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Created December 7, 2012 07:28
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Save ooharak/4231484 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An Excel VBA module snippet that allows macro menu import/export
' menu.bas - An Excel VBA module snippet that allows macro menu import/export
' Copyright 2012 (C) ooharak. All Rights Reserved.
' Note that currently you have to add a reference to MS Forms 2.0 type library
Option Explicit
Sub OpenBookLocation()
Call Shell("explorer """ & ActiveWorkbook.Path & """", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Private Function InitReferences() As Variant
On Error GoTo catch
Dim ref As Variant
ref = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid("{835AC3CE-E36B-4D65-B50F-2863A682ABEE}", 2, 0)
Set InitReferences = ref
If Err.Number = 32813 Then
Resume Next
End If
Error Err.Number
End Function
Sub CopyMenuBarInfoToClipboard()
Dim mbar As CommandBar
Dim s As String
s = ""
Set mbar = CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
Dim macro As CommandBarPopup
Set macro = mbar.Controls("(&M)acro")
Dim subm As CommandBarControl
Dim level As Integer
level = 1
For Each subm In macro.Controls
s = s & searchMenuBar(0, subm)
Next subm
Dim cb As New DataObject
cb.setText s
End Sub
Private Function searchMenuBar(ByVal level As Integer, ByRef ctl As CommandBarControl) As String
Dim s As String
Dim popup As CommandBarPopup
Dim subm As CommandBarControl
If level > 7 Then
searchMenuBar = "STK"
Exit Function
End If
s = ""
Select Case ctl.Type
Case msoControlPopup
s = s & "P" & level & ctl.caption & Chr(&HD) & Chr(&HA)
Set popup = ctl
For Each subm In popup.Controls
s = s & searchMenuBar(level + 1, subm)
Next subm
Case Else
' s = s & "M" & level & ctl.caption & Chr(9) & IIf(ctl.BuiltIn, "ID=" &, ctl.OnAction) & Chr(&HD) & Chr(&HA)
If ctl.BuiltIn Then
s = s & "M" & level & ctl.caption & Chr(9) & "ID=" & & Chr(&HD) & Chr(&HA)
s = s & "M" & level & ctl.caption & Chr(9) & ctl.OnAction & Chr(&HD) & Chr(&HA)
End If
End Select
searchMenuBar = s
End Function
Sub LoadMenuBarInfo()
Dim mbar As CommandBar
Dim s As String
s = ""
Set mbar = CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
Dim macro As CommandBarPopup
Set macro = mbar.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
macro.caption = "DD(&M)acro"
macro.Visible = True
Dim fname As String
fname = "c:\xlmenu.txt"
Dim fd As Integer
fd = FreeFile
Open fname For Input As fd
On Error GoTo finally
Dim line As String
Dim mode As String
Dim level As String
Dim caption As String
Dim param As String
Dim id As Integer
Dim curm As CommandBarControl
Dim curp As CommandBarPopup
Dim curlevel As Integer
curlevel = -1
Set curm = macro
Dim modeVar As Variant
Do While Not EOF(fd)
Line Input #fd, line
mode = Left(line, 1)
level = CInt(Mid(line, 2, 1))
caption = Mid(line, 3)
If mode = "P" Then
modeVar = msoControlPopup
param = ""
modeVar = msoControlButton
Dim ary() As String
ary = Split(caption, Chr(9))
caption = ary(0)
param = ary(1)
End If
If level > curlevel Then
Set curp = curm
Set curm = addControl(curm, modeVar, param)
curlevel = level
curm.caption = caption
Else ' level < curlevel
'TODO: Investigate why Parent.Parent.Parent, not Parent.Parent
'TODO: two or more levels of leap
Set curm = addControl(curm.Parent.Parent.Parent, modeVar, param)
curlevel = level
curm.caption = caption
End If
Close fd
End Sub
Private Function addControl(ByRef menu As Variant, ByRef mode As Variant, ByRef param As String) As CommandBarControl
Dim id As Integer
If Left(param, 3) = "ID=" Then
id = CInt(Mid(param, 4))
Set addControl = menu.Controls.Add(Type:=mode, id:=id)
Set addControl = menu.Controls.Add(mode)
If (param <> "") Then
addControl.OnAction = param
End If
End If
End Function
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