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Created September 18, 2017 22:05
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objc[97024]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x116fbccc0) and /Applications/ (0x116dd36f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2017-09-19 00:52:59.030 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [Crashlytics] Version 3.8.5 (123)
2017-09-19 00:52:59.049947+0300 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [MC] System group container for path is /Users/onursahindur/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/6D85A15D-E8B0-4D9E-B744-70AE97D282D4/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
2017-09-19 00:52:59.051159+0300 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [MC] Reading from private effective user settings.
2017-09-19 00:52:59.104 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] launchOptions local notification value : (null)
2017-09-19 00:52:59.304 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Reachability: Reachable via WiFi
2017-09-19 00:52:59.318 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] GET '': {
"Accept-Language" = EN;
Authorization = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA";
"User-Agent" = "GastlyDemo/2.9.0 (iPhone; iOS 10.3; Scale/2.00)";
"X-Application" = bounty;
"X-Client-Version" = "2.9.0";
"X-OS-Version" = "10.3";
"X-Platform" = IOS;
} (null)
2017-09-19 00:53:00.315 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Started Location Manager
2017-09-19 00:53:00.317 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:53:00.339356+0300 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [Warning] <UIVisualEffectView 0x7f9557d39b10> is being asked to animate its opacity. This will cause the effect to appear broken until opacity returns to 1.
2017-09-19 00:53:00.375 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Started Location Manager
2017-09-19 00:53:00.398972+0300 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
(Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
"<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x60800028f7d0 h=--& v=--& NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0.width == 50 (active)>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000002847e0 UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220.width == 24 (active)>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000002882f0 H:[UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220]-(7)-| (active, names: '|':NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0 )>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000002887f0 H:|-(7)-[UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220] (active, names: '|':NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0 )>"
Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000002847e0 UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220.width == 24 (active)>
Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
2017-09-19 00:53:00.400251+0300 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want.
Try this:
(1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect;
(2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it.
(Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
"<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x60800028f870 h=--& v=--& NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0.height == 50 (active)>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009c0c0 UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220.height == 33 (active)>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x600000288570 V:[UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220]-(3)-| (active, names: '|':NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0 )>",
"<NSLayoutConstraint:0x6000002887a0 V:|-(2)-[UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220] (active, names: '|':NutsView:0x7f9557e263c0 )>"
Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x60000009c0c0 UIImageView:0x7f9557e4b220.height == 33 (active)>
Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints to catch this in the debugger.
The methods in the UIConstraintBasedLayoutDebugging category on UIView listed in <UIKit/UIView.h> may also be helpful.
2017-09-19 00:53:00.440 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] POST '': {
"Accept-Language" = "en-AE";
Authorization = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA";
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
"User-Agent" = "GastlyDemo/2.9.0 (iPhone; iOS 10.3; Scale/2.00)";
"X-Application" = bounty;
"X-Client-Version" = "2.9.0";
"X-OS-Version" = "10.3";
"X-Platform" = IOS;
"X-Screen-Dimensions" = "375,667";
"X-Screen-Type" = 2x;
} {"id":"5FA69BD7-6F2A-427B-9220-588EAD78BE14","app_version":"2.9.0","advertiser_id":"D83F2422-258B-481C-9B0B-383F44E05C2F","screen_density":"2","is_rooted":"false","platform":"IOS","vendor":"Apple","language":"en","firebase_token":"bountytest","screen_dimensions":"375,667","os_version":"10.3","model":"x86_64","sim_operator":"SIMILATOR"}
2017-09-19 00:53:00.440 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 "remote notifications are not supported in the simulator" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=remote notifications are not supported in the simulator}
2017-09-19 00:53:00.440 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Failed to register for remote notifications: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 "remote notifications are not supported in the simulator" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=remote notifications are not supported in the simulator}
2017-09-19 00:53:00.443 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] 200 '' [1.1243 s]: {
"Cache-Control" = "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate";
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"Content-Encoding" = gzip;
"Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
Date = "Mon, 18 Sep 2017 21:53:00 GMT";
Etag = "W/\"689a5902a5e6490e227b7fffcf06b860\"";
Server = nginx;
"Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
Vary = "Accept-Encoding, Origin";
"X-Content-Type-Options" = nosniff;
"X-Frame-Options" = SAMEORIGIN;
"X-Request-Id" = "ea254bc4-9a0c-4d42-8ef2-3ee4d8271c80";
"X-Runtime" = "0.563471";
"X-XSS-Protection" = "1; mode=block";
} {
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" Shot 2017-09-13 at 13.01.35.png",
" Shot 2017-09-14 at 11.31.17.png",
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"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31080;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31081;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31084;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31085;
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label = MMMMMM;
"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31086;
jump = (
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relations = (
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"is_required" = 1;
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max = 6;
min = 2;
type = character;
description = "EN AZ 2 MAXIMIM 6 TANE SEC, 1. sorunun deselected lar\U0131 g\U00f6z\U00fckcek";
id = 25010;
"input_type" = checkbox;
"is_lockable" = 0;
"is_random" = 1;
label = "QUESTION 2";
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videos = (
"voice_records" = (
"option_group" = (
id = 1;
options = (
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31088;
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"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31089;
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"has_extra_payload" = 0;
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"has_extra_payload" = 0;
id = 31093;
jump = (
label = GGGGGGG;
"optional_label" = "<null>";
"has_extra_payload" = 0;
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2017-09-19 00:53:00.463 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location kontrol
2017-09-19 00:53:00.464 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location küçük
2017-09-19 00:53:00.466 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:53:00.469 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location kontrol
2017-09-19 00:53:00.484 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:53:00.489 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] PATCH '': {
"Accept-Language" = "en-AE";
Authorization = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA";
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
"Geo-Location" = "POINT (29.000000 41.000000)";
"User-Agent" = "GastlyDemo/2.9.0 (iPhone; iOS 10.3; Scale/2.00)";
"X-Application" = bounty;
"X-Client-Version" = "2.9.0";
"X-OS-Version" = "10.3";
"X-Platform" = IOS;
"X-Screen-Dimensions" = "375,667";
"X-Screen-Type" = 2x;
} {"user":{"location":"POINT (29.000000 41.000000)"}}
2017-09-19 00:53:00.490 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] GET '': {
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2017-09-19 00:53:02.161 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location set edildi
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2017-09-19 00:53:02.166 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location kontrol
2017-09-19 00:53:03.960 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] 204 '' [3.5201 s]: {
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2017-09-19 00:53:07.298 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Started Location Manager
2017-09-19 00:53:07.298 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:53:07.437 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] PATCH '': {
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2017-09-19 00:53:07.885 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] location kontrol
2017-09-19 00:53:08.019 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.020 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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2017-09-19 00:53:08.023 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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2017-09-19 00:53:08.026 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.027 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:53:08.033 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: LOCKABLE TASK ASD AS DAS DAS D\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130920\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: sdfsdfs\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130922\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: SELECTED OPTIONS\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130926\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: claim limit testa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130928\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: duration\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130935\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: \\U00c7OK SORULU BOL A\\U00c7ILAMAALI\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130938\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 10\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: \n [accountName]: 1010101\n [projectId]: 1127\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Raw Answer Project\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:53:08.037 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.037 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = Twent;
"extra_text" = "<null>";
id = 1114;
"is_community" = 0;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"min_reward" = {
cash = {
amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
name = "Bulk edit project";
"project_type" = locationly;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = "s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep";
tag = "";
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130902;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.85833740234375 41.11453808726831)";
"max_submission_count" = 100;
project = {
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"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
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title = "hele hele";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130904;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.92974853515625 41.07728074262537)";
"max_submission_count" = "<null>";
project = {
id = 1114;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
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amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
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title = dsafg;
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130905;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.894171714782715 41.07106913080641)";
"max_submission_count" = 100;
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"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
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currency = {
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = deneme;
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130906;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.97918701171875 41.04000226828483)";
"max_submission_count" = "<null>";
project = {
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"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
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amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = "Deneme 2 max count is nil";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:53:08.044 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: 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2017-09-19 00:53:08.049 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.050 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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2017-09-19 00:53:08.060 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.07106781,+28.89417267> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.07106781005859\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: deneme\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130905\\n [longitute]: 28.89417266845703\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04000092,+28.97918701> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.04000091552734\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme 2 max count is nil\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130906\\n [longitute]: 28.97918701171875\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n 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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: Locationly project\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 0TL extra payload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99\\n [submissionRadius]: 99\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130859\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: boklu task resimli\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04932404,+28.99017334> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.04932403564453\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: onur test\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 1000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130862\\n [longitute]: 28.99017333984375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: location map rocks\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99999\\n [submissionRadius]: 99999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130865\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationly\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 33\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Locationly project\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 1039\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Locationly project\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:53:08.069 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.070 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = Twentify;
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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status = available;
title = "3 saatlik g\U00f6rev";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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"is_description_required" = 1;
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title = "turkcell g\U00f6rev test";
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"minor_unit" = 2;
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"minor_unit" = 2;
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"minor_unit" = 2;
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title = "onur next submission";
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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"is_description_required" = 1;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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title = "checkboc ve radio extra_payload test";
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"question_count" = 21;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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title = "LIMIT TEST";
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"question_count" = 1;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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title = "ORDERING TEST";
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"question_count" = 3;
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id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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score = 44;
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title = "M\U00fcco";
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 4;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:53:08.083 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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[extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 10\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: \n [accountName]: 1010101\n [projectId]: 1127\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Raw Answer Project\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.07106781,+28.89417267> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.07106781005859\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: deneme\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130905\\n [longitute]: 28.89417266845703\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04000092,+28.97918701> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.04000091552734\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme 2 max count is nil\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130906\\n [longitute]: 28.97918701171875\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n 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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: Locationly project\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 0TL extra payload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99\\n [submissionRadius]: 99\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130859\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n 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<nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n 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<nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n 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course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 41.06540298461914\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: PREREQUESE\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130913\\n [longitute]: 29.01618003845215\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 44\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 718\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:53:08.095 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.096 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = "Acme Company";
"extra_text" = "<null>";
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"is_community" = 1;
"logo_url" = "";
"min_reward" = {
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amount = "8.0";
currency = {
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
name = "Hammer Control";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = "We would like to ask you about ACME's latest hammer and what you think about how Coyote run away from it.";
tag = "Run Coyote Run";
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130841;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 1500;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "8.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Looney Tunes Characters";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130844;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 9999;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
"question_count" = 1;
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amount = "4.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Lockable checkbox";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130846;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 10;
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"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
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"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Nas\U0131ls\U0131n";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130857;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 999;
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"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
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reward = {
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amount = "8.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "hammar task 121e a";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130858;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "<null>";
"max_submission_count" = 999;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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title = "hammar task 121e aaslmdalksdkamlksd";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
2017-09-19 00:53:08.109 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: 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<nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n 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<nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationly\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 33\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Locationly project\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 1039\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Locationly project\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 44\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 44\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: ALL QUESTIONS TASK\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 71081\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n 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[shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: EXTRA PAYLOAD TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130839\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 3 saatlik g\\U00f6rev\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n 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[stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: turkcell g\\U00f6rev test\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130847\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: on eupload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130872\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n 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[wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: LIMIT TEST\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130879\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n 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[longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 44\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 44\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: M\\U00fcco\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: 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course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 41.06540298461914\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: PREREQUESE\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130913\\n [longitute]: 29.01618003845215\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 44\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 718\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: We would like to ask you about ACME's latest hammer and wha...\n [isCommunity]: 1\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: $\\n [id_]: 3\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 20\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Looney Tunes Characters\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130841\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]:\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1026\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 4\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 20\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Lockable checkbox\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130844\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]:\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1026\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: $\\n [id_]: 3\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 20\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Nas\\U0131ls\\U0131n\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130846\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]:\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1026\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: $\\n [id_]: 3\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 20\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hammar task 121e a\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: 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hammar task 121e aaslmdalksdkamlksd\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130858\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]:\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1026\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]:\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: $\n [id_]: 3\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 8\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Run Coyote Run\n [accountName]: Acme Company\n [projectId]: 1026\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Hammer Control\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:53:08.169 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:53:08.170 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = "Twentify Canada";
"extra_text" = "<null>";
id = 936;
"is_community" = 0;
"logo_url" = "";
"min_reward" = {
cash = {
amount = "20.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
name = "Costco Feedback Project";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = "We recently ran a task for Costco receipt collection. We would like to ask for some quick feedback regarding the task.";
tag = "Costco Feedback Project";
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 129007;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "<null>";
"max_submission_count" = 1500;
project = {
id = 936;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
"question_count" = 4;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "20.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Costco Tasks Feedback";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
2017-09-19 00:53:08.182 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: 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<nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n 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<nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:53:08 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationly\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 33\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Locationly project\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 1039\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Locationly project\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 44\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 44\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: ALL QUESTIONS TASK\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 71081\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n 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[shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: EXTRA PAYLOAD TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130839\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 3 saatlik g\\U00f6rev\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n 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[stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: turkcell g\\U00f6rev test\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130847\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: on eupload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130872\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 8\\n </Cash>\\n 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[projectId]: 1026\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Hammer Control\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: We recently ran a task for Costco receipt collection. We wo...\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: $\\n [id_]: 3\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 20\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 20\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Costco Tasks Feedback\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 129007\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]:\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 936\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]:\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: $\n [id_]: 3\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 1\n [name]: Canadian Dollar\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 20\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Costco Feedback Project\n [accountName]: Twentify Canada\n [projectId]: 936\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Costco Feedback Project\n</Project>"
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"short_description" = "We recently ran a task for Costco receipt collection. We would like to ask for some quick feedback regarding the task.";
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2017-09-19 00:53:08.781 GastlyDemo[97024:8462307] [Intercom] ERROR - Tried to log an event but there was a network error (422) - Request failed: client error (422)
2017-09-19 00:53:11.154 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:19.877 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:53:20.659 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:28.619 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:53:29.383 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:30.761 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:53:31.544 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:32.818 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:53:33.624 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:35.966 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:53:44.699 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:45.248 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 0
2017-09-19 00:53:49.691 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:53:56.391 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 0
2017-09-19 00:53:58.435 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:54:07.492 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 0
2017-09-19 00:54:09.208 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:54:10.384 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:54:22.128 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:54:30.037 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 0
2017-09-19 00:54:33.098 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:54:34.893 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:54:36.274 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 1
2017-09-19 00:54:39.900 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] Index: 2
2017-09-19 00:54:41.810 GastlyDemo[97024:8462307] [Intercom] ERROR - Tried to log an event but there was a network error (422) - Request failed: client error (422)
2017-09-19 00:54:41.941 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] parameters :{
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2017-09-19 00:54:41.942 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] dict :{
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2017-09-19 00:54:41.942 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:54:41.964 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] PATCH '': {
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2017-09-19 00:54:43.530 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] submited success json :{
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2017-09-19 00:54:48.881 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] credentials accessToken:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ3b3JrZXJfaWQiOjIxMzE2MX0.soK1TnqpBEHYVWoCo9mv_QKn87SrkI3oYt0Q9nafmqsVGFYCAE_T_lvvlRkSskgQ3Qq9A7N-_tkVHTDkHyx6BOfvZqb8hPuRgM2DMG5CpkzP8uy_rjc_um4XoWgE2FiOgODbfN5oSgHUlBN5mOxDPLHgmJcLiO3yWTMEuHNWujraFYc0XSXyS1WnlMMxAI5wIts4D1EIA7FIyNFkEhTXnts02Hpz3SS8CWKl0kNi0i_fhrHo8qpfg73jXVqBEV05zd9tnfQHDSTmYYWQKbABGqYbjCx_HRkQxfTuBgs4bcFlR_qGzNEhMjFOu3zgwEWaEc9VECI8Zj6IIG1sqHg2fA
2017-09-19 00:54:48.884 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] GET '': {
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2017-09-19 00:54:53.990 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:53.991 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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2017-09-19 00:54:53.994 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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2017-09-19 00:54:53.997 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:53.998 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130938;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "<null>";
"max_submission_count" = 234;
project = {
id = 1127;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 34;
reward = {
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amount = "10.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 10;
status = available;
title = "\U00c7OK SORULU BOL A\U00c7ILAMAALI";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:54:54.006 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: LOCKABLE TASK ASD AS DAS DAS D\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n 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[longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: SELECTED OPTIONS\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130926\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: claim limit testa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130928\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: duration\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130935\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 10\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 10\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: \\U00c7OK SORULU BOL A\\U00c7ILAMAALI\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130938\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1127\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 10\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: \n [accountName]: 1010101\n [projectId]: 1127\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Raw Answer Project\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:54:54.011 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:54.012 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = Twent;
"extra_text" = "<null>";
id = 1114;
"is_community" = 0;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"min_reward" = {
cash = {
amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
name = "Bulk edit project";
"project_type" = locationly;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = "s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep";
tag = "";
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130902;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.85833740234375 41.11453808726831)";
"max_submission_count" = 100;
project = {
id = 1114;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = "hele hele";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130904;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.92974853515625 41.07728074262537)";
"max_submission_count" = "<null>";
project = {
id = 1114;
"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
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amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = dsafg;
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130905;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.894171714782715 41.07106913080641)";
"max_submission_count" = 100;
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"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
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currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = deneme;
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "<null>";
"submission_radius" = "<null>";
id = 130906;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "POINT (28.97918701171875 41.04000226828483)";
"max_submission_count" = "<null>";
project = {
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"logo_url" = "<null>";
"project_type" = locationly;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "100.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 200;
status = available;
title = "Deneme 2 max count is nil";
"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:54:54.019 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: 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2017-09-19 00:54:54.027 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:54.028 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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2017-09-19 00:54:54.039 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.07106781,+28.89417267> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.07106781005859\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: deneme\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130905\\n [longitute]: 28.89417266845703\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04000092,+28.97918701> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.04000091552734\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme 2 max count is nil\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130906\\n [longitute]: 28.97918701171875\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n 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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: Locationly project\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 0TL extra payload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99\\n [submissionRadius]: 99\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130859\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: boklu task resimli\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04932404,+28.99017334> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.04932403564453\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: onur test\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 1000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130862\\n [longitute]: 28.99017333984375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: location map rocks\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99999\\n [submissionRadius]: 99999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130865\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationly\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 33\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Locationly project\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 1039\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Locationly project\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:54:54.049 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:54.050 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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status = available;
title = "3 saatlik g\U00f6rev";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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"is_description_required" = 1;
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title = "turkcell g\U00f6rev test";
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"is_description_required" = 1;
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"minor_unit" = 2;
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"minor_unit" = 2;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"submission_radius" = "1.0";
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"is_description_required" = 1;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"question_count" = 21;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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title = "LIMIT TEST";
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"question_count" = 1;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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title = "ORDERING TEST";
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"question_count" = 3;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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score = 44;
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title = "M\U00fcco";
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
"question_count" = 4;
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
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"wallpaper_url" = "<null>";
2017-09-19 00:54:54.069 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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[extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 10\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: \n [accountName]: 1010101\n [projectId]: 1127\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Raw Answer Project\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.07106781,+28.89417267> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.07106781005859\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: deneme\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130905\\n [longitute]: 28.89417266845703\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04000092,+28.97918701> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.04000091552734\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme 2 max count is nil\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130906\\n [longitute]: 28.97918701171875\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n 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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: Locationly project\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: 0TL extra payload\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 99\\n [submissionRadius]: 99\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130859\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n 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<nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n 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<nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n 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course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 8\\n [latitude]: 41.06540298461914\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: PREREQUESE\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130913\\n [longitute]: 29.01618003845215\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationless\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 44\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 718\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n</Project>"
2017-09-19 00:54:54.081 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] error :(null)
2017-09-19 00:54:54.081 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] obj :{
"account_name" = "Acme Company";
"extra_text" = "<null>";
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"is_community" = 1;
"logo_url" = "";
"min_reward" = {
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amount = "8.0";
currency = {
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"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
name = "Hammer Control";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"short_description" = "We would like to ask you about ACME's latest hammer and what you think about how Coyote run away from it.";
tag = "Run Coyote Run";
tasks = (
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130841;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 1500;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
"question_count" = 3;
reward = {
cash = {
amount = "8.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Looney Tunes Characters";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
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"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130844;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 9999;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
"question_count" = 1;
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amount = "4.0";
currency = {
id = 1;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 0;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
symbol = TL;
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Lockable checkbox";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130846;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 10;
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"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
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"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "Nas\U0131ls\U0131n";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130857;
"is_description_required" = 1;
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"max_submission_count" = 999;
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"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
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"wallpaper_url" = "";
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reward = {
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amount = "8.0";
currency = {
id = 3;
"is_symbol_prefix" = 1;
"minor_unit" = 2;
name = "Canadian Dollar";
symbol = "$";
score = 20;
status = available;
title = "hammar task 121e a";
"claim_limit" = "<null>";
constraints = {
"claim_radius" = "5.0";
"submission_radius" = "1.0";
id = 130858;
"is_description_required" = 1;
location = "<null>";
"max_submission_count" = 999;
project = {
id = 1026;
"logo_url" = "";
"project_type" = locationless;
scheduling = "<null>";
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name = "T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131";
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title = "hammar task 121e aaslmdalksdkamlksd";
"wallpaper_url" = "";
2017-09-19 00:54:54.094 GastlyDemo[97024:8461823] campaigns :(
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"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: s\U0131f\U0131rdan olu\U015fturdum recep\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.11453629,+28.85833740> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 200\\n [latitude]: 41.11453628540039\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: hele hele\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130902\\n [longitute]: 28.85833740234375\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: 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[taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130904\\n [longitute]: 28.92974853515625\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]: <nil>\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1114\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 100\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: 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<nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130860\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: All questona\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130861\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n 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<nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 0\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 0\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: multi\\U011fple stamp\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 999\\n [submissionRadius]: 999\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130866\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 0\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.01928329,+28.99909973> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.01928329467773\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: DESC TESTa\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 0\\n [submissionRadius]: 0\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130867\\n [longitute]: 28.99909973144531\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 33\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <+41.04103851,+29.00733948> +/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 9/19/17, 12:54:54 AM GMT+03:00\\n [score]: 66\\n [latitude]: 41.04103851318359\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: Deneme Raw Answer Task\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 1000\\n [submissionRadius]: 10000\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 130908\\n [longitute]: 29.00733947753906\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationly\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 1039\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\"\n )\n [scheduling]: <nil>\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\n [logoUrl]:\n [type]: locationly\n [reward]: <Reward> \n [cash]: <Cash> \n [currency]: <Currency> \n [symbol]: TL\n [id_]: 1\n [isoCode]: <nil>\n [minorUnit]: 2\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\n [name]: T\U00fcrk Liras\U0131\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\n </Currency>\n [amount]: 33\n </Cash>\n </Reward>\n [tag]: Locationly project\n [accountName]: Twentify\n [projectId]: 1039\n [extraText]: <nil>\n [name]: Locationly project\n</Project>",
"<Project> \n [shortDescription]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n [isCommunity]: 0\n [tasks]: (\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 44\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: available\\n [isDescriptionRequired]: 1\\n [longDescription]: <nil>\\n [summary]: <nil>\\n [locationTask]: <nil>\\n [score]: 44\\n [latitude]: 0\\n [stepCount]: 0\\n [name]: ALL QUESTIONS TASK\\n [isVisible]: 0\\n [type]: <nil>\\n [taskform]: <nil>\\n [constraint]: <Constraint> \\n [taskRadius]: 5\\n [submissionRadius]: 1\\n </Constraint>\\n [id_]: 71081\\n [longitute]: 0\\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [locationDict]: <nil>\\n [campaign]: <Project> \\n [shortDescription]: <nil>\\n [isCommunity]: 0\\n [tasks]: <nil>\\n [scheduling]: <nil>\\n [wallpaperUrl]: <nil>\\n [logoUrl]:\\n [type]: locationless\\n [reward]: <nil>\\n [tag]: <nil>\\n [accountName]: <nil>\\n [projectId]: 718\\n [extraText]: <nil>\\n [name]: <nil>\\n </Project>\\n [address]: <nil>\\n</Task>\",\n \"<Task> \\n [reward]: <Reward> \\n [cash]: <Cash> \\n [currency]: <Currency> \\n [symbol]: TL\\n [id_]: 1\\n [isoCode]: <nil>\\n [minorUnit]: 2\\n [isSymbolPrefix]: 0\\n [name]: T\\U00fcrk Liras\\U0131\\n [fractionalUnit]: <nil>\\n </Currency>\\n [amount]: 44\\n </Cash>\\n </Reward>\\n [locationDistance]: 0\\n [status]: av
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