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Last active March 27, 2020 03:54
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Get Live Status of Current Covid19 Cases using this free API [] with powershell specifying country. Defaults to my country.
$Country = "malaysia" # defaults
This script get status update of current COVID19 Cases
File Name : get-covidstatus.ps1
Author : ariff.azman
Version : 1.0
Country selection, defaults to Malaysia
COVID19 Cases for Confirmed, Deaths, Recovered with plotted Graphs
if(!(Get-Module -Name Graphical -ListAvailable) ) {
$showGraph = $false
}else {
$showGraph = $true
function ConvertFrom-Unicode {
param (
$StrippedUnicode = $FullUnicode -replace 'U\+',''
$UnicodeInt = [System.Convert]::toInt32($StrippedUnicode,16)
$UnicodeFinal = [System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32($UnicodeInt)
function Write-Loading {
param (
[Int]$Count = 39,
[Float]$Delay = 0.6,
[String]$Char = "-",
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
Write-Host $Char -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Delay
if ($Newline) {
Write-Host " "
function Get-LatestCase {
$Url = "$Country/status/$Type"
$Parsed = (Invoke-WebRequest $Url).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$Latest = $Parsed | Select-Object -Last 1 | ForEach-Object Cases
function Get-LiveCase {
$currentMonth = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM
$Url = "$Country/status/$Type/live"
$Parsed = (Invoke-WebRequest $Url).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$Parsed | Where-Object {($_.Date).Substring(0,10) -match $currentMonth} | ForEach-Object Cases
function Get-StepValue {
param (
# Getting Place Value for the number passed
$numString = $Value.ToString()
$numLength = $numString.Length - 1
$firstNum = $numString.Substring(0,1)
$placeValue = "1"
$placeValue += for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numLength; $i++) {
$zero = "0"
$placeValue = $placeValue -replace " "
$placeValue = $placeValue -as [int]
$firstNum = $firstNum -as [int]
$finalNum = $firstNum * $placeValue
$finalNum = $finalNum/4
function Show-Cases {
param (
$skull = ConvertFrom-Unicode -FullUnicode 'U+1F480'
$sick = ConvertFrom-Unicode -FullUnicode 'U+1F637'
$recovered = ConvertFrom-Unicode -FullUnicode 'U+1F600'
$currentMonth = Get-Date -Format MMMM
$latest = Get-LatestCase -Country $Country -Type $Type
$live = Get-LiveCase -Country $Country -Type $Type
$step = Get-StepValue -Value $latest
switch ($Type) {
'confirmed' {
$icon = $sick
$barType = 'Bar'
$colorText = 'Yellow'
$colorMap = @{ 10000000 = 'Yellow' }
'deaths' {
$icon = $skull
$barType = 'Scatter'
$colorText = 'Red'
$colorMap = @{ 10000000 = 'Red' }
'recovered' {
$icon = $recovered
$barType = 'Line'
$colorText = 'Green'
$colorMap = @{ 10000000 = 'Green' }
Default { $colorMap = @{ 10000000 = 'Cyan' } }
Write-Host "`n`t $($Type.ToUpper())" -ForegroundColor $colorText
Write-Loading -Newline
if ($showGraph -and $step -gt 5) {
Show-Graph -GraphTitle $currentMonth -Datapoints $live -Type $barType -XAxisStep 6 -YAxisStep $step -ColorMap $colorMap
Write-Host " TOTAL `t`t$latest $icon"
$defaultPP = $ProgressPreference
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$dateString = (get-date -DisplayHint date | Out-String).Trim()
Write-Host "`n`t$dateString" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host "`n`t$($Country.ToUpper()) COVID19 STATUS" -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Confirmed Cases ===============================================
Show-Cases -Type 'confirmed'
# Death Cases ===================================================
Show-Cases -Type 'deaths'
# Recovered Cases ================================================
Show-Cases -Type 'recovered'
$ProgressPreference = $defaultPP
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