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Forked from jkr/numerical-reference.hs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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remove unused counter when going to upper level
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{- This filter allows for numerical section references. It should be
used with "--number-sections", since it uses a similar numbering
scheme. It works by using the link notation: given a header with a
given id, we can refer to that number by using a link with `#` in it:
My Header {#my-header-id}
This refers back the [Section #](#my-header-id)
It takes two metadata options, which can either be specified
in YAML or on the command-line:
* `ref-num-sign`: This is the sign that will be used to indicate
numerical reference. It defaults to `#`.
* `ref-num-unlink`: Whether to make the the link a plain string, or
keep it a link. The default is false.
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data ScriptConfig = ScriptConfig { confNumSign :: String
, confUnlinkNum :: Bool
getConfig :: Meta -> ScriptConfig
getConfig meta = ScriptConfig { confNumSign = num
, confUnlinkNum = bool}
where num = case lookupMeta "ref-num-sign" meta of
Just (MetaString s) -> s
Just (MetaInlines ils) -> concatMap stringify ils
_ -> "#" -- default to number sign
bool = case lookupMeta "ref-num-unlink" meta of
Just (MetaBool b) -> b
_ -> False
data ScriptState = ScriptState { stCounter :: Counter
, stNumMap :: M.Map String Counter
defaultState :: ScriptState
defaultState = ScriptState [] M.empty
type MyMonad = ReaderT ScriptConfig (State ScriptState)
type Counter = [Int]
incCounter :: Int -> Counter -> Counter
incCounter lvl cntr
| lvl < 1 = cntr
| lvl < length cntr =
let xs = take (lvl - 1) $ cntr ++ (repeat 0)
y = cntr !! (lvl - 1)
xs ++ [y + 1]
| otherwise =
let xs = take (lvl - 1) $ cntr ++ (repeat 0)
(y:ys) = case drop (lvl - 1) cntr of
[] -> [0]
l -> l
xs ++ ((y + 1) : ys)
getSecNumber :: Block -> MyMonad Block
getSecNumber b@(Header n (ident, classes, _) _)
| notElem "unnumbered" classes = do
cntr <- gets stCounter
mp <- gets stNumMap
let cntr' = incCounter n cntr
put $ ScriptState { stCounter = cntr'
, stNumMap = M.insert ident cntr' mp}
return b
getSecNumber b = return b
printCntr :: Counter -> String
printCntr cntr = concat $ intersperse "." $ map show cntr
convertInlines :: String -> String -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
convertInlines orig repl ils =
let f (Str s) | s == orig = (Str repl)
f i = i
map f ils
insertNumbers :: Inline -> MyMonad [Inline]
insertNumbers il@(Link ils target)
| ('#':anchor, _) <- target = do
numSign <- asks confNumSign
unLink <- asks confUnlinkNum
mp <- gets stNumMap
return $ case filter ((Str numSign) ==) ils of
[] -> [il]
_ -> case M.lookup anchor mp of
Just cntr | unLink -> convertInlines numSign (printCntr cntr) ils
| otherwise ->
[Link (convertInlines numSign (printCntr cntr) ils) target]
Nothing -> [il]
insertNumbers il = return [il]
-- | The 'concatMapM' function generalizes 'concatMap' to arbitrary monads.
concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs)
run' :: [Block] -> MyMonad [Block]
run' blks = do
blks' <- mapM getSecNumber blks
bottomUpM (concatMapM insertNumbers) blks'
run :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
run (Pandoc meta blks) = Pandoc meta blks'
where blks' = evalState (runReaderT (run' blks) config) defaultState
config = getConfig meta
main = toJSONFilter run
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