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Last active February 14, 2022 00:26
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elm-ui cursor
module Cursor exposing (cursor, Cursor(..))
import Element exposing (Element, Attribute, htmlAttribute)
import Html.Attributes
cursor : Cursor -> Attribute msg
cursor cursor_ =
htmlAttribute <| "cursor" (cursorName cursor_)
type Cursor
= Alias
| AllScroll
| Auto
| Cell
| ContextMenu
| ColResize
| Copy
| Crosshair
| Default
| EResize
| EwResize
| Grab
| Grabbing
| Help
| Move
| NResize
| NeResize
| NeswResize
| NsResize
| NwResize
| NwseResize
| NoDrop
| None
| NotAllowed
| Pointer
| Progress
| RowResize
| SResize
| SeResize
| SwResize
| Text
| Url
| WResize
| Wait
| ZoomIn
| ZoomOut
cursorName : Cursor -> String
cursorName cursor_ =
case cursor_ of
Alias ->
AllScroll ->
Auto ->
Cell ->
ContextMenu ->
ColResize ->
Copy ->
Crosshair ->
Default ->
EResize ->
EwResize ->
Grab ->
Grabbing ->
Help ->
Move ->
NResize ->
NeResize ->
NeswResize ->
NsResize ->
NwResize ->
NwseResize ->
NoDrop ->
None ->
NotAllowed ->
Pointer ->
Progress ->
RowResize ->
SResize ->
SeResize ->
SwResize ->
Text ->
Url ->
WResize ->
Wait ->
ZoomIn ->
ZoomOut ->
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