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Created March 26, 2012 17:05
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Backup MySQL to Amazon S3

Backup MySQL to Amazon S3

This is a simple way to backup your MySQL tables to Amazon S3 for a nightly backup - this is all to be done on your server :-)

Sister Document - Restore MySQL from Amazon S3 - read that next

1 - Install s3cmd

this is for Centos 5.6, see for other systems like ubuntu etc

# Install s3cmd
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install s3cmd
# Setup s3cmd
s3cmd --configure
    # You’ll need to enter your AWS access key and secret key here, everything is optional and can be ignored :-)

2 - Add your script

Upload a copy of (it will need some tweaks for your setup), make it executable and test it

# Add the executable bit
chmod +x
# Run the script to make sure it's all tickety boo

3 - Run it every night with CRON

Assuming the backup script is stored in /var/www/ we need to add a crontask to run it automatically:

# Edit the crontab
env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
    # Add the following lines:
    # Run the database backup script at 3am
    0 3 * * * bash /var/www/ >/dev/null 2>&1

4 - Don't expose the script!

If for some reason you put this script in a public folder (not sure why you would do this), you should add the following to your .htaccess or httpd.conf file to prevent public access to the files:

### Deny public access to shell files
<Files *.sh>
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
# Based on
# Be pretty
echo -e " "
echo -e " . ____ . ______________________________"
echo -e " |/ \| | |"
echo -e "[| \e[1;31m♥ ♥\e[00m |] | S3 MySQL Backup Script v.0.1 |"
echo -e " |___==___| / © oodavid 2012 |"
echo -e " |______________________________|"
echo -e " "
# Basic variables
# Timestamp (sortable AND readable)
stamp=`date +"%s - %A %d %B %Y @ %H%M"`
# List all the databases
databases=`mysql -u root -p$mysqlpass -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | tr -d "| " | grep -v "\(Database\|information_schema\|performance_schema\|mysql\|test\)"`
# Feedback
echo -e "Dumping to \e[1;32m$bucket/$stamp/\e[00m"
# Loop the databases
for db in $databases; do
# Define our filenames
filename="$stamp - $db.sql.gz"
# Feedback
echo -e "\e[1;34m$db\e[00m"
# Dump and zip
echo -e " creating \e[0;35m$tmpfile\e[00m"
mysqldump -u root -p$mysqlpass --force --opt --databases "$db" | gzip -c > "$tmpfile"
# Upload
echo -e " uploading..."
s3cmd put "$tmpfile" "$object"
# Delete
rm -f "$tmpfile"
# Jobs a goodun
echo -e "\e[1;32mJobs a goodun\e[00m"
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Just wanted to add a quick note: In case your password contains any special characters, you have to use single quotes - otherwise you will get an error.

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Besides the script, that looks great, it's worth specifying that you may want to properly protect the target S3 bucket, eg:

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You probably want to encrypt the file that you are uploading into S3. Here is a version of the script that uses gpg for symmetric encryption of the file before it is uploaded:

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Nice One

mysqldump --host=$HOST --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD $DB_NAME --routines --single-transaction | gzip -9 | aws s3 cp - s3://bucket/database/filename.sql.gz

will directly store file to s3.

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tobidsn commented Sep 24, 2018

Backup MySQL to Amazon S3 Specific Table :

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I have use above script .But I have not get automatically backup at When I manually run script then I get backup.
also How to keep last 30 days backup. older than 30 days backup should be delete automatically with this script

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bsalim commented Jun 30, 2020

Is this tool still rocks on 2020? Haha I used it 7 years ago by the way.

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CoolCold commented Jul 3, 2020

Nice One

mysqldump --host=$HOST --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD $DB_NAME --routines --single-transaction | gzip -9 | aws s3 cp - s3://bucket/database/filename.sql.gz

will directly store file to s3.

Finally somone noted on single transaction to make backup consistent, not just a random set of tables!

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CoolCold commented Jul 3, 2020

@oodavid - won't you make repo with the script ?:) a lot of updates here!

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