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Last active April 26, 2024 21:44
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Reimplementing Prisma dev migrations for Cloudflare D1
// migrator.ts
// keep in base dir of your project (i.e. next to prisma, src, etc)
import { readdirSync, appendFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { $ } from "bun";
const dbBinding = "fdgl-maindb"; // change this, make it reflect the binding you have in your wrangler.toml
const sqlSchema =
await $`bun prisma migrate diff --from-local-d1 --to-schema-datamodel ./prisma/schema.prisma --script`.text();
if (sqlSchema.trim() === "-- This is an empty migration.") {
console.log("No changes have been made in the Prisma schema");
async function getStdin(prompt: string): Promise<string> {
process.stdout.write(`${prompt}: `);
for await (const line of console) {
return line.trim();
throw new Error("No input was provided");
const migrationName = await getStdin("Please enter the name of the migration");
if (migrationName === "") {
console.log("A migration name must be provided");
await $`bun wrangler d1 migrations create ${dbBinding} ${migrationName}`;
// migrations are numbered in order of creation (1, 2, 3 in order)
// so we want to sort and get the last one
const latestMigration = readdirSync("./migrations").sort().at(-1);
console.log(`Migration file ${latestMigration} created`);
appendFileSync(`./migrations/${latestMigration}`, sqlSchema);
console.log("Migration written to the file");
const shouldApply = await getStdin("Should the migration be applied? Y/n ");
if (shouldApply === "" || shouldApply.toLowerCase() === "y") {
await $`bun wrangler d1 migrations apply fdgl-maindb`;
} else {
console.log("Migration not applied.");
console.log("Apply the migration yourself by running bun db:migrate");
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