cell;
if (table == null)
return false;
cell = table[element];
if (cell == null)
return false;
delete table[element];
return true;
_newLinkedCell$1: function(element) {
var cell, last;
cell = new P.LinkedHashSetCell(element, null, null);
if (this._first == null) {
this._last = cell;
this._first = cell;
} else {
last = this._last;
cell._previous = last;
this._last = cell;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length + 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
return cell;
_unlinkCell$1: function(cell) {
var previous, next;
previous = cell.get$_previous();
next = cell.get$_next();
if (previous == null)
this._first = next;
if (next == null)
this._last = previous;
this._collection$_length = this._collection$_length - 1;
this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 67108863;
_computeHashCode$1: function(element) {
return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 0x3ffffff;
_findBucketIndex$2: function(bucket, element) {
var $length, i, t1;
if (bucket == null)
return -1;
$length = bucket.length;
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
t1 = bucket[i].get$_collection$_element();
if (t1 == null ? element == null : t1 === element)
return i;
return -1;
$as_HashSetBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
LinkedHashSetCell: {"": "Object;_collection$_element<,_next@,_previous@"},
LinkedHashSetIterator: {"": "Object;_set,_modifications,_cell,_collection$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._set;
if (this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
else {
t1 = this._cell;
if (t1 == null) {
this._collection$_current = null;
return false;
} else {
this._collection$_current = t1.get$_collection$_element();
this._cell = this._cell.get$_next();
return true;
_HashSetBase: {"": "IterableBase;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return H.IterableMixinWorkaround_toStringIterable(this, "{", "}");
$asIterableBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
IterableBase: {"": "Object;",
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1;
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)$1(t1.get$current());
join$1: function(_, separator) {
var iterator, buffer, t1;
iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
return "";
buffer = P.StringBuffer$("");
if (separator === "")
do {
t1 = H.S(iterator.get$current());
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + t1;
} while (iterator.moveNext$0());
else {
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + separator;
t1 = H.S(iterator.get$current());
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + t1;
return buffer._contents;
toList$1$growable: function(_, growable) {
return P.List_List$from(this, growable, H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "IterableBase", 0));
toList$0: function($receiver) {
return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
get$length: function(_) {
var it, count;
it = this.get$iterator(this);
for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)
return count;
elementAt$1: function(_, index) {
var t1, remaining, element;
if (index < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), remaining = index; t1.moveNext$0();) {
element = t1.get$current();
if (remaining === 0)
return element;
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$value(index));
toString$0: function(_) {
return P._iterableToString(this);
ListBase: {"": "Object+ListMixin;", $isList: true, $asList: null, $isEfficientLength: true},
ListMixin: {"": "Object;",
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return new H.ListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver), 0, null);
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
return this.$index(receiver, index);
forEach$1: function(receiver, action) {
var $length, i;
$length = this.get$length(receiver);
for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {$1(this.$index(receiver, i));
if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
throw H.wrapException(P.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
where$1: function(receiver, test) {
var t1 = new H.WhereIterable(receiver, test);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(receiver, "ListMixin", 0)]);
return t1;
add$1: function(receiver, element) {
var t1 = this.get$length(receiver);
this.set$length(receiver, t1 + 1);
this.$indexSet(receiver, t1, element);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var result, t1;
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
if (t1.contains$1(t1, receiver))
return "[...]";
result = P.StringBuffer$("");
try {
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
t1.add$1(t1, receiver);
result.writeAll$2(receiver, ", ");
} finally {
t1 = $.get$_toStringVisiting();
t1.remove$1(t1, receiver);
return result.get$_contents();
$isList: true,
$asList: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
Maps_mapToString_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0,result_1",
call$2: function(k, v) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
if (!t1.first_0)
this.result_1.write$1(", ");
t1.first_0 = false;
t1 = this.result_1;
t1.write$1(": ");
$is_args2: true
ListQueue: {"": "IterableBase;_table,_head,_tail,_modificationCount",
get$iterator: function(_) {
return P._ListQueueIterator$(this);
forEach$1: function(_, action) {
var modificationCount, i, t1;
modificationCount = this._modificationCount;
for (i = this._head; i !== this._tail; i = (i + 1 & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0) {
t1 = this._table;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, i);$1(t1[i]);
if (modificationCount !== this._modificationCount)
get$length: function(_) {
return (this._tail - this._head & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
add$1: function(_, element) {
toString$0: function(_) {
return H.IterableMixinWorkaround_toStringIterable(this, "{", "}");
removeFirst$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3, result;
if (this._head === this._tail)
throw H.wrapException(P.StateError$("No elements"));
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._head;
t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3)
throw H.ioore(t1, t2);
result = t1[t2];
this._head = (t2 + 1 & t3 - 1) >>> 0;
return result;
_add$1: function(element) {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._tail;
t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3)
throw H.ioore(t1, t2);
t1[t2] = element;
this._tail = (t2 + 1 & t3 - 1) >>> 0;
if (this._head === this._tail)
this._modificationCount = this._modificationCount + 1;
_grow$0: function() {
var newTable, t1, t2, split;
newTable = P.List_List(this._table.length * 2, H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "ListQueue", 0));
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(newTable, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "ListQueue", 0)]);
t1 = this._table;
t2 = this._head;
split = t1.length - t2;
H.IterableMixinWorkaround_setRangeList(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2);
t1 = this._head;
t2 = this._table;
H.IterableMixinWorkaround_setRangeList(newTable, split, split + t1, t2, 0);
this._head = 0;
this._tail = this._table.length;
this._table = newTable;
ListQueue$1: function(initialCapacity, $E) {
var t1 = P.List_List(8, $E);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$E]);
this._table = t1;
$asIterableBase: null,
$isEfficientLength: true,
static: {
"": "ListQueue__INITIAL_CAPACITY",
ListQueue$: function(initialCapacity, $E) {
var t1 = new P.ListQueue(null, 0, 0, 0);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$E]);
t1.ListQueue$1(initialCapacity, $E);
return t1;
_ListQueueIterator: {"": "Object;_queue,_end,_modificationCount,_collection$_position,_collection$_current",
get$current: function() {
return this._collection$_current;
moveNext$0: function() {
var t1, t2, t3;
t1 = this._queue;
if (this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount)
t2 = this._collection$_position;
if (t2 === this._end) {
this._collection$_current = null;
return false;
t3 = t1._table;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3.length)
throw H.ioore(t3, t2);
this._collection$_current = t3[t2];
this._collection$_position = (this._collection$_position + 1 & t1._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
return true;
static: {
_ListQueueIterator$: function(queue) {
return new P._ListQueueIterator(queue, queue._tail, queue._modificationCount, queue._head, null);
["dart.core", "dart:core", , P, {
_symbolToString: function(symbol) {
return H.Symbol_getName(symbol);
Error_safeToString: function(object) {
var buffer, t1, i, codeUnit, t2, charCodes;
if (typeof object === "number" || typeof object === "boolean" || null == object)
return J.toString$0(object);
if (typeof object === "string") {
buffer = new P.StringBuffer("");
buffer._contents = "\"";
for (t1 = object.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
codeUnit = C.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(object, i);
if (codeUnit <= 31)
if (codeUnit === 10)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\n";
else if (codeUnit === 13)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\r";
else if (codeUnit === 9)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\t";
else {
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\x";
if (codeUnit < 16)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "0";
else {
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "1";
codeUnit -= 16;
t2 = codeUnit < 10 ? 48 + codeUnit : 87 + codeUnit;
charCodes = P.List_List$filled(1, t2, J.JSInt);
charCodes.$builtinTypeInfo = [J.JSInt];
t2 = H.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes);
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + t2;
else if (codeUnit === 92)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\\\";
else if (codeUnit === 34)
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\\\"";
else {
charCodes = P.List_List$filled(1, codeUnit, J.JSInt);
charCodes.$builtinTypeInfo = [J.JSInt];
t2 = H.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes);
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + t2;
buffer._contents = buffer._contents + "\"";
return buffer._contents;
return "Instance of '" + H.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + "'";
Exception_Exception: function(message) {
return new P._ExceptionImplementation(message);
identical: function(a, b) {
return a == null ? b == null : a === b;
identityHashCode: function(object) {
return H.objectHashCode(object);
List_List: function($length, $E) {
if ($length == null)
return new Array(0);
if (typeof $length !== "number" || Math.floor($length) !== $length || $length < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$("Length must be a positive integer: " + H.S($length) + "."));
return H.Primitives_newFixedList($length);
List_List$filled: function($length, fill, $E) {
var result, t1, i;
if ($length < 0)
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$("Length must be a positive integer: " + $length + "."));
result = H.Primitives_newFixedList($length);
if ($length !== 0 && true)
for (t1 = result.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
result[i] = fill;
return result;
List_List$from: function(other, growable, $E) {
var list, t1, $length, fixedList, i;
list = P.List_List(null, $E);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(list, [$E]);
for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(other); t1.moveNext$0();)
if (growable)
return list;
$length = list.length;
fixedList = P.List_List($length, $E);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(fixedList, [$E]);
for (t1 = list.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
if (i >= t1)
throw H.ioore(list, i);
fixedList[i] = list[i];
return fixedList;
print: function(object) {
var line = J.toString$0(object);
NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure: {"": "Closure;box_0",
call$2: function(key, value) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
if (t1.i_1 > 0)
t1.sb_0.write$1(", ");
$is_args2: true
Duration: {"": "Object;_duration",
$lt: function(_, other) {
return C.JSNumber_methods.$lt(this._duration, other.get$_duration());
$gt: function(_, other) {
return C.JSNumber_methods.$gt(this._duration, other.get$_duration());
$ge: function(_, other) {
return C.JSNumber_methods.$ge(this._duration, other.get$_duration());
$eq: function(_, other) {
var t1;
if (other == null)
return false;
t1 = J.getInterceptor(other);
if (typeof other !== "object" || other === null || !t1.$isDuration)
return false;
return this._duration === other._duration;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return this._duration & 0x1FFFFFFF;
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2, twoDigitMinutes, twoDigitSeconds, sixDigitUs;
t1 = new P.Duration_toString_twoDigits();
t2 = this._duration;
if (t2 < 0)
return "-" + H.S(P.Duration$(0, 0, -t2, 0, 0, 0));
twoDigitMinutes =$1(C.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(C.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(t2, 60000000), 60));
twoDigitSeconds =$1(C.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(C.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(t2, 1000000), 60));
sixDigitUs = new P.Duration_toString_sixDigits().call$1(C.JSNumber_methods.remainder$1(t2, 1000000));
return H.S(C.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(t2, 3600000000)) + ":" + H.S(twoDigitMinutes) + ":" + H.S(twoDigitSeconds) + "." + H.S(sixDigitUs);
$isDuration: true,
static: {
Duration$: function(days, hours, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, seconds) {
return new P.Duration(days * 86400000000 + hours * 3600000000 + minutes * 60000000 + seconds * 1000000 + milliseconds * 1000 + microseconds);
Duration_toString_sixDigits: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(n) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor$n(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 100000))
return H.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 10000))
return "0" + H.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 1000))
return "00" + H.S(n);
if (t1.$ge(n, 100))
return "000" + H.S(n);
if (t1.$gt(n, 10))
return "0000" + H.S(n);
return "00000" + H.S(n);
$is_args1: true
Duration_toString_twoDigits: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(n) {
if (J.$ge$n(n, 10))
return H.S(n);
return "0" + H.S(n);
$is_args1: true
Error: {"": "Object;",
get$stackTrace: function() {
return new H._StackTrace(this.$thrownJsError, null);
$isError: true
NullThrownError: {"": "Error;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Throw of null.";
ArgumentError: {"": "Error;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
if (t1 != null)
return "Illegal argument(s): " + H.S(t1);
return "Illegal argument(s)";
static: {
ArgumentError$: function(message) {
return new P.ArgumentError(message);
RangeError: {"": "ArgumentError;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "RangeError: " + H.S(this.message);
static: {
RangeError$value: function(value) {
return new P.RangeError("value " + H.S(value));
RangeError$range: function(value, start, end) {
return new P.RangeError("value " + H.S(value) + " not in range " + start + ".." + H.S(end));
UnsupportedError: {"": "Error;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message;
static: {
UnsupportedError$: function(message) {
return new P.UnsupportedError(message);
UnimplementedError: {"": "Error;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
return t1 != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + H.S(t1) : "UnimplementedError";
$isError: true,
static: {
UnimplementedError$: function(message) {
return new P.UnimplementedError(message);
StateError: {"": "Error;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Bad state: " + this.message;
static: {
StateError$: function(message) {
return new P.StateError(message);
ConcurrentModificationError: {"": "Error;modifiedObject",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.modifiedObject;
if (t1 == null)
return "Concurrent modification during iteration.";
return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + H.S(P.Error_safeToString(t1)) + ".";
static: {
ConcurrentModificationError$: function(modifiedObject) {
return new P.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);
StackOverflowError: {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Stack Overflow";
get$stackTrace: function() {
$isError: true
CyclicInitializationError: {"": "Error;variableName",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Reading static variable '" + this.variableName + "' during its initialization";
static: {
CyclicInitializationError$: function(variableName) {
return new P.CyclicInitializationError(variableName);
_ExceptionImplementation: {"": "Object;message",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.message;
if (t1 == null)
return "Exception";
return "Exception: " + H.S(t1);
Expando: {"": "Object;name",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "Expando:" + H.S(;
$index: function(_, object) {
var values = H.Primitives_getProperty(object, "expando$values");
return values == null ? null : H.Primitives_getProperty(values, this._getKey$0());
$indexSet: function(_, object, value) {
var values = H.Primitives_getProperty(object, "expando$values");
if (values == null) {
values = new P.Object();
H.Primitives_setProperty(object, "expando$values", values);
H.Primitives_setProperty(values, this._getKey$0(), value);
_getKey$0: function() {
var key, t1;
key = H.Primitives_getProperty(this, "expando$key");
if (key == null) {
t1 = $.Expando__keyCount;
$.Expando__keyCount = t1 + 1;
key = "expando$key$" + t1;
H.Primitives_setProperty(this, "expando$key", key);
return key;
static: {
"": "Expando__KEY_PROPERTY_NAME,Expando__EXPANDO_PROPERTY_NAME,Expando__keyCount",
Function: {"": "Object;"},
Iterator: {"": "Object;"},
Null: {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
return "null";
Object: {"": ";",
$eq: function(_, other) {
return this === other;
get$hashCode: function(_) {
return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
toString$0: function(_) {
return H.Primitives_objectToString(this);
StackTrace: {"": "Object;"},
StringBuffer: {"": "Object;_contents<",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._contents.length;
write$1: function(obj) {
var str = typeof obj === "string" ? obj : H.S(obj);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
writeAll$2: function(objects, separator) {
var iterator, str;
iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(objects);
if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
if (separator.length === 0)
do {
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : H.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
} while (iterator.moveNext$0());
else {
for (; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
this._contents = this._contents + separator;
str = iterator.get$current();
str = typeof str === "string" ? str : H.S(str);
this._contents = this._contents + str;
toString$0: function(_) {
return this._contents;
StringBuffer$1: function($content) {
this._contents = $content;
static: {
StringBuffer$: function($content) {
var t1 = new P.StringBuffer("");
return t1;
Symbol: {"": "Object;"}}],
["dart.dom.html", "dart:html", , W, {
_wrapZone: function(callback) {
var t1 = $.Zone__current;
if (t1 === C.C__RootZone)
return callback;
return t1.bindUnaryCallback$2$runGuarded(callback, true);
HtmlElement: {"": "Element;", "%": "HTMLAppletElement|HTMLAreaElement|HTMLBRElement|HTMLBaseElement|HTMLBaseFontElement|HTMLBodyElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLContentElement|HTMLDListElement|HTMLDataListElement|HTMLDetailsElement|HTMLDialogElement|HTMLDirectoryElement|HTMLDivElement|HTMLFontElement|HTMLFrameElement|HTMLFrameSetElement|HTMLHRElement|HTMLHeadElement|HTMLHeadingElement|HTMLHtmlElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLLabelElement|HTMLLegendElement|HTMLLinkElement|HTMLMarqueeElement|HTMLMenuElement|HTMLModElement|HTMLOListElement|HTMLOptGroupElement|HTMLParagraphElement|HTMLPreElement|HTMLQuoteElement|HTMLScriptElement|HTMLShadowElement|HTMLSourceElement|HTMLSpanElement|HTMLStyleElement|HTMLTableCaptionElement|HTMLTableCellElement|HTMLTableColElement|HTMLTableDataCellElement|HTMLTableElement|HTMLTableHeaderCellElement|HTMLTableRowElement|HTMLTableSectionElement|HTMLTemplateElement|HTMLTitleElement|HTMLTrackElement|HTMLUListElement|HTMLUnknownElement;HTMLElement"},
AnchorElement: {"": "HtmlElement;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
"%": "HTMLAnchorElement"
ButtonElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=,value=", "%": "HTMLButtonElement"},
CharacterData: {"": "Node;length=", "%": "CDATASection|CharacterData|Comment|ProcessingInstruction|Text"},
Document: {"": "Node;",
get$onInput: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._EventStream(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_input._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
get$onKeyUp: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._EventStream(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_keyup._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
"%": "Document|HTMLDocument|SVGDocument"
DomException: {"": "Interceptor;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
"%": "DOMException"
Element: {"": "Node;className%",
get$classes: function(receiver) {
return new W._ElementCssClassSet(receiver);
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.localName;
get$onInput: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._ElementEventStreamImpl(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_input._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
get$onKeyUp: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._ElementEventStreamImpl(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_keyup._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
$isElement: true,
"%": ";Element"
EmbedElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLEmbedElement"},
ErrorEvent: {"": "Event;error=", "%": "ErrorEvent"},
Event: {"": "Interceptor;", "%": "AudioProcessingEvent|AutocompleteErrorEvent|BeforeLoadEvent|BeforeUnloadEvent|CSSFontFaceLoadEvent|CloseEvent|CustomEvent|DeviceMotionEvent|DeviceOrientationEvent|HashChangeEvent|IDBVersionChangeEvent|MIDIConnectionEvent|MIDIMessageEvent|MediaKeyEvent|MediaKeyMessageEvent|MediaKeyNeededEvent|MediaStreamEvent|MediaStreamTrackEvent|MessageEvent|MutationEvent|OfflineAudioCompletionEvent|OverflowEvent|PageTransitionEvent|PopStateEvent|ProgressEvent|RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent|RTCDataChannelEvent|RTCIceCandidateEvent|ResourceProgressEvent|SecurityPolicyViolationEvent|SpeechInputEvent|SpeechRecognitionEvent|SpeechSynthesisEvent|StorageEvent|TrackEvent|TransitionEvent|WebGLContextEvent|WebKitAnimationEvent|WebKitTransitionEvent|XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent;Event"},
EventTarget: {"": "Interceptor;",
addEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.addEventListener(type, H.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
removeEventListener$3: function(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
return receiver.removeEventListener(type, H.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), useCapture);
"%": "MediaStream;EventTarget"
FieldSetElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLFieldSetElement"},
FormElement: {"": "HtmlElement;length=,name=", "%": "HTMLFormElement"},
IFrameElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLIFrameElement"},
InputElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=,value=", $isElement: true, "%": "HTMLInputElement"},
KeyboardEvent: {"": "UIEvent;", "%": "KeyboardEvent"},
KeygenElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLKeygenElement"},
LIElement: {"": "HtmlElement;value=", "%": "HTMLLIElement"},
MapElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLMapElement"},
MediaElement: {"": "HtmlElement;error=", "%": "HTMLAudioElement|HTMLMediaElement|HTMLVideoElement"},
MetaElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLMetaElement"},
MeterElement: {"": "HtmlElement;value=", "%": "HTMLMeterElement"},
Node: {"": "EventTarget;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
var t1 = receiver.nodeValue;
return t1 == null ? J.Interceptor.prototype.toString$, receiver) : t1;
"%": "DocumentFragment|DocumentType|Entity|Notation|ShadowRoot;Node"
NodeList: {"": "Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
var t1 = receiver.length;
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(index, 0, t1));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length)
throw H.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$asList: function() {
return [W.Node];
$isList: true,
$isEfficientLength: true,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: true,
"%": "NodeList|RadioNodeList"
ObjectElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=", "%": "HTMLObjectElement"},
OptionElement: {"": "HtmlElement;value=", "%": "HTMLOptionElement"},
OutputElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=,value=", "%": "HTMLOutputElement"},
ParamElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=,value=", "%": "HTMLParamElement"},
ProgressElement: {"": "HtmlElement;value=", "%": "HTMLProgressElement"},
SelectElement: {"": "HtmlElement;length=,name=,value=", "%": "HTMLSelectElement"},
SpeechRecognitionError: {"": "Event;error=", "%": "SpeechRecognitionError"},
TextAreaElement: {"": "HtmlElement;name=,value=", "%": "HTMLTextAreaElement"},
UIEvent: {"": "Event;", "%": "CompositionEvent|DragEvent|FocusEvent|MSPointerEvent|MouseEvent|MouseScrollEvent|MouseWheelEvent|PointerEvent|SVGZoomEvent|TextEvent|TouchEvent|WheelEvent;UIEvent"},
Window: {"": "EventTarget;",
toString$0: function(receiver) {
return receiver.toString();
get$onInput: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._EventStream(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_input._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
get$onKeyUp: function(receiver) {
var t1 = new W._EventStream(receiver, C.EventStreamProvider_keyup._eventType, false);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
"%": "DOMWindow|Window"
_Attr: {"": "Node;name=,value=", "%": "Attr"},
_NamedNodeMap: {"": "Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin0;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return receiver.length;
$index: function(receiver, index) {
var t1 = receiver.length;
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1)
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(index, 0, t1));
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
set$length: function(receiver, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
elementAt$1: function(receiver, index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length)
throw H.ioore(receiver, index);
return receiver[index];
$asList: function() {
return [W.Node];
$isList: true,
$isEfficientLength: true,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: true,
"%": "MozNamedAttrMap|NamedNodeMap"
_FrozenElementList: {"": "ListBase;_nodeList,_elementList",
get$length: function(_) {
return this._nodeList.length;
$index: function(_, index) {
var t1 = this._nodeList;
if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1.length)
throw H.ioore(t1, index);
return t1[index];
$indexSet: function(_, index, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify list"));
set$length: function(_, newLength) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify list"));
get$classes: function(_) {
return W._MultiElementCssClassSet$(this._elementList);
get$onInput: function(_) {
var t1 = new W._ElementListEventStreamImpl(this, false, C.EventStreamProvider_input._eventType);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
get$onKeyUp: function(_) {
var t1 = new W._ElementListEventStreamImpl(this, false, C.EventStreamProvider_keyup._eventType);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null]);
return t1;
_html$_FrozenElementList$_wrap$1: function(_nodeList, $T) {
var t1 = C.NodeList_methods.where$1(this._nodeList, new W._FrozenElementList$_wrap_closure());
this._elementList = P.List_List$from(t1, true, H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t1, "IterableBase", 0));
$asListBase: null,
$asList: null,
$isList: true,
$isEfficientLength: true,
static: {
_FrozenElementList$_wrap: function(_nodeList, $T) {
var t1 = new W._FrozenElementList(_nodeList, null);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
t1._html$_FrozenElementList$_wrap$1(_nodeList, $T);
return t1;
_FrozenElementList$_wrap_closure: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor(e);
return typeof e === "object" && e !== null && !!t1.$isElement;
$is_args1: true
Interceptor_ListMixin: {"": "Interceptor+ListMixin;", $isList: true, $asList: null, $isEfficientLength: true},
Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: {"": "Interceptor_ListMixin+ImmutableListMixin;", $asList: null, $isList: true, $isEfficientLength: true},
Interceptor_ListMixin0: {"": "Interceptor+ListMixin;", $isList: true, $asList: null, $isEfficientLength: true},
Interceptor_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin0: {"": "Interceptor_ListMixin0+ImmutableListMixin;", $asList: null, $isList: true, $isEfficientLength: true},
_AttributeMap: {"": "Object;",
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1, key;
for (t1 = this.get$keys(), t1 = new H.ListIterator(t1, t1.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();) {
key = t1._dev$_current;$2(key, this.$index(this, key));
get$keys: function() {
var attributes, keys, len, i, t1;
attributes = this._element.attributes;
keys = P.List_List(null, J.JSString);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(keys, [J.JSString]);
for (len = attributes.length, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= attributes.length)
throw H.ioore(attributes, i);
t1 = attributes[i];
if (this._matches$1(t1))
return keys;
get$values: function(_) {
var attributes, values, len, i, t1;
attributes = this._element.attributes;
values = P.List_List(null, J.JSString);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(values, [J.JSString]);
for (len = attributes.length, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (i >= attributes.length)
throw H.ioore(attributes, i);
t1 = attributes[i];
if (this._matches$1(t1))
return values;
$isMap: true,
$asMap: function() {
return [J.JSString, J.JSString];
_ElementAttributeMap: {"": "_AttributeMap;_element",
$index: function(_, key) {
return this._element.getAttribute(key);
$indexSet: function(_, key, value) {
this._element.setAttribute(key, value);
get$length: function(_) {
return this.get$keys().length;
_matches$1: function(node) {
return node.namespaceURI == null;
_MultiElementCssClassSet: {"": "CssClassSetImpl;_elementIterable,_elementCssClassSetIterable",
readClasses$0: function() {
var s, t1;
s = P.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(null, null, null, J.JSString);
t1 = this._elementCssClassSetIterable;
t1.forEach$1(t1, new W._MultiElementCssClassSet_readClasses_closure(s));
return s;
writeClasses$1: function(s) {
var classes, t1;
classes = C.JSArray_methods.join$1(P.List_List$from(s, true, null), " ");
for (t1 = this._elementIterable, t1 = new H.ListIterator(t1, t1.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();)
J.set$className$x(t1._dev$_current, classes);
modify$1: function(f) {
var t1 = this._elementCssClassSetIterable;
t1.forEach$1(t1, new W._MultiElementCssClassSet_modify_closure(f));
toggle$2: function(value, shouldAdd) {
return this._modifyWithReturnValue$1(new W._MultiElementCssClassSet_toggle_closure(value, shouldAdd));
_modifyWithReturnValue$1: function(f) {
var t1 = this._elementCssClassSetIterable;
return t1.fold$2(t1, false, new W._MultiElementCssClassSet__modifyWithReturnValue_closure(f));
_MultiElementCssClassSet$1: function(_elementIterable) {
var t1 = new H.MappedListIterable(P.List_List$from(this._elementIterable, true, null), new W._MultiElementCssClassSet_closure());
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [null, null]);
this._elementCssClassSetIterable = t1;
static: {
_MultiElementCssClassSet$: function(_elementIterable) {
var t1 = new W._MultiElementCssClassSet(_elementIterable, null);
return t1;
_MultiElementCssClassSet_closure: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(e) {
return new W._ElementCssClassSet(e);
$is_args1: true
_MultiElementCssClassSet_readClasses_closure: {"": "Closure;s_0",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1 = this.s_0;
return t1.addAll$1(t1, e.readClasses$0());
$is_args1: true
_MultiElementCssClassSet_modify_closure: {"": "Closure;f_0",
call$1: function(e) {
return e.modify$1(this.f_0);
$is_args1: true
_MultiElementCssClassSet_toggle_closure: {"": "Closure;value_0,shouldAdd_1",
call$1: function(e) {
return e.toggle$2(this.value_0, this.shouldAdd_1);
$is_args1: true
_MultiElementCssClassSet__modifyWithReturnValue_closure: {"": "Closure;f_0",
call$2: function(prevValue, element) {
return$1(element) === true || prevValue === true;
$is_args2: true
_ElementCssClassSet: {"": "CssClassSetImpl;_element",
readClasses$0: function() {
var s, t1, trimmed;
s = P.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(null, null, null, J.JSString);
for (t1 = J.get$className$x(this._element).split(" "), t1 = new H.ListIterator(t1, t1.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();) {
trimmed = J.trim$0$s(t1._dev$_current);
if (trimmed.length !== 0)
s.add$1(s, trimmed);
return s;
writeClasses$1: function(s) {
P.List_List$from(s, true, null);
J.set$className$x(this._element, s.join$1(s, " "));
EventStreamProvider: {"": "Object;_eventType"},
_EventStream: {"": "Stream;_html$_target,_eventType,_useCapture",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var t1 = new W._EventStreamSubscription(0, this._html$_target, this._eventType, W._wrapZone(onData), this._useCapture);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(this, "_EventStream", 0)]);
return t1;
listen$1: function(onData) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null);
listen$3$onDone$onError: function(onData, onDone, onError) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
$asStream: null
_ElementEventStreamImpl: {"": "_EventStream;_html$_target,_eventType,_useCapture", $as_EventStream: null},
_ElementListEventStreamImpl: {"": "Stream;_targetList,_useCapture,_eventType",
listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError: function(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
var pool, t1, t2, t3, t4;
pool = W._StreamPool$broadcast(null);
for (t1 = this._targetList, t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = this._eventType, t3 = this._useCapture; t1.moveNext$0();) {
t4 = new W._EventStream(t1._dev$_current, t2, t3);
t4.$builtinTypeInfo = [null];
pool.add$1(pool, t4);
t1 = pool._controller;
t2 = new P._BroadcastStream(t1);
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t2, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t1, "_BroadcastStreamController", 0)]);
return t2.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError);
listen$1: function(onData) {
return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null);
$asStream: null
_EventStreamSubscription: {"": "StreamSubscription;_pauseCount,_html$_target,_eventType,_onData,_useCapture",
cancel$0: function() {
if (this._html$_target == null)
this._html$_target = null;
this._onData = null;
_tryResume$0: function() {
var t1 = this._onData;
if (t1 != null && this._pauseCount <= 0)
J.addEventListener$3$x(this._html$_target, this._eventType, t1, this._useCapture);
_unlisten$0: function() {
var t1 = this._onData;
if (t1 != null)
J.removeEventListener$3$x(this._html$_target, this._eventType, t1, this._useCapture);
$asStreamSubscription: null
_StreamPool: {"": "Object;_controller,_subscriptions",
add$1: function(_, stream) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this._subscriptions;
if (t1.containsKey$1(stream))
t2 = this._controller;
t1.$indexSet(t1, stream, stream.listen$3$onDone$onError(t2.get$add(t2), new W._StreamPool_add_closure(this, stream), t2.get$addError()));
remove$1: function(_, stream) {
var t1, subscription;
t1 = this._subscriptions;
subscription = t1.remove$1(t1, stream);
if (subscription != null)
close$0: function(_) {
var t1, t2, t3;
for (t1 = this._subscriptions, t2 = t1.get$values(t1), t3 = t2._iterable, t3 = t3.get$iterator(t3), t3 = new H.MappedIterator(null, t3, t2._f), H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t3, [H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t2, "MappedIterable", 0), H.getRuntimeTypeArgument(t2, "MappedIterable", 1)]); t3.moveNext$0();)
t1 = this._controller;
get$close: function(_receiver) {
return new H.BoundClosure$i0(this, W._StreamPool.prototype.close$0, _receiver, "close$0");
_html$_StreamPool$broadcast$0: function($T) {
this._controller = P.StreamController_StreamController$broadcast(this.get$close(this), null, true, $T);
static: {
_StreamPool$broadcast: function($T) {
var t1 = new W._StreamPool(null, P.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, [P.Stream, $T], [P.StreamSubscription, $T]));
H.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, [$T]);
return t1;
_StreamPool_add_closure: {"": "Closure;this_0,stream_1",
call$0: function() {
var t1 = this.this_0;
return t1.remove$1(t1, this.stream_1);
ImmutableListMixin: {"": "Object;",
get$iterator: function(receiver) {
return W.FixedSizeListIterator$(receiver);
add$1: function(receiver, value) {
throw H.wrapException(P.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
$isList: true,
$asList: null,
$isEfficientLength: true
FixedSizeListIterator: {"": "Object;_array,_length,_position,_current",
moveNext$0: function() {
var nextPosition, t1;
nextPosition = this._position + 1;
t1 = this._length;
if (nextPosition < t1) {
this._current = J.$index$asx(this._array, nextPosition);
this._position = nextPosition;
return true;
this._current = null;
this._position = t1;
return false;
get$current: function() {
return this._current;
static: {
FixedSizeListIterator$: function(array) {
return new W.FixedSizeListIterator(array, J.get$length$asx(array), -1, null);
["dart.dom.svg", "dart:svg", , P, {
SvgElement: {"": "Element;",
get$classes: function(receiver) {
if (receiver._cssClassSet == null)
receiver._cssClassSet = new P._AttributeClassSet(receiver);
return receiver._cssClassSet;
"%": "SVGAElement|SVGAltGlyphDefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGAltGlyphItemElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimationElement|SVGCircleElement|SVGClipPathElement|SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement|SVGCursorElement|SVGDefsElement|SVGDescElement|SVGElement|SVGEllipseElement|SVGFEBlendElement|SVGFEColorMatrixElement|SVGFEComponentTransferElement|SVGFECompositeElement|SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement|SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement|SVGFEDisplacementMapElement|SVGFEDistantLightElement|SVGFEDropShadowElement|SVGFEFloodElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEGaussianBlurElement|SVGFEImageElement|SVGFEMergeElement|SVGFEMergeNodeElement|SVGFEMorphologyElement|SVGFEOffsetElement|SVGFEPointLightElement|SVGFESpecularLightingElement|SVGFESpotLightElement|SVGFETileElement|SVGFETurbulenceElement|SVGFilterElement|SVGFontElement|SVGFontFaceElement|SVGFontFaceFormatElement|SVGFontFaceNameElement|SVGFontFaceSrcElement|SVGFontFaceUriElement|SVGForeignObjectElement|SVGGElement|SVGGlyphElement|SVGGlyphRefElement|SVGGradientElement|SVGGraphicsElement|SVGHKernElement|SVGImageElement|SVGLineElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGMPathElement|SVGMarkerElement|SVGMaskElement|SVGMetadataElement|SVGMissingGlyphElement|SVGPathElement|SVGPatternElement|SVGPolygonElement|SVGPolylineElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGRectElement|SVGSVGElement|SVGScriptElement|SVGSetElement|SVGStopElement|SVGStyleElement|SVGSwitchElement|SVGSymbolElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTextContentElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTitleElement|SVGUseElement|SVGVKernElement|SVGViewElement"
_AttributeClassSet: {"": "CssClassSetImpl;_svg$_element",
readClasses$0: function() {
var classname, s, t1, trimmed;
classname = new W._ElementAttributeMap(this._svg$_element)._element.getAttribute("class");
s = P.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(null, null, null, J.JSString);
if (classname == null)
return s;
for (t1 = classname.split(" "), t1 = new H.ListIterator(t1, t1.length, 0, null); t1.moveNext$0();) {
trimmed = J.trim$0$s(t1._dev$_current);
if (trimmed.length !== 0)
s.add$1(s, trimmed);
return s;
writeClasses$1: function(s) {
new W._ElementAttributeMap(this._svg$_element)._element.setAttribute("class", s.join$1(s, " "));
["dart.isolate", "dart:isolate", , P, {
ReceivePort: {"": "Object;"}}],
["dart.typed_data", "dart:typed_data", , P, {
TypedData: {"": "Interceptor;",
_invalidIndex$2: function(receiver, index, $length) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor$n(index);
if (t1.$lt(index, 0) || t1.$ge(index, $length))
throw H.wrapException(P.RangeError$range(index, 0, $length));
throw H.wrapException(P.ArgumentError$("Invalid list index " + H.S(index)));
"%": ";ArrayBufferView;TypedData_ListMixin|TypedData_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin"
Uint8List: {"": "TypedData_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin;",
get$length: function(receiver) {
return C.JS_CONST_ZYJ(receiver);
$index: function(receiver, index) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = C.JS_CONST_ZYJ(receiver);
if (!(index >>> 0 != index)) {
if (typeof index !== "number")
throw index.$ge();
t2 = index >= t1;
} else
t2 = true;
if (t2)
this._invalidIndex$2(receiver, index, t1);
return receiver[index];
$indexSet: function(receiver, index, value) {
var t1 = C.JS_CONST_ZYJ(receiver);
if (index >>> 0 != index || J.$ge$n(index, t1))
this._invalidIndex$2(receiver, index, t1);
receiver[index] = value;
$asList: function() {
return [J.JSInt];
$isList: true,
$isEfficientLength: true,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: true,
"%": ";Uint8Array"
TypedData_ListMixin: {"": "TypedData+ListMixin;", $isList: true, $asList: null, $isEfficientLength: true},
TypedData_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: {"": "TypedData_ListMixin+FixedLengthListMixin;", $asList: null}}],
["html_common", "dart:html_common", , P, {
CssClassSetImpl: {"": "Object;",
toString$0: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.join$1(t1, " ");
toggle$2: function(value, shouldAdd) {
var s, result;
s = this.readClasses$0();
if (shouldAdd) {
s.add$1(s, value);
result = true;
} else {
s.remove$1(s, value);
result = false;
return result;
get$iterator: function(_) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
t1 = new P.LinkedHashSetIterator(t1, t1._modifications, null, null);
t1._cell = t1._set._first;
return t1;
forEach$1: function(_, f) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
t1.forEach$1(t1, f);
get$length: function(_) {
return this.readClasses$0()._collection$_length;
lookup$1: function(value) {
var t1 = this.readClasses$0();
return t1.contains$1(t1, value) ? value : null;
add$1: function(_, value) {
return this.modify$1(new P.CssClassSetImpl_add_closure(value));
modify$1: function(f) {
var s, ret;
s = this.readClasses$0();
ret =$1(s);
return ret;
$isEfficientLength: true
CssClassSetImpl_add_closure: {"": "Closure;value_0",
call$1: function(s) {
return J.add$1$ax(s, this.value_0);
$is_args1: true
["", "paravictor.dart", , S, {
main: function() {
var t1 = W._FrozenElementList$_wrap(document.querySelectorAll("input:not([value]),input[value='']"), null);
t1.forEach$1(t1, new S.main_closure());
t1 = W._FrozenElementList$_wrap(document.querySelectorAll("input"), null);
t1.forEach$1(t1, new S.main_closure0());
main_closure: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1 = J.get$classes$x(e);
return t1.add$1(t1, "empty");
$is_args1: true
main_closure0: {"": "Closure;",
call$1: function(e) {
var t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(e);
t1.get$onInput(e).listen$1(new S.main__closure(e));
t1.get$onKeyUp(e).listen$1(new S.main__closure0(e));
$is_args1: true
main__closure: {"": "Closure;e_0",
call$1: function(ev) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.e_0;
t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
t2.get$classes(t1).toggle$2("empty", t2.get$value(t1) === "");
$is_args1: true
main__closure0: {"": "Closure;e_1",
call$1: function(ev) {
var t1, t2;
t1 = this.e_1;
t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
t2.get$classes(t1).toggle$2("empty", t2.get$value(t1) === "");
$is_args1: true
Isolate.$finishClasses($$, $, null);
$$ = null;
// Static function getters
init.globalFunctions.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage$closure = H.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage$closure = new H.Closure$2(H.IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage, "IsolateNatives__processWorkerMessage$closure");
init.globalFunctions.toStringWrapper$closure = H.toStringWrapper$closure = new H.Closure$0(H.toStringWrapper, "toStringWrapper$closure");
init.globalFunctions.invokeClosure$closure = H.invokeClosure$closure = new H.Closure$7(H.invokeClosure, "invokeClosure$closure");
init.globalFunctions._asyncRunCallback$closure = P._asyncRunCallback$closure = new H.Closure$0(P._asyncRunCallback, "_asyncRunCallback$closure");
init.globalFunctions._nullDataHandler$closure = P._nullDataHandler$closure = new P.Closure$1(P._nullDataHandler, "_nullDataHandler$closure");
init.globalFunctions._nullErrorHandler$closure = P._nullErrorHandler$closure = new P.Closure$20(P._nullErrorHandler, "_nullErrorHandler$closure");
init.globalFunctions._nullDoneHandler$closure = P._nullDoneHandler$closure = new H.Closure$0(P._nullDoneHandler, "_nullDoneHandler$closure");
init.globalFunctions._defaultEquals$closure = P._defaultEquals$closure = new H.Closure$2(P._defaultEquals, "_defaultEquals$closure");
init.globalFunctions._defaultHashCode$closure = P._defaultHashCode$closure = new P.Closure$1(P._defaultHashCode, "_defaultHashCode$closure");
init.globalFunctions.identical$closure = P.identical$closure = new H.Closure$2(P.identical, "identical$closure");
init.globalFunctions.identityHashCode$closure = P.identityHashCode$closure = new P.Closure$1(P.identityHashCode, "identityHashCode$closure");
init.globalFunctions.main$closure = S.main$closure = new H.Closure$0(S.main, "main$closure");
// Runtime type support
W.Node.$isObject = true;
J.JSInt.$isint = true;
J.JSInt.$isObject = true;
J.JSString.$isString = true;
J.JSString.$isObject = true;
J.JSNumber.$isObject = true;
P.Duration.$isObject = true;
W.KeyboardEvent.$isObject = true;
P.Stream.$isStream = true;
P.Stream.$isObject = true;
P.StreamSubscription.$isStreamSubscription = true;
P.StreamSubscription.$isObject = true;
W.Event.$isObject = true;
P.ReceivePort.$isStream = true;
P.ReceivePort.$asStream = [null];
P.ReceivePort.$isObject = true;
H._IsolateEvent.$isObject = true;
H._IsolateContext.$isObject = true;
J.JSArray.$isObject = true;
W.Element.$isElement = true;
W.Element.$isObject = true;
W.InputElement.$isInputElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isElement = true;
W.InputElement.$isObject = true;
P.Symbol.$isSymbol = true;
P.Symbol.$isObject = true;
P._BroadcastSubscription.$is_BroadcastSubscription = true;
P._BroadcastSubscription.$is_BufferingStreamSubscription = true;
P._BroadcastSubscription.$is_EventSink = true;
P._BroadcastSubscription.$isStreamSubscription = true;
P._BroadcastSubscription.$isObject = true;
P._BufferingStreamSubscription.$is_BufferingStreamSubscription = true;
P._BufferingStreamSubscription.$is_EventSink = true;
P._BufferingStreamSubscription.$isStreamSubscription = true;
P._BufferingStreamSubscription.$isObject = true;
P.StackTrace.$isStackTrace = true;
P.StackTrace.$isObject = true;
P.Object.$isObject = true;
J.JSBool.$isbool = true;
J.JSBool.$isObject = true;
P.Function.$isFunction = true;
P.Function.$isObject = true;
P._EventSink.$is_EventSink = true;
P._EventSink.$isObject = true;
P.Future.$isFuture = true;
P.Future.$isObject = true;
P._DelayedEvent.$is_DelayedEvent = true;
P._DelayedEvent.$isObject = true;
// getInterceptor methods
J.getInterceptor = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number") {
if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
return J.JSInt.prototype;
return J.JSDouble.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return J.JSNull.prototype;
if (typeof receiver == "boolean")
return J.JSBool.prototype;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof P.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
J.getInterceptor$asx = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof P.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
J.getInterceptor$ax = function(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (receiver.constructor == Array)
return J.JSArray.prototype;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof P.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
J.getInterceptor$n = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "number")
return J.JSNumber.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof P.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
J.getInterceptor$s = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver == "string")
return J.JSString.prototype;
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (!(receiver instanceof P.Object))
return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
return receiver;
J.getInterceptor$x = function(receiver) {
if (receiver == null)
return receiver;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return receiver;
if (receiver instanceof P.Object)
return receiver;
return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
C.C__DelayedDone = new P._DelayedDone();
C.C__RootZone = new P._RootZone();
C.Duration_0 = new P.Duration(0);
C.EventStreamProvider_input = new W.EventStreamProvider("input");
C.EventStreamProvider_keyup = new W.EventStreamProvider("keyup");
C.JSArray_methods = J.JSArray.prototype;
C.JSInt_methods = J.JSInt.prototype;
C.JSNull_methods = J.JSNull.prototype;
C.JSNumber_methods = J.JSNumber.prototype;
C.JSString_methods = J.JSString.prototype;
C.JS_CONST_0 = function(hooks) {
if (typeof dartExperimentalFixupGetTag != "function") return hooks;
hooks.getTag = dartExperimentalFixupGetTag(hooks.getTag);
C.JS_CONST_6qb = function(hooks) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
if (userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") == -1) return hooks;
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
"DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
"GeoGeolocation": "Geolocation",
"WorkerMessageEvent": "MessageEvent",
"XMLDocument": "Document"};
function getTagFirefox(o) {
var tag = getTag(o);
return quickMap[tag] || tag;
hooks.getTag = getTagFirefox;
C.JS_CONST_86y = function getTagFallback(o) {
if (o == null) return "Null";
var constructor = o.constructor;
if (typeof constructor == "function") {
var name = constructor.builtin$cls;
if (typeof name == "string") return name;
name =;
if (typeof name == "string"
&& name !== ""
&& name !== "Object"
&& name !== "Function.prototype") {
return name;
var s =;
return s.substring(8, s.length - 1);
C.JS_CONST_Cbr = function(getTagFallback) {
return function(hooks) {
if (typeof navigator != "object") return hooks;
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0 ||
userAgent.indexOf("DumpRenderTree") >= 0) {
return hooks;
hooks.getTag = getTagFallback;
C.JS_CONST_Fs4 = function(hooks) { return hooks; }
C.JS_CONST_TtD = function() {
function typeNameInChrome(obj) { return; }
function getUnknownTag(object, tag) {
if (/^HTML[A-Z].*Element$/.test(tag)) {
var name =;
if (name == "[object Object]") return null;
return "HTMLElement";
function getUnknownTagGenericBrowser(object, tag) {
if (object instanceof HTMLElement) return "HTMLElement";
return getUnknownTag(object, tag);
function prototypeForTag(tag) {
if (typeof window == "undefined") return null;
if (typeof window[tag] == "undefined") return null;
var constructor = window[tag];
if (typeof constructor != "function") return null;
return constructor.prototype;
function discriminator(tag) { return null; }
var isBrowser = typeof navigator == "object";
return {
getTag: typeNameInChrome,
getUnknownTag: isBrowser ? getUnknownTagGenericBrowser : getUnknownTag,
prototypeForTag: prototypeForTag,
discriminator: discriminator };
C.JS_CONST_ZYJ = ((typeof version == "function" && typeof os == "object" && "system" in os)
|| (typeof navigator == "object"
&& navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') != -1))
? function(x) { return x.$dartCachedLength || x.length; }
: function(x) { return x.length; };
C.JS_CONST_rD3 = function(hooks) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator.userAgent : "";
if (userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") == -1) return hooks;
var getTag = hooks.getTag;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent": "Event",
"DataTransfer": "Clipboard",
"HTMLDDElement": "HTMLElement",
"HTMLDTElement": "HTMLElement",
"HTMLPhraseElement": "HTMLElement",
"Position": "Geoposition"
function getTagIE(o) {
var tag = getTag(o);
var newTag = quickMap[tag];
if (newTag) return newTag;
if (tag == "Document") {
if (!!o.xmlVersion) return "!Document";
return "!HTMLDocument";
if (tag == "Object") {
if (window.DataView && (o instanceof window.DataView)) return "DataView";
return tag;
function prototypeForTagIE(tag) {
if (tag == "Document") return null;
var constructor = window[tag];
if (constructor == null) return null;
return constructor.prototype;
hooks.getTag = getTagIE;
hooks.prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagIE;
Isolate.makeConstantList = function(list) {
list.immutable$list = true;
list.fixed$length = true;
return list;
C.List_empty = Isolate.makeConstantList([]);
C.NodeList_methods = W.NodeList.prototype;
C.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods = J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
$.lazyPort = null;
$.ReceivePortImpl__nextFreeId = 1;
$.Primitives_mirrorFunctionCacheName = "$cachedFunction";
$.Primitives_mirrorInvokeCacheName = "$cachedInvocation";
$.getTagFunction = null;
$.alternateTagFunction = null;
$.prototypeForTagFunction = null;
$.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = null;
$.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = null;
$.initNativeDispatchFlag = null;
$.printToZone = null;
$._callbacksAreEnqueued = false;
$.Zone__current = C.C__RootZone;
$.Expando__keyCount = 0;
$.Device__isOpera = null;
$.Device__isWebKit = null;
J.$eq = function(receiver, a0) {
if (receiver == null)
return a0 == null;
if (typeof receiver != "object")
return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
return J.getInterceptor(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0);
J.$ge$n = function(receiver, a0) {
if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
return receiver >= a0;
return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$ge(receiver, a0);
J.$index$asx = function(receiver, a0) {
if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string" || H.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName]))
if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0];
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0);
J.$indexSet$ax = function(receiver, a0, a1) {
if ((receiver.constructor == Array || H.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName])) && !receiver.immutable$list && a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
return receiver[a0] = a1;
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1);
J.add$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0);
J.addEventListener$3$x = function(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
J.elementAt$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0);
J.forEach$1$ax = function(receiver, a0) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0);
J.get$className$x = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$className(receiver);
J.get$classes$x = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$classes(receiver);
J.get$error$x = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$error(receiver);
J.get$hashCode$ = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver);
J.get$iterator$ax = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver);
J.get$length$asx = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver);
J.get$name$x = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$name(receiver);
J.get$value$x = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$value(receiver);
J.removeEventListener$3$x = function(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).removeEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
J.set$className$x = function(receiver, value) {
return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).set$className(receiver, value);
J.toList$0$ax = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver);
J.toString$0 = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor(receiver).toString$0(receiver);
J.trim$0$s = function(receiver) {
return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trim$0(receiver);
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalThis", "globalThis", "get$globalThis", function() {
return function() { return this; }();
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalWindow", "globalWindow", "get$globalWindow", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().window;
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalWorker", "globalWorker", "get$globalWorker", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().Worker;
Isolate.$lazy($, "globalPostMessageDefined", "globalPostMessageDefined", "get$globalPostMessageDefined", function() {
return $.get$globalThis().postMessage !== void 0;
Isolate.$lazy($, "thisScript", "IsolateNatives_thisScript", "get$IsolateNatives_thisScript", function() {
return H.IsolateNatives_computeThisScript();
Isolate.$lazy($, "workerIds", "IsolateNatives_workerIds", "get$IsolateNatives_workerIds", function() {
return new P.Expando(null);
Isolate.$lazy($, "noSuchMethodPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({ toString: function() { return "$receiver$"; } }));
Isolate.$lazy($, "notClosurePattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn({ $method$: null, toString: function() { return "$receiver$"; } }));
Isolate.$lazy($, "nullCallPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(null));
Isolate.$lazy($, "nullLiteralCallPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOnNull());
Isolate.$lazy($, "undefinedCallPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(void 0));
Isolate.$lazy($, "undefinedLiteralCallPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOnUndefined());
Isolate.$lazy($, "nullPropertyPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(null));
Isolate.$lazy($, "nullLiteralPropertyPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOnNull());
Isolate.$lazy($, "undefinedPropertyPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(void 0));
Isolate.$lazy($, "undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", "get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern", function() {
return H.TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(H.TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOnUndefined());
Isolate.$lazy($, "_toStringList", "IterableMixinWorkaround__toStringList", "get$IterableMixinWorkaround__toStringList", function() {
return P.List_List(null, null);
Isolate.$lazy($, "_asyncCallbacks", "_asyncCallbacks", "get$_asyncCallbacks", function() {
return P.ListQueue$(null, {func: "void_", void: true});
Isolate.$lazy($, "_toStringVisiting", "_toStringVisiting", "get$_toStringVisiting", function() {
return P.HashSet_HashSet$identity(null);
Isolate.$lazy($, "_toStringList", "Maps__toStringList", "get$Maps__toStringList", function() {
return P.List_List(null, null);
// Native classes
init.functionAliases = {};
init.metadata = [];
$ = null;
Isolate = Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor(Isolate);
$ = new Isolate();
function convertToFastObject(properties) {
function MyClass() {};
MyClass.prototype = properties;
new MyClass();
return properties;
A = convertToFastObject(A);
B = convertToFastObject(B);
C = convertToFastObject(C);
D = convertToFastObject(D);
E = convertToFastObject(E);
F = convertToFastObject(F);
G = convertToFastObject(G);
H = convertToFastObject(H);
J = convertToFastObject(J);
K = convertToFastObject(K);
L = convertToFastObject(L);
M = convertToFastObject(M);
N = convertToFastObject(N);
O = convertToFastObject(O);
P = convertToFastObject(P);
Q = convertToFastObject(Q);
R = convertToFastObject(R);
S = convertToFastObject(S);
T = convertToFastObject(T);
U = convertToFastObject(U);
V = convertToFastObject(V);
W = convertToFastObject(W);
X = convertToFastObject(X);
Y = convertToFastObject(Y);
Z = convertToFastObject(Z);
!function() {
var objectProto = Object.prototype;
for (var i = 0;; i++) {
var property = "___dart_dispatch_record_ZxYxX_0_";
if (i > 0)
property = rootProperty + "_" + i;
if (!(property in objectProto))
return init.dispatchPropertyName = property;
// BEGIN invoke [main].
;(function (callback) {
if (typeof document === "undefined") {
if (document.currentScript) {
var scripts = document.scripts;
function onLoad(event) {
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
scripts[i].removeEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
scripts[i].addEventListener("load", onLoad, false);
})(function(currentScript) {
init.currentScript = currentScript;
if (typeof dartMainRunner === "function") {
dartMainRunner(function() { H.startRootIsolate(S.main$closure); });
} else {
// END invoke [main].
function init() {
Isolate.$isolateProperties = {};
function generateAccessor(field, accessors, cls) {
var len = field.length;
var code = field.charCodeAt(len - 1);
var reflectable = false;
if (code == 45) {
code = field.charCodeAt(len - 1);
field = field.substring(0, len);
reflectable = true;
code = code >= 60 && code <= 64 ? code - 59 : code >= 123 && code <= 126 ? code - 117 : code >= 37 && code <= 43 ? code - 27 : 0;
if (code) {
var getterCode = code & 3;
var setterCode = code >> 2;
var accessorName = field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
var divider = field.indexOf(":");
if (divider > 0) {
accessorName = field.substring(0, divider);
field = field.substring(divider + 1);
if (getterCode) {
var args = getterCode & 2 ? "receiver" : "";
var receiver = getterCode & 1 ? "this" : "receiver";
var body = "return " + receiver + "." + field;
var property = cls + ".prototype.get$" + accessorName + "=";
var fn = "function(" + args + "){" + body + "}";
if (reflectable)
accessors.push(property + "$reflectable(" + fn + ");\n");
accessors.push(property + fn + ";\n");
if (setterCode) {
var args = setterCode & 2 ? "receiver, value" : "value";
var receiver = setterCode & 1 ? "this" : "receiver";
var body = receiver + "." + field + " = value";
var property = cls + ".prototype.set$" + accessorName + "=";
var fn = "function(" + args + "){" + body + "}";
if (reflectable)
accessors.push(property + "$reflectable(" + fn + ");\n");
accessors.push(property + fn + ";\n");
return field;
Isolate.$isolateProperties.$generateAccessor = generateAccessor;
function defineClass(name, cls, fields) {
var accessors = [];
var str = "function " + cls + "(";
var body = "";
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
str += ", ";
var field = generateAccessor(fields[i], accessors, cls);
var parameter = "parameter_" + field;
str += parameter;
body += "this." + field + " = " + parameter + ";\n";
str += ") {\n" + body + "}\n";
str += cls + ".builtin$cls=\"" + name + "\";\n";
str += "$desc=$collectedClasses." + cls + ";\n";
str += "if($desc instanceof Array) $desc = $desc[1];\n";
str += cls + ".prototype = $desc;\n";
if (typeof != "string") {
str += cls + ".name=\"" + cls + "\";\n";
str += accessors.join("");
return str;
var inheritFrom = function() {
function tmp() {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
return function(constructor, superConstructor) {
tmp.prototype = superConstructor.prototype;
var object = new tmp();
var properties = constructor.prototype;
for (var member in properties)
if (, member))
object[member] = properties[member];
object.constructor = constructor;
constructor.prototype = object;
return object;
Isolate.$finishClasses = function(collectedClasses, isolateProperties, existingIsolateProperties) {
var pendingClasses = {};
if (!init.allClasses)
init.allClasses = {};
var allClasses = init.allClasses;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if (typeof dart_precompiled == "function") {
var constructors = dart_precompiled(collectedClasses);
} else {
var combinedConstructorFunction = "function $reflectable(fn){fn.$reflectable=1;return fn};\n" + "var $desc;\n";
var constructorsList = [];
for (var cls in collectedClasses) {
if (, cls)) {
var desc = collectedClasses[cls];
if (desc instanceof Array)
desc = desc[1];
var classData = desc[""], supr, name = cls, fields = classData;
if (typeof classData == "string") {
var split = classData.split("/");
if (split.length == 2) {
name = split[0];
fields = split[1];
var s = fields.split(";");
fields = s[1] == "" ? [] : s[1].split(",");
supr = s[0];
if (supr && supr.indexOf("+") > 0) {
s = supr.split("+");
supr = s[0];
var mixin = collectedClasses[s[1]];
if (mixin instanceof Array)
mixin = mixin[1];
for (var d in mixin) {
if (, d) && !, d))
desc[d] = mixin[d];
if (typeof dart_precompiled != "function") {
combinedConstructorFunction += defineClass(name, cls, fields);
if (supr)
pendingClasses[cls] = supr;
if (typeof dart_precompiled != "function") {
combinedConstructorFunction += "return [\n " + constructorsList.join(",\n ") + "\n]";
var constructors = new Function("$collectedClasses", combinedConstructorFunction)(collectedClasses);
combinedConstructorFunction = null;
for (var i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
var constructor = constructors[i];
var cls =;
var desc = collectedClasses[cls];
var globalObject = isolateProperties;
if (desc instanceof Array) {
globalObject = desc[0] || isolateProperties;
desc = desc[1];
allClasses[cls] = constructor;
globalObject[cls] = constructor;
constructors = null;
var finishedClasses = {};
init.interceptorsByTag = Object.create(null);
init.leafTags = {};
function finishClass(cls) {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
if (, cls))
finishedClasses[cls] = true;
var superclass = pendingClasses[cls];
if (!superclass || typeof superclass != "string")
var constructor = allClasses[cls];
var superConstructor = allClasses[superclass];
if (!superConstructor)
superConstructor = existingIsolateProperties[superclass];
var prototype = inheritFrom(constructor, superConstructor);
if (, "%")) {
var nativeSpec = prototype["%"].split(";");
if (nativeSpec[0]) {
var tags = nativeSpec[0].split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
init.interceptorsByTag[tags[i]] = constructor;
init.leafTags[tags[i]] = true;
if (nativeSpec[1]) {
tags = nativeSpec[1].split("|");
if (nativeSpec[2]) {
var subclasses = nativeSpec[2].split("|");
for (var i = 0; i < subclasses.length; i++) {
var subclass = allClasses[subclasses[i]];
subclass.$nativeSuperclassTag = tags[0];
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
init.interceptorsByTag[tags[i]] = constructor;
init.leafTags[tags[i]] = false;
for (var cls in pendingClasses)
Isolate.$lazy = function(prototype, staticName, fieldName, getterName, lazyValue) {
var sentinelUndefined = {};
var sentinelInProgress = {};
prototype[fieldName] = sentinelUndefined;
prototype[getterName] = function() {
var result = $[fieldName];
try {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
$[fieldName] = sentinelInProgress;
try {
result = $[fieldName] = lazyValue();
} finally {
if (result === sentinelUndefined) {
if ($[fieldName] === sentinelInProgress) {
$[fieldName] = null;
} else {
if (result === sentinelInProgress)
return result;
} finally {
$[getterName] = function() {
return this[fieldName];
Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor = function(oldIsolate) {
var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.$isolateProperties;
function Isolate() {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var staticName in isolateProperties)
if (, staticName))
this[staticName] = isolateProperties[staticName];
function ForceEfficientMap() {
ForceEfficientMap.prototype = this;
new ForceEfficientMap();
Isolate.prototype = oldIsolate.prototype;
Isolate.prototype.constructor = Isolate;
Isolate.$isolateProperties = isolateProperties;
Isolate.$finishClasses = oldIsolate.$finishClasses;
Isolate.makeConstantList = oldIsolate.makeConstantList;
return Isolate;
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