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Created December 10, 2021 05:55
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Advent of Code 2021 Day 8
module Day8 where
import Data.List
parseLine l = (map sort $ take 10 w, map sort $ drop 11 w)
where w = words l
input = map parseLine . lines <$> readFile "input.8"
part1 i =
. filter ok
. concat
$ map snd i
where ok s = length s `elem` [2,4,3,7]
correct :: [(String,Int)]
correct = [("abcefg",0)
valids = map fst correct
apply mapping = mapM (`lookup`mapping)
plausible examples mapping = all (`elem`valids) mapped
where mapped = [sort s | Just s <- map (apply mapping) examples]
allVars = "abcdefg"
findMapping examples = head $ go examples allVars []
go examples [] mapping = [mapping]
go examples (t:todos) mapping = concatMap (go examples todos) plau
where available = allVars \\ map snd mapping
mappings = [(t,x):mapping | x<-available]
plau = filter (plausible examples) mappings
example = parseLine "acedgfb cdfbe gcdfa fbcad dab cefabd cdfgeb eafb cagedb ab | cdfeb fcadb cdfeb cdbaf"
solveRow (examples,output) = foldl' (\s d -> 10*s+d) 0 digits
where digits = [d | Just pat <- map (apply mapping) output, let Just d = lookup (sort pat) correct]
mapping = findMapping examples
part2 = sum . map solveRow
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