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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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PHP Class for parsing XML from the Reuters API
* Parse Investor XML Feeds
* XML feeds pulled in from Reuters, parsed,
* cached and displayed on homepage.
* @param int $compid The account identifier for access to the XML API
* @param bool $debug Sets a debug mode for faster testing
if ( !class_exists( 'Reuters' ) ):
class Reuters {
static $compid = XXXXXX;
static $debug = false;
* HTTP Request to API
* @param string $feed The URL for a given Reuters XML feed
static function http_request( $feed = null ) {
// Validate feed
if ( ! $feed )
return new WP_Error( 'ReutersFeeds_error', __( 'No feed provided.' ) );
// HTTP request
// Note: Reuters does not send proper error
// response codes with their XML
$response = wp_remote_get( $feed, array(
'compress' => false
) );
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
// Convert XML to JSON
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $body, LIBXML_NOCDATA );
$json = json_encode( $xml );
$obj = json_decode( $json );
// Error handling
if ( isset($obj->Errors) )
return new WP_Error( 'xml_api_error', __( $obj->Errors->Error ), $feed );
return $obj;
* Fetch an HTTP response
* @param string $type Determine the type of output this is, currently this can be 'events' or 'news'
* @param int $size How many items to return
static function generate_output( $type = null, $size = 4 ) {
// Output for NEWS type
if ( $type == 'news' ) {
// Make HTTP request
$response = self::http_request( '' . self::$compid . '&reqtype=newsreleases_2' );
if ( is_wp_error($response) )
return $response->get_error_message();
$entries = $response->NewsReleases->NewsRelease;
// Output for EVENTS type
elseif ( $type == 'events' ) {
// Make HTTP request
$response = self::http_request( '' . self::$compid . '&reqtype=events2' );
if ( is_wp_error($response) )
return $response->get_error_message();
$entries = $response->Events->Event;
$entries = array_reverse( $entries );
// No type available
else {
return new WP_Error( 'ReutersFeeds_error', __( 'Non-existent or invalid $type provided.' ) );
// Validate
if ( !$entries )
return new WP_Error( 'ReutersFeeds_error', __( 'Non-existent or invalid $entries provided.' ) );
// Format output
$i = 0;
$output = '';
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
// Format entry
$entry_func = "{$type}_entry";
$output .= self::$entry_func( $entry );
// Limit feed size
if ( $i >= $size )
// Output
return $output;
* News display
* @param string $type Determine the type of output this is, currently this can be 'events' or 'news'
static function display( $type = null ) {
// Check required
if ( ! $type )
return false;
// Generate cache if it doesn't exist
$label = __CLASS__ . "_{$type}_output";
if ( false === ( $output = get_transient( $label ) ) || self::$debug ) {
$output = Reuters::generate_output( $type, 2 );
set_transient( $label, $output, HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
// No content
if ( empty($output) || is_wp_error( $output ) )
$output = "<article><p>There are currently no upcoming $type scheduled.</p></article>";
if ( !is_wp_error( $output ) )
echo $output;
* Format news entry
* @param array $entry Data for a given entry
static function news_entry( $entry = null ) {
if ( !$entry )
// Data
$entry = (array) $entry;
$date = explode( ' ', $entry['Date'] );
$date = str_replace( '/', '.', $date[0] );
$title = apply_filters( 'the_title', $entry['Title'] );
$id = $entry['@attributes']->ReleaseID;
$link = "" . self::$compid . "&p=irol-newsArticle&id={$id}";
$output = "<article>";
$output .= "<p><time itemprop=\"date\">$date</time><a href=\"$link\" class=\"truncate\" data-length=\"155\">$title Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Announces Zerenex™ (Ferric Citrate Coordination Complex) Phase 2 Results in Non-Dialysis Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease Selected as a Late Breaking Oral Presentation at the Upcoming National Kidney Foundation</a></p>";
$output .= "</article>";
return $output;
* Format event entry
* @param array $entry Data for a given entry
static function events_entry( $entry = null ) {
if ( !$entry )
// Data
$entry = (array) $entry;
$strtotime = strtotime( $entry['@attributes']->EventStartDate );
$date = date( 'n.j.Y', $strtotime );
$title = apply_filters( 'the_title', $entry['EventTitle'] );
$id = $entry['@attributes']->EventID;
$link = "" . self::$compid . "&p=irol-EventDetails&EventId={$id}";
// Only show future events
$today = strtotime( "00:00:00" );
$output = '';
if ( $strtotime >= $today ) {
$output .= "<article>";
$output .= "<p><time itemprop=\"date\">$date</time><a href=\"$link\">$title</a></p>";
$output .= "</article>";
return $output;
endif; // end class_exists
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