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Created December 8, 2011 19:39
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Save opensas/1448216 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tiny little scala script to check for play documentation translated files, see
exec scala -savecompiled "$0" "$@"
val docs = new File(".").listFiles
.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".textile")) // process only textile files
.map(new DocumentationFile(_))
val translated = docs.filter(_.isTranslated) // only already translated files
//Other ways to do it
//val translatedLength = translated.foldLeft(0L)( (acum, element) => acum + element.length )
//val translatedLength = translated.foldLeft(0L)( _ + _.length )
//val translatedLength = if (translated.length == 0) 0 else
val translatedLength =
val docsLength =
status("translated size", translatedLength, docsLength, (length) => asKB(length) )
status("translated files", translated.length, docs.length)
def status(title: String = "status", current: Long, total: Long, format: (Long) => String = (x) => x.toString): String = {
val percent = current * 100 / total
title + ": " + format(current) + "/" + format(total) + " " +
percent + "%" +
" (pending " + format(total - current) + " " +
(100-percent) + "%)"
def asKB(length: Long) = (length / 1000) + "kb"
class DocumentationFile(val file: File) {
val name = file.getName
val length = file.length
val isTranslated = (firstLine.indexOf("Esta página todavía no ha sido traducida al castellano") == -1)
override def toString = "name: " + name + ", length: " + length + ", isTranslated: " + isTranslated
def firstLine = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)).readLine
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