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Created July 31, 2013 13:59
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import Control.Monad
import Data.List
-- type synonyms for convenience
type Board = (Int, Int)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Obstacle = Pos
type Path = [Pos]
---------- DIRTY INPUT FUNCTIONS ----------
main = do
board <- liftM read2Ints getLine -- get board dimensions
obstacleN <- liftM readInt getLine -- get number of obstacles
obstacles <- readObstacles obstacleN -- read said number of obstacles
mapM_ putStrLn $ snakeIt board obstacles -- print results of snakeIt
-- read x number of obstacles (that is, if x was properly read)
readObstacles :: Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe [Obstacle])
readObstacles Nothing = return Nothing -- readInts must have returned []
readObstacles (Just x) = do
obstacleStrs <- sequence $ replicate x getLine -- get x lines
return $ mapM read2Ints obstacleStrs -- read Int pairs
---------- PURE FUNCTIONS ----------
-- read Ints from string
-- the list will list the numbers in reverse order from how
-- they appeared in the input string, blame the : operator
readInts :: Int -> String -> [Int]
readInts n str = take n $ go (reads str) []
where go [] acc = acc -- done reading
-- if we got x, put in the accumulator and keep reading
go [(x,str')] acc = go (reads str') (x:acc)
-- read 2 Ints from string
read2Ints :: String -> Maybe (Int, Int)
read2Ints str = case readInts 2 str of [x,y] -> Just (y,x) -- exactly 2
_ -> Nothing -- less than 2
-- read 1 int from string
readInt :: String -> Maybe Int
readInt str = case readInts 1 str of [x] -> Just x -- exactly 1
_ -> Nothing -- none found
-- turn a Path into a list of Strings in the format: "x y"
showPath :: Path -> [String]
showPath = map showPos . reverse -- undo : reversal from getPaths
where showPos (x,y) = (show x) ++ " " ++ (show y)
-- compare the size of 2 lists, pretty simple
listSize :: [a] -> [a] -> Ordering
listSize xs ys = compare (length xs) (length ys)
-- here's where the magic starts
snakeIt :: Maybe Board -> Maybe [Obstacle] -> [String]
snakeIt Nothing _ = ["Parse failure"]
snakeIt _ Nothing = ["Parse failure"]
snakeIt (Just board@(w,h)) (Just os)
| sane board os =
-- number of available tiles
let full = w * h - (length os)
-- find the longest solution (reverse because we want the longest)
getBestPath = head . reverse . sortBy listSize
path = getBestPath $ getPaths board os
-- make a string showing how successful we were
fillStr = (show $ length path) ++ " / " ++ (show full)
-- first the fillStr then a list of movements
in fillStr : showPath path
| otherwise = ["You've got some bad data, bro."]
-- make sure board and obstacles are sane
sane :: Board -> [Obstacle] -> Bool
sane (w,h) os
| (w < 1) || (h < 1) = False -- can't have a negative board
| any outOfRange os = False -- make sure obstacles are on board
| otherwise = True -- hooray! it's sane!
where outOfRange (x,y) = or [x<0, y<0, x>=w, y>=h]
-- here's where the magic happens
-- again, the first move is going to be at the end of the list
-- damn that : operator
getPaths :: Board -> [Obstacle] -> [Path]
getPaths (w,h) os = move [(0,0)] -- starting point
where move p@((x,y):t) =
-- left right down up
let moves = [(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)]
-- obstacles and snake's tail block the path
blocked = os ++ t
-- make sure it's on board and not blocked
valid (x',y') = and [x'>=0, y'>=0, x'<w, y'<h
,(x',y') `notElem` blocked]
validMoves = filter valid moves
-- find new paths based on validMoves
ps = map (:p) validMoves
in if null validMoves then [p] -- dead end
else concatMap move ps -- keep recursing
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