Homepage: https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/
- YAWDLE: Shareable puzzles. Code
- Hello Wordl: 4 to 11 letter puzzles and variable difficulty. Code
- Wordle+: Various game modes. Code
- Wordlem: 5 to 7 letter puzzles. Written in Elm. Code
- Mastermind-Word: Code
- Word Master: Code
- VVORDLE: A Vue implementation. Code
- Mini Wordle: Written in 231 bytes of JS. Code
- Wordle Archive: Play wordle from the past. Code
- Guessle: A few extra features, including accessibility. Code
- Wordel: Emacs package
- Warble: Native Linux app, built with Vala and Gtk for elementary OS
- Wordle for Obsidian
- Faradle: Made for Android, with Jetpack Compose
- Wordle for R: Wordle clone, solver and helper functions for R console
- Shiny Wordle: Wordle written in R/Shiny
- Wordle for command line: TUI made with Haskell
- Wordlet: TUI written in Rust
- Wordle-Curses: An ncurses TUI, written in 55 lines of code
- Wordle TUI: TUI written in Python
- Wordle-cli: CLI written in Ruby
- Wordle: CLI written in GO
- terminordle: CLI with multiplayer
- clidle: CLI Wordle that can be played over SSH.
ssh clidle.ddns.net -p 3000
- WORDle 97: Implementation for Word 97 using VBA Macros
- A Wordle clone implemented in 50 lines of Bash
- A "one-liner" implementation in Python
globals().update({l[:2]: __import__(l) for l in "re random sys string".split()}) or (lambda a, w: (lambda c: (lambda l:lambda k, i:l(l,k,i))(lambda f, i, t: print("Correct!" if t > 0 else "Fail...", "Word was:", c) if i == c or t <= 0 else (lambda z: print(t, "turns to guess a", len(c), "character word...") if i == "" else a.update({s: x for s, x in zip(i, z)}) or sy.stdout.write("\033[1A[\033[2K") and print(''.join([f"{x}{s}\033[0m" for s, x in zip(i, z)]), '\t', ''.join([f"{a[k]}{k}\033[0m" for k in a]), "turns:", t))([["\033[0;41m", "\033[30;42m", "\033[30;103m"][(1 if s == c[n] else 2) if s in c else 0] for n, s in enumerate(i)]) or f(f,(lambda y: lambda x: y(y,x))(lambda g, ip: ip if ip in w else g(g,input("\033[1A[\033[2K" if len(ip) > 0 else "").lower()[:5]))(""), t-1))("", 10))(ra.choice(w)))({k: '\033[0;0m' for k in st.ascii_lowercase}, [x.strip().lower() for x in re.findall(r'^[a-zA-Z]{5}$', open('/usr/share/dict/words').read(),re.MULTILINE)])
didn't exist in my system. Had to replace it with /usr/share/dict/cracklib-small
- Absurdle: Adversarial Wordle. write up
- Evil Wordle: Another adversarial Wordle. Code
- Squabble: Wordle multiplayer
- Squaredle: Multidimensional Wordle
- Lewdle: Guess a lewd word
- Sweardle: Guess a 4 letter swear word
- Primel: Guess a 5-digit prime number
- Nerdle: Guess an equation
- Mathler: Guess an equation for the given solution
- Letterle: Guess a letter instead of a word
- Dungleon: Guess a dungeon composition
- Squirdle: Guess a Pokemon
- Pokemon Wordle: Another Pokemon-themed Wordle (Not in English)
- Coomander Codex: Guess a Commander from Magic: The Gathering
- Airportle: Guess a 3-digit airport code
Proof the Wordle can't always be solved optimally with 5 guess, but 6 is enough
Proof of optimality of 4-move solution to adversarial Wordle
Wordle 1/6: A one-shot solver that utilizes Wordle tweets. There are a few other implementation of this kind:
- Twitter-Wordle: unlike Wordle 1/6 not resistant to adversarial tweets
- Wordle Reverse Solver: probably the first known tweet-based solver implemented?
- Fast Solver for Wordle
Decision tree-based solvers
- Jonathan Olson's Optimal Wordle Solver: Code, Write up
- Wordlesolver.com: Implementation of Knuth's five-guess algorithm for Mastermind. Code
- Wordle solver with greedy-min-max search: Python implementation
- wordlesolver: Julia implementation, with multiple strategies
Entropy-based solvers
Frequency-based solvers
- Wordlesmith: C implementation
- wordle_solver: JavaScript implementation
- Wordle-Solver: Python implementation. Code
A few other Python implementations:
- WordleSolver
- Wordle Solver
- Wordle Guesser
- Wordle_Solver: Has a Primel solver also
- Shell script implementations:
- A two part series (Part 1, Part 2) with companion gist
Other solvers - Solve with grep