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Last active June 20, 2024 03:59
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se-2-challenges: decentralized-staking contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.4; //Do not change the solidity version as it negativly impacts submission grading
// +--------+
// | import |
// +--------+
// import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "./ExampleExternalContract.sol";
// +-----------+
// | interface |
// +-----------+
interface IStaker {
// +---------------------+
// | Function (external) |
// +---------------------+
// Receives eth and calls stake()
receive() external payable;
// After some `deadline` allow anyone to call an `execute()` function, just once
// If the deadline has passed and the threshold is met
// It should call `exampleExternalContract.complete{value: address(this).balance}()`
function execute() external;
// If the deadline has passed and the `threshold` was not met,
// allow everyone to call a `withdraw()` function to withdraw their balance
function withdraw() external;
abstract contract _Staker is IStaker {
// +-------------------+
// | Function (public) |
// +-------------------+
// Collect funds in a payable `stake()` function and track individual `balances` with a mapping:
// Make sure to emit `Stake(address,uint256)` event for the frontend `All Stakings` tab to display
function stake() public payable virtual;
// Add a `timeLeft()` view function that returns the time left before the deadline for the frontend
function timeLeft() public view virtual returns (uint256);
contract Staker is _Staker {
// +----------------+
// | State Variable |
// +----------------+
ExampleExternalContract public exampleExternalContract;
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
uint256 public threshold;
uint256 public deadline;
bool private openForWithdraw;
// +-------+
// | Event |
// +-------+
// Make sure to add a `Stake(address,uint256)` event and emit it for the frontend `All Stakings` tab to display)
event Stake(address indexed staker, uint256 amount);
// +-------+
// | Error |
// +-------+
error ShouldStakeMoreThanZero();
// +----------+
// | Modifier |
// +----------+
modifier onProceed() {
require(!exampleExternalContract.completed(), "Staking completed");
modifier onTimeOut() {
require(isTimeOut(), "Wait for the contract to complete");
// +-----------------------+
// | Function (implements) |
// +-----------------------+
constructor(address exampleExternalContractAddress) {
exampleExternalContract = ExampleExternalContract(
threshold = 0.0011 ether;
deadline = block.timestamp + 5 minutes;
receive() external payable override {
function execute() external override onProceed onTimeOut {
if (!openForWithdraw && isThresholdMet()) {
exampleExternalContract.complete{ value: address(this).balance }();
openForWithdraw = true;
function withdraw() external override onTimeOut {
require(openForWithdraw, "Run Execute first");
uint256 amount = balances[msg.sender];
if (amount <= 0) revert ShouldStakeMoreThanZero();
balances[msg.sender] = 0;
function stake() public payable override onProceed {
if (msg.value <= 0) revert ShouldStakeMoreThanZero();
balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
emit Stake(msg.sender, msg.value);
function timeLeft() public view override returns (uint256) {
if (block.timestamp >= deadline) {
return 0;
return deadline - block.timestamp;
// +--------------------+
// | Function (private) |
// +--------------------+
function isTimeOut() private view returns (bool) {
return timeLeft() == 0;
function isThresholdMet() private view returns (bool) {
return address(this).balance >= threshold;
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