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Last active October 18, 2022 11:11
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A non-exhaustive list of Wordle clones, variants and solvers




globals().update({l[:2]: __import__(l) for l in "re random sys string".split()}) or (lambda a, w: (lambda c: (lambda l:lambda k, i:l(l,k,i))(lambda f, i, t: print("Correct!" if t > 0 else "Fail...", "Word was:", c) if i == c or t <= 0 else (lambda z: print(t, "turns to guess a", len(c), "character word...") if i == "" else a.update({s: x for s, x in zip(i, z)}) or sy.stdout.write("\033[1A[\033[2K") and print(''.join([f"{x}{s}\033[0m" for s, x in zip(i, z)]), '\t', ''.join([f"{a[k]}{k}\033[0m" for k in a]), "turns:", t))([["\033[0;41m", "\033[30;42m", "\033[30;103m"][(1 if s == c[n] else 2) if s in c else 0] for n, s in enumerate(i)]) or f(f,(lambda y: lambda x: y(y,x))(lambda g, ip: ip if ip in w else g(g,input("\033[1A[\033[2K" if len(ip) > 0 else "").lower()[:5]))(""), t-1))("", 10))(ra.choice(w)))({k: '\033[0;0m' for k in st.ascii_lowercase}, [x.strip().lower() for x in re.findall(r'^[a-zA-Z]{5}$', open('/usr/share/dict/words').read(),re.MULTILINE)])

/usr/share/dict/words didn't exist in my system. Had to replace it with /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small


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