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Last active March 6, 2021 15:28
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HTML <figure> tag Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll. Create figure/img HTML elements with optional classes and captions. This is a YAML-dependent Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll for those who fear link rot. The required bits are alt attributes and <img> tags. A unique feature for this method is a markdownified <figcaption>. This tag allows for optional …
# Title: Figure/image tag plugin for Jekyll
# Author: Oliver Pattison |
# Description: Create figure/img HTML blocks with optional classes and captions. This is a YAML-dependent Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll for those who fear link rot.
# Download/source/issues:
# Documentation:
# Note: designed specifically for implementations with YAML front matter-based images, captions and alt text.
# Create YAML collections in a post like this:
# image:
# - path/to/image
# - path/to/another-image
# Make sure to have an image host specified in the _config.yml file:
# image_url:
# Syntax:
# {% figure [class name(s)] /path/to/image 'alt text' ['caption text'] %}
# Sample (typical use):
# {% figure left {{ page.image[0] }} {{ page.image_alt[0] }} {{ page.image_caption[0] }} %}
# Output:
# <figure class="left">
# <img src="" alt="Landscape view of solar farm">
# <figcaption>
# <p>Photos from my trip to <a href="">the solar farm</a>.</p>
# </figcaption>
# </figure>
module Jekyll
class FigureTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
@class = nil #not required
@src = ''
@alt = ''
@caption = nil #not required
if markup =~ /(\S.*\s+)?(page.image\[\d\])(\s+page.image_alt\[\d\])?(\s+page.image_caption\[\d\])?/
#regex that grabs the src and alt at minimum, but optionally alt and caption
@class = $1
@src = $2
@alt = $3
@caption = $4
def render(context)
# making sure that liquid tags referencing the front matter are parsed as liquid tags
@src = Liquid::Template.parse("{{ #{@src} }}").render(context)
@alt = Liquid::Template.parse("{{ #{@alt} }}").render(context)
@caption = Liquid::Template.parse("{{ #{@caption} | markdownify }}").render(context)
@site_url = Liquid::Template.parse("{{ site.image_url }}").render(context)
if @class
figure = "<figure class=\"#{@class}\">"
figure = "<figure>"
figure += "<img src=\"#{@site_url}#{@src}\" alt=\"#{@alt}\"/>"
if @caption
figure += "</figure>"
figure += "<figcaption>#{@caption}</figcaption>"
figure += "</figure>"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('figure', Jekyll::FigureTag)
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