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Last active January 15, 2017 22:45
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compare_files(FileName1, FileName2) ->
OS1 = ordset_from_file(FileName1),
OS2 = ordset_from_file(FileName2),
OS1_uniq = ordsets:subtract(OS1, OS2),
OS2_uniq = ordsets:subtract(OS2, OS1),
case {OS1_uniq, OS2_uniq} of
{[],[]} -> io:format("files ~s and ~s are identical~n", [FileName1, FileName2]);
{_, []} -> print_uniq(FileName1, OS1_uniq);
{[], _} -> print_uniq(FileName2, OS2_uniq);
{_, _} ->
print_uniq(FileName1, OS1_uniq),
print_uniq(FileName2, OS2_uniq)
ordset_from_file(FileName) ->
{ok, F} = file:open(FileName,[read]),
OS = ordsets:from_list(read(F)),
read(F) ->
read(F, []).
read(F, Acc) ->
case file:read_line(F) of
eof ->
{ok, Data} ->
{I,_} = string:to_integer(lists:nth(3, string:tokens(Data, ";"))), % выбираем третью колонку
read(F, [ I | Acc ])
print_uniq(FileName, List) ->
io:format("file ~s contains uniq: ", [FileName]),
[ io:format("~w ", [X]) || X <- List ],
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