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Forked from justquick/
Created June 25, 2012 18:09
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Save onurmatik/2990278 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple fabfile to deploy my django projects on a gunicorn + nginx setup
import os
import sys
from fabric.api import abort, run, sudo, env, cd
from fabric.colors import red, green
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, put, upload_template
ROOT = '/home/jquick/code/'
WORKON = '/home/jquick/.virtualenvs'
'bmore': ('ram','',)
OPTIONS = '--debug'
get_pid = lambda v: os.path.join(ROOT, v, '.pid')
get_sock = lambda v: os.path.join(ROOT, v, '.sock')
get_log = lambda v: os.path.join(ROOT, 'logs', v)
env.virtual = None
def workon(virtual_env):
if not virtual_env in VENVS:
abort('Unknown virtual environment: %s' % virtual_env)
env.virtual = virtual_env
def virtual_env_check(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
if args and args[0] in VENVS:
return func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def stop():
pid = get_pid(env.virtual)
if exists(pid):
run('kill `cat "%s"`' % pid)
print green('%s stopped' % env.virtual)
print red('%s not running' % env.virtual)
def start():
py = os.path.join(WORKON, env.virtual, 'bin', 'python')
manage = os.path.join(ROOT, env.virtual, '')
debug = ''
run('%s "%s" run_gunicorn %s -D --pid="%s" --log-file="%s" -b "unix:%s"' % \
(py, manage, debug, get_pid(env.virtual),
get_log(env.virtual), get_sock(env.virtual)))
print green('%s running' % env.virtual)
def kill(pid_file, flags=''):
if not pid_file:
if not env.virtual:
abort('Pass a pidfile or define a virtual environment')
pid_file = get_pid(env.virtual)
if exists(pid_file):
run('kill %s `cat %s`' % (flags, pid))
def workup():
pid = get_pid(env.virtual)
if exists(pid):
run('kill -TTIN `cat "%s"`' % pid)
print red('%s does not seem to be running' % env.virtual)
def workdown():
pid = get_pid(env.virtual)
if exists(pid):
run('kill -TTOU `cat "%s"`' % pid)
print red('%s does not seem to be running' % env.virtual)
def restart():
def init(url, dest=ROOT):
if env.virtual:
run('mkvirtualenv %s' % env.virtual)
with cd(dest):
run('git clone %s' % url)
def update():
with cd(os.path.join(ROOT, env.virtual)):
run('git reset --hard')
def reqs(f='setup/requirements.txt'):
pip = os.path.join(WORKON, env.virtual, 'bin', 'pip')
with cd(os.path.join(ROOT, env.virtual)):
run('%s install -r %s' % (pip, f))
def service(name, *actions):
for action in actions:
sudo('/etc/init.d/%s %s' % (name, action))
def nginx(template_file='nginx-site.conf'):
conf = os.path.join(ROOT, 'conf')
for virtual,aliases in VENVS.items():
vconfig = os.path.join(conf, virtual)
upload_template(template_file, vconfig, {
'aliases': ' '.join(aliases),
'root': os.path.join(ROOT, virtual),
'sock': get_sock(virtual),
'virtual': virtual,
dest = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/%s' % virtual
if not exists(dest, True):
sudo('ln -s "%s" "%s"' % (vconfig, dest))
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