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Last active June 20, 2016 07:56
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  • Save ophiuchus44/1f3133aba4405d8361da441d150c601b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ophiuchus44/1f3133aba4405d8361da441d150c601b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The data describes what is likely the average Math and Verbal SAT scores per state. (I say average because I can't be certain from the data where the values we're derived)
The data has an extra row 'ALL' that was a problem throughout my code. I realized I should have removed it earlier. I had a similar problem where I was forced to use .pop which I didn't like because if the code was ran again it would throw off the data moving forward (I made a note on #6). Additionally, Nebraska's state abbreviation was wrong which mean's nothing now until you get to the bonus.
I wasn't sure what this was asking...
import csv
allData = []
with open ('/Users/Paul/Desktop/General_Assembly/DSI_SM_01/projects/01-projects-weekly/project-01/assets/sat_scores.csv') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
print allData
###can only run this once....###
lables = allData.pop(0)
print lables
states = [s[0] for s in allData]
print states
for index, val in enumerate(allData[2]):
print lables[index], type(allData[2][index])
for h in allData:
h[1] = int(h[1])
h[2] = int(h[2])
h[3] = int(h[3])
print allData
rate = [s[1] for s in allData]
verbal = [s[2] for s in allData]
mathL = [s[3] for s in allData]
dicRate = {}
for index, value in enumerate(allData):
dicRate[states[index]] = allData[index][1]
dicMath = {}
for index, value in enumerate(allData):
dicMath[states[index]] = allData[index][2]
dicVerbal = {}
for index, value in enumerate(allData):
dicVerbal[states[index]] = allData[index][3]
print 'Rate', dicRate
print 'Math', dicMath
print 'Verbal', dicVerbal
scores = {states[i]: allData[i] for i, state in enumerate(states)}
print scores
import numpy as np
minRate = np.min(rate)
maxRate = np.max(rate)
minVerbal = np.min(verbal)
maxVerbal = np.max(verbal)
minMath = np.min(mathL)
maxMath = np.max(mathL)
print "min: Rate" , minRate
print "max: Rate" , maxRate
print "min: Verbal" , minVerbal
print "max: Verbal" , maxVerbal
print "min: Math" , minMath
print "max: Math" , maxMath
import math as mt
rateAverage = sum(rate)/51
rateNewList = []
for i in rate[0:50]:
result = (rateAverage - i) ** 2
rateStd = mt.sqrt(sum(rateNewList)/51)
verbalAverage = sum(verbal)/51
verbalNewList = []
for x in verbal[0:50]:
result2 = (verbalAverage - x) ** 2
verbalStd = mt.sqrt(sum(verbalNewList)/51)
mathAverage = sum(mathL)/ 51
mathNewList = []
for y in mathL[0:50]:
result3 = (mathAverage - x) ** 2
mathStd = mt.sqrt(sum(mathNewList)/51)
print "rate: std" , rateStd
print "verbal: std" , verbalStd
print "math: std " , mathStd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
That it is a Normal Distribution
plt.scatter(verbal, mathL)
plt.scatter(mathL, verbal)
plt.scatter(rate, mathL)
plt.scatter(rate, verbal)
plt.scatter(rate, mathL)
plt.scatter(rate, verbal)
Math and Verbal scores show a pattern of decreasing in relation to rate. In other words, the more students that take the SATS per state, the more likely the scores will represent a normal distribution. However, in some states, the SATS are not taken except for students wishing to attend universities requiring an SAT scores for admission.
I created 2 views in project1FINAL tableu file.
1st - Using information from on 2014 State education budgets, I hypothesized that the more a state would invest in education the greater the state SAT scores would be.
2nd - Comparing Math and Verbal total SAT scores by State
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