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Last active April 11, 2018 17:09
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Tools that I Use

Tools that I find useful

A list of all the tools/applications that I find/found useful/use on a daily basis at work, school, or home. Everybody loves lists, right? Right??

Text Editors

  • Sublime Text 3 (for random note-taking, quick edits, as well as programming in C/C++)
  • VSCode For most project programming (Go, Ruby, Python, JS). Has mostly replaced Atom (primarily because of better performance)
  • Atom (for webdev and note-taking sometimes. Love the markdown preview!)
  • Brackets (great for writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript - I've mostly replaced it with Atom)

Task Management

  • Trello (for everything that is not necessarily constrained by time)
  • Google Calendar (for everything that needs to happen at a particular time)


  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari


Cloud Storage

  • Dropbox (file backup/occasional sharing)
  • Google Drive (group file sharing)
  • GitHub (for all of my public git repositories)
  • BitBucket (for all of my private git repositories)
  • GitLab (alternative for GitHub and BitBucket - mostly to test out built-in CI features)

CI/CD Solutions

  • Jenkins: incredibly customizable, steep-ish learning curve
  • CircleCI: mostly straightforward
  • Codeship: mostly straightforward
  • Shippable: not the most stable; can get complicated quickly


  • AWS: amazingly powerful, can get complex quickly
  • Digital Ocean: simple IAAS for small projects
  • Heroku: easy to use PAAS for simple projects

Testing/Development Aids

  • Postman (Test your REST routes while doing development)
  • Advanced REST Client (Alternative to Postman)
  • SoapUI (Creating tests for REST APIs - which can be later run via command-line by a build setup or via GUI by a human)
  • Microsoft Remote Desktop + RemoteIE (Test websites on the latest IE from OS X without setting up a windows machine)
  • Fiddler (Web debugging proxy on Windows)
  • Charles (Web debugging proxy on OS X)
  • RoboMongo (A MongoDB management tool)

Useful Online Dev Tools


  • FileZilla (transferring files to FTP/SSH servers)
  • 1Password (cross-platform password manager - mostly replaced KeePass for me)
  • KeePassX (password manager; Mac version of KeePass)
  • Slack (great for intra team communication - much better than Lync)
  • SourceTree (a GUI client for Git/Mercurial)

Photo Editing / Sketching Tools

  • Adobe Lightroom (my main photo development/management tool)
  • Gimp (for occasional crops/changes unsuitable for Lightroom/etc.)
  • sips (for resizing images/changing formats in the shell)
  • Sketch 2 (vector drawing)

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