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Last active August 11, 2022 09:01
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Robot Framework + Selenium + Browsermob Proxy(via RequestsLibrary)
*** Settings ***
Documentation Selenium Grid + BMP
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Variables ***
${BMP_HOST} bmp
${BMP_PORT} 9090
${SELENIUM} http://hub:4444/wd/hub
*** Keywords ***
# Setup, Teardown and Failure keywords
Suite Setup
Register Keyword To Run On Failure Suite Failure
Set Selenium Implicit Wait 0.2 seconds
Set Selenium Timeout 30 seconds
&{caps}= Set Capabilities
Create Webdriver Remote command_executor=${SELENIUM} desired_capabilities=${caps}
New Har Home
Suite Teardown
Get Har file.har
Delete All Cookies
Close All Browsers
Close Proxy
Suite Failure
Log Location
Log Title
Log Source
# Helper keywords
${SHOT_NUM} Evaluate ${SHOT_NUM} + 1
Set Global Variable ${SHOT_NUM}
Capture Page Screenshot ${OUTPUT DIR}${/}Screenshots${/}${SUITE NAME}-${SHOT_NUM}-${TEST NAME}.png
Set Capabilities
[Documentation] Set the options for the selenium Driver
${port}= Create Proxy
&{proxy}= Create Dictionary
... proxyType MANUAL
... sslProxy ${BMP_HOST}:${port}
... httpProxy ${BMP_HOST}:${port}
&{caps}= Create Dictionary browserName=chrome platform=ANY proxy=${proxy}
Log Selenium capabilities: ${caps}
[return] ${caps}
Create Proxy
[Documentation] Get a BMP port for our test
Create Session bmp http://${BMP_HOST}:${BMP_PORT}
${resp}= Get Request bmp /proxy
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log BMP Sessions: ${resp.text} [${resp.status_code}]
&{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&{data}= Create Dictionary trustAllServers=True
${resp}= Post Request bmp /proxy data=${data} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log ${resp.text} [${resp.status_code}]
${port}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} port
Log New BMP port: ${port} [${resp.status_code}]
Set Global Variable ${port}
[return] ${port}
New Har
[Documentation] Name and initialize a Har
[arguments] ${pagename}
&{data}= Create Dictionary initialPageRef=${pagename}
${resp}= Put Request bmp /proxy/${port}/har params=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
Log New Har (${pagename}) [${resp.status_code}]
New Har Page
[Documentation] Name and add a new har page
[arguments] ${pagename}
Get Performance Timings
&{data}= Create Dictionary pageRef=${pagename}
${resp}= Put Request bmp /proxy/${port}/har/pageRef params=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log New Har Page (${pagename}) [${resp.status_code}]
Get Har
[Documentation] Serialize the current har
[arguments] ${harname}
Get Performance Timings
${resp}= Get Request bmp /proxy/${port}/har
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${length} Get Length ${resp.text}
Log Json length: ${length} [${resp.status_code}]
&{dic}= Evaluate ${resp.text}
Set To Dictionary ${dic["log"]} _webtimings=${TIMINGS}
${json} evaluate json.dumps(${dic}) json
Create File ${OUTPUT DIR}${/}${harname} ${json}
Get Performance Timings
[Documentation] Ask javascript for the performance timings
&{json}= Execute Javascript return window.performance.timing || window.webkitPerformance.timing || window.mozPerformance.timing || window.msPerformance.timing || {};
Append To List ${TIMINGS} ${json}
Close Proxy
${resp}= Delete Request bmp /proxy/${port}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log Delete proxy at ${port} [${resp.status_code}]
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