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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save opensourcegeek/11127073 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Category theory as explained by Mike Stay (
// This is work by Mike Stay, (
// I place all this code in the public domain.
// Library of contracts and functors.
var CT = (function (){
var call =;
var slice = call.bind([].slice);
var getClassName = call.bind({}.toString);
var create = Object.create.bind(Object);
var gpo = Object.getPrototypeOf.bind(Object);
var install = function (global) {
for (var i in CT) {
global[i] = CT[i];
// A contract that allows anything
var any = function (x) { return x; };
var classOf = function (s) {
return function (v) {
if (getClassName(v) !== "[object " + s + "]") {
throw new TypeError("Expected " + s);
return v;
var arr = classOf("Array");
var date = classOf("Date");
var re = classOf("RegExp");
// Creates a contract for a value of type s
var typeOf = function (s) {
return function (v) {
if (typeof v !== s) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a" + (s === "object" ? "n" : "") + s + ".");
return v;
var func = typeOf("function");
var str = typeOf("string");
var obj = typeOf("object");
var bool = typeOf("boolean");
var num = typeOf("number");
// Creates a contract for an object inheriting from ctor
var instanceOf = function (ctor) {
return function (inst) {
if (!(inst instanceof ctor)) {
throw new TypeError("Expected an instance of " + ctor);
return inst;
// Asserts n is a signed 32-bit number
var int32 = function (n) {
if ((n | 0) !== n) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a 32-bit integer.");
return n;
// Asserts int32 and nonnegative
var nat32 = function (n) {
if ((n | 0) !== n || n < 0) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a 32-bit natural.");
return n;
// passes three params:
// the element, the index, and the array.
// This restricts to the first.
Array.prototype.mapClean = function (f) {
return (x) { return f(x); });
// Creates a contract for an array whose
// elements all satisfy the contract c
var arrOf = function (c) {
return function (a) {
return arr(a).mapClean(c);
// Creates a contract for an object whose
// enumerable properties all satisfy the contract c
var objOf = function (c) {
return function (o) {
var result = create(gpo(o));
for (i in o) {
result[i] = c(o[i]);
return result;
// Given an array of contracts, creates a contract for
// an array whose elements satisfy the respective contracts.
var prodn = function (cs) {
var len = cs.length;
return function (args) {
if (args.length !== len) {
throw new TypeError("Expected " + len + " arguments");
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// Apply each contract to the
// corresponding argument.
result[i] = cs[i](args[i]);
return result;
// Given an object whose enumerable properties are contracts,
// creates a contract for an object whose enumerable properties
// satisfy the respective contracts.
var prods = function (intr) {
for (var i in intr) {
return function (x) {
var result = create(gpo(x));
for (var i in intr) {
result[i] = intr[i](x[i]);
return result;
// Given an array of contracts, creates a contract for a
// 2-element array where item 0 is an index and item 1
// is a value satisfying the contract at that index
// in the array
var coprodn = function (cs) {
var len = cs.length;
return function (choice) {
if (choice.length !== 2) {
throw new TypeError("Expected [nat32, any].");
if (choice[0] >= len ) {
throw new TypeError("Tag out of range.")
return [choice[0], cs[choice[0]](choice[1])];
// Given an object of contracts, creates a contract for a
// 2-element array where item 0 is a property name and item 1
// is a value satisfying the contract at that property name
// in the object
var coprods = function (intr) {
return function (choice) {
if (choice.length !== 2) {
throw new TypeError("Expected [str, any].");
if (!intr.hasOwnProperty(choice[0])) {
throw new TypeError("Unknown tag.")
return [choice[0], intr[choice[0]](choice[1])];
// Given an array of functions, returns a contract
// for those arrays where the elements all map to the
// same value under the given functions, e.g. given
// [f, g], we get a contract for those [x, y] for which
// f(x) === g(y).
var pbn = function (fs) {
var c = prodn(fs);
var len = fs.length;
return function (args) {
var result = c(args);
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
if (result[i] !== result[i-1]) {
throw new TypeError("Failed to match pullback constraint.");
return args;
// TODO: pushouts?
// Helper for the hom functor below.
// hom(a,b).self(fnReturningContractForThis)(function method(){...})(args...)
var self = function (c) {
// c takes no input, returns a contract
c = hom(func)(c);
var homab = this;
return function (method) {
return function (varArgs) {
return homab(method).apply(c()(this), arguments);
// Creates a contract for a function whose inputs and output
// satisfy the given contracts.
var hom = function hom(/* input1, ..., inputn, output */) {
var before = prodn(arrOf(func)(slice(arguments, 0, arguments.length - 1)));
var after = func(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
var result = function (middle) {
var result = function (varArgs) {
return after(
result.toString = (function (str) {
return function () { return str + "/* guarded */"; };
})("" + middle);
return result;
result.self = self.bind(result);
return result;
var Method = function () {};
var meth = function (/* varArgs */) {
var result = create(Method.prototype);
result.args = slice(arguments);
return result;
var intr = function (i) {
var contract = {}, result;
var delay = function () { return result; }
for (var prop in i) {
if (i[prop] instanceof Method) {
contract[prop] = hom.apply(void 0, i[prop].args).self(delay);
} else {
contract[prop] = i[prop];
result = prods(contract);
return result;
// Creates a memoized contract for a subset of str
// As a functor, creates a memoized version of a
// function f:str -> any
var memo = function (c) {
var memo = {};
return function (s) {
// The "$" prefix avoids issues with
// magic properties like __proto__.
var key = "$" + s;
if (key in memo) {
return memo[key];
return memo[key] = c(s);
var CT = {
any: any,
arr: arr,
arrOf: arrOf,
bool: bool,
coprodn: coprodn,
coprods: coprods,
date: date,
func: func,
hom: hom,
id: any,
instanceOf: instanceOf,
int32: int32,
intr: intr,
meth: meth,
memo: memo,
nat32: nat32,
num: num,
obj: obj,
objOf: objOf,
pbn: pbn,
prodn: prodn,
prods: prods,
re: re,
str: str,
install: install
return CT;
// Algebraic theory of MONOIDS:
// Choose a set and two functions satisfying some relations, get a monoid
// It's undecidable to test the relations, so we leave them out...
var monoid = function (set, times, ident) {
return prods({
t: func,
"*": hom(set, set, set),
1: set
t: set,
"*": times,
1: ident
// ... and write tests instead.
// Given a monoid and a way to get random elements of the monoid,
// check associativity and unit laws.
var testMonoid = function (mon, rand) {
var a = rand(), b = rand(), c = rand();
var i = mon[1];
var t = mon["*"];
if (t(a, t(b, c)) !== t(t(a, b), c)) {
throw new Error("Monoid is not associative: " + stringify([a, b, c]));
if (t(a, i) !== a) {
throw new Error("Monoid does not satisfy a * 1 = a: " + a);
if (t(i, a) !== a) {
throw new Error("Monoid does not satisfy 1 * a = a: " + a);
// Alternate definition of a monoid that helps illustrate
// the concept of a monoid homomorphism
var monoid2 = function (setIn, setOut, times, ident) {
// Allow the other signature as well
if (arguments.length === 3) {
ident = times;
times = setOut;
setOut = setIn;
return prods({
"*": hom(setIn, setIn, setOut),
1: hom(/*terminal,*/ setOut)
"*": times,
1: ident
var K = function (x) { return function () { return x; }; };
var and = hom(bool, bool, bool)(function (b1, b2) { return b1 && b2; });
var andMon = monoid2(bool, and, K(true));
var xor = hom(bool, bool, bool)(function (b1, b2) { return (b1 ^ b2) ? true : false; });
var xorMon = monoid2(bool, xor, K(true));
var int32Add = hom(int32, int32, int32)(function (n1, n2) { return n1 + n2; });
var int32AddMon = monoid2(int32, int32Add, K(0));
var concat = hom(str, str, str)(function (s1, s2) { return s1 + s2; });
var concat = monoid2(str, concat, K(""));
var mod2 = hom(int32, bool)(function (n) { return (n % 2) ? true : false; });
var lsb1 = monoid2(mod2, bool, xor, K(true));
var lsb2 = monoid2(int32, mod2, int32Add, K(0));
// TODO: monoid hom as pullback of the two ways of computing lsb
// MONADS as monoid objects in an endofunctor category
var monad = function (ftor, times, ident) { // var monoid = function (set, times, ident) {
return function (t) {
return prods({ // return prods({
t: func, // t: func,
"*": hom(ftor(ftor(t)), ftor(t)), // "*": hom(set, set, set),
1: hom(any(t), ftor(t)) // 1: hom(set)
})({ // })({
t: ftor(t), // t: set,
"*": times(t), // "*": times,
1: ident(t) // 1: ident
}); // });
}; // };
var lift = function (t) {
return hom(t, arrOf(t))(function (x) { return [x]; });
var flatten = function (t) {
return hom(arrOf(arrOf(t)), arrOf(t))(function (llx) {
var result = [];
var len = llx.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
result = result.concat(llx[i]);
return result;
var listMon = monad(arrOf, flatten, lift);
var loi = listMon(int32);
try {
loi.t([3,6,5]); // passes
loi.t(["3",6,5]); // fails on item 0
} catch (e) {}
loi[1](3); // === [3]
loi["*"]([[1,2],[3,4],[5]]); // === [1,2,3,4,5]
var upto = hom(int32, arrOf(int32))(function (x) {
var r = [];
for (var i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
return r;
loi["*"](listMon(upto).t([6,2])); // === [0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1]
// MONADS in the Haskell / Kleisli style
var kleisli = function (mon) {
return function (t) {
var mont = mon(t);
function M(mx) {
return {
value: mx,
_: function (f) {
return M(mont["*"](mon(f).t(this.value)));
return function (x) { return M(mont[1](x)); };
var kli = kleisli(listMon)(int32);
kli(6)._(upto)._(upto).value; // === [0,0,1,0,1,2,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,4]
// Example of a monoidal closed functor, the "points" functor
// Comes equipped with natural isomorphisms
// chi:(lazy A -o B) -> (lazy A -o lazy B)
// phi:(lazy prod_i A_i) -> (prod_i lazy A_i)
// has lots of examples showing how laziness helps modularization
var lazy = function (c) {
// Restrict hom to a single argument,
// i.e. terminal -> c
return hom(c);
var lazyLift = K;
var lazyFlatten = function (lazyLazyX) {
return lazyLazyX();
var lazyMon = monad(lazy, lazyLift, lazyFlatten);
var lazyChi = function (lazyAtoB) {
return function (lazyA) {
return lazyLift(lazyAtoB()(lazyA()));
var lazyPhi = function (lazyProd) {
// Invoke the lazy prod to get the actual prod,
// then delay each element.
return arr(lazyProd()).mapClean(lazyLift);
// Another monoidal closed functor,
// continuation passing is double negation.
// Dinatural in Z:
// cp A = (A->Z)->Z
var cp = function (c) {
return hom(hom(c, id), id);
var cpLift = function (x) {
return function (k) {
return k(x);
// Quadruple negation to double negation
// (((X->Z)->Z)->Z)->Z -> (X->Z)->Z
var cpFlatten = function (cpCpX /*: (((X->Z)->Z)->Z)->Z */) {
return function (k /*: (X->Z) */) {
return cpCpX(function (l) {
return l(k); /*: Z */
var cpMon = monad(cp, cpLift, cpFlatten);
var cpChi = function (k /*: ((A->B)->Z)->Z */) {
return function (l /*: (A->Z)->Z */) {
return function (m /*: B->Z */) {
return l(function (c /*: A */) {
return k(function (d /*: A->B */) {
return m(d(c));
// ((prod_i A_i)->Z)->Z -> prod_i (((A_i)->Z)->Z)
var cpPhi = function (cpProd) {
var prod;
cpProd(function (p) { prod = arr(p); });
return p.mapClean(cpLift);
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