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Created February 7, 2012 00:11
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/* To run this tutorial on your own system, save this file as
* onpubarticles_tutorial.php in a directory where Onpub is installed (or
* adjust the include path below), then on a command line type:
* php onpubarticles_tutorial.php
/* Include the OnpubAPI classes.
* Assumes Onpub is installed in the same directory as this file.
* Adjust the include path below if Onpub is installed elsewhere on your
* system.
include "onpub/api/onpubapi.php";
/* Now we want to initialize the connection to the database by constructing
* a PDO (PHP Data Object). Here we're connecting to a MySQL database running
* on localhost. We're choosing to use the database called "test". The username
* we're connecting with is also called "test" and the password is "test". You
* can modify these parameters to test this script on your own system. Also
* note that the PDO constructor will throw an exception if it can't establish
* a connection to the database. We will catch the exception in that case and
* display the error message.
try {
$pdo = new PDO( "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "test", "test" );
catch ( PDOException $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
exit(1); // Abort the script because we couldn't connect to the database.
/* Before we start managing articles in the database we first want to check to
* see if the database is setup correctly. The OnpubDatabase class provides
* methods to do this. Since this is a tutorial that is designed to run on any
* system with Onpub installed, we first have to check to see if the Onpub
* database schema is installed in the "test" database we just connected to.
* To do this we'll instantiate a new OnpubDatabase article using the PDO
* object we just constructed above.
$odatabase = new OnpubDatabase( $pdo );
/* Let's call the status() method to check to see if the Onpub database schema
* is installed.
if ( is_array( $odatabase->status() ) ) {
// The schema is not installed yet, call the install() method to install it
// in the "test" database. install() will throw an exception if there's an
// error.
try {
catch ( PDOException $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
exit(1); // Couldn't install the schema, abort the script.
/* If we reach this point, the Onpub tables/schema should now be installed in
* the "test" database. Now we're ready to start using the OnpubArticles class
* to manage articles in the database. Onpub itself uses the OnpubArticles
* class to manage articles in the database. Any change you make to the articles
* in the database using the OnpubArticles class will be refelected when
* viewed in Onpub. In turn, any changes you make to articles with Onpub will
* be reflected when accessing the data with OnpubAPI (provided you're
* connecting to the same database in both instances). Anyway, now we're ready
* to start showing you how the various OnpubArticles methods work to manipulate
* articles in the database. First we'll construct an OnpubArticles object using
* the database connection we created above. Everytime an OnpubArticles method
* is called, the PDO object will be used to communicate with the connected
* database.
$oarticles = new OnpubArticles( $pdo );
/* Now that we have a properly initialized database and OnpubArticles object,
* we're ready to start showing you how to use the methods in the OnpubArticles
* class to manipulate articles in the database. First, let's create a new
* article and insert it into the database.
$article1 = new OnpubArticle();
/* Note above that we just constructed an OnpubArticle object. In OnpubAPI each
* class that uses a plural in its name or ends with the character 's'
* basically represents a table in the database, and provides methods for
* manipulating the various fields and/or data types in that table. Each one
* of the OnpubAPI classes which represent a table in the Onpub database
* schema have a corresponding singular class name (in this example an
* OnpubArticle). These corresponding class names which don't end with an 's'
* basically represent a single row in the corresponding table. In this example
* the OnpubArticle class is a single row in the OnpubArticles table.
* Abstractly an OnpubArticle object is simply an article. And an OnpubArticles
* object is simply the database table which contains multiple articles. This
* will become more clear as the tutorial moves along. Now that we have an
* OnpubArticle object, we want to set some of it's properties before we insert
* it into the database.
$article1->title = "Zelig"; // Set the article's title.
$article1->content = "I have an interesting case. I'm treating two sets of " .
"Siamese twins with split personalities. I'm getting " .
"paid by eight people."; // Set the article's content.
/* Now that we've defined the article's title and we've given it some content,
* we're ready to insert the article into the database. The insert() method
* will throw an exception if there's any database error when inserting the
* article.
try {
$ID = $oarticles->insert( $article1 );
catch ( PDOException $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
exit(1); // Couldn't insert the article, abort.
/* The article should now be saved in the database in the table called
* OnpubArticles. If you were now to log in to the "test" database running
* on localhost with Onpub you would be able to view and edit this article
* that we just inserted. One of the nice features of OnpubAPI is that if you
* were to run this script over and over, the code will detect that this
* this article is already in the database and will not insert a duplicate
* copy. Also, note that insert returns the ID of the article we just
* inserted. Every row in the Onpub database is identified by a numeric ID. We
* use these IDs to target our edits to specific rows in the database. Let's
* output the article's ID to let the user of this script know that the article
* was successfully inserted into the database. By the way, the ID is also
* useful because it will never change, so this article can always be
* identified in Onpub and OnpubAPI using its ID number.
echo '<< Insert new articles into the database >>' . "\n\n";
echo 'OnpubArticle with title "' . $article1->title . '" has ID ' . $ID .
' in the OnpubArticles table.' . "\n\n";
/* Let's insert a couple more articles into the database so we can demonstrate
* the select() method, which selects multiple articles from the database at a
* time. First we construct the OnpubArticle objects we're going to insert.
$article2 = new OnpubArticle();
$article2->title = "Aquemini";
$article2->content = "My mind warps and bends floats the wind count to " .
"ten meet the twin Andre Ben. welcome to the lion's " .
$article3 = new OnpubArticle();
$article3->title = "GITS";
$article3->content = "Any way you look at it, all the information that a " .
"person accumulates in a lifetime is just a drop in " .
"the bucket.";
/* Now we're ready to insert these two new articles into the database. Note
* that we can insert both these articles with 1 call to insert() by adding
* the articles to an array.
try {
$IDs = $oarticles->insert( array( $article2, $article3 ) );
catch ( PDOException $e ) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
exit(1); // Couldn't insert the articles, abort.
/* Note that when you insert multiple articles at once, insert() returns the
* IDs of the articles in an array ordered by the order the articles were
* inserted into the database.
echo 'OnpubArticle with title "' . $article2->title .
'" has ID ' . $IDs[0] . ' in the OnpubArticles table.' . "\n\n";
echo 'OnpubArticle with title "' . $article3->title .
'" has ID ' . $IDs[1] . ' in the OnpubArticles table.' . "\n\n";
/* Now that we have multiple articles in the database, we're ready to show you
* how the select() method works. Calling select() with no arguments will
* return all articles in the database ordered by ID in ascending order. The
* return type for this method is an array of OnpubArticle objects.
$articles = $oarticles->select();
/* Now we'll print out all the articles which we just selected from the
* database.
echo '<< Select all articles in the database >>' . "\n\n";
foreach ( $articles as $article ) {
echo 'OnpubArticle with title "' . $article->title .
'" has ID ' . $article->ID . ' and content:' . "\n" .
wordwrap( $article->content, 80 ) . "\n\n";
/* Now we'll see how to use the OnpubQueryOptions object to control what order
* select() returns the articles in. First we'll show you how to select all
* articles by title in ascending alphabetical order.
$queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions();
$queryOptions->orderBy = "title"; // Order results by title
$queryOptions->order = "ASC"; // Order results in ascending order, A-Z
/* Now we call select() again and we pass the OnpubQueryOptions object as the
* first argument.
$articles = $oarticles->select( $queryOptions );
/* Now we'll print out the articles we just selected, they should output in the
* order we specified above.
echo '<< Select all articles by title in ascending order >>' . "\n\n";
foreach ( $articles as $article ) {
echo 'OnpubArticle with title "' . $article->title .
'" has ID ' . $article->ID . '.' . "\n\n";
/* Now we'll demonstrate the update() method, which updates articles already
* existing in the database. In this example we'll add an author to each one
* of the articles we created above. First we have to construct the OnpubAuthor
* objects and then add them to their respective articles.
$author1 = new OnpubAuthor();
$author1->displayAs = "Woody Allen";
$author2 = new OnpubAuthor();
$author2->displayAs = "Outkast";
$author3 = new OnpubAuthor();
$author3->displayAs = "Mamoru Oshii";
/* Now we'll call authors[] =) on each article to add/associate the authors
* with their respective articles.
$article1->authors[] = $author1;
$article2->authors[] = $author2;
$article3->authors[] = $author3;
/* Now we'll call update() for each article to save the above changes to the
* database.
$oarticles->update( $article1 );
$oarticles->update( $article2 );
$oarticles->update( $article3 );
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