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Last active August 16, 2023 18:20
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  • Save onvo1/90365dcc00b3fdffc3eeccb57fc705f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Minecraft Auto Reset
; Minecraft Reset Script v1.1
; Author: onvo
; Script Function:
; The following only apply inside the Minecraft window:
; 1) When on the title screen, the "Y" key will create a world on Easy
; 2) After loading in the world, "Y" will exit the world and then auto create another world on Easy
; 3) To just exit the world and not auto create world, press "U" on keyboard.
; 4) To change the "Y" and "U", change the keys before the double colon "::" and reload the script
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
DELAY = 1 ; Set this to 0 for no delay, set this to 1 for delay between key presses
SetKeyDelay , 70 ; Change this value to increase delay between key presses
else {
SendMode Input
send {Tab}{Enter}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter}{Enter}{Enter}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Enter}
send {Esc}+{Tab}{Enter}
#IfWinActive, Minecraft
WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, Minecraft
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
IfNotInString Title, player
else {
Loop {
IfWinActive, Minecraft
PixelSearch, Px, Py, 0, 0, W, H, 0x00FCFC, 1, Fast
if (!ErrorLevel) {
Sleep, 100
IfWinActive, Minecraft
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
IfNotInString Title, player
IfWinActive, Minecraft
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it does not work, whenever i press y it does nothing.

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Cre3pa commented May 2, 2021

it always says Error at line 1.

Line Text: PK I have no clue how tf to write down that
Error: this like does not contain a recognized action

The program will exit.

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it always says Error at line 1.

Line Text: PK I have no clue how tf to write down that
Error: this like does not contain a recognized action

The program will exit.
It happens to me too

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BrentRosen commented May 22, 2021

What would I have to add to the script in order to have it turn on the keep inventory under world settings?

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Moki420 commented Jul 21, 2021

What would I have to add to the script in order to have it turn on the keep inventory under world settings?

Keep Inventory isn't allowed

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Where should I extract the file given on the first link?

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can you make your macro change world names?

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