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Last active August 3, 2021 18:40
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Automate submission to REVIGO (update 2021)
# Python script for programtic access to Revigo. Run it with (last output file name is optional):
# python3 example.csv 9606
# -> How do I integrate Revigo with my service or a programming language? -> The advanced job submitting method
# Make revigo python virtual env.
#python3 -m venv revigo
#source revigo/bin/activate
#pip install --upgrade pip
#pip install requests
#R # install required R packages
import requests
import time
import sys
import os
# Read enrichments file
userData = open(sys.argv[1],'r').read()
taxon = sys.argv[2]
#taxon = '9606' # human
#taxon = '10090' # mouse
#taxon = '4932' # yeast
# Submit job to Revigo
payload = {'cutoff':'0.7', 'valueType':'pvalue', 'speciesTaxon':taxon, 'measure':'SIMREL', 'goList':userData}
r ="", data=payload)
jobid = r.json()['jobid']
# Check job status
running = 1
while (running!=0):
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid})
running = r.json()['running']
# Fetch results
# "jobid" - Job ID that you collected in the first step.
# "namespace" - [1, 2, 3] The namespace for which you are collecting results. 1 represents BIOLOGICAL_PROCESS, 2 represents CELLULAR_COMPONENT, 3 represents MOLECULAR_FUNCTION.
# "type" - [csvtable, rtable, xgmml, csvtree, rtree] The type of the output that you require. CSVTable gets the resulting table with Scatterplot data. RTable gets the R script for Scatterplot. Xgmml gets the xgmml for Cytoscape. CSVTree gets the Tree Map data in a comma separated values format. RTree gets the R script for Tree Map.
namespace = [1, 2, 3]
for i in namespace:
if i == 1:
name = "bp"
elif i == 2:
name = "cc"
elif i == 3:
name = "mf"
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid, 'namespace':i, 'type':'csvtable'})
with open('Revigo-' + name + '.csv', 'w') as f:
# scatterplot R
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid, 'namespace':i, 'type':'rtable'})
with open('RevigoScatterplot-' + name + '.R', 'w') as f:
with open('RevigoScatterplot-' + name + '.R', 'a') as f:
# Downloaded scatter script doesn't save PDF, so add this line
f.write('ggsave("' + 'RevigoScatterplot-' + name + '.pdf"' + ', width=10)')
# cytoscape
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid, 'namespace':i, 'type':'xgmml'})
with open('RevigoCytoscape-' + name + '.xgmml', 'w') as f:
# tree
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid, 'namespace':i, 'type':'csvtree'})
with open('RevigoTree-' + name + '.csv', 'w') as f:
# tree R
r ="", data={'jobid':jobid, 'namespace':i, 'type':'rtree'})
# Write results to a file - if file name is not provided the default is result.csv
with open('RevigoTree-' + name + '.R', 'w') as f:
# Run R scripts and make figures
with open('RevigoScatterplot-' + name + '.R') as f:
if "Error: The namespace" not in f.readline():
os.system('R CMD BATCH ' + 'RevigoScatterplot-' + name + '.R')
if os.path.exists('Rplots.pdf'): # in case R failed (possibly no ggplot2 library
os.remove('Rplots.pdf') # remove default figure
with open('RevigoTree-' + name + '.R') as f:
if "Error: The namespace" not in f.readline():
os.system('R CMD BATCH ' + 'RevigoTree-' + name + '.R')
if os.path.exists('revigo_treemap.pdf'): # in case R failed (possibly no treemap library
os.rename('revigo_treemap.pdf', 'RevigoTree-' + name + '.pdf')
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