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Created August 12, 2011 19:09
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Fabric configuration for advanced mapping w/ TileMill and invar
import os
import re
from fabric.api import *
import yaml
Base configuration
# Ubuntu
if os.path.exists('/usr/share/tilemill'):
env.tilemill_path = '/usr/share/tilemill'
env.tilemill_projects = '/usr/share/mapbox/project'
env.node_path = '/usr/bin/node'
env.tilemill_path = '/Applications/'
env.tilemill_projects = '~/Documents/MapBox/project'
env.node_path = '%(tilemill_path)s/node' % env
def production():
Work on production environment
env.settings = 'production'
env.s3_buckets = ['', '', '', '', '']
env.acl = 'acl-public'
def staging():
Work on staging environment
env.settings = 'staging'
env.s3_buckets = ['']
env.acl = 'acl-private'
def map(name):
Select map to work on.
""" = name
Commands - deployment
def _deploy_to_s3(concurrency):
Deploy tiles to S3.
env.concurrency = concurrency
# Deploy to many buckets (multi-dns-head mode)
for bucket in env.s3_buckets:
env.s3_bucket = bucket
local('ivs3 %(map)s/tiles %(s3_bucket)s/%(project_name)s/%(map)s --%(acl)s -c %(concurrency)s' % env)
def deploy(concurrency=32):
Deploy a map. Optionally takes a concurrency parameter indicating how many files to upload simultaneously.
require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging])
require('map', provided_by=[map])
def deploy_browser():
"""Update and deploy the browser.html file."""
require('settings', provided_by=[production, staging])
local('s3cmd -P --guess-mime-type put browser.html s3://%(s3_bucket)s/%(project_name)s/browser.html' % env)
local('s3cmd -P --guess-mime-type put logo.png s3://%(s3_bucket)s/%(project_name)s/logo.png' % env)
Commands - processing
def _update_config_from_tilemill():
Copy the latest configuration from TileMill to the local directory.
if not os.path.exists('%(map)s' % env):
os.mkdir('%(map)s' % env)
local('cp %(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/*.mss %(map)s' % env)
local('cp %(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/*.mml %(map)s' % env)
def _update_config_from_project():
Copy the latest configuration to TileMill from the local directory.
if not os.path.exists('%(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/' % env):
os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser('%(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/' % env))
local('cp %(map)s/*.mss %(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/' % env)
local('cp %(map)s/*.mml %(tilemill_projects)s/%(map)s/' % env)
def _rewrite_paths():
Rewrite carto configuration so that shapefile references point to the local shapefiles directory.
contents = None
with open('%(map)s/%(map)s.mml' % env, 'r') as f:
contents =
shapefile_path = os.path.join('..', 'shapefiles')
contents = re.sub('(?<=file"\:\s")(.*)(?=/.*/.*.shp")', shapefile_path, contents)
with open('%(map)s/%(map)s.mml' % env, 'w') as f:
def _carto_to_mapnik():
Convert carto styles to mapnik configuration.
# Convert tilemill config to mapnik config
local('%(tilemill_path)s/node_modules/carto/bin/carto %(map)s/%(map)s.mml > %(map)s/%(map)s.xml' % env)
# Remove cruft
local('rm -rf %(map)s/layers' % env)
def _render_tiles(process_count):
Only render a tile map (does not update configuration).
env.process_count = process_count
# Fetch configuration from yaml file
with open('%(map)s/config.yml' % env, 'r') as f:
config = yaml.load(f)
command = 'ivtile %(map)s/%(map)s.xml %(map)s/tiles %(max-latitude)s %(min-longitude)s %(min-latitude)s %(max-longitude)s %(min-zoom)s %(max-zoom)s -p %(process_count)s'
if 'buffer' in config:
command += ' -b %(buffer)s'
# Render tiles
local(command % env)
def setup():
Run the setup script for a given map.
require('map', provided_by=[map])
with lcd('%(map)s' % env):
def sync():
Update configuration from the project.
require('map', provided_by=[map])
def update():
Update configuration from TileMill.
require('map', provided_by=[map])
def render(process_count=1):
Updates configuration and renders a tile map.
require('map', provided_by=[map])
def mbtiles():
Uses TileMill to export an mbtiles file for a map (for generating grid files).
require('map', provided_by=[map])
with open('%(map)s/config.yml' % env, 'r') as f:
config = yaml.load(f)
with settings(warn_only=True):
local('rm -rf %(map)s/*.mbtiles' % env)
local('%(node_path)s %(tilemill_path)s/index.js export --minzoom=%(min-zoom)s --maxzoom=%(max-zoom)s --bbox=%(min-longitude)s,%(min-latitude)s,%(max-longitude)s,%(max-latitude)s %(map)s %(map)s/%(map)s.mbtiles' % env)
def grid():
Render to mbtiles then extract the grid.
require('map', provided_by=[map])
with settings(warn_only=True):
local('rm -rf %(map)s/tiles' % env)
local('/Users/sk/src/mbutil/mb-util %(map)s/%(map)s.mbtiles %(map)s/tmp-tiles' % env)
local('mv %(map)s/tmp-tiles/1.0.0/%(map)s %(map)s/tiles' % env)
local('rm -rf %(map)s/tmp-tiles' % env)
Deaths, destroyers of worlds
def shiva_the_destroyer():
Remove all directories, databases, etc. associated with the application.
with settings(warn_only=True):
local('s3cmd del --recursive s3://%(s3_bucket)s/%(project_name)s' % env)
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