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Forked from hokaccha/endtagcomment.vim
Created May 29, 2011 10:04
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" こういうHTMLがあったときに
" <div id="hoge" class="fuga">
" ...
" </div>
" 実行するとこうなる
" <div id="hoge" class="fuga">
" ...
" </div><!-- /div#hoge.fuga -->
let g:endtagcommentFormat = '<!-- /%tag_name%id%class -->'
function! s:Endtagcomment()
let reg_save = @@
silent normal vaty
execute "normal \<Esc>"
echohl ErrorMsg
echo 'no match html tags'
echohl None
let html = @@
let start_tag = matchstr(html, '\v(\<.{-}\>)')
let tag_name = matchstr(start_tag, '\v([a-zA-Z]+)')
let id = ''
let id_match = matchlist(start_tag, '\vid\=["'']([^"'']+)["'']')
if exists('id_match[1]')
let id = '#' . id_match[1]
let class = ''
let class_match = matchlist(start_tag, '\vclass\=["'']([^"'']+)["'']')
if exists('class_match[1]')
let class = '.' . join(split(class_match[1], '\v\s+'), '.')
execute "normal `>va<\<Esc>`<"
let comment = g:endtagcommentFormat
let comment = substitute(comment, '%tag_name', tag_name, 'g')
let comment = substitute(comment, '%id', id, 'g')
let comment = substitute(comment, '%class', class, 'g')
let @@ = comment
normal $
normal ""p
let @@ = reg_save
nnoremap <buffer><leader>t :<C-u>call <SID>Endtagcomment()<CR>
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