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Last active November 21, 2017 17:51
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This is Revigniter controller '' from the domain ''.
The controller can be found at:
Here is some test help
Below we declare the global variables gControllerHandlers AND gData
And put the public method names that we wish to expose into gControllerHandlers
global gControllerHandlers, gData
put "pinterest,flickr,twitter,photo,index,webpage,imagine" into gControllerHandlers
Put all the handlers and variables that you wish to merge into your views
into the global array "gData".
Write any initialisation statements (loading any neeeded libraries for instance)
into the initialisation handler "" below.
command imagine
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_Fedwiki.livecode")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_MediaWiki.livecode")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_FedWikiPedia.livecode")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_HTML.livecode")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_Scrape.livecode")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_REST.livecodescript")
start using stack (gAPPPATH & "stacks/lib_Citation.livecodescript")
end imagine
/* == CODE ==
Here we put the public handlers the controller uses and exposes as urls.
on index
local pageArray
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
case droppedURL begins with ""
fedwiki_ForwardAndReturn ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case droppedURL begins with "" -- plenty of other podcast urls
fedwiki_ForwardAndReturn ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case droppedURL begins with ""
case matchtext (droppedURL, "^\?pagename=(.+)&params=(.+)", pageName, geoInfo)
fedwiki_ForwardAndReturn ""
case matchText (droppedURL, "", oneTabID)
fedwiki_ForwardAndReturn ""
case matchText (droppedURL, "https://(.+)", lastBit)
fedwiki_ForwardAndReturn ""
case matchText (droppedURL, "", assetID)
case matchText (droppedURL, "", photoID)
photo droppedURL
case matchText (droppedURL, "|", photoID)
pinterest droppedURL
case matchText (droppedURL, "", userID, photoID)
flickr droppedURL
case matchText (droppedURL, "")
twitter droppedURL
webpage droppedURL
end switch
end index
on pinterest droppedURL
if droppedURL is empty then
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
end if
if matchText (droppedURL, "", userID, photoID) then
put pinterest_FetchPinPageJson (photoID) into pageJSON
fedwiki_ReturnJSON pageJSON
fedwiki_ExitAndReturnError "Dropped url is nor recognised.", "Error"
end if
end pinterest
on flickr droppedURL
if droppedURL is empty then
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
end if
if matchText (droppedURL, "", userID, photoID) then
flickr_FetchAndDeconstructFromDroppedUrl droppedURL, photoTitle, photoDescription, mediumURL, photoTags
put the result into photoArray
put photoArray ["location"] into locationArray
put flickr_ConstructPhotoMapPageArray (photoTitle, photoDescription, mediumURL, droppedURL, locationArray, photoTags) into pageJSON
fedwiki_ReturnJSON pageJSON
fedwiki_ExitAndReturnError "Dropped url is nor recognised.", "Error"
end if
end flickr
on photo droppedURL
if droppedURL is empty then
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
end if
put droppedURL into imageURL
put imageURL into captionLinkURL
put "Dropped Image" into pageTitle
put "This is a simple image dropped on to a wiki." into pageText
put empty into imageCaption
put fedwiki_ConstructNewPageArray (pageTitle, pageText) into pageArray
fedwiki_AddImageToPageArray pageArray, imageURL, imageCaption, captionLinkURL
put json_FromArray (pageArray) into pageJSON
fedwiki_ReturnJSON pageJSON
end photo
on twitter droppedURL
if droppedURL is empty then
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
end if
put twitter_FetchPageJson (droppedURL) into pageJSON
fedwiki_ReturnJSON pageJSON
end twitter
on webpage droppedURL
Here we try to produce a nice result from any dropped URL
if droppedURL is empty then
put fedwiki_GetDroppedUrl ($_POST_RAW) into droppedURL
end if
set the itemdelimiter to "."
if item -1 of droppedURL is among the items of "jpg.jpeg.png.gif.webp" then
photo droppedURL
put fedwiki_ConstructWebPageArray (droppedURL, true, true, true) into pageArray
put json_FromArray (pageArray) into pageJSON
fedwiki_ReturnJSON pageJSON
end if
end webpage
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