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Created November 14, 2016 19:43
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Rust code to look for bacons and sausages
extern crate nickel;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate scan_dir;
extern crate csv;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{thread, time};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::fs;
use std::process;
use std::env;
use scan_dir::ScanDir;
use std::str::FromStr;
use nickel::{Nickel, HttpRouter};
use rustc_serialize::json::{Json, ToJson};
const ONE_SEC_IN_MILLIS:u64 = 1000;
const MAX_LEN_Q:u64 = 60;
struct CircularQ {
items: VecDeque<u32>
impl CircularQ {
fn new() -> CircularQ {
CircularQ {
items: VecDeque::<u32>::new()
fn push_item(&mut self, item: u32) -> () {
if self.items.len() >= MAX_LEN_Q as usize {
fn get_items(&self) -> &VecDeque<u32> {
impl ToJson for CircularQ {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
let mut is = Vec::new();
for i in &self.items {
struct Stats {
// Bacon/Serial name
name: String,
// Map<String, u32> - String is sausage number and we save u32 which is value
// sausage number starts with 1, where 1 is the total utilization in CircularQ.
// 2 is sausage 1, 3 is sausage 2 and so on. You can scan from sausage 1
// to sausage 9 at the moment.
utilization: BTreeMap<String, CircularQ>
type StatsTree = BTreeMap<String, Stats>;
impl Stats {
fn new() -> Stats {
Stats {
name: "".to_string(),
utilization: BTreeMap::<String, CircularQ>::new()
fn set_name(&mut self, name: String) -> () { = name;
fn set_utilization(&mut self, key: String, val: u32) -> () {
if self.utilization.contains_key(&key) {
if let Some(q) = self.utilization.get_mut(&key) {
} else {
let mut q = CircularQ::new();
self.utilization.insert(key, q);
fn get_average(&self, key: String) -> f32 {
match self.utilization.get(&key) {
Some(q) => {
let mut sum = 0;
for i in q.get_items() {
sum = sum + i;
let len = q.get_items().len() as u32;
(sum / len) as f32
None => {
// The key doesn't exist?? Would we ever hit this branch??
fn get_100_percent_usage(&self, key: String) -> f32 {
match self.utilization.get(&key) {
Some(q) => {
let mut times_100 = 0;
let percent_100: u32 = 100;
for i in q.get_items() {
if i == &percent_100 {
times_100 = times_100 + 1;
let len = q.get_items().len() as u32;
((times_100 / len) * 100) as f32
None => {
// The key doesn't exist?? Would we ever hit this branch??
impl ToJson for Stats {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
let sausage_indices: Vec<_> = self.utilization.keys().cloned().collect();
for sausage_index in sausage_indices {
let average = self.get_average(sausage_index.to_string());
let average_100 = self.get_100_percent_usage(sausage_index.to_string());
let avg_key = format!("{}-{}", "average-utilization".to_string(), sausage_index);
let hundred_percent_key = format!("{}-{}", "100-utilization".to_string(), sausage_index);
map.insert(avg_key, average.to_json());
map.insert(hundred_percent_key, average_100.to_json());
fn get_bacon_name_and_metric_index(file_name: String) -> (String, String) {
let v: Vec<&str> = file_name.split(".log").collect();
let v2: Vec<&str> = v[0].split("/").collect();
let v3: Vec<&str> = v2[v2.len() -1].split("bacon_utilization_").collect();
let v4: Vec<&str> = v3[v3.len() -1].split("_").collect();
println!("{} --- {}", v4[0], v4[1]);
(v4[0].to_string(), v4[1].to_string())
fn start_producer_consumer(args: Vec<String>) -> () {
let ids = Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::<String, Stats>::new()));
let m = ids.clone();
let mutex = ids.clone();
let csv_mutex = ids.clone();
let handle_two = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut counter = 0;
loop {
counter = counter + 1;
let directory = args[1].as_str();
// Scan for only log files
let all_log_files: Vec<_> = ScanDir::files().walk(directory, |iter| {
iter.filter(|&(_, ref name)| name.ends_with(".log"))
.map(|(ref entry, _)| entry.path())
for log_file_path in all_log_files {
println!("Name: {:?}", log_file_path);
let mut f = File::open(log_file_path.clone()).expect("Unable to open file");
let mut s = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut s);
println!("{}", s);
let (bacon_name, metric_index) = get_bacon_name_and_metric_index(
let values:Vec<&str> = s.split(",").collect();
let val = values[1];
println!("Val for {} sausage (index) {} is {}", bacon_name, metric_index, val);
// Split value in string and also set the value
let mut ptr = mutex.lock().unwrap();
// This scope helps mutex unlock when it leaves this scope - without it
// this lock never gets released!
if !ptr.contains_key(&bacon_name) {
let mut stats = Stats::new();
stats.set_utilization(metric_index, u32::from_str(val).unwrap());
ptr.insert(bacon_name.clone(), stats);
} else {
let mut stats = ptr.get_mut(&bacon_name).unwrap();
stats.set_utilization(metric_index, u32::from_str(val).unwrap());
let handle_one = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut server = Nickel::new();
server.get("/utilization.json", middleware! { |req|
println!("Trying to get lock");
let ptr = m.lock().unwrap();
// loop stats ptr and build btreemap/vector and do a to_json?
server.get("/utilization.csv", middleware! { |req|
println!("Trying to get lock");
let ptr = csv_mutex.lock().unwrap();
// loop stats ptr and build btreemap/vector and do a to_json?
let mut records = Vec::new();
for (serial, stats) in ptr.iter() {
let mut record = Vec::new();
for (sausage_index, q) in stats.utilization.iter() {
let average = stats.get_average(sausage_index.to_string());
let average_100 = stats.get_100_percent_usage(sausage_index.to_string());
let mut writer = csv::Writer::from_memory();
for record in records {
server.get("/boo", middleware! { |req|
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("boo".to_string(), "boo-boo".to_json());
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2 {
println!("Not enough arguments - missing path for log file directory");
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leshow commented Nov 25, 2016

line 111, you can lose the for loop and use a fold or a sum. Since VecDeque implements iterator.

also, those get_average branches where if the Option is zero you return 0.0; You might want to have that function return a Result, since it looks like if it is None, then you're in an error case from your commentary.

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