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Last active April 11, 2024 09:38
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(ns a10n
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn i4t [t2e w2d val]
(if (empty? w2d)
(assoc t2e :end val)
(update t2e
(first w2d)
i4t (rest w2d) val)))
(defn b3d [w3s]
(reduce #(i4t %1 %2 %2) {} w3s))
(defn e4d [t2e w2d]
(empty? w2d)
(if (contains? t2e :end) #{(get t2e :end)} #{})
(= \. (first w2d))
(apply set/union (map #(e4d % (rest w2d)) (filter map? (vals t2e))))
(e4d (get t2e (first w2d)) (rest w2d))))
(defn c4r [w2d ixs]
(apply str (map-indexed #(if (ixs %1) %2 \.) w2d)))
(defn s6s? [t2e orig w2d]
(letfn [(miss [t2e part]
(empty? part)
(when-let [e (:end t2e)] (not= orig e))
(= \. (first part))
(some #(miss % (rest part)) (filter map? (vals t2e)))
(miss (get t2e (first part)) (rest part))))]
(not (miss t2e w2d))))
(defn m6e [t2e w2d]
(let [unique? (memoize
(fn [ixs]
(s6s? t2e w2d (c4r w2d ixs))))
best (fn [rec ixs]
(let [children (map #(disj ixs %) ixs)
uniques (filter unique? children)]
(if (empty? uniques)
(apply min-key count (doall (map (partial rec rec) uniques))))))]
(best (memoize best) (set (range 0 (count w2d))))))
(defn c6s [w2d]
(when-not (empty? w2d)
(let [[d2s w2d] (split-with #{\.} w2d)
[l5s w2d] (split-with (complement #{\.}) w2d)]
(str (when (seq d2s) (count d2s))
(apply str l5s)
(c6s w2d)))))
(defn dec6s [w2d]
(when-not (empty? w2d)
(let [digit? #{\0 \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9}
[d4s w2d] (split-with digit? w2d)
[l5s w2d] (split-with (complement digit?) w2d)]
(str (when (seq d4s) (apply str (repeat (parse-long (apply str d4s)) \.)))
(apply str l5s)
(dec6s w2d)))))
(def w3s (delay (b3d (str/split-lines (slurp "/usr/share/dict/words")))))
(defn a8e [w2d]
(->> (m6e @w3s w2d)
(c4r w2d)
(defn una8e [w2d]
(->> (dec6s w2d)
(e4d @w3s)))
(a8e "cybernetics")
;; => "cy5t3"
(a8e "international")
;; => "2t4t4l"
(una8e "c9h")
;; => #{"cheesecloth" "cottonmouth" "choreograph"}
(a8e "choreograph")
;; => "1h7p1"
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