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Forked from jspahrsummers/GHRunLoopWatchdog.h
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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/// Observes a run loop to detect any stalling or blocking that occurs.
/// This class is thread-safe.
@interface GHRunLoopWatchdog : NSObject
/// Initializes the receiver to watch the specified run loop, using a default
/// stalling threshold.
- (id)initWithRunLoop:(CFRunLoopRef)runLoop;
/// Initializes the receiver to detect when the specified run loop blocks for
/// more than `threshold` seconds.
/// This is the designated initializer for this class.
- (id)initWithRunLoop:(CFRunLoopRef)runLoop stallingThreshold:(NSTimeInterval)threshold;
/// Begins watching the receiver's run loop for stalling in the given mode.
/// The receiver will automatically stop watching the run loop upon deallocation.
/// mode - The mode in which to monitor the specified run loop. Use
/// kCFRunLoopCommonModes to watch all common run loop modes. This should
/// not be NULL.
- (void)startWatchingMode:(CFStringRef)mode;
/// Stops watching the receiver's run loop for stalling in the given mode.
/// There is generally no need to invoke this method explicitly.
/// mode - The mode in which to monitor the specified run loop. Use
/// kCFRunLoopCommonModes to watch all common run loop modes. This should
/// not be NULL.
- (void)stopWatchingMode:(CFStringRef)mode;
/// A block to invoke any time the run loop stalls.
/// duration - The number of seconds that elapsed in the run loop iteration.
@property (copy) void (^didStallWithDuration)(NSTimeInterval duration);
#import "GHRunLoopWatchdog.h"
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
// The default number of seconds that must pass to consider a run loop stalled.
static const NSTimeInterval GHRunLoopWatchdogDefaultStallingThreshold = 0.2;
@interface GHRunLoopWatchdog ()
// The run loop to watch.
// Despite being marked `assign`, this property is retained.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CFRunLoopRef runLoop;
// The observer used to watch the run loop.
// Despite being marked `assign`, this property is retained.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) CFRunLoopObserverRef observer;
// The number of seconds that must pass to consider the run loop stalled.
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSTimeInterval threshold;
// The mach_absolute_time() at which the current run loop iteration was started,
// or 0 if there is no current iteration in progress.
// This property is not thread-safe, and must only be accessed from the thread
// that the run loop is associated with.
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t startTime;
// Invoked any time the run loop stalls.
// duration - The number of seconds that elapsed in the run loop iteration.
- (void)iterationStalledWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
@implementation GHRunLoopWatchdog
#pragma mark Lifecycle
- (id)initWithRunLoop:(CFRunLoopRef)runLoop {
return [self initWithRunLoop:runLoop stallingThreshold:GHRunLoopWatchdogDefaultStallingThreshold];
- (id)initWithRunLoop:(CFRunLoopRef)runLoop stallingThreshold:(NSTimeInterval)threshold {
NSParameterAssert(runLoop != NULL);
NSParameterAssert(threshold > 0);
self = [super init];
if (self == nil) return nil;
_runLoop = (CFRunLoopRef)CFRetain(runLoop);
_threshold = threshold;
// Precalculate timebase information.
mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase;
NSTimeInterval secondsPerMachTime = timebase.numer / timebase.denom / 1e9;
// Observe at an extremely low order so that we can catch stalling even in
// high-priority operations (like UI redrawing or animation).
_observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler(NULL, kCFRunLoopAllActivities, YES, INT_MIN, ^(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFRunLoopActivity activity) {
switch (activity) {
// What we consider one "iteration" might start with any one of
// these events.
case kCFRunLoopEntry:
case kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers:
case kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting:
case kCFRunLoopBeforeSources:
if (self.startTime == 0) self.startTime = mach_absolute_time();
case kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting:
case kCFRunLoopExit: {
uint64_t endTime = mach_absolute_time();
if (self.startTime <= 0) {
uint64_t elapsed = endTime - self.startTime;
NSTimeInterval duration = elapsed * secondsPerMachTime;
if (duration > self.threshold) [self iterationStalledWithDuration:duration];
self.startTime = 0;
NSAssert(NO, @"Observer should not have been triggered for activity %i", (int)activity);
if (_observer == NULL) return nil;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
if (_observer != NULL) {
_observer = NULL;
if (_runLoop != NULL) {
_runLoop = NULL;
#pragma mark Starting and Stopping
- (void)startWatchingMode:(CFStringRef)mode {
NSParameterAssert(mode != NULL);
CFRunLoopAddObserver(self.runLoop,, mode);
- (void)stopWatchingMode:(CFStringRef)mode {
NSParameterAssert(mode != NULL);
CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(self.runLoop,, mode);
#pragma mark Timing
- (void)iterationStalledWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
NSLog(@"%@: iteration of run loop %p took %.f ms to execute", self, self.runLoop, (double)duration * 1000);
void (^didStall)(NSTimeInterval) = self.didStallWithDuration;
if (didStall != nil) didStall(duration);
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