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Last active January 28, 2019 13:39
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Script that sets the openrazer driver device mode of connected Razer devices to 'driver'.
Copyright © 2018 Torge Matthies <>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.
debug() {
[ -n "$LOG_DEBUG" ] && [ 0 \!= "$LOG_DEBUG" ] && printf '[DEBUG] ' && printf '%s\n' "$*"
info() {
[ -n "$LOG_INFO" ] && [ 0 \!= "$LOG_INFO" ] && printf '[INFO] ' && printf '%s\n' "$*"
warn() {
[ -n "$LOG_WARN" ] && [ 0 \!= "$LOG_WARN" ] && printf '[WARNING] ' && printf '%s\n' "$*"
error() {
[ -n "$LOG_ERROR" ] && [ 0 \!= "$LOG_ERROR" ] && printf '[ERROR] ' && printf '%s\n' "$*"
# Sets the device mode of a Razer device
# params:
# string device_serial
# The serial number of the device.
# string device_mode
# The new device mode. One of ('normal', 'driver').
# stdout:
# Output of dbus-send.
# stderr:
# Errors from dbus-send.
# exit code:
# 1 if not enough parameters were passed,
# 2 if too many parameters were passed,
# 16 if an invalid device_mode was passed,
# the exit code of dbus-send otherwise.
set_device_mode() {
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
# Not enough parameters
return 1
# Too many parameters
return 2
# Translate device_mode parameter into mode id
case "$2" in
# Mode 'normal' is mode id 0
set -- "$1" byte:0;;
# Mode 'driver' is mode id 3
set -- "$1" byte:3;;
# Invalid mode
return 16;;
dbus-send --session --dest=org.razer --type=method_call /org/razer/device/"$1" razer.device.misc.setDeviceMode "$2" byte:0
# Lists the connected Razer devices
# stdout:
# Newline-separated list of device serial numbers.
# stderr:
# Errors from dbus-send.
# exit code:
# 2 if parameters were passed,
# the exit code of dbus-send otherwise.
_list_devices() {
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
# Too many parameters
return 2
# qdbus --session org.razer /org/razer razer.devices.getDevices
dbus-send --session --dest=org.razer --type=method_call --print-reply /org/razer razer.devices.getDevices |\
# Cut off array header and footer
tail -n +3 | head -n -1 |\
# Cut off ' string "' part of line
cut -c15- |\
# Cut off closing quotes
rev | cut -c2- | rev
# The main method of the program
main() {
# Start listening for device_added signals
debug 'Starting dbus-monitor'
exec sh -c 'printf "%s\\n" "$$"; LINES= COLUMNS= LC_ALL=C exec dbus-monitor --session --profile "type=signal,path=/org/razer,interface=razer.devices"' 2>/dev/null |\
# Read dbus-monitor pid
IFS= read -r __dbus_wait_for_signal_mpid
debug "dbus-monitor pid: $__dbus_wait_for_signal_mpid"
# Set the device mode for all currently connected Razer devices
info 'Setting device mode for all connected devices'
_list_devices | sort -u | tee "$__main_device_list_file" |\
while IFS= read -r serial; do
debug "Setting device mode of device $serial"
set_device_mode "$serial" driver
# Skip table header
IFS= read -r _
IFS= read -r _
# Set the device mode when a new Razer device is connected
info 'Waiting for new devices'
while IFS= read -r line; do
case "$line" in
# A device was added
info 'New device detected, setting device mode'
# Write all devices to __main_device_list_file_new
_list_devices | sort -u > "$__main_device_list_file_new"
# Process new devices
comm -13 "$__main_device_list_file" "$__main_device_list_file_new" |\
while IFS= read -r serial; do
debug "Setting device mode of device $serial"
set_device_mode "$serial" driver
# Exchange __main_device_list_file and __main_device_list_file_new
unset __main_tmp
# A device was removed
info 'Device removed'
if [ -n "$LOG_DEBUG" ] && [ "$LOG_DEBUG" \!= 0 ]; then
# Write all devices to __main_device_list_file_new
_list_devices | sort -u > "$__main_device_list_file_new"
# Process removed devices
comm -23 "$__main_device_list_file" "$__main_device_list_file_new" |\
while IFS= read -r serial; do
debug "Serial number of removed device: $serial"
# Exchange __main_device_list_file and __main_device_list_file_new
unset __main_tmp
# Write all devices to __main_device_list_file
_list_devices | sort -u | tee "$__main_device_list_file"
# Kill dbus-monitor
kill "$__dbus_wait_for_signal_mpid"
main ${1+"$@"}
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