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Forked from c-cube/
Last active September 14, 2016 14:50
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generate all possible expressions from a list of basic values
open Sequence.Infix
type op =
| Add
| Mult
| Div
| Minus
| Int of int
let pp_op out = function
| Int i -> Format.fprintf out "%d" i
| Add -> Format.pp_print_string out "+"
| Mult -> Format.pp_print_string out "*"
| Div -> Format.pp_print_string out "/"
| Minus -> Format.pp_print_string out "-"
let rec pp_expr out l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| a :: l -> Format.fprintf out "%a.%a" pp_op a pp_expr l
let eval (e:op list): int =
(* evaluation with a stack *)
let rec aux e st = match e, st with
| [], [i] -> i
| Int i :: e', _ -> aux e' (i::st)
| Add :: e', a :: b :: st' -> aux e' ((a+b)::st')
| Mult :: e', a :: b :: st' -> aux e' ((a*b)::st')
| Div :: e', a :: b :: st' -> aux e' ((a/b)::st')
| Minus :: e', a :: b :: st' -> aux e' ((a-b)::st')
| _ -> assert false
aux e []
(* generate permutations *)
let rec perms (l:'a list): 'a list Sequence.t = match l with
| [] -> Sequence.return []
| x :: xs -> Sequence.flatMap (insert x) (perms xs)
and insert x l = match l with
| [] -> Sequence.return [x]
| y :: tail ->
(x :: l)
( (fun tail' -> y :: tail') (insert x tail))
let insert_ops (l:int list) : op list Sequence.t =
let pick_op = Sequence.of_list [Add; Mult; Div; Minus] in
(* l: remaining integers to use
n: current height of stack *)
let rec aux n l res = match l with
| [] when n=1 -> Sequence.return (List.rev res)
| [] ->
assert (n>=2);
Sequence.flatMap (fun o -> aux (n-1) l (o::res)) pick_op
| a :: tail ->
(* can we insert an operator right here? *)
let s1 =
if n>=2
then Sequence.flatMap (fun o -> aux (n-1) l (o::res)) pick_op
else Sequence.empty
(* push [a] now *)
and s2 =
aux (n+1) tail (Int a::res)
Sequence.append s2 s1
aux 0 l []
(* take a list of ints, and make all possible expressions that use
every int exactly once *)
let all_ops (l:int list): op list Sequence.t =
Sequence.flatMap insert_ops (perms l)
let () =
let n =
if Array.length Sys.argv < 1 then 5 else int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
Printf.printf "base list: [1…%d]\n" n;
let l = Array.init n succ |> Array.to_list in
all_ops l
|> Sequence.iter
(fun e ->
try Format.printf "@[<2>@[%a@]@ = %d@]@." pp_expr e (eval e)
with Division_by_zero ->
Format.printf "@[<2>@[%a@]@ = div_by_zero@]@." pp_expr e
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