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Created July 14, 2022 18:36
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Material palette generator
// Material palette generator
// Taken from
@use 'sass:math';
@use 'sass:map';
$values: (50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400, A700);
@function create-palette($color) {
$white: #fff;
$black: #000;
$baseDark: multiply($color, $color);
$palette: (
50: mix($color, $white, 12%),
100: mix($color, $white, 30%),
200: mix($color, $white, 50%),
300: mix($color, $white, 70%),
400: mix($color, $white, 85%),
500: mix($color, $white, 100%),
600: mix($color, $baseDark, 87%),
700: mix($color, $baseDark, 70%),
800: mix($color, $baseDark, 54%),
900: mix($color, $baseDark, 25%),
A100: lighten(saturate(mix($black, $baseDark, 15%), 80%), 65%),
A200: lighten(saturate(mix($black, $baseDark, 15%), 80%), 55%),
A400: lighten(saturate(mix($black, $baseDark, 15%), 100%), 45%),
A700: lighten(saturate(mix($black, $baseDark, 15%), 100%), 40%),
$contrast: ();
@each $v in $values {
$contrast: map.merge(
$v: getContrast(map_get($palette, $v)),
$palette: map.merge(
contrast: $contrast,
@return $palette;
@function multiply($rgb1, $rgb2) {
$r: math.floor(red($rgb1) * math.div(red($rgb2), 255));
$g: math.floor(green($rgb1) * math.div(green($rgb2), 255));
$b: math.floor(blue($rgb1) * math.div(blue($rgb2), 255));
@return rgb($r, $g, $b);
@function getBrightness($color) {
@return math.div((red($color) * 299 + green($color) * 587 + blue($color) * 114), 1000);
@function isLight($color) {
@return getBrightness($color) >= 128;
@function getContrast($color) {
@if isLight($color) {
@return #000;
@else {
@return #fff;
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