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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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English ----- (Following Japanese)

Scrum Background

Scrum History

  • est. 1993
  • Jeff Sutherland
  • Only one thing is convention. Start the most important thing first!!

Agile History

  • est. 1950
  • Agile Manufest that is about culture.
    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • Working software over comprehensive documentation
    • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    • Responding to change over following a plan

Concept of Agile

  • Self-Organaization
  • Inspection and Adaption
  • Realistic Action (In detail)
  • Later Action?
  • A small team everyday
  • Don’t ask for permission, beg for forgiveness

What is Scrum

3 roles, 4 events, 3 outputs

3 roles
  1. Product Owner(PO)
  • Decide Vision (Mission)
  • Decide Product Backlog
  • Be liable for company's ROI
  • Team
    • CrossFunction
    • Long-term Stability
    • 3 ~ 9 people in one team
  • Scrum Master
    • Maintain cultures and improvements
    • Defense from the outside
    • Be liable for the delivery of each sprint
  • (Custmer)
    • Feedback
4 events
  1. Sprint Planning
  • Daily Stand-up Meeting
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
3 outputs
  1. Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Impediment list

Important thing

  • Estimate on up-to-date condition always
  • All we should do is trusting each other

Tools fitted on each Phases

- Visual / Concept     : Confluence
- Model / Archtecture  : Confluence
- Product log          : JIRA
- Sprint log (Task)    : PostIt
- Code                 : Stash
- Product              : Confluence
- Actual user          : Confluence

Sprint Event Flow


  • Product Backlog -> Sprint Backlog
  • Plan for three sprints
  • Recheck task priority each time
  • Allocate 5% Activity


  1. Sprint Planning
  • Topic 1 (PO <-> team)
    • Team should define sprint goal (Product Backlog)
    • Reconfirm change point of estimation
  • Topic 2 (team)
    • Discuss about sprint goal in detail (Sprint Backlog)
  1. Daily Stand-up Meeting

  2. Sprint Review

  • Show actual object
  • Prohibit using PowerPoint
  • Team explains it to PO or customer
  • Then, get feedback
  1. Sprint Retrospective
  • Process improvement
  • Output impediment list(bottleneck list)
  • Check and retrospective


What is Scrum Master On all events

  • Talk with PO about how to maximize ROI
  • Improve by using any tools
  • Encourage team member by humor and joke!
  • Control the relation between PO and team
  • Control "DONE" definition
  • Keep up team's concentration
  • Challenge to team (push up)
  • Visualize problems earlier
  • Watch out team member, not result much
  • Gone when finishing challenging
  • Can remove a person who does not match as a team (Just in case)

Who is Scrum Master

  • Can look out over entire project
  • Wake up because of thinking about team too much

Backlog refinement

  • Once a week
  • reconsideration about backlog

Daily Scrum

  • 15 minutes
  • 1 minutes per each member
  • Talk about focusing on the team goal
  • Honesty, Openness, Visualization -> Team helps a member
  • Personal problems is team problem?
  • About three things
    • What a member did yesterday
    • What a member do today
    • Problems including personal one

Barn-Down Chart

  • For visualizing remaining time
  • 昇竜拳・竜巻旋風脚・かかと落とし

Drug (Interruptting factor)

  • Should deduct from backlog
    • After deduction, calculate ideal time
    • In some case, spare time just only half time


  • Should put below list on Product Backlog
    • Vacation
    • Maternity leave
    • Training

Honeymoon number

  • 1 = Only one member can do a task
  • 2 = two members can do a task
    • Cure Cross-Training (Don't forget gathering)

Surprise (Interrupt)

  • New Request from customer
    • Team desides to correspond or not
      • Consult with PO
        • Correspond to new request if team has enough time

Technical Debt

  • "Done" with some conditions as below
    • refactoring
    • documentation
    • etc
  • Can be "Done", but the debt should pay back in constant period

Emergency Procedure (PO only available)

  • Do other task
  • Call for help outside
  • Stop sprint!!

Sprint term

  • Minimum : Period of team can deliver
  • Maximum : Period of stakeholder can wait for a request

Strong point of scrum

  • Velocity (Relative estimation)
  • Get indicator about how good or bad the sprint

How to make Product Backlog

  • As who
  • Want to what
  • So that why?


  • 3 M of Inefficiency
    • Muri
    • Mura
    • Muda
  • Various Method
    • Scrum
    • Lean
    • XP
    • Agile
    • KANBAN
  • Not be a bird, Be a pig


Scrum Background

Scrum History

  • est. 1993
  • Jeff Sutherland
  • 約束事は1つのみ。最重要なものから手をつける

Agile History

  • est. 1950
  • アジャイル Manufest -> 文化が示させれている 4箇条が存在する
    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • Working software over comprehensive documentation
    • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    • Responding to change over following a plan

Concept of Agile

  • 自己組織化
  • 検査と適応
  • 現実的な行動(具体的に)
  • 後発化する
  • 毎日小さなチームで
  • 許可を求めるな、謝罪せよ

What is Scrum

3 roles, 4 events, 3 outputs

3 roles
  1. Product Owner(PO)
  • Decide Vision (Mission)
  • Decide Product Backlog
  • 企業のROIの責任を一手に引き受ける
  • Team
    • CrossFunction
    • 長期安定
    • 3 ~ 9 people in one team
  • Scrum Master
    • 文化と改善を維持
    • 外部からチームを守る
    • スプリントでのデリバリーに関する点を一手に引き受ける
  • (Custmer)
    • Feedback
4 events
  1. Sprint Planning
  • Daily Stand-up Meeting(Daily Scrum)
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
3 outputs
  1. Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Imperiment List

Important thing

  • 常に最新の状態で見積もる
  • 信頼こそすべてである

Tools fitted on each Phases

- Visual / Concept     : Confluence
- Model / Archtecture  : Confluence
- Product log          : JIRA
- Sprint log (Task)    : PostIt
- Code                 : Stash
- Product              : Confluence
- Actual user          : Confluence

Sprint Event Flow


  • Product Backlog -> Sprint Backlog
  • 3スプリント分が対応
  • 順位付けし直しを毎回行う
  • 5%をアクティビティに割り当てる


  1. Sprint Planning
  • Topic 1 (PO <-> team)
    • チームがスプリントゴールを定義
    • 見積もりの変化箇所を確認し直す
  • Topic 2 (team)
    • チームが更に検討する(詳細を決める)
  1. Daily Stand-up Meeting

  2. Sprint Review

  • 実物を見せる
  • パワポ禁止
  • チームから PO、ユーザに説明
  • フィードバックをもらう
  1. Sprint Retrospective
  • プロセス改善
    • 障害リストの出力
    • チェックと振り返り


What is Scrum Master On all events

  • POとROI最大化の話をする
  • ツールによる改善をする
  • ユーモア、励ましにより活気づける
  • POとチームの関係を管理
  • 完了の定義を管理
  • チームの集中を保つ
  • チームにチャレンジ(つっこむ)
  • 早めに問題の視覚化
  • 成果より人を見ている
  • スクラムマスターはチャレンジが終わると役目を終える
  • チームに合わない人を除くことができる


  • 全体を見れる人
  • 夜に目覚めちゃうぐらいチームを思うひと

Backlog Refinement

  • 週一で見直しを行う

Daily Scrum

  • 15 minutes
  • 1 minutes per each member
  • チームのゴールに向けた話し合いをする
  • 正直さ・オープネス・見える化 -> チームが個人を助ける
  • 個人的な障害もれっきとした障害
  • 3つのこと
    • 昨日したこと
    • 今日すること
    • 何か問題点(個人的な問題点もOK、眠いですなど)


  • 残りの時間を見るために行う
  • 昇竜拳・竜巻旋風脚・かかと落とし


  • 差し引いておく
    • 理想の時間を算出
    • backlogに対して、半分ぐらいしか時間をさけない場合もある


  • 以下もバックログに含める
    • バケーション
    • 産休
    • 研修

Honeymoon number

  • 1 = Only one member can do a task
  • 2 = two members can do a task
    • 群がることを忘れず -> クロストレーニングを矯正する


  • 新しい顧客要望
    • チームで決定
      • POに確認
        • バッファがあれば対応

Technical Debt(技術的負債)

  • 以下が残った場合でも強制的に完了できる
    • refactoring
    • documentation
    • etc
  • 負債は一定期間で返す

緊急手順 (POのみ可)

  • 他をやる
  • チーム外に助けを呼ぶ
  • 緊急停止
  • スプリントの停止


チームがデリバリーできる最短 < n < ステークホルダーが割り込みを我慢できる期間


  • ベロシティ(相対見積)
  • 指標をとることで現状を正確に把握できる


  • As Who
  • Want to What
  • so that why?
  • 誰が
  • 何をしたいのか?
  • 何のために?


  • 非効率な3M
    • Muri
    • Mura
    • Muda
  • いろいろな手法
    • Scrum
    • Lean
    • XP
    • Agile
    • KANBAN
  • 鳥になるな、豚になれ
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