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Created January 22, 2013 12:53
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codeigniter multiple file uploader by : Romaldy Minaya
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author Romaldy Minaya
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, PROTOS.
* @license GLP
* @since Version 1.0
* @version 1.4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* File Uploading Extender
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Uploads
* @author Romaldy Minaya
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class lets you make the upload process even easier by extending the
CI_Upload class and adding some funtionality named below:
*1)Upload multiple files in just one shot.
*2)Creates the path where you want the files to be saved automatically.
*3)Creates and index.php file in each folder by passing TRUE to the up() function.
*4)Modify the same preferences that you used to with the original upload class, here is
the link of the documentation
*1)Copy this code in the view_file
<form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file_1" size="20" />
<input type="file" name="file_2" size="20" />
<input type="file" name="file_3" size="20" />
<input type="submit" name="test" value="TEST" />
*2)In your controller file copy the code below
$config['upload_path'] = './uploads'; //if the files does not exist it'll be created
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|xls|xlsx|php|pdf';
$config['max_size'] = '4000'; //size in kilobytes
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
$uploaded = $this->upload->up(TRUE); //Pass true if you want to create the index.php files
var_dump($uploaded); //prints the result of the operation and analize the data
class MY_Upload extends CI_Upload{
public function __construct(){
* @return void?
* @param void?
* @desc This functions starts the upload process?
public function up($protect = FALSE){
$uploaded_info = FALSE;
$multi_files = Array();
$uni_files = Array();
if($this->upload_path[strlen($this->upload_path)-1] != '/')
$this->upload_path .= '/';
#Now we flattern the $_FILES variable from multidimensional array to bidimensional array.?
# Added 6/9/2012?
foreach($_FILES as $index => $file){
$temp_file_array = array_map(
foreach($temp_file_array as $index2 => $temp_file_array_2){
$temp_file_array[$index2][] = $index;
$multi_files += $temp_file_array;
#Here we add the file_input attribute to the array
#wich contains the name of the input's file
$file['file_input'] = $index;
$uni_files[] = $file;
#Finalizing the conversion proccess
$temp_file_array = Array();
foreach($multi_files as $file){
$temp_file_array[] = Array( 'name' => $file[0],
'type' => $file[1],
'tmp_name' => $file[2],
'error' => $file[3],
'size' => $file[4],
'file_input'=> $file[5]);
#After flattening the array we pass everything to the $_FILES Array
$_FILES = array_merge($temp_file_array,$uni_files);
unset($multi_files,$uni_files,$temp_file_array); //Then we clean the memory
#Here we check if the path exists if not then create
#Here we create the index file in each path's directory
$folder = '';
foreach(explode('/',$this->upload_path) as $f){
$folder .= $f.'/';
$text = "<?php echo 'Directory access is forbidden.'; ?>";
$index = $folder.'index.php';
$Handle = fopen($index, 'w');
fwrite($Handle, trim($text));
#Here we do the upload process
foreach($_FILES as $file => $value){
if( $value['size'] > 0 ){
if (!$this->do_upload($file)){
$uploaded_info['error'][] = array_merge($this->data(),
Array( 'error_msg' => $this->display_errors(),
'file_input'=> $value['file_input']
$this->error_msg = Array();
$uploaded_info['success'][] = array_merge($this->data(),
Array( 'error_msg' => $this->display_errors(),
'file_input' => $value['file_input']
$this->error_msg = Array();
#Then return what happened with the files
return $uploaded_info;
/* End of file MY_Upload.php */
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