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Created August 11, 2015 02:36
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A fake operating system created in Lua.
FOS = {}
-- serialize functions
local function char(c) return ("\\%3d"):format(c:byte()) end
local function szstr(s) return ('("%s")'):format(s:gsub("[^ !#-~]", char)) end
local function szfun(f) return "loadstring"..szstr(string.dump(f)) end
function hex_dump(buf) for i=1,math.ceil(#buf/16) * 16 do if (i-1) % 16 == 0 then io.write(string.format('%08X ', i-1)) end io.write( i > #buf and ' ' or string.format('%02X ', buf:byte(i)) ) if i % 8 == 0 then io.write(' ') end if i % 16 == 0 then io.write( buf:sub(i-16+1, i):gsub('%c','.'), '\n' ) end end end
-- Root directory
FOS["/"] = {"bin", "home"}
-- System Binaries
FOS["/bin"] = {"beep", "cat", "cd", "clear", "date", "echo", "ls", "lua", "ping", "pwd", "readline", "time", "version"}
FOS["/bin/ls"] = function(s) return table.concat(FOS[FOS.curdir]," ") end
FOS["/bin/pwd"] = function() return FOS.curdir end
FOS["/bin/cd"] = function(s) FOS.curdir = s end
FOS["/bin/date"] = function(s) return"%x") end
FOS["/bin/time"] = function() return"%X") end
--FOS["/bin/cat"] = function(o) if type(FOS[o]) == "function" then return "Permission Denied" elseif type(FOS[o])== "table" then return "Folder:"..o elseif FOS[o] == nil then return "error: File Inexistant" else return tostring(FOS[o]) end end
FOS["/bin/cat"] = function(o) if type(FOS[o]) == "function" then return hex_dump(tostring(FOS[o])) elseif type(FOS[o])== "table" then return "Folder:"..o elseif FOS[o] == nil then return "error: File Inexistant" else return tostring(FOS[o]) end end
FOS["/bin/echo"] = function(s) s = "" for i = 1,#FOS.args do s = s .. FOS.args[i] .. " " end return s end
FOS["/bin/readline"] = function() return end
FOS["/bin/version"] = function() return "FalseOS v" .. FOS.version .. " 2015" end
FOS["/bin/clear"] = function() os.execute("clear") end
--FOS["/bin/clear"] = function() for i = 1,20 do print("") end end
FOS["/bin/sh"] = function(s) os.execute("sh" .. s) end
FOS["/bin/lua"] = function() os.execute("luajit") end
FOS["/bin/ping"] = function(s) s = "" for i = 1,#FOS.args do s = s .. FOS.args[i] .. " " end os.execute("ping" .. s) end
FOS["/bin/login"] = function() print(FOS.logo) io.write("Login:"); FOS.user = end
FOS["/bin/beep"] = function(s) os.execute("beep" .. s) end
-- Home directory
FOS["/home"] = {"count", "README.txt"}
FOS["/home/count"] = function() for i = 1, 10 do io.write(i .. " ") end end
FOS["/home/README.txt"] = [[Welcome Home!
This is where you can store your files.]]
-- FOS variables
FOS.logo = [[
________ _ ___ _______ _____________________________________
\ ____/| \\ \\ ____\\ ________________________________/
\ \___ | \\ \\___ \ \ \_____ ......................
\ _/ | \ \\ \ _\ \ \ ___/ ~~~~ 0.13 Alpha ~~~~
\ \ | |\ \\ \/____\_ \ \______ ~~~~ ~~~~
\_\ |_| \_\\________/ \_______/ ~~~~ skvmb ~~~~
FOS.version = "0.13a" -- ls,pwd,cd,date,time,cat,echo,interactive WIP,readline,version,clear,sh,ping
FOS.curdir = "/"
FOS.prompt = function() return FOS.user .. "@" .. FOS.curdir .. ": " end
FOS.args = {}
print("Booting to FalseOS.")
-- Interactive Mode local FOS.user = ''
-- display prompt
local kmnd = ""
io.write("\n" .. FOS.prompt())
kmnd = FOS["/bin/readline"]()
while(kmnd ~= "exit") do
-- splt command into words
for word in kmnd:gmatch("%S+") do
FOS.args[#FOS.args + 1] = word
-- DEBUG *********** --
-- trim command from args
local command = FOS.args[1]
local args = table.concat(FOS.args)
-- if 1st word is in /bin then execute with next words as args
if FOS["/bin/" .. command] ~= nil then
print(FOS["/bin/" .. command](args) )
-- if 1st word is in curdir then execute etc.
if FOS[FOS.curdir .. command] ~= nil then
print(FOS[FOS.curdir .. command](args))
-- else display error
print("error: " .. command)
-- display prompt
FOS.args = nil
FOS.args = {}
io.write("\n" .. FOS.prompt())
kmnd = FOS["/bin/readline"]()
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