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Last active June 2, 2024 10:49
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![Introduction Image](
## **[](**
Use AI with __ZERO__ digital footprint.
no intformation goes out
a walled garden
only tracked internaly by administration
and teachers
# 2: Our Solution
![Solution Image](
**Personalized AI for Education**
**Private** and *Secure*
Partner with us Early.
& help shape personalized AI tools that enhance learning.
# 3: Privacy
![Privacy Image](
**The Privacy Threat**
Proprietary AI models invade privacy by collecting extensive data on individual consumers, creating detailed profiles. This is highly dangerous, especially for students, as it can lead to exploitation and misuse of personal information.
# AI
![Battle Image](
**AI: A Critical Juncture**
There's a powerful push to treat AI as an existential threat, leading to a conflict between keeping AI closed and tightly controlled versus open and accessible.
# 3: Lobbying and Legislation
![Lobbying Image](
**The Big Tech Influence**
In 2023, AI lobbying efforts exploded, with over $1 billion spent to influence US federal AI regulation
# 4: Impact on Open Source
**Threat to Open Source AI**
Strict regulations could stifle open-source AI development, leaving only big, closed proprietary models, limiting innovation and accessibility.
# Opposition to Regulation
**Experts Speak Out**
Experts such as [Andrew Ng]( argue that the existential threat narrative is used by big tech to eliminate open-source efforts, which are crucial for equitable AI development.
# Open Source Advantage
**The Power of Open Source**
Open-source AI projects are advancing rapidly, providing comparable quality at lower costs and enabling broader access. They are essential for democratizing AI.
# 9: Your Role
**Support Open Source AI**
Support open-source projects and engage in political advocacy to ensure AI development remains transparent, equitable, and accessible to all.
# 10: Canadians Love AI's Commitment
**Privacy and Education**
We are committed to promoting secure, on-premises generative AI solutions for education, ensuring privacy and compliance, while fostering innovation and accessibility.
# 11: Conclusion
**Ensuring Equitable and Private AI Development**
Stay informed and active, support open-source and privacy-focused initiatives. Together, we can ensure AI remains a tool for everyone, especially in education.
# Comparison Table: Proprietary AI vs. Open-Source AI
| Feature | Proprietary AI Models | Open-Source AI Models |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Privacy** | Often collect extensive personal data | Minimal data collection, more user control |
| **Transparency** | Opaque, limited access to model workings | Fully transparent, anyone can inspect the code |
# Comparison Table: Proprietary AI vs. Open-Source AI
| Feature | Proprietary AI Models | Open-Source AI Models |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Control** | Controlled by a few large corporations | Controlled by the community and individual users |
| **Accessibility** | High cost, restricted access | Free or low cost, widely accessible |
# Comparison Table: Proprietary AI vs. Open-Source AI
| Feature | Proprietary AI Models | Open-Source AI Models |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Innovation** | Slower innovation due to closed development | Faster innovation due to community contributions |
| **Security** | Potentially vulnerable due to proprietary flaws | Open for community scrutiny, quicker fixes |
# Comparison Table: Proprietary AI vs. Open-Source AI
| Feature | Proprietary AI Models | Open-Source AI Models |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Educational Use** | Limited access, privacy concerns | Open access, privacy-focused, ideal for education |
| **Compliance** | Difficult to verify compliance | Easier to verify compliance with regulations |
# Comparison Table: Proprietary AI vs. Open-Source AI
| Feature | Proprietary AI Models | Open-Source AI Models |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| **Ethical Concerns** | Often driven by corporate interests | Driven by community and ethical considerations |
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