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Created June 20, 2021 05:11
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New Twiddle
import Component from '@ember/component';
import EmberObject, { computed, action } from '@ember/object';
import StringUtils from '../utils/string-utils';
import Lodash from 'lodash';
* Internal WbDataTable component for rendering cells. This component should not be used directly.
export default Component.extend({
* Ember class for this component.
classNames: ['wb-data-table-cell'],
* Ember class bindings for this component.
classNameBindings: [
* The value of this cell. Should mostly be null unless you specifically want this cell to force a specific value.
value: null,
* The field to use when computing the value for a given cell. The value of a cell is the
* intersection of a row, which should be an object, and the column.field argument.
* The field is deeply traversed against row, so if the field name contains the
* period separator, it walks into nested objects if it can.
* `value = row[column.field] || '';`
field: null,
* Horizontal alignment for this cell. May be one of the following: "left", "right", "center".
* Defaults to "left".
align: 'left',
* Vertical alignment for this cell. May be one of the following: "top", "center", "bottom".
* Defaults to "top".
valign: 'top',
* Is this column currently showing?
showing: true,
* Can this column be shown?
enabled: true,
* Must this column be shown?
required: false,
* Should some highlighting be applied to this column.
* Can be one of the following:
* - `red`, `red1`, `red2`, `red3`, `red4`, `red5`
* - `green`, `green1`, `green2`, `green3`, `green4`, `green5`
* - `blue`, `blue1`, `blue2`, `blue3`, `blue4`, `blue5`
* - `yellow`, `yellow1`, `yellow2`, `yellow3`, `yellow4`, `yellow5`
* - `cyan`, `cyan1`, `cyan2`, `cyan3`, `cyan4`, `cyan5`
* - `purple`, `purple1`, `purple2`, `purple3`, `purple4`, `purple5`
* - `gray`, `gray1`, `grey`, `grey1`, `gray2`, `grey2`, `gray3`, `grey3`, `gray4`, `grey4`, `gray5`, `grey5`
* - `invert`
highlight: null,
* What to display in this cell if the value is undefined?
undefinedValue: '',
* What to display in this cell if the value is null?
nullValue: '',
* If true each cell will indicate that it can be double clicked to bring up an editor. The
* actual code to handle the click and render an editor of some type is entirely
* up to the developer. WbDataTable will do nothing other than correctly indicate
* that the cell is "editable".
editable: false,
* Callback function for registering this cell with its parent table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
cellAdded: null,
* Callback function for unregistering this cell with its parent table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
cellRemoved: null, // provided by WbDataTable, do not override.
* @private
* Reference to the parent table associated with this cell.
_table: null, // set by parent table when added.
* @private
* internal one up counter used to force ember to recompute the value for this cell.
* Should not be manipulated except by the dynamic row value observer.
_recomputeValueCounter: 0,
* @private
* stores the last initialization of the row value observer, so we can unwind it
* if row, column, or column.field changes.
_priorDynamicObserver: null,
* Computed property for getting the value to render into this cell. This goes through
* three separate questions: First, does the cell have an `@value` argument and is
* it non-undefined/non-null; if so, use that. Otherwise, does the column have a
* `@valueProvider` function; if so use that. Finally, does the column have a
* `@field` function; if so use that by trying to get the value using `@field` against
* the row object.
* The `@field` is deeply traversed against row, so if the field name contains the
* period separator, it walks into nested objects if it can.
* After all that if the value is null or undefined, the @undefinedValue and @nullValue
* arguments are applied as applicable.
valueComputed: computed('_recomputeValueCounter', 'column.valueProvider', 'row', 'field', 'value', function () {
// first use `@value` if provided.
let value = this.value;
// next, use the column valueProvider if provided.
if (
(value === undefined || value === null) &&
this.column &&
this.column.valueProvider &&
this.column.valueProvider instanceof Function
) {
try {
value = this.column.valueProvider(this.column, this.row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Column valueProvider function produced an error.', ex, 'error');
// next, use the `@field` if provided
if ((value === undefined || value === null) && this.field && this.row) {
let rowval = undefined;
if (this.row instanceof EmberObject) rowval = this.row.get(this.field);
else rowval = Lodash.get(this.row, this.field);
if (rowval !== undefined) value = rowval;
// if value is undefined or null, replace it with the overrides for undefined or null values.
if (value === undefined) {
value = (this.column && this.column.undefinedValue) || this.undefinedValue || '';
if (value === null) {
value = (this.column && this.column.nullValue) || this.nullValue || '';
// finally return our value.
return value;
* Returns the column index for this cell.
columnIndex: computed(
function () {
if (!this.element || !this.element.parentElement) return -1;
if (!this._table) return -1;
return (
[...this.element.parentElement.children].indexOf(this.element) +
(this._table && this._table.isSelectable ? -1 : 0) +
(this._table && this._table._isSubrowsAllowed ? -1 : 0) +
(this._table && this._table._isHierarchyActive ? -1 : 0)
* Returns the column for this cell.
column: computed('columnIndex', '_table._columnArray', function () {
if (!this._table || !this._table._columnArray) return null;
return this._table._columnArray[this.columnIndex];
* Returns true if the column is hidden or not.
isHidden: computed('showing', 'enabled', 'required', function () {
if (this.required) return false;
if (!this.enabled) return true;
return !this.showing;
highlightClassName: computed('highlight', function () {
return StringUtils.safeTags((this.highlight && 'wb-data-table-cell-highlight-' + this.highlight) || '');
* Returns true if the column is horizontally aligned left.
isAlignLeft: computed('align', function () {
return !this.align || this.align.toUpperCase() === 'LEFT';
* Returns true if the column is horizontally aligned center.
isAlignCenter: computed('align', function () {
return this.align && this.align.toUpperCase() === 'CENTER';
* Returns true if the column is horizontally aligned right.
isAlignRight: computed('align', function () {
return this.align && this.align.toUpperCase() === 'RIGHT';
* Returns true if the column is vertically aligned top.
isVAlignTop: computed('valign', function () {
return !this.valign || this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'TOP';
* Returns true if the column is vertically aligned center.
isVAlignCenter: computed('valign', function () {
return this.valign && this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'CENTER';
* Returns true if the column is vertically aligned right.
isVAlignBottom: computed('valign', function () {
return this.valign && this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'BOTTOM';
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Takes care of registering this cell with its parent table.
didInsertElement() {
if (this.cellAdded && this.cellAdded instanceof Function) {
* @private
* Ember lifecylce event. Takes care of creating observers for row value observers.
init() {
this.addObserver('column.field', this.createDynamicRowValueObserver);
this.addObserver('row', this.createDynamicRowValueObserver);
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Takes care of unregistering this cell from its parent table.
willDestroyElement() {
if (this.cellRemoved && this.cellRemoved instanceof Function) {
this.removeObserver('column.field', this.createDynamicRowValueObserver);
this.removeObserver('row', this.createDynamicRowValueObserver);
* Utility function to get the current column.
getColumn() {
return this.column;
* Utility function to get the current column index.
getColumnIndex() {
return this.columnIndex;
* Returns the current rows index relative to its sibling rows.
getRowIndex() {
if (!this.element || !this.element.parentElement || !this.element.parentElement.parentElement) {
return -1;
return [...this.element.parentElement.parentElement.children].indexOf(this.element.parentElement);
* Handler for mouse entering this component so we can adjust column hovering if needed.
// mouseEnter: action(function () {
// this._table && this._table.hoverColumn(this.getColumnIndex());
// }),
* Handler for mouse exiting this component so we can adjust column hovering if needed.
// mouseLeave: action(function () {
// this._table && this._table.hoverColumn();
// }),
* @private
* Whenever the row or the column.field properties are changed, we need to establish
* and observer to watch for changes to the row[column.field] value. This function
* handles setting up that observer and also making sure we can remove it later.
createDynamicRowValueObserver: action(function () {
if (!this.column || !this.column.field) return;
if (!this.row || !(this.row instanceof EmberObject)) return;
if (this._priorDynamicObserver) this.removeDynamicRowValueObserver();
this.row.addObserver(this.column.field, this.dynamicRowValueChanged);
this.set('_priorDynamicObserver', {
row: this.row,
column: this.column,
field: this.column.field,
handler: this.dynamicRowValueChanged,
* @private
* Remove the dynamic row value observer setup by createDynamicRowValueObserver.
removeDynamicRowValueObserver: action(function () {
if (!this._priorDynamicObserver) return;
this._priorDynamicObserver.row.removeObserver(this._priorDynamicObserver.field, this._priorDynamicObserver.handler);
this.set('_priorDynamicObserver', null);
* @private
* Fired whenever the dynamic row value observer is trigger due to the underlying value
* in a row changing. This triggers the highlight animation if enabled and also
* forces the value to be recomputed by ember.
dynamicRowValueChanged: action(function () {
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
if (this.element) = null;
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.element) = '1s linear wb-data-table-cell-value-updated-animation';
}, 0);
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, action } from '@ember/object';
import SortUtils from '../utils/sort-utils';
import StringUtils from '../utils/string-utils';
* Internal WbDataTable component for rendering columns. This component should not be used directly.
export default Component.extend({
* Ember class name for this component.
classNames: ['wb-data-table-column'],
* Ember class bindings for this component.
classNameBindings: [
* The label for this component. If label is not provided and the component has block content,
* the block content will be rendered. However, it should be noted that the block content for
* a column element is meant to be used for rendering the cell contents, so using this outside
* of some very specific use cases of wb-data-table.hbs is HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED.
label: '',
* The field to use when computing the value for a given cell. The value of a cell is the
* intersection of a row, which should be an object, and the column.field argument.
* The field is deeply traversed against row, so if the field name contains the
* period separator, it walks into nested objects if it can.
* `value = row[column.field] || '';`
field: null,
* Is this column currently showing?
showing: true,
* Can this column be shown?
enabled: true,
* Must this column be shown?
required: false,
* Is this column sortable?
sortable: true,
* Is this column currently sorting. If this is set to null, the column is not currently sorting.
* If it is set to "ASC" or "DESC" it is currently sorted and this value implies the sorting direction.
* Only one column may ever be sorted at a time.
sorted: null,
* On sorting how should the value of this row/column intersection be compared with the value of
* another row/column intersection.
* This may be a string with the following values: default, number, string, stringIgnoreCase, date.
* Or it may be a function, in which case, the function will be passed the two values and must
* return a 0 if they are equals, a -1 if the first is less than the second, or a +1 if the
* second is less than the first.
comparator: 'default', // can be , or a custom function.
* Is this column filterable?
filterable: true,
* Is this column currently being filtered and if so what is the value of that filter. If this is
* null or an empty string, filtering is not currently being applied. Anything else implies filtering
* is actively being applied.
* Only one filter may be applied at any given time for an one column.
filterBy: null,
* The filter mode currently being applied. May be one of the following: contains, exact, starts, ends.
filterMode: null,
* If true, filtering is paused for this column, but filterBy and filterMode will still have values.
filterPaused: false,
* If given and a valid function, this will call for each row to determine if the row should be included
* in the filtered results or not. If this function returns true, the row will be included. If false,
* the row will be excluded and filtered out.
* This function gets the following arguments when called: (text, mode, value, row, column)
* text - the text to filter by. The same as the filterBy argument above.
* mode - the filter mode in use. The same as the filterMode argument above.
* value - the current value for the current row being matched.
* row - the current row being matched.
* column - the current column being matched, effectively `this`.
filterMatch: null,
* Should some highlighting be applied to this column.
* Can be one of the following:
* - `red`, `red1`, `red2`, `red3`, `red4`, `red5`
* - `green`, `green1`, `green2`, `green3`, `green4`, `green5`
* - `blue`, `blue1`, `blue2`, `blue3`, `blue4`, `blue5`
* - `yellow`, `yellow1`, `yellow2`, `yellow3`, `yellow4`, `yellow5`
* - `cyan`, `cyan1`, `cyan2`, `cyan3`, `cyan4`, `cyan5`
* - `purple`, `purple1`, `purple2`, `purple3`, `purple4`, `purple5`
* - `gray`, `gray1`, `grey`, `grey1`, `gray2`, `grey2`, `gray3`, `grey3`, `gray4`, `grey4`, `gray5`, `grey5`
* - `invert`
highlight: null,
* Horizontal alignment for this column, applies to column headings and column footings and each cell
* in the column. May be one of the following: "left", "right", "center". Defaults to "left".
align: 'left',
* Vertical alignment for this column. ONLY applies to the column cells. Column headings and footings
* are always vertically aligned "center". May be one of the following: "top", "center", "bottom".
* Defaults to "top".
valign: 'top',
* Width of this column. This may be a CSS Width value such as "400px" or "10%" or it may be a
* number without units like "3" which would be turned into "3fr".
width: '1fr',
* What to display in this cell if the value is undefined?
undefinedValue: '',
* What to display in this cell if the value is null?
nullValue: '',
* If true each cell will indicate that it can be double clicked to bring up an editor. The
* actual code to handle the click and render an editor of some type is entirely
* up to the developer. WbDataTable will do nothing other than correctly indicate
* that the cell is "editable".
editable: false,
* Should cells in this column have a specific additional classname applied to them, and if so what?
additionalCellClassName: null,
* callback handler used to register this column with its parent table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
columnAdded: null,
* Callback handler used to unregister this column with its parent table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
columnRemoved: null, // provided by WbDataTable, do not override.
* @private
* Reference to the parent table, supplied during registration.
_table: null,
* @private
* The role of this column. In order for column information to be applied at heading,
* footing, and cell levels, we take advantage of ember's yield behavior and yield columns
* out in each of those locations. This _role argument is used to tell us which of
* those locations we are currently in.
_role: null,
* @private
* Set to true if the filter dialog is currently showing for this column.
_isFilterDialogShowing: false,
* @private
* Computed property of the Ember HTML Safe version of the label for this column. Allows for limited HTML tags such as B, UL, etc.
_safeLabel: computed('label', function () {
return StringUtils.safeTags(this.label);
* @private
* Computed property of the Ember HTML stripped version of the label for this column. Removes all html.
_stripLabel: computed('label', function () {
return StringUtils.stripTags(this.label);
* Computed property of the width argument.
computedWidth: computed('width', function () {
return this.width || '1fr';
* Computed property to determine if we rendering in a heading?
isRoleHeading: computed(function () {
return this._role === 'HEADING';
* Computed property to determine if we rendering in a footing?
isRoleFooting: computed(function () {
return this._role === 'FOOTING';
* Computed property to determine if the column is hidden or not.
isHidden: computed('showing', 'enabled', 'required', function () {
if (this.required) return false;
if (!this.enabled) return true;
return !this.showing;
* Computed property to determine if the column is horizontally aligned left.
isAlignLeft: computed('align', function () {
return !this.align || this.align.toUpperCase() === 'LEFT';
* Computed property to determine if the column is horizontally aligned center.
isAlignCenter: computed('align', function () {
return this.align && this.align.toUpperCase() === 'CENTER';
* Computed property to determine if the column is horizontally aligned right.
isAlignRight: computed('align', function () {
return this.align && this.align.toUpperCase() === 'RIGHT';
* Computed property to determine if the column is vertically aligned top.
isVAlignTop: computed('valign', function () {
return !this.valign || this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'TOP';
* Computed property to determine if the column is vertically aligned center.
isVAlignCenter: computed('valign', function () {
return this.valign && this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'CENTER';
* Computed property to determine if the column is vertically aligned bottom.
isVAlignBottom: computed('valign', function () {
return this.valign && this.valign.toUpperCase() === 'BOTTOM';
* Computed property to determine if the column is sortable.
isSortable: computed('sortable', '_table.isUsingCustomRows', function () {
return (this.sortable && this._table && !this._table.isUsingCustomRows) || false;
* Computed property to determine if the column is sortable but not sorted.
isSortedNone: computed('sorted', function () {
return this.sorted === null;
* Computed property to determine if the column is sortable and sorting ASC.
isSortedUp: computed('sorted', function () {
return this.sorted === 'ASC';
* Computed property to determine if the column is sortable and sorting DESC.
isSortedDown: computed('sorted', function () {
return this.sorted === 'DESC';
* Computed property to determine if the table is completely selected.
isAllSelected: computed('_table.isAllSelected', function () {
return this._table.isAllSelected;
* Computed property to determine if the table is completely unselected.
isNoneSelected: computed('_table.isNoneSelected', function () {
return this._table.isNoneSelected;
* Computed property to determine if the column is filterable.
isFilterable: computed('filterable', '_table.isUsingCustomRows', function () {
return (this.filterable && this._table && !this._table.isUsingCustomRows) || false;
* Computed property to determine if the column is actively filtered.
isFiltered: computed('filterBy', 'filterMode', function () {
return !!(this.filterBy && this.filterMode);
* @private
* Returns the comparator function to use.
_sortComparator: computed('comparator', function () {
let comparator = this.comparator;
const compUC = typeof comparator === 'string' ? comparator.toUpperCase() : comparator;
if (!comparator) comparator =;
else if (compUC === 'GENERIC') comparator =;
else if (compUC === 'DEFAULT') comparator =;
else if (compUC === 'NUMBER') comparator = SortUtils.compareNumber;
else if (compUC === 'DATE') comparator = SortUtils.compareDate;
else if (compUC === 'ALPHA') comparator = SortUtils.compareString;
else if (compUC === 'STRING') comparator = SortUtils.compareString;
else if (compUC === 'ALPHAIGNORECASE') {
comparator = SortUtils.compareStringIgnoreCase;
} else if (compUC === 'STRINGIGNORECASE') {
comparator = SortUtils.compareStringIgnoreCase;
if (!comparator || !(comparator instanceof Function)) {
this.remoteLogging.log('sortComparator', new Error('Comparator function for WbDataTable not provided.'), 'warn');
comparator =;
return comparator;
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Handles registering this column with the table.
didInsertElement() {
if (this.columnAdded && this.columnAdded instanceof Function) {
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Handles unregistering this column from the table.
willDestroyElement() {
if (this.columnRemoved && this.columnRemoved instanceof Function) {
* Returns the column index for this column relative to all of the other columns.
* @returns {Number}
getColumnIndex() {
return (
[...this.element.parentElement.children].indexOf(this.element) +
(this._table && this._table.isSelectable ? -1 : 0) +
(this._table && this._table._isSubrowsAllowed ? -1 : 0) +
(this._table && this._table._isHierarchyActive ? -1 : 0)
* Handler for when the sort icon is clicked.
sortToggleHandler: action(function () {
if (!this._table) return;
if (this.sorted === null) this._table.sort(this, 'DESC');
else if (this.sorted === 'DESC') this._table.sort(this, 'ASC');
else if (this.sorted === 'ASC') this._table.sort(this, null);
* Handler for when the filter icon is clicked.
filterHandler: action(function () {
this._table && this._table.showFilterDialog(this);
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { action, computed } from '@ember/object';
* Internal WbDataTable component for rendering rows. This component should not be used directly.
export default Component.extend({
* Ember classname for this component.
classNames: ['wb-data-table-row'],
* Ember class bindings for this component.
classNameBindings: [
* The row object associated with the row component. This is the raw row data.
row: null,
* Should some highlighting be applied to this row.
* Can be one of the following:
* - `red`, `red1`, `red2`, `red3`, `red4`, `red5`
* - `green`, `green1`, `green2`, `green3`, `green4`, `green5`
* - `blue`, `blue1`, `blue2`, `blue3`, `blue4`, `blue5`
* - `yellow`, `yellow1`, `yellow2`, `yellow3`, `yellow4`, `yellow5`
* - `cyan`, `cyan1`, `cyan2`, `cyan3`, `cyan4`, `cyan5`
* - `purple`, `purple1`, `purple2`, `purple3`, `purple4`, `purple5`
* - `gray`, `gray1`, `grey`, `grey1`, `gray2`, `grey2`, `gray3`, `grey3`, `gray4`, `grey4`, `gray5`, `grey5`
* - `invert`
highlight: null,
* callback handler used to register this row in the table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
rowAdded: null, // provided by WbDataTable, do not override.
* callback handler used to unregister this row in the table.
* Provided by WbDataTable when created. Do not override.
rowRemoved: null, // provided by WbDataTable, do not override.
* @private
* WbDataTable associated with this row component.
_table: null,
* @private
* Is this row currently selected?
_selected: false,
* @private
* Does this row has an aossicated subrow and if so what is it?
_subrow: null,
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if a subrow is associated with this row component.
_hasSubrow: computed('_subrow', function () {
return !!this._subrow;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if a subrow is associated and it is currently showing.
_isSubrowOpened: computed('_subrow.opened', function () {
return (this._subrow && this._subrow.opened) || false;
didReceiveAttrs() {
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Handles registering this row with its parent table.
didInsertElement() {
this.addObserver('highlight', this._highlightObserver);
if (this.rowAdded && this.rowAdded instanceof Function) this.rowAdded(this);
* @private
* Ember lifecycle event. Handles unregistering this row with its parent table.
willDestroyElement() {
this.removeObserver('highlight', this._highlightObserver);
if (this.rowRemoved && this.rowRemoved instanceof Function) {
* Returns the row index of this row component relative to its sibling components.
getRowIndex() {
return [...this.element.parentElement.children].indexOf(this.element);
* If highlighting is applied, remove it an apply any new highlighting.
updateHighlight() {
// remove all highlights if any, and add whatever is given.
// needs to be done in a setTimeout because of race condition with ember.
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.element) {
[...this.element.classList].forEach((cls) => {
if (this.highlight && cls === 'wb-data-table-row-highlight-' + this.highlight) {
if (cls.startsWith('wb-data-table-row-highlight-')) {
if (this.highlight) {
this.element.classList.add('wb-data-table-row-highlight-' + this.highlight);
}, 0);
* @private
* Observer handler for highlight property.
_highlightObserver: action(function () {
* Click handler for this row, to handle what happens when it is clicked.
* @param {HTMLEvent}
click: action(function (event) {
if (this._table) {
if (this._table.isSelectable) {
this._table.selectRow(this, event);
// clears any text seleciton the window might have done.
} else if (this._hasSubrow) {
// clears any text seleciton the window might have done.
The code in this file and all wb-data-table related files is a highly complex component with a lot of moving
pieces. As such changes to these components should be undertaken with a great deal of care and a lot of
attention to how it all works together. Please be mindful of that as you move forward.
Also, a full set of ember tests for these components is available and should be run prior to commiting
any changes to these components.
Thank you!
* WbDataTable is a complete rewrite of WbTable from the ground up to provide all of the aspects of tables
* that we need to provide to our users. There are many, many features that exist in WbTable that have been
* brought over, but there are equally many new features that were not possible with WbTable that have been added.
* Because the documentation for this component is significantly long,
* it has been located in a separate documentation file. **Please refer
* to docs/ for more information.**
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, action } from '@ember/object';
import { once, next } from '@ember/runloop';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
// import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency';
import SortUtils from '../utils/sort-utils';
import StringUtils from '../utils/string-utils';
import EmberUtils from '../utils/ember-utils';
export default Component.extend({
* Injects the exportService.
exportService: service('export'),
* Injects the popper service.
popper: service(),
* Sets up the ember component class name.
classNames: ['wb-data-table'],
* Sets up the ember component class name bindings.
classNameBindings: [
* Sets up the ember component attribute bindings.
attributeBindings: ['_styleString:style'],
* The internal name for this table. This should be highly unique as the table state will be stored into
* localStorage using this name. If this is null or undefined a warning message will show encouraging
* developers to add a name. If this is an empty string or a string of spaces, this will not show
* a warning message but it will also not save table state.
name: null, // string
* A label to display above the table in the header. Optional.
label: '',
* Set to false if you want the data loading busy indicator to appear. This is provided so you may manually
* control when the table is flagged as ready. If ready is null, then isReady is a function of whether or
* not rows is not null.
ready: null, // boolean
* An optional function to use to fetch data for this table. If a fetcher function is provided it is responsible
* for handling sorting, filtering, and pagination itself.
* The fetcher is called with the following arguments:
* state - The current table state. See TABLE STATE for more information.
* columns - An array of the current columns, including hidden columns.
* rows - An array of the current rows, for reference.
* If fetcher retunrs a promise, it will await it.
* Fetcher should return an object or resolve to an object. The object should have the following structure:
* rows - An array of rows for the current showing results.
* count - The total number of rows in the entire data set.
* start - The index of the first row displayed relative to the entire data set.
* end - The end index of the last row displayed relative to the entire data set.
* If a fetcher function is provided it will run automatically the first time the table is initialized.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE FETCHER for more information.
fetcher: null, // function
* An array of row objects that are used to generate the dynamic row elements for this component.
* rows should be null if you are defining a static table.
* If rows is null and @ready is not set, the table will display a loading indicator.
* If rows is an empty array, the @emptyMessage will be displayed.
rows: null, // array or null
* Allows the developers to override the defacto row width with a fixed value. This string must
* be in the form of a CSS measurement. If the rowWidth is greater than 100% of the viewport,
* the horizontal scrollbar will be enabled.
rowWidth: '100%',
* Used to override the total number of rows in the entire data set. Do not set unless you are
* using pagination and providing an external fetcher.
* If the external fetcher returns `count` in its response object, this value is set to that
* after the fetch is done.
rowCount: null, // number or null
* Set to true to display an infinity symbol instead of the total number of rows. Generally you
* would only use this with infinite tables with pagination and an unknowable amount of rows.
rowCountInfinite: false, // boolean
* Used to override the first row index position. Do not set unless you are using pagination and
* providing an external fetcher.
* If the external fetcher returns `start` in its response object, this value is set to that
* after the fetch is done.
rowStartPosition: null, // number or null
* Used to override the last row index position. Do not set unless you are using pagination and
* providing an external fetcher.
* If the external fetcher returns `end` in its response object, this value is set to that
* after the fetch is done.
rowEndPosition: null, // number or null
* Use to override the default width of the table. By default width is set to "100%". You may
* override it with a fixed dimension like "400px" or a percentage of it parent container
* "50%" or with "auto". Avoid "min-content" and "max-content".
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE WIDTH AND HEIGHT for more information.
width: null, // string, css width property
* Use to override the default height of the table. By default height is set to "100%". You may
* override it with a fixed dimension like "400px" or a percentage of it parent container
* "50%" or with "auto". Avoid "min-content" and "max-content".
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE WIDTH AND HEIGHT for more information.
height: null, // string, css height property
* Set to false to prevent showing the header of the table. Defaults to true.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE HEADERS for more information.
showHeader: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent showing the footer of the table. Defaults to true.
* Even if showing the footer you may also need to set @actionBar="both" if you want the action
* bar on the bottom to show up.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE FOOTERS for more information.
showFooter: true, // boolean
* Set to specify how you want column headings to display. Options are "text", "bar", or "none".
* Defaults to "text".
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE HEADINGS for more information.
headings: 'text', // string: 'text', 'bar', 'none'
* Set to specify how you want column footings to display. Options are "text", "bar", or "none".
* Defaults to "bar".
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE FOOTINGS for more information.
footings: 'bar', // string: 'text', 'bar', 'none'
* Set to false to prevent all column headings from displaying. Defaults to true. Overrides
* @headings.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE HEADINGS for more information.
showColumnHeadings: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent all column footings from displaying. Defaults to true. Overrides
* @footings.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE FOOTINGS for more information.
showColumnFootings: true, // boolean
* Specifies how you want hovering indicators to show for this table. May be set to "row",
* "column", "both", or "none". Defaults to "row".
* Only "row" will work if you are using with Static Tables.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE HOVERING for more information.
hoverMode: 'row', // string 'row', 'column', 'both', 'none'
* Use to tell the table whether selection is enabled or not. You do so by specifying how you
* want table selection clicks to be handled. Possible values are "none", "single", "toggle",
* or "multi". Defaults to "none".
* none - Selection is disabled.
* single - Allows the user to select only a single row at a time and never more
* than one row.
* toggle - Allows the user to select many rows, one at a time.
* multi - Allows the user to select many rows in a few different ways. Clicking
* on a row will select that row and deselect all other rows. CTRL Clicking will
* select/deselect the row but does not clear other rows first. SHIFT clicking will
* select from the last selected row to the current row, inclusively.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE SELECTION for more information.
selectMode: 'none', // string: 'none' 'single' 'toggle' 'multi'
* If true, show a textual description of the current selection immediately below the table
* label. Defaults to true.
showSelectionInfo: true, // boolean
* If true, the WbDataTable is searchable and a search field and button will be displayed
* on the top of the table near the actions area.
* If a custom @fetcher is not being used, this will use an internal searching algorithm
* which merely converts everything to strings and does a contains match against them. You
* can control which fields are search be providing @searchFields.
* If a custom @fetcher is in use, the developer is responsible for handling how searching
* is done.
searchable: false,
* A comma separated list of fields to search when @searchable is true and a @fetcher is not
* provided. If the searchFields is equal to "*" all fields, that is all known column fields
* will be searched.
searchFields: '*',
* Sets where action bars are displayed. Options are "top", "bottom", "both", "none". Defaults
* to "top".
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE ACTION BARS and DYNAMIC TABLE
* CUSTOM ACTIONS for more information.
actionBar: 'top', // string: 'top' 'bottom' 'both' 'none'
* Set to false to prevent any actions from being displayed. Defaults to true.
showActions: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent any actions from being displayed in the header. Defaults to true.
showActionsTop: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent any actions from being displayed in the footer. Defaults to true.
showActionsBottom: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent CUSTOM actions from being displayed in the header. Defaults to true.
showCustomActionsTop: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent CUSTOM actions from being displayed in the footer. Defaults to true.
showCustomActionsBottom: true, // boolean
* Set to true to turn on pagination. Defaults to false.
* If a custom @fetcher is provided the fetcher must handle pagination.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE PAGINATION for more information.
pageable: false, // boolean
* Sets the current size of a page of rows being shown. Defaults to 100.
pageSize: 100, // number
* Sets the current page. Defaults to 1.
* NOTE: It is best to set the page via the `changePage()` function rather than setting this directly.
page: 1, // number
* If true, show a textual description of the current pagination immediately below the table
* label. Defaults to true.
showPagingInfo: true, // boolean
* Set to false to prevent exporting this table. Defaults to true.
exportable: true, // boolean
* Set to a Function to provide a custom exporting system for this table. Defaults to null.
* The exporter function gets the following arguments when it is called:
* type - A string representing the type of data requested for exporting, either 'JSON' or 'CSV'.
* rows - The @rows to be exported based on the All, Selected, or Current rows setting.
* columns - The columns to be exported based on the All or Showing columns setting.
* fields - An array of fields that are to be exported.
* headers - An array of header labels for each column to be exported.
* state - An object containing all of the state detail for the table. This includes things
* like sorting, filtering, pagination, etc. See TABLE STATE towards the end of this document.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE EXPORTING for more information.
exporter: null, // function
* If true, show a textual description of the current filtering immediately below the table
* label. Defaults to true.
showFilteringInfo: true,
* Sets whether or not subrows are displayed for each row. If you wish to use subrows you must both
* set this to an appropriate value and define a <table.subrow> value in the component HBS.
* This take ths possible values of "none", "single", or "many".
* none - Subrows are disabled.
* single - Subrows are enabled, but only one subrow may be shown at any given time.
* many - Subrows are enabled and any number of subrows may be showing.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE SUBROWS for more information.
subrows: 'none', // single, many, none
* Sets whther or not heirarchy rows are supported by this table. If this is a non-null, non-empty
* string, that value will be used against each row to determine if the rows has subordinate rows.
* The subordinate rows are then examined likewise to determine an hierarchy.
* Please read the external documentation on DYNAMIC TABLE HIERARCHY for more information.
hierarchyField: null,
* Override the default text for a loading message in the busy indicator.
loadingMessage: 'Loading...', // string
* Override the default text for a empty message when @rows is an empty array.
emptyMessage: 'No Data Available.', // string
* Override the default text for a fetching message in the busy indicator.
fetchingMessage: 'Loading data...', // string
* Override the default text for a exporting message in the busy indicator.
exportingMessage: 'Exporting data...', // string
* Override the default text for the rendering indicator screen.
renderingMessage: 'Preparing data...', // string
* Override the default text for a message when all results are filtered out.
allFilteredOutMessage: 'All results filtered out.', // string
* Allows the developer to provide an additional class name to associate with each row.
additionalRowClassName: null,
* Allows the developer to provide an additional class name to associate with each subrow.
additionalSubrowClassName: null,
* Allows the developer to provide an additional class name to associate with each column.
additionalColumnClassName: null,
* Allows the developer to provide an additional class name to associate with each cell.
additionalCellClassName: null,
* Allows the developer to provide additional table state data to be saved. It is entirely
* on the developer to set this to be whatever additional data they want. Then when
* tableState would be written to the localStorage, this is included.
* Whenever possible, set this to an Object, and then you can use the keys inside of that.
* When tableState is loaded from localStorage, anything in this gets overwritten.
additionalTableState: null,
* A callback function to execute when the table is initialized. The function will be called
* with the arguments (table,api).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onInit: null,
* A callback function to execute when the table is initialized. The function will be called
* with the arguments (table,api).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onReady: null,
* A callback function to execute when the table selection is changed. The function will
* be called with the arguments (table,selectedRows).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onSelect: null, // function
* A callback function to execute when the table export is complete. The function will be
* called with the arguments (table).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onExported: null, // function
* A callback function to execute when the table fetch is complete. The function will be
* called with the arguments (table).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onFetched: null, // function
* A callback function to execute when a column is added. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, column).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onColumnAdd: null,
* A callback function to execute when a column is removed. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, column).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onColumnRemove: null,
* A callback function to execute when a row is added. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, rowComponent, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onRowAdd: null,
* A callback function to execute when a row is removed. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, rowComponent, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onRowRemove: null,
* A callback function to execute when a subrow is added. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, subrowComponent, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onSubrowAdd: null,
* A callback function to execute when a subrow is removed. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, subrowComponent, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onSubrowRemove: null,
* A callback function to execute when a cell is added. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, cell, column, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onCellAdd: null,
* A callback function to execute when a cell is removed. The function will be called with
* the arguments (table, cell, column, row).
* Please read the external documentation on TABLE EVENTS for more information.
onCellRemove: null,
// private internal variables
* Internal holder of rows. When this.rows changes, the _rowsObserver is
* notified and will programatically transfer this.rows into _internalRows,
* which is what is used to actually render the rows. This is done to
* allow us to display the rendering message before the rendering of
* rows begins, allowing the repaint cycle to occur.
_internalRows: null,
* @private
* Stores a reference to all the row components.
_rowComponents: [],
* @private
* Stores a reference to all the subrow components.
_subrowComponents: [],
* @private
* Stores a reference to all the column components.
_columns: new Set(),
* @private
* Array version of _columns.
_columnArray: [],
* @private
* Stores a reference to all the cell components.
_cells: new Set(),
* @private
* The current width string that is computed periodically to ensure the table is aligned correctly.
_widthString: null,
* @private
* The column index currently being hovered.
_hoverColumnIndex: null,
* @private
* The last component that was clicked for selection
_lastSelectedRowComponent: null,
* @private
* True if we are currently in the "fetching" state.
_inFetching: false,
* @private
* True if we are currently in the "exporting" state.
_inExporting: false,
* If true we are currently repainting the rows. This is used to
* display the preparingMessage while the rows are being drawn.
_inRendering: false,
* @private
* One up counter to indicate selection has changed.
_selectionIndex: 0,
* @private
* Text to be searched on to further filter the rows in the table.
_searchText: '',
* @private
* Holder of text to be searched on, which does not get updated until search is executed.
_pendingSearchText: '',
* @private
* Reference to the filter popup dialog.
_filterPopup: null,
* @private
* Reference to the column for which the filterDialog popup is currently showing.
_filterColumn: null,
* @private
* Exporting setting.
_exportRowsChoice: 'ALL',
* @private
* Exporting setting.
_exportColumnsChoice: 'ALL',
* @private
* Exporting setting.
_exportFlavorChoice: 'CSV',
* @private
* Maps rows to an object that describes its role in the hierarchy.
_hierarchyInfo: new Map(),
* @private
* A one up counter for hierarchy to trigger some ember computed properties.
_hierarchyIndex: 0,
* Tick this number up, if you want to reset all the saved table states.
_tableStateVersion: 1,
// table styles
* @private
* Computed property that is used in the setting width/hieght of this table, if provided.
_styleString: computed('width', 'height', function () {
return StringUtils.safeTags(
`${this.width ? 'width: ' + this.width + ';' : ''}${this.height ? 'height: ' + this.height + ';' : ''}`
// table state
* Computed property that returns true if this table is ready, has rows, is not exporting and is
* not fetching.
isReady: computed('_internalRows', 'ready', '_inExporting', '_inFetching', '_inRendering', function () {
if (this._inRendering) return false;
if (this._inFetching) return false;
if (this._inExporting) return false;
if (this.ready === null) return this._internalRows !== null;
if (this.ready === true) return true;
return false;
* Computed property that return true if _internalRows is empty.
isEmpty: computed('isReady', '_internalRows', function () {
if (this.ready && this._rowComponents.length > 0) return false;
return (this.isReady && this._internalRows && this._internalRows.length < 1) || false;
* Computed property that returns the current busy indicator message.
* This prioritizes fetching over exporting over loading. So if you are both loading
* and exporting at the same time, the exporting message will win.
notReadyMessage: computed(
function () {
if (this._inRendering) return this.renderingMessage;
if (this._inFetching) return this.fetchingMessage;
else if (this._inExporting) return this.exportingMessage;
else return this.loadingMessage;
* Computed property that returns the current "state" of the table as an object.
* Please see TABLE STATE in the external documentation.
tableState: computed(
function () {
return {
pageable: this.pageable,
pageSize: this.pageSize,
rowCount: this.rowCount,
rowCountInfinite: this.rowCountInfinite,
rowStartPosition: this.rowStartPosition,
rowEndPosition: this.rowEndPosition,
searchable: this.searchable,
searchText: this._searchText,
searchFields: this.searchFields,
showingColumns: => {
return {
field: column.field,
showing: column.showing,
sortingColumns: => {
return {
field: column.field,
sorted: column.sorted,
filteringColumns: => {
return {
field: column.field,
filterBy: column.filterBy,
filterMode: column.filterMode,
filterPaused: column.filterPaused,
additional: this.additionalTableState || null,
* @private
* Computed property that returns the key used in to store the table state
* into localStorage.
_tableStateKey: computed('name', function () {
if (! return null;
const name = ('' +;
if (!name) return null;
const url = location.href.slice( + location.hash.length);
return '' + this._tableStateVersion + '.' + name + '.' + btoa(url);
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to save table state. Fired when tableState computed
* property changes.
_saveTableState: action(function () {
if (! return;
const key = this._tableStateKey;
if (!key) return;
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(this.tableState));
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to restore the table state. Fired when this table is
* added to the DOM via ember's didiInsertElement lifecycle event.
_restoreTableState: action(function () {
if (! return;
const key = this._tableStateKey;
if (!key) return;
let data = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
if (!data) return;
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log(`Restoring tableState data for table ${key} produced a JSON parsing error.`, ex, 'error');
if (!data) return;
const showing = data.showingColumns || null;
const sorting = data.sortingColumns || null;
const filtering = data.filteringColumns || null;
this._columnArray.forEach((column) => {
if (showing) {
const show = showing.find((col) => column.field === col.field);
if (show) column.set('showing', show.showing);
if (filtering) {
const filter = filtering.find((col) => column.field === col.field);
if (filter) {
column.set('filterBy', filter.filterBy || null);
column.set('filterMode', filter.filterMode || 'contains');
column.set('filterPaused', filter.filterPaused || false);
if (sorting) {
const sort = sorting.find((col) => column.field === col.field);
if (sort) column.set('sorted', sort.sorted || null);
if (data.searchable === true && data.searchText) {;
if (data.additional) this.set('additionalTableState', data.additional);
once(this, this._recalculateColumnWidths);
* Action for handling incoming requests to scroll this table to the top such that the
* first row is visibile.
* @param {Boolean} smooth If true, smoothly animates the scroll.
scrollToTop: action(function (smooth = false) {
if (!this.bodyElement) return;
top: 0,
left: 0,
behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : 'auto',
_readyObserver: action(function () {
if (this.isReady) this._fireReadyEvent();
// api
* Returns an object that exposes a specific set of API allowed calls for this table.
* Please see the individual functions for specific details.
* @returns {Object} An object containing all available api calls.
getAPI() {
return {
getRowByIndex: this.getRow.bind(this),
getColumnByIndex: this.getColumn.bind(this),
recalculateColumnWidths: this._recalculateColumnWidths.bind(this),
clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this),
selectRow: this.selectRow.bind(this),
isRowSelected: this.isRowSelected.bind(this),
fetch: () => this.fetchRows.perform(),
scrollToTop: this.scrollToTop.bind(this),
export: this.export.bind(this),
sort: this.sort.bind(this),
filter: this.filter.bind(this),
changePage: this.changePage.bind(this),
toggleSubrow: this.toggleSubrow.bind(this),
toggleColumnShowing: this.toggleColumnShowing.bind(this),
toggleHierarchyRow: this.toggleHierarchyRow.bind(this),
// columns
* Computed property that returns true if all columns are currently visible.
isAllColumnsShowing: computed('_columnArray.@each.{showing,enabled}', function () {
return this._columnArray.every((column) => {
return column.enabled && column.showing;
* @private
* Computed property that returns an array of only showing columns.
_showingColumns: computed('_columnArray.@each.showing', function () {
return this._columnArray.filter((column) => !!column.showing);
* @private
* Internal method to keep _columnArray in sync of this.columns.
_updateColumnArray() {
this.set('_columnArray', [...this._columns]);
* Returns the column at the given columnIndex position, starting at 0.
* @param {Number} columnIndex
* @returns {wb-data-table-column}
getColumn(columnIndex) {
return [...this._columns][columnIndex] || null;
* Forces the table to recompute the width of all columns. This is driven by
* each columns' @width settings.
_recalculateColumnWidths() {
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
let widthString = [...this._columns]
.reduce((widthString, column) => {
if (!column.required && (!column.showing || !column.enabled)) {
return widthString;
let colwidth = column.get('width') || '1fr';
if (typeof colwidth === 'number') colwidth = colwidth + 'fr';
if (typeof colwidth === 'string' && colwidth.match(/^[\d.]*$/)) {
const pf = parseFloat(colwidth);
colwidth = pf + 'fr';
if (colwidth === 'auto' || colwidth === 'min-content' || colwidth === 'max-content') {
colwidth = '1fr';
return (widthString += ' ' + colwidth);
}, '')
if (!this.isUsingCustomRows) {
if (this._isSubrowsAllowed) widthString = '30px ' + widthString;
if (this.isSelectable) widthString = '30px ' + widthString;
if (this._isHierarchyActive) {
widthString = Math.max(30, this._hierarchyMaxDepth * 12 + 20) + 'px ' + widthString;
this.set('_widthString', StringUtils.safeTags('grid-template-columns: ' + widthString));
_repaintRequiredObserver: action(function () {
once(this, this._recalculateColumnWidths);
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle a column showing/hidden.
* @param column {wb-data-table-column}
* @param showing {Boolean}
toggleColumnShowing: action(function (column, showing) {
if (!column) return;
if (column.required) return;
if (!column.enabled) return;
if (showing === undefined || showing === null) showing = !column.showing;
// prevent removing all columns from the table.
const showingColumns = this._columnArray.filter((column) => column.enabled && (column.showing || column.required));
if (showing === false && showingColumns.length < 2) return;
column.set('showing', showing);
once(this, this._recalculateColumnWidths);
// rows
* @private
* Fired whenever the @rows argument changes. Triggers the rendering process.
_rowsObserver: action(function () {
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
this.set('_inRendering', true);
* @private
* Called to transfer the value of @rows to @_internalRows, which will cause
* ember to render the rows out. We do this so we can control the visual rendering
* message before ember starts rendering.
_renderingStarted: action(function () {
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
this.set('_internalRows', this.rows);
* @private
* Called once rendering of the rows is complete.
_renderingComplete: action(function () {
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isDestroying) return;
this.set('_inRendering', false);
* @private
* Called whenever the body element is scrolled. We then adjust the headings
* and footings positions (through negative margins) to match the scrolled
* body area. Tricksy.
_scrollHandler: action(function () {
const left = this.bodyElement.scrollLeft; = '' + -left + 'px'; = '' + -left + 'px';
* Computed property that returns the showing columns. The showing columns is taken from rows
* then run through filters, then sorting, then hierarchy, to finally land in showingRows. This
* is the final set of rows shown to the client.
* This computed property does nothing in and of itself, but is rather just an alias, to the last
* row computation. It should be largely left alone. Please do not change to ember alias either.
* f
showingRows: computed('_hierarchyRowsShowing', function () {
// this is a rollup of all the different types of modifiers rows can have (sort, pagination, filter, hierarcy, etc).
// do not change.
return this._hierarchyRowsShowing;
* Computed property that returns true if static table mode is being used.
isUsingCustomRows: computed('_internalRows.[]', 'isReady', function () {
return (this._internalRows === null && this.isReady) || false;
* Returns the row for the given rowIndex position, relative to 0.
* @param {Number} rowIndex
* @returns {*}
getRow(rowIndex) {
return (this._internalRows && this._internalRows[rowIndex]) || null;
* Returns the wb-data-table-row component for a given row.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {wb-data-table-row}
_getRowComponent(row) {
if (!row) return null;
return this._rowComponents.find((rc) => rc.row === row);
// searching
* @private
* Computed property that returns _internalRows with filtering applied.
_searchedRows: computed(
function () {
let rows =
(this._internalRows && this._internalRows.toArray && [].concat(this._internalRows.toArray())) ||
(this._internalRows && [].concat(this._internalRows)) ||
let search = (this._searchText && this._searchText.trim()) || '';
search = search.replaceAll(/[\]{}]/g, '').replaceAll(/([-_*+,.<>?;:'"[]\{\}\\\/\^\$!@#%&\(\)])/g, '\\$1');
if (!this.fetcher && this._isSearchingActive && search) {
let fields =
(this.searchFields === '*' && => column.field).filter((field) => !!field)) ||
(this.searchFields.length > 0 && ('' + this.searchFields).split(/,/g)) ||
fields = => ('' + field).trim()).filter((field) => !!field);
const words = search.split(/\s+/g);
const regexs = => new RegExp(word, 'ig'));
rows = rows.filter((row) => {
return regexs.every((regex) => {
return fields.some((field) => {
const value = row[field];
if (value === undefined || value === null) return false;
return ('' + value).match(regex);
return rows;
* @private
* Handler for pressing the search button.
_executeSearchHandler: action(function () {
const search = (this._pendingSearchText && ('' + this._pendingSearchText).trim()) || '';
if (search !== this._searchText);
* @private
* Handler for when search input field is changed.
_searchTextChangeHandler: action(function (text) {
const search = (text && ('' + text).trim()) || '';
if (this._pendingSearchText !== text) {
this.set('_pendingSearchText', search);
* Allows the developer to externally specify the search text.
* @param {String} text The text to search on. Null or empty string will clear searching.
search: action(function (text = '') {
if (text === null || text === undefined) text = '';
if (this._searchText !== text) this.set('_searchText', text);
if (this._pendingSearchText !== text) this.set('_pendingSearchText', text);
next(this.changePage, 1);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if searching is active.
_isSearchingActive: computed('searchable', '_searchText', function () {
const search = (this._searchText && this._searchText.trim()) || '';
return this.searchable && search.length > 0;
// filtering
* @private
* Computed property that returns rows with filtering applied.
_filteredRows: computed(
function () {
let rows = [].concat(this._searchedRows || []);
if (!this.fetcher && this._isFilteringActive) {
const columns = this._filteringColumns.filter((column) => !column.filterPaused);
rows = rows.filter((row) => {
return !columns.some((column) => {
if (!column) return false;
if (!column.filterBy) return false;
if (!column.filterMode) return false;
let mode = column.filterMode;
let text = column.filterBy;
let value = row[column.field];
if (column.filterMatch && column.filterMatch instanceof Function) {
return column.filterMatch(text, mode, value, row, column);
if (value === undefined || value === null) value = '';
mode = mode.toLowerCase();
text = text.toLowerCase();
value = ('' + value).toLowerCase();
if (mode === 'contains') return value.indexOf(text) < 0;
else if (mode === 'exact') return value !== text;
else if (mode === 'starts') return !value.startsWith(text);
else if (mode === 'ends') return !value.endsWith(text);
return false;
return rows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns an array of all columns where filtering is active.
_filteringColumns: computed('fetcher', '_columnArray.@each.{filterBy,filterMode}', function () {
return this._columnArray.filter((column) => !!column.filterBy);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if any column allows filtering.
_isFilteringAvailable: computed('_columnArray.@each.filterable', function () {
return this._columnArray.some((column) => column.filterable);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if any column is filtering.
_isFilteringActive: computed('_filteringColumns', function () {
return this._filteringColumns.length > 0;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the number of rows currently hidden due to filtering.
_filteredOutCount: computed('rowCount', '_internalRows', '_filteredRows', function () {
if (this.rowCount !== null) return null;
return ((this._internalRows && this._internalRows.length) || 0) - this._filteredRows.length;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if all results are filtered out.
_isAllFilteredOut: computed('_isFilteringActive', '_filteredRows', function () {
if (this.rowCount !== null) return null;
return this._isFilteringActive && this._filteredRows.length < 1;
* Action for handling incoming requests to apply a new filter.
* @param column {wb-data-table-column} The column to filter on.
* @param value {String} the value to filter against.
* @param mode {String} The filter mode: 'contains', 'exact', 'starts', 'ends'
filter: action(function (column, value = null, mode = 'contains') {
if (!column) return;
if (!this.fetcher) this.set('_inRendering', true);
next(() => {
next(this.changePage, 1);
column.set('filterBy', value);
column.set('filterMode', mode);
column.set('filterPaused', false);
next(() => {
if (!this.fetcher) this.set('_inRendering', false);
else this.fetchRows.perform();
toggleFilterPause: action(function (column, state = null) {
if (!column) return;
column.set('filterPaused', state === null ? !column.filterPaused : state);
* Action for handling incoming requests to show the filter dialog for a given column.
* Will hide any other filter dialog currently showing.
* @param column {wb-data-table-column} Column to show dialog for.
showFilterDialog: action(function (column) {
if (!column) return;
if (!column.filterable) return;
if (this._filterPopup) this.hideFilterDialog();
const args = {
column: column,
table: this,
filterText: column.filterBy || '',
filterMode: column.filterMode || 'contains',
onChange: this.filterApplyHandler,
const positioning = {
relativeTo: column.element,
relativeSpot: 'top-left',
originSpot: 'bottom-left',
ensureVisible: true,
const popup = this.popper.openPopup(
this.set('_filterPopup', popup);
this.set('_filterColumn', column);
column.set('_isFilterDialogShowing', true);
* Action for handling incoming requests to hide the currently showing filter dialog.
hideFilterDialog: action(function () {
if (!this._filterPopup) return;
if (this._filterColumn) {
this._filterColumn.set('_isFilterDialogShowing', false);
this.set('_filterColumn', null);
this.set('_filterPopup', null);
* Action for handling incoming requests to apply the results of the currently showing filter dialog.
* Hides the filter dialog.
* @param column {wb-data-table-column} The column to filter on.
* @param value {String} the value to filter against.
* @param mode {String} The filter mode: 'contains', 'exact', 'starts', 'ends'
filterApplyHandler: action(function (column, value, mode) {
this.filter(column, value, mode);
// sorting
* @private
* Computed property that returns rows in a sorted order. This is done after filtering
* is applied.
_sortedRows: computed('fetcher', '_filteredRows', '_isSortingActive', '_sortingColumns', function () {
let rows = [].concat(this._filteredRows || []);
let columns = this._sortingColumns;
columns = columns.reverse();
if (!this.fetcher && this._isSortingActive) {
columns.forEach((column) => {
const comparator = column._sortComparator ||;
const field = column.field;
const direction = column.sorted ? column.sorted.toUpperCase() : 'DESC';
if (field) {
rows = rows.sort(function (a, b) {
// if we got undefined or null object, handle them.
if (a === undefined) a = null;
if (b === undefined) b = null;
if (a === null && b === null) return 0;
if (a !== null && b === null) return -1;
if (a === null && b !== null) return 1;
// get the field vale we want to sort on.
a = a[field];
b = b[field];
// if field value undefined or null, handle that.
if (a === undefined) a = null;
if (b === undefined) b = null;
if (a === null && b === null) return 0;
if (a !== null && b === null) return -1;
if (a === null && b !== null) return 1;
return direction === 'DESC' ? comparator(a, b) : comparator(b, a);
return rows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns an array of columns with sorting enabled.
_sortingColumns: computed('fetcher', '_columnArray.@each.sorted', function () {
return this._columnArray.filter((column) => !!column.sorted);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if sorting is active.
_isSortingActive: computed('_sortingColumns', function () {
return this._sortingColumns.length > 0;
* Action for handling incoming requests to sort a specific column.
* @param column {wb-data-table-column} The column to sort.
* @param direction {String} The direction of the sort "ASC" or "DESC" or null for no sort.
sort: action(function (column, direction = null) {
if (!this._internalRows) return;
if (!column) return;
direction = (direction && direction.toUpperCase()) || null;
next(this.changePage, 1);
this._columns.forEach((col) => {
if (col === column) column.set('sorted', direction);
else col.set('sorted', null);
if (this.fetcher) this.fetchRows.perform();
// paging
* @private
* Computed property that returns rows if internal paging is in use.
_pagedRows: computed('fetcher', '_sortedRows', '_isInternalPagerActive', 'page', 'pageSize', function () {
let rows = [].concat(this._sortedRows || []);
if (!this.fetcher && this._isInternalPagerActive) {
const start = Math.max(0, ( - 1) * this.pageSize);
rows = rows.slice(start, start + this.pageSize);
return rows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if internal paging is being used. Internal
* paging is when no fetcher is given and pageable is true.
_isInternalPagerActive: computed('fetcher', 'pageable', function () {
return this.pageable && !this.fetcher;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if page info is to be shown under the label.
_showPagerInfo: computed('fetcher', 'rowStartPosition', 'rowEndPosition', 'rowCount', function () {
if (!this.fetcher) return true;
if (this.fetcher && this.rowStartPosition !== null && this.rowEndPosition !== null && this.rowCount !== null) {
return true;
return false;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the starting index of the current rows showing. This is
* either computed from the page and page size, or it can be overridden by setting
* rowStartPosition to a non-null number.
_startingPosition: computed('pageable', 'page', 'pageSize', 'rowStartPosition', function () {
if (this.rowStartPosition !== null) return this.rowStartPosition;
if (!this.pageable) return 1;
return Math.max(1, ( - 1) * this.pageSize + 1);
* @private
* Computed property that returns the ending index of the current rows showing. This is
* either computed from the page and page size, or it can be overridden by setting
* rowEndPosition to a non-null number.
_endingPosition: computed(
function () {
if (this.rowEndPosition !== null) return this.rowEndPosition;
if (!this.pageable) return this._sortedRows.length;
if (this.rowCount !== null) {
return Math.min(this.rowCount0, * this.pageSize + this.pageSize + 1);
return this._startingPosition + this._pagedRows.length - 1;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the total number of rows in the entire data set. This
* is computed if not pageable or the internal pager is being used. Otherwise it is
* taken from the rowCount argument which must be provided.
_totalRowCount: computed('pageable', 'page', 'pageSize', 'rowCount', '_sortedRows', '_pagedRows', function () {
if (!this.pageable) return this._sortedRows.length;
if (this.rowCount !== null) return this.rowCount;
if (this._isInternalPagerActive) return this._sortedRows.length;
return * this.pageSize + this._pagedRows.length;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if we are viewing the first page.
_isPageFirstDisabled: computed('_startingPosition', function () {
return this._startingPosition <= 1;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if there is no previous page.
_isPagePreviousDisabled: computed('_startingPosition', function () {
return this._startingPosition <= 1;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if no next page is available.
_isPageNextDisabled: computed('_endingPosition', '_totalRowCount', function () {
return this._endingPosition >= this._totalRowCount;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if the current page is the last page.
_isPageLastDisabled: computed('_endingPosition', '_totalRowCount', function () {
return this._endingPosition >= this._totalRowCount;
* Action for handling incoming requests to move the page some number of
* pages forward or backward. You may never move before the first page or
* after the last page.
* @param amount {Number} The number of pages to move forward (positive numbers) or backward (negative numbers).
pageAdvanceHandler: action(function (amount = 1) {
this.changePage( + amount);
* Action for handling incoming requests to move to the first page.
pageStartHandler: action(function () {
* Action for handling incoming requests to move to the last page.
pageEndHandler: action(function () {
this.changePage(Math.min(this._totalRowCount, ((this._totalRowCount / this.pageSize) | 0) + 1));
* Action for handling incoming requests to change to a specific page.
* @param newPage {Number} The page to switch to.
changePage: action(function (newPage = 1) {
if (typeof newPage !== 'number') return;
newPage = Math.max(1, Math.min(newPage, this._totalRowCount, ((this._totalRowCount / this.pageSize) | 0) + 1));
this.set('page', newPage);
if (this.fetcher) this.fetchRows.perform();
// hierarchy
* @private
* Computed property that returns the rows as a hierarchy set of rows. This in essence flattens out
* the hierarchy and associates each row is a hierarchInfo entry which contains specifics about
* the rows place in the hierarchy.
_hierarchyRows: computed('_pagedRows', '_hierarchyIndex', 'hierarchyField', '_isHierarchyActive', function () {
let rows = [].concat(this._pagedRows || []);
if (this._isHierarchyActive) {
const isLastChild = (row, parent) => {
if (!row) return true;
if (!parent) return rows.indexOf(row) === rows.length - 1;
const children = this._getHierarchyChildren(parent);
return (children && children.indexOf(row) === children.length - 1) || false;
const getAncestors = (row) => {
const ancestors = [];
let ancestor = this._getHierarchyParent(row);
while (ancestor) {
if (ancestor) {
ancestor = this._getHierarchyParent(ancestor);
return ancestors;
const builder = (row, depth = 1, parent = null) => {
if (!row) return null;
let children = row[this.hierarchyField];
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
info.depth = depth;
info.parent = parent;
info.children = children;
info.lastChild = isLastChild(row, parent);
info.ancestors = getAncestors(row);
let rows = [row];
if (children) {
if (!(children instanceof Array)) children = [children];
if (children.length > 0) {
children.forEach((child) => {
const built = builder(child, depth + 1, row);
if (built) rows = rows.concat(built);
return rows;
rows = rows.reduce((rows, row) => {
if (!row) return rows;
const built = builder(row);
if (built) rows = rows.concat(built);
return rows;
}, []);
const maxDepth = rows.reduce((max, row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return Math.max(max, info.depth);
}, 0);
rows.forEach((row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
info.steps = new Array(maxDepth).fill(0).map((x, pos) => {
let step = 'to';
const stepDepth = pos + 1;
if (stepDepth === info.depth - 1) {
// current
const parentInfo = this._getHierarchyInfo(info.parent);
if (parentInfo.children && parentInfo.children.indexOf(row) > -1) {
step = 'sibling';
if (step === 'sibling' && parentInfo.children.indexOf(row) === parentInfo.children.length - 1) {
step = 'sibling-last';
} else if (stepDepth === info.depth) {
// current
if (!info.children || info.children.length < 1) step = 'leaf';
else step = 'parent';
} else if (stepDepth < info.depth) {
// prev
step = 'none';
const ancestor = info.ancestors[pos];
const ancestorInfo = this._getHierarchyInfo(ancestor);
if (ancestor && ancestorInfo && !ancestorInfo.lastChild) {
step = 'thru';
} else {
// future
step = 'to';
return step;
return rows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if and hierarchy row is expanded.
_hierarchyRowsShowing: computed('_hierarchyRows', '_hierarchyIndex', '_isHierarchyActive', function () {
let rows = [].concat(this._hierarchyRows || []);
if (this._isHierarchyActive) {
rows = rows.filter((row) => this._getHierarchyRowShowing(row));
return rows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if hierarchy rows are enabled.
_isHierarchyActive: computed('hierarchyField', function () {
return !!this.hierarchyField;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the maximum depth any rows might have in the hierarchy.
_hierarchyMaxDepth: computed('_hierarchyRows', 'hierarchyField', function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return 0;
return this._hierarchyRows.reduce((max, row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return Math.max(max, info.depth);
}, 0);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if all hierarchy rows are expanded.
_hierarchyAllExpanded: computed(
function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return false;
return this._hierarchyRows.every((row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return info.opened || !info.children || info.children.length < 1;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true of all hierarchy rows are collapsed.
_hierarchyNoneExpanded: computed(
function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return false;
return this._hierarchyRows.every((row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
if (!info.children) return true;
if (info.children.length < 1) return true;
return !info.opened;
* @private
* Returns the parent row for a given hierarchy row.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {*}
_getHierarchyParent(row) {
if (!row) return null;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return info.parent;
* @private
* Returns an array of all child rows for a given row.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {Array<*>}
_getHierarchyChildren(row) {
if (!row) return null;
return row[this.hierarchyField] || null;
* @private
* Returns a hierarchy info object for the given row. The hierarchy info objects are
* created most likely when a hierarchy table is enabled and rows are added to that
* table.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {Object}
_getHierarchyInfo(row) {
if (!row) return null;
let info = this._hierarchyInfo.get(row) || null;
if (!info) {
info = {
depth: 1,
opened: false,
parent: null,
lastChild: true,
children: null,
this._hierarchyInfo.set(row, info);
return info;
* @private
* Returns the depth for a given row in the hierarchy structure.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {Number}
_getHierarchyDepth(row) {
if (!row) return 0;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return info.depth;
* @private
* Returns true if the hierarchy row is showing or not.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {Boolean}
_getHierarchyRowShowing(row) {
if (!row) return false;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return (
(info.ancestors &&
info.ancestors.reverse().every((ancestor) => {
const ancestorInfo = this._getHierarchyInfo(ancestor);
return ancestorInfo.opened;
})) ||
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to determine if a hierarchy row is expanded
* or not.
* @param row {*} The row to test.
* @return {Boolean} true if the row is expanded.
_getHierarchyOpened: action(function (row) {
if (!row) return false;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return info.opened;
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to determine how each level of depth is to be rendered.
* This is largely only useful internally.
* @param row {*} The row to lookup.
* @return {Array<String>} An array of steps for each level of depth from 0 to maxDepth.
_getHierarchySteps: action(function (row) {
if (!row) return 0;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
return info.steps || [];
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle a hierarchy row expanded or collapsed.
* if state is null the row will be toggled. If state is true, the row will be expanded.
* If state is false, the row will be collapsed.
* @param row {*} The row to toggle
* @param state {null|Boolean} The state to toggle to.
toggleHierarchyRow: action(function (row, state = null) {
if (!row) return;
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
if (!info) return;
if (state === null || state === undefined) info.opened = !info.opened;
else info.opened = !!state;
this.set('_hierarchyIndex', this._hierarchyIndex + 1);
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle all hierarchy rows expanded.
toggleHierarchyAllCollapsed: action(function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return;
this._hierarchyRows.forEach((row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
info.opened = false;
this.set('_hierarchyIndex', this._hierarchyIndex + 1);
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle all hierarchy rows collapsed.
toggleHierarchyAllExpanded: action(function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return;
this._hierarchyRows.forEach((row) => {
const info = this._getHierarchyInfo(row);
info.opened = true;
this.set('_hierarchyIndex', this._hierarchyIndex + 1);
* Action for handling incoming requests to the hierarchy row toggle header clicks.
hierarchyAllHandler: action(function () {
if (!this._isHierarchyActive) return;
if (this._hierarchyAllExpanded) this.toggleHierarchyAllCollapsed();
else this.toggleHierarchyAllExpanded();
// hovering
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if column hovering is set.
_isHoverColumnsOn: computed('hoverMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.hoverMode, 'NONE,ROW,COLUMN,BOTH', 'ROW');
return mode === 'BOTH' || mode === 'COLUMN' || false;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true of row hovering is set.
_isHoverRowsOn: computed('hoverMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.hoverMode, 'NONE,ROW,COLUMN,BOTH', 'ROW');
return mode === 'BOTH' || mode === 'ROW' || false;
* Action for handling incoming requests to identify which column is currently being hovered.
hoverColumn: action(function (columnIndex = null) {
if (columnIndex === this._hoverColumnIndex) return;
if (this._hoverColumnIndex !== null) {
const col = [...this._columns][this._hoverColumnIndex];
if (col && col.element) {
[...this._cells].forEach((cell) => {
if (!cell || !cell.element) return;
const colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
if (colIndex === this._hoverColumnIndex) {
if (columnIndex !== null) {
const col = [...this._columns][columnIndex];
if (col && col.element) {
[...this._cells].forEach((cell) => {
if (!cell || !cell.element) return;
const colIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
if (colIndex === columnIndex) {
this.set('_hoverColumnIndex', columnIndex);
// header, footer, heading, footing
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if headings is 'text' mode.
_isHeadingText: computed('headings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.headings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'TEXT');
return mode === 'TEXT';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if headings is 'bar' mode.
_isHeadingBar: computed('headings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.headings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'TEXT');
return mode === 'BAR';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if headings if 'none' mode.
_isHeadingNone: computed('headings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.headings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'TEXT');
return mode === 'NONE';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if footings is 'text' mode.
_isFootingText: computed('footings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.footings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'BAR');
return mode === 'TEXT';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if footings is '_isFootingBar' mode.
_isFootingBar: computed('footings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.footings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'BAR');
return mode === 'BAR';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if footings is 'none' mode.
_isFootingNone: computed('footings', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.footings, 'TEXT,BAR,NONE', 'BAR');
return mode === 'NONE';
// actions
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if action bars should be displayed on 'top'.
_isActionBarTop: computed('actionBar', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.actionBar, 'TOP,BOTTOM,BOTH,NONE', 'TOP');
return mode === 'BOTH' || mode === 'TOP';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if action bars should be displayed on 'bottom'.
_isActionBarBottom: computed('actionBar', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.actionBar, 'TOP,BOTTOM,BOTH,NONE', 'TOP');
return mode === 'BOTH' || mode === 'BOTTOM';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if action bars are disabled.
_isActionBarNone: computed('actionBar', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.actionBar, 'TOP,BOTTOM,BOTH,NONE', 'TOP');
return mode === 'NONE';
* @private
* Computed property that returns the WbMenu menu structure for column hiding.
_toggleColumnMenu: computed('_columnArray.@each.{label,showing}', function () {
const menu = [
type: 'text',
label: 'Select which columns you<br/>want to display in this table.',
type: 'break',
type: 'item',
label: 'Reset Default<br/>Columns Showing',
icon: 'line-columns',
value: 'reset',
if (this._columnArray && this._columnArray.length > 1) {
type: 'break',
(this._columnArray || []).forEach((column, i) => {
type: 'toggle',
label: StringUtils.stripTags(column.label || 'Column ' + (i + 1)),
selected: column.showing,
disabled: column.required || !column.enabled,
value: column,
return menu;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the WbMenu menu structure for exporting.
_exportMenu: computed(
function () {
const menu = [
type: 'text',
label: 'Select how you want to export<br/>the data in this table.',
type: 'break',
// Rows
type: 'choice',
label: 'All Rows',
value: 'export-rows-all',
selected: this._exportRowsChoice === 'ALL',
if (this.pageable || this._isFilteringActive) {
type: 'choice',
label: 'Currently Showing Rows',
value: 'export-rows-current',
selected: this._exportRowsChoice === 'CURRENT',
if (this.isSelectable && this._selectedRowCount > 0) {
type: 'choice',
label: 'Currently Selected Rows',
value: 'export-rows-selected',
selected: this._exportRowsChoice === 'SELECTED',
type: 'break',
// columns
type: 'choice',
label: 'All Columns',
value: 'export-columns-all',
selected: this._exportColumnsChoice === 'ALL',
if (!this.isAllColumnsShowing) {
type: 'choice',
label: 'Currently Showing Columns',
value: 'export-columns-current',
selected: this._exportColumnsChoice === 'CURRENT',
type: 'break',
// flavor
type: 'choice',
label: 'As CSV',
value: 'export-flavor-csv',
selected: this._exportFlavorChoice === 'CSV',
type: 'choice',
label: 'As JSON',
value: 'export-flavor-json',
selected: this._exportFlavorChoice === 'JSON',
type: 'break',
// export
type: 'item',
label: 'Export',
icon: 'download',
value: 'export',
return menu;
* @private
* Computed property that returns the WbMenu menu structure for filtering.
_filteringMenu: computed('_filteringColumns.@each.{filterBy,filterMode,filterPaused}', function () {
const menu = [
type: 'text',
label: 'Adjust which columns you<br/>want to filter on.',
type: 'break',
type: 'item',
label: 'Remove All Active Filters',
icon: 'times',
value: 'remove-all',
type: 'break',
(this._filteringColumns || []).forEach((column) => {
const index = column.getColumnIndex();
let label = StringUtils.stripTags(column.label || 'Column ' + (index + 1));
if (column.filterMode === 'contains') label += ' contains ';
else if (column.filterMode === 'exact') label += ' is exactly ';
else if (column.filterMode === 'starts') label += ' starts with ';
else if (column.filterMode === 'ends') label += ' ends with ';
label += '"' + StringUtils.stripTags(column.filterBy) + '"';
type: 'toggle',
label: label,
selected: !column.filterPaused,
value: column,
return menu;
* Action for handling incoming requests to deal with clicking on the column showing menu items.
columnMenuHandler: action(function (column) {
if (!column) return;
if (column === 'reset') {
this._columnArray.forEach((column) => this.toggleColumnShowing(column, column._defaultShowing));
} else {
* Action for handling incoming requests to deal with clicking on the export menu items.
exportMenuHandler: action(function (value) {
if (value === 'export-rows-all') this.set('_exportRowsChoice', 'ALL');
if (value === 'export-rows-current') {
this.set('_exportRowsChoice', 'CURRENT');
if (value === 'export-rows-selected') {
this.set('_exportRowsChoice', 'SELECTED');
if (value === 'export-columns-all') this.set('_exportColumnsChoice', 'ALL');
if (value === 'export-columns-current') {
this.set('_exportColumnsChoice', 'CURRENT');
if (value === 'export-flavor-csv') this.set('_exportFlavorChoice', 'CSV');
if (value === 'export-flavor-json') this.set('_exportFlavorChoice', 'JSON');
if (value === 'export') this.export();
* Action for handling incoming requests to deal with clicking on the filtering menu items.
filteringMenuHandler: action(function (column) {
if (!column) return;
if (column === 'remove-all') {
this._filteringColumns.forEach((column) => this.filter(column, null));
} else {
// selection
* Computed property that returns true if the table is selectable.
isSelectable: computed('selectMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.selectMode, 'SINGLE,MULTI,TOGGLE,NONE', 'NONE');
return mode === 'SINGLE' || mode === 'MULTI' || mode === 'TOGGLE';
* Computed property that returns true of selection mode is 'single'.
isSelectModeSingle: computed('selectMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.selectMode, 'SINGLE,MULTI,TOGGLE,NONE', 'NONE');
return mode === 'SINGLE';
* Computed property that returns true of selection mode is 'multi'.
isSelectModeMulti: computed('selectMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.selectMode, 'SINGLE,MULTI,TOGGLE,NONE', 'NONE');
return mode === 'MULTI';
* Computed property that returns true of selection mode is 'toggle'.
isSelectModeToggle: computed('selectMode', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.selectMode, 'SINGLE,MULTI,TOGGLE,NONE', 'NONE');
return mode === 'TOGGLE';
* Computed property that returns true if all rows are selected.
isAllSelected: computed('isSelectable', 'showingRows', '_selectedRowCount', function () {
if (!this.isSelectable) return false;
return this.showingRows.length === this._selectedRowCount;
* Computed property that returns true if no rows are selected.
isNoneSelected: computed('isSelectable', '_selectedRowCount', function () {
if (!this.isSelectable) return true;
return this._selectedRowCount === 0;
* Computed property that returns true if any rows are selected.
isSomeSelected: computed('isSelectable', '_selectedRowCount', function () {
if (!this.isSelectable) return false;
return this._selectedRowCount > 0;
* Computed property that returns an array of selected rows.
selectedRows: computed('_selectionIndex', function () {
return this._rowComponents.filterBy('_selected').mapBy('row');
* Returns the number of selected rows.
_selectedRowCount: computed('_internalRows', 'selectedRows', function () {
return (this._internalRows && this._internalRows.length > 0 && this.selectedRows.length) || 0;
* @private
* Computed property that returns an array of selected row components.
_selectedRowComponents: computed('_rowComponents.@each._selected', function () {
return this._rowComponents.filterBy('_selected');
* Returns true if the given row is currently selected.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {Boolean}
isRowSelected(row) {
if (!row) return false;
return this.selectedRows.indexOf(row) > -1;
* Toggle the given row selected based on the selection mode (@selectMode).
* @param {*} row
* @param {HTMLEvent} event
* @param {boolean} stateShift
selectRow(row, event = null, stateShift = false) {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.selectMode, 'SINGLE,MULTI,TOGGLE,NONE', 'NONE');
if (mode === 'NONE') return;
const isHoldingShift = (event && event.shiftKey) || stateShift;
if (!(row instanceof Component)) {
row = this._getRowComponent(row);
if (!row) return;
if (mode === 'SINGLE') {
if (!row._selected) {
row.set('_selected', true);
} else if (mode === 'TOGGLE') {
if (isHoldingShift && this._lastSelectedRowComponent) {
let inside = false;
const state =
this._lastSelectedRowComponent._selected === undefined ? true : this._lastSelectedRowComponent._selected;
this._rowComponents.forEach((rc) => {
if (rc === row || rc === this._lastSelectedRowComponent) {
inside = !inside;
if (inside) {
rc.set('_selected', state);
row.set('_selected', state);
if (!this._lastSelectedRowComponent.get('isDestroyed') && !this._lastSelectedRowComponent.get('isDestroying')) {
this._lastSelectedRowComponent.set('_selected', state);
} else {
row.set('_selected', !row._selected);
} else if (mode === 'MULTI') {
if (!event) {
row.set('_selected', true);
} else if (event.ctrlKey) {
row.set('_selected', !row._selected);
} else if (isHoldingShift && this._lastSelectedRowComponent) {
let inside = false;
this._rowComponents.forEach((rc) => {
if (rc === row || rc === this._lastSelectedRowComponent) {
inside = !inside;
if (inside) {
rc.set('_selected', true);
row.set('_selected', true);
if (!this._lastSelectedRowComponent.get('isDestroyed') && !this._lastSelectedRowComponent.get('isDestroying')) {
this._lastSelectedRowComponent.set('_selected', true);
} else {
const sel = row._selected;
row.set('_selected', !sel);
this.set('_lastSelectedRowComponent', row);
this.set('_selectionIndex', this._selectionIndex + 1);
* Action for handling incoming requests to clear all selected rows.
clearSelection: action(function () {
const selectedCountBefore = this._selectedRowCount;
this._rowComponents.forEach((rc) => rc.set('_selected', false));
this.set('_selectionIndex', this._selectionIndex + 1);
this.set('_lastSelectedRowComponent', undefined);
if (selectedCountBefore !== 0) {
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to mark all rows as selected.
selectAllHandler: action(function () {
if (this.isSelectModeMulti || this.isSelectModeToggle) {
const totalSelectedBefore = this._selectedRowCount;
if (this.isAllSelected) this.clearSelection();
else {
this._rowComponents.forEach((rc) => rc.set('_selected', true));
this.set('_selectionIndex', this._selectionIndex + 1);
// only fire the event if the total selected count changed
if (totalSelectedBefore !== this._selectedRowCount) {
async exportRowsAndColumns(rows = [], columns = []) {
const type = this._exportFlavorChoice;
const fields = => column.field);
const headers = => column.label || column.field);
const state = this.tableState;
const needToFetchAllRows = this._exportRowsChoice === 'ALL';
const agreed = await this.exportService.confirmAgreement();
if (agreed) {
try {
if (this.exporter && this.exporter instanceof Function) {
await this.exporter(type, rows, columns, fields, headers, state, needToFetchAllRows);
} else {
const filename = 'whitebox-data-export.' + type.toLowerCase();
await this.exportService.export(type, filename, fields, rows, headers, true);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error while exporting.', ex, 'error');
// exporting
* Action for handling incoming requests to initiate a table export.
export: action(async function () {
this.set('_inExporting', true);
let rows =
(this._internalRows && this._internalRows.toArray && [].concat(this._internalRows.toArray())) ||
(this._internalRows && [].concat(this._internalRows)) ||
if (this.hierarchyField !== null) rows = this._hierarchyRows;
if (this._exportRowsChoice === 'CURRENT') rows = this.showingRows;
if (this._exportRowsChoice === 'SELECTED') rows = this.selectedRows;
let columns = this._columnArray;
if (this._exportColumnsChoice === 'CURRENT') {
columns = this._columnArray.filter((column) => column.enabled && (column.showing || column.required));
await this.exportRowsAndColumns(rows, columns);
this.set('_inExporting', false);
// subrows
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if subrows is enabled.
_isSubrowsAllowed: computed('subrows', function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.subrows, 'SINGLE,MANY,NONE', 'NONE');
return mode !== 'NONE';
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if subrows are provided in the WbDataTable children.
_hasSubrows: computed('_isSubrowsAllowed', '_subrowComponents.@each._rowComponent', function () {
return (this._isSubrowsAllowed && this._subrowComponents.some((subrow) => !!subrow._rowComponent)) || false;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if subrows are in use.
_isSubrowsActive: computed('_hasSubrows', '_isSubrowsAllowed', function () {
return this._isSubrowsAllowed && this._hasSubrows;
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if all subrows are opened.
_allSubrowsOpen: computed('_isSubrowsAllowed', '_subrowComponents.@each.opened', function () {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return false;
if (this._subrowComponents.length < 1) return false;
return this._subrowComponents.every((subrow) => subrow.opened);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if all subrows are closed.
_allSubrowsClosed: computed('_isSubrowsAllowed', '_subrowComponents.@each.opened', function () {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return false;
if (this._subrowComponents.length < 1) return false;
return this._subrowComponents.every((subrow) => !subrow.opened);
* @private
* Computed property that returns true if some subrows are opened.
_someSubrowsOpened: computed('_isSubrowsAllowed', '_subrowComponents.@each.opened', function () {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return false;
return this._subrowComponents.some((subrow) => subrow.opened);
* Returns the subrow component for a given row.
* @param {*} row
* @returns {wb-data-table-subrow}
getSubrowForRow(row) {
if (!row) return null;
const rowComponent = this._getRowComponent(row);
if (!rowComponent) return null;
return rowComponent._subrow;
* Toggle a subrow open or closed. If state is null, this will toggle the subrow.
* If state is true, this will open the subrow. If state is false, it will close the subrow.
* @param {*} row
* @param {null|Boolean} state
toggleSubrow(row, state = null) {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return;
const subrow = this.getSubrowForRow(row);
if (!subrow) return false;
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.subrows, 'SINGLE,MANY,NONE', 'NONE');
if (mode === 'NONE') return;
if (subrow.required) return;
if (!subrow.enabled) return;
subrow.set('showing', state === null ? !subrow.showing : state);
if (mode === 'SINGLE' && subrow.showing) {
this._subrowComponents.forEach((sr) => {
if (!sr.enabled) return;
if (sr.required) return;
sr !== subrow && sr.set('showing', false);
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle open all subrows. Note that if subrows mode
* is "single" this will still open ALL subrows.
toggleAllSubrowsOpen: action(function () {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return;
this._subrowComponents.forEach((subrow) => {
if (!subrow.enabled) return;
if (subrow.required) return;
subrow.set('showing', true);
* Action for handling incoming requests to toggle all subrows closed.
toggleAllSubrowsClosed: action(function () {
if (!this._isSubrowsAllowed) return;
this._subrowComponents.forEach((subrow) => {
if (!subrow.enabled) return;
if (subrow.required) return;
subrow.set('showing', false);
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to open/close a subrow.
_subrowToggleHandler: action(function (row, event) {
if (!row) return;
* @private
* Action for handling incoming requests to handle click events on the subrow column heading.
subrowAllHandler: action(function () {
const mode = EmberUtils.validateComponentArgumentStringOptions(this.subrows, 'SINGLE,MANY,NONE', 'NONE');
if (mode === 'NONE') return;
if (this._someSubrowsOpened) this.toggleAllSubrowsClosed();
// fetcher
fetchRows: task(function* (event) {
if (!this.fetcher) return;
if (!(this.fetcher instanceof Function)) {
this.remoteLogging.log('fetchRows', 'Fetcher for table is provided but not a function. Not executing.', 'warn');
this.set('_inFetching', true);
yield timeout(250);
try {
const state = this.tableState;
const columns = this._columnArray;
const rows = this._internalRows;
// fetcher takes in the table state, current columns, and current rows.
// it expects an object in return that has the following fields: rows, count, start, end.
const fetched = yield this.fetcher(state, columns, rows);
this.set('rows', (fetched && fetched.rows) || []);
this.set('rowCount', (fetched && fetched.count) || 0);
this.set('rowStartPosition', (fetched && fetched.start) || 0);
this.set('rowEndPosition', (fetched && fetched.end) || 0);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Fetcher execution triggered an exception:', ex, 'error');
this.set('rows', []);
once(this, this._recalculateColumnWidths);
this.set('_inFetching', false);
// ember lifecylce stuff
* @private
* Ember Lifecycle init event handler.
init() {
if ( === null || === undefined) {
'wb-data-table init',
"A WbDataTable name is not required, but if provided and unique will allow table settings (columns showing, sorting, filtering) to be saved in the browser's localStorage for reuse.",
// super important these are initialized here. If you dont do this, nested tables will not work.
this.set('_columns', new Set());
this.set('_cells', new Set());
this.set('_subrowComponents', []);
this.set('_rowComponents', []);
this.set('_columnArray', []);
this.set('_hierarchyInfo', new Map());
* @private
* Ember Lifecycle didInsertElement event handler.
didInsertElement() {
if ( !== null && !== undefined) {
this.addObserver('tableState', this._saveTableState);
setTimeout(this._restoreTableState, 0); // needs to happen later or ember freaks out.
this.addObserver('isReady', this._readyObserver);
if (this.isReady) this._readyObserver();
this.addObserver('rows', this._rowsObserver);
if (this.rows) this._rowsObserver();
this.addObserver('width', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.addObserver('selectMode', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.addObserver('subrows', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.addObserver('hierarchyField', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.addObserver('_hierarchyMaxDepth', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.addObserver('_columnArray', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
// double next is intentional as bodyElement get instantiated a bit late.
next(() => {
next(() => {
this.bodyElement.addEventListener('scroll', this._scrollHandler);
if (this.fetcher && this.rows === null) this.fetchRows.perform(); // asdffasd
* @private
* Ember Lifecycle willDestroyElement event handler.
willDestroyElement() {
if ( !== null && !== undefined) {
this.removeObserver('tableState', this._saveTableState);
this.removeObserver('isReady', this._readyObserver);
this.removeObserver('rows', this._rowsObserver);
this.removeObserver('width', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.removeObserver('selectMode', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.removeObserver('subrows', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.removeObserver('hierarchyField', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.removeObserver('_hierarchyMaxDepth', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
this.removeObserver('_columnArray', this._repaintRequiredObserver);
if (this.bodyElement) this.bodyElement.removeEventListener('scroll', this._scrollHandler);
// fire events
* @private
* Internal function for firing Init event.
_fireInitEvent() {
if (this.onInit && this.onInit instanceof Function) {
try {
this.onInit(this, this.getAPI());
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onInit function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing Ready event.
_fireReadyEvent() {
if (this.onReady && this.onReady instanceof Function) {
try {
this.onReady(this, this.getAPI());
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onReady function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing Select event.
_fireSelectEvent() {
if (this.onSelect && this.onSelect instanceof Function) {
try {
this.onSelect(this, this.selectedRows);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onSelect function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing Exported event.
_fireExportedEvent() {
if (this.onExported && this.onExported instanceof Function) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onExported function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing Fetched event.
_fireFetchedEvent() {
if (this.onFetched && this.onFetched instanceof Function) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onFetched function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing ColumnAdd event.
_fireColumnAddEvent(column) {
if (this.onColumnAdd && this.onColumnAdd instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onColumnAdd(this, column);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onColumnAdd function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing ColumnRemove event.
_fireColumnRemoveEvent(column) {
if (this.onColumnRemove && this.onColumnRemove instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onColumnRemove(this, column);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onColumnRemove function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing RowAdd event.
_fireRowAddEvent(rowComponent, row) {
if (this.onRowAdd && this.onRowAdd instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onRowAdd(this, rowComponent, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onRowAdd function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing RowRemove event.
_fireRowRemoveEvent(rowComponent, row) {
if (this.onRowRemove && this.onRowRemove instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onRowRemove(this, rowComponent, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onRowRemove function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing SubrowAdd event.
_fireSubrowAddEvent(subrowComponent, row) {
if (this.onSubrowAdd && this.onSubrowAdd instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onSubrowAdd(this, subrowComponent, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onSubrowAdd function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing SubrowRemove event.
_fireSubrowRemoveEvent(subrowComponent, row) {
if (this.onSubrowRemove && this.onSubrowRemove instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onSubrowRemove(this, subrowComponent, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onSubrowRemove function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing CellAdd event.
_fireCellAddEvent(cell, column, row) {
if (this.onCellAdd && this.onCellAdd instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onCellAdd(this, cell, column, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onCellAdd function.', ex, 'error');
* @private
* Internal function for firing CellRemove event.
_fireCellRemoveEvent(cell, column, row) {
if (this.onCellRemove && this.onCellRemove instanceof Function) {
next(() => {
try {
this.onCellRemove(this, cell, column, row);
} catch (ex) {
this.remoteLogging.log('Error executing @onCellRemove function.', ex, 'error');
// child component tracking
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a column is added to the table.
_columnAddedHandler: action(function (column) {
if (!column) return;
once(this, this._updateColumnArray);
if (column.enabled === undefined || column.enabled === null) {
column.set('enabled', true);
if (column.showing === undefined || column.showing === null) {
column.set('showing', column.enabled);
column.set('_defaultShowing', column.showing);
column.set('_table', this);
once(this, this._recalculateColumnWidths);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a column is removed from the table.
_columnRemovedHandler: action(function (column) {
column.set('_table', null);
once(this, this._updateColumnArray);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a row is added to the table.
_rowAddedHandler: action(function (rowComponent) {
rowComponent.set('_table', this);
this._fireRowAddEvent(rowComponent, rowComponent.row);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a row is removed from the table.
_rowRemovedHandler: action(function (rowComponent) {
rowComponent.set('_table', null);
if (rowComponent.row) this._hierarchyInfo.delete(rowComponent.row);
this._fireRowRemoveEvent(rowComponent, rowComponent.row);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a subrow is added to the table.
_subrowAddedHandler: action(function (row, subrowComponent) {
const rowComponent = this._getRowComponent(row);
rowComponent.set('_subrow', subrowComponent);
subrowComponent.set('_table', this);
subrowComponent.set('_rowComponent', rowComponent);
this._fireSubrowAddEvent(subrowComponent, row);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a subrow is removed from the table.
_subrowRemovedHandler: action(function (parentRow, subrowComponent) {
const rowComponent = subrowComponent._rowComponent;
if (rowComponent) rowComponent.set('_subrow', null);
subrowComponent.set('_table', null);
subrowComponent.set('_rowComponent', null);
this._fireSubrowRemoveEvent(subrowComponent, subrowComponent.row);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a cell is added to the table.
_cellAddedHandler: action(function (cell) {
cell.set('_table', this);
if (typeof cell.column === 'number') {
cell.set('column', this._columnArray[cell.column]);
this._fireCellAddEvent(cell, cell.column, cell.row);
* @private
* Internal callback for any time a cell is removed from the table.
_cellRemovedHandler: action(function (cell) {
cell.set('_table', null);
this._fireCellAddEvent(cell, cell.column, cell.row);
// this computes the width of a scrollbar for us and stores it for usage by CSS.
// This is a complete hack, but there is no other way to do this.
// do not move or delete. Very important.
(() => {
const e = document.createElement('div'); = 'scroll'; = 'scroll'; = 'absolute'; = '-100000px';
document.body.appendChild(e);'--scrollbar-width', e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth + 'px');
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
export default class ApplicationController extends Controller {
appName = 'Ember Twiddle';
products = [
&.wb-data-table {
height: 100%;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: minmax(0px,100%);
grid-template-rows: min-content minmax(0px,100%) min-content;
overflow: hidden;
& > .wb-data-table-header {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
& > .wb-data-table-header-label {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto;
grid-auto-flow: row;
grid-auto-rows: 1fr;
margin-bottom: 5px;
align-items: flex-end;
& > .wb-data-table-header-label-details {
font-size: smaller;
font-style: italic;
opacity: 0.8;
& > .wb-data-table-header-actions {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: flex-end;
margin-bottom: 0px;
& > .wb-data-table-header-search {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 150px 20px;
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-red2 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-red3 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-red4 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-red5 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-green2 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-green3 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-green4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-green4 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-green5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-green5 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue1 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-blue2 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue2 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-blue3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue3 {
background: #0000FF28;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-blue4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue4 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-blue5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-blue5 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-yellow1 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow1 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow2 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-yellow3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow3 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow4 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-yellow5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-yellow5 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-cyan1 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan1 {
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& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan2 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-cyan3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan3 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-cyan4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan4 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-cyan5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-cyan5 {
background: #00FFFF38;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple1 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple1 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple2 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple2 {
background: #FF00FF20;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple3 {
background: #FF00FF28;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple4 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-purple5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-purple5 {
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&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-gray1 > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey1 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray1,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey1 {
background: #44444418;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-gray2 > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey2 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray2,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey2 {
background: #44444420;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-gray3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey3 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray3,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey3 {
background: #44444428;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-gray4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey4 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray4,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey4 {
background: #44444430;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-gray5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-grey5 > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-gray5,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-grey5 {
background: #44444438;
&.wb-data-table-row-highlight-invert > .wb-data-table-cell,
& > .wb-data-table-cell.wb-data-table-cell-highlight-invert {
/* filter: invert(100%); */
background: rgb(92, 88, 88);
MIT License
<div class="spinkit-folding-cube">
<div class="spinkit-cube1 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube2 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube4 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube3 spinkit-cube"></div>
& .spinkit-folding-cube {
margin: 25px auto 20px auto;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
position: relative;
animation-duration: infinite;
& > .spinkit-cube {
float: left;
width: 50%;
height: 50%;
position: relative;
transform: scale(1.1);
& > .spinkit-cube:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: var(--brightBlue);
animation: spinkit-foldCubeAngle 2.4s infinite linear both;
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
& > .spinkit-cube2 {
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(90deg);
& > .spinkit-cube3 {
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(180deg);
& > .spinkit-cube4 {
transform: scale(1.1) rotateZ(270deg);
& > .spinkit-cube2:before {
animation-delay: 0.3s;
& > .spinkit-cube3:before {
animation-delay: 0.6s;
& > .spinkit-cube4:before {
animation-delay: 0.9s;
@keyframes spinkit-foldCubeAngle {
0%, 10% {
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(-180deg);
opacity: 0;
} 25%, 75% {
transform: perspective(140px) rotateX(0deg);
opacity: 1;
} 90%, 100% {
transform: perspective(140px) rotateY(180deg);
opacity: 0;
@keyframes wb-data-table-body-messages-animation {
0% {
opacity: 0;
50% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
@label="Products table"
as |table|
{{#each productsTableColumns.all as |column|}}
{{#if (eq column "productBullets")}}
@label={{get productsTableColumns.headers column}}
@showing={{contains column productsTableColumns.defaultShowing}}
@filterable={{not (contains column productsTableColumns.nonFilterable)}} as |value|
<div class="product-bullets-row">
{{#each value as |productBullet|}}
<WbCopyableValue @value={{productBullet.content}}/>
{{else if (eq column "sku")}}
@label={{get productsTableColumns.headers column}}
@showing={{contains column productsTableColumns.defaultShowing}}
@filterable={{not (contains column productsTableColumns.nonFilterable)}} as |value|
<WbCopyableValue @value={{value}}/>
{{else if (eq column "relationshipIndicator")}}
@showing={{contains column productsTableColumns.defaultShowing}}
@align="center" as |value column row|
{{#if row.isChildSku}}
<div class="tooltip-container">
@icon="copyright" />
<EmberTooltip @tooltipClass="wide" @delay={{100}}>
Child of:
<WbItem @item={{row.parentProduct}}/>
{{else if row.isParentSku}}
{{else if (eq column "images")}}
@showing={{contains column productsTableColumns.defaultShowing}}
@align="center" as |value column row|
<div class="photo-previews">
{{#each row.sortedProductImages as |image|}}
<div class="photo-preview">
@label={{get productsTableColumns.headers column}}
@showing={{contains column productsTableColumns.defaultShowing}}
@filterable={{not (contains column productsTableColumns.nonFilterable)}} as |value|
<WbCopyableValue @value={{value}}/>
@label=" "
@align="center" as |value column row|
@tooltip="View in marketplace"
@disabled={{eq row.marketplaceListingLink null}}
@onClick={{action "openMarketplaceListingInTab" row}}
@tooltip="Edit product"
@onClick={{action "showSingleEditDialog" row}}
@tooltip="Clone product"
@onClick={{action "showCloneProductDialog" row}}
<table.actionBreak />
@tooltip="Copy values to clipboard"
<table.actionBreak />
@tooltip="Push feeds"
@tooltip="View recently pushed feeds"
<table.actionBreak />
@tooltip="Edit {{this.selectedProducts.length}} products"
{{#if (has-block)}}
{{yield this.valueComputed this.column this.row this.index}}
{{#if (not this.isAlignRight)}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-body">
{{#if this.label}}
<EmberTooltip @text={{this._stripLabel}} />
{{else if (has-block)}}
{{yield null this null}}
{{#if this.isRoleHeading}}
{{#if this.isFilterable}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-filter" {{on "click" filterHandler}}>
<EmberTooltip @text="Filter Column" />
<FaIcon @icon={{if this.filterPaused "pause-circle" "filter"}} @prefix="fas" />
{{!-- Intentionally empty --}}
{{#if this.isSortable}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort" {{on "click" sortToggleHandler}}>
<EmberTooltip @text="Sort Column" />
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort-up">
<FaIcon @icon="sort-up" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort-down">
<FaIcon @icon="sort-down" @prefix="fas" />
{{!-- Intentionally empty --}}
{{#if this.isRoleHeading}}
{{#if this.isSortable}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort" {{on "click" sortToggleHandler}}>
<EmberTooltip @text="Sort Column" />
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort-up">
<FaIcon @icon="sort-up" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-column-sort-down">
<FaIcon @icon="sort-down" @prefix="fas" />
{{!-- Intentionally empty --}}
{{#if this.isFilterable}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-filter" {{on "click" filterHandler}}>
<EmberTooltip @text="Filter Column" />
<FaIcon @icon={{if this.filterPaused "pause-circle" "filter"}} @prefix="fas" />
{{!-- Intentionally empty --}}
<div class="wb-data-table-column-body" title={{if this.label this._stripLabel}}>
{{#if this.label}}
{{else if (has-block)}}
{{yield null this null}}
{{!-- If you remove data-tableState argument on the line below, table state will not save. Do not change. --}}
<div class="wb-data-table-header" data-tableState={{this.tableState}}>
{{#if this.showHeader}}
<div class="wb-data-table-header-label">
{{#if this.label}}
<WbLabel @text={{this.label}} />
{{#if (or (and this.showPagingInfo this.pageable) (and this.showSelectionInfo this.isSelectable))}}
<div class="wb-data-table-header-label-details">
{{#if (and this._showPagerInfo this.pageable)}}
Showing <b>{{this._startingPosition}}</b> to <b>{{this._endingPosition}}</b> of
{{#if this.rowCountInfinite}}
&nbsp;<b>&infin;</b> rows.
<b>{{this._totalRowCount}}</b> {{if (eq this._totalRowCount 1) "row." "rows."}}
{{#if (and this.showFilteringInfo (or this._isFilteringActive this._isSearchingActive) this._filteredOutCount)}}
<b>{{this._filteredOutCount}}</b> {{if (eq this._filteredOutCount 1) "row" "rows"}}
filtered out.
{{#if (and this.showSelectionInfo this.isSelectable)}}
<b>{{this._selectedRowCount}}</b> {{if (eq this._selectedRowCount 1) "row" "rows"}}
<div class="wb-data-table-header-actions">
{{#if this._isActionBarTop}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.searchable)}}
<div class="wb-data-table-header-search">
<WbInputText @label="" @icon="" @placeholder="Search For..." @value={{this._pendingSearchText}} @onChange={{this._searchTextChangeHandler}} @onEnter={{this._executeSearchHandler}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="search" @onClick={{this._executeSearchHandler}} />
{{#if (or this.pageable this.showActions)}}
<WbButtonBar as |bar|>
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.pageable)}}
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="fast-backward" @tooltip="Move back to 1st page." @disabled={{this._isPageFirstDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageStartHandler}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="step-backward" @tooltip="Move back one page." @disabled={{this._isPagePreviousDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageAdvanceHandler -1}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="step-forward" @tooltip="Move forward one page." @disabled={{this._isPageNextDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageAdvanceHandler 1}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="fast-forward" @tooltip="Move forward to last page." @disabled={{this._isPageLastDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageEndHandler}} />
{{#if (and this.showActions this.showActionsTop)}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.pageable)}}
{{#if (not this.isUsingCustomRows)}}
@tooltip="Toggle which columns are displayed in the table."
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isFilteringAvailable)}}
@tooltip="Modify Filtering."
@disabled={{not this._isFilteringActive}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.exportable)}}
@tooltip="Export table contents."
{{#if this.showCustomActionsTop}}
<div class="wb-data-table-inner" >
<div class="wb-data-table-headings" style="width: {{this.rowWidth}}; {{this._widthString}}" {{ref this "headingsElement"}} >
{{#if this.showColumnHeadings}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isHierarchyActive)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-hierarchy-toggle" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="left" valign="center" {{on "click" this.hierarchyAllHandler}}>
{{#if this._hierarchyAllExpanded}}
<FaIcon @icon="minus-square" @prefix="far" />
<FaIcon @icon="plus-square" @prefix="far" />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.isSelectable)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-select-all" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="center" valign="center" {{on "click" this.selectAllHandler}}>
{{#if this.isSelectModeSingle}}
{{#if this.isSomeSelected}}
<FaIcon @icon="check-circle" @prefix="fas" />
<FaIcon @icon="circle" @prefix="far" />
{{#if this.isAllSelected}}
<FaIcon @icon="square" @prefix="far" />
<FaIcon @icon="check-square" @prefix="fas" />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isSubrowsAllowed)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-subrow-toggle" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="center" valign="center" {{on "click" this.subrowAllHandler}}>
{{#if this._someSubrowsOpened}}
<FaIcon @icon="caret-down" @prefix="fas" />
<FaIcon @icon="caret-right" @prefix="fas" />
component "wb-data-table-column"
columnAdded=(fn this._columnAddedHandler)
columnRemoved=(fn this._columnRemovedHandler)
<div class="wb-data-table-body" {{ref this "bodyElement"}}>
{{#if (not isReady)}}
<div class="wb-data-table-body-messages">
<div class="spinkit-folding-cube">
<div class="spinkit-cube1 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube2 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube4 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="spinkit-cube3 spinkit-cube"></div>
<div class="wb-data-table-body-messages-text">
{{else if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) _isAllFilteredOut)}}
<div class="wb-data-table-body-messages">
<div class="wb-data-table-body-empty">
{{else if isEmpty}}
<div class="wb-data-table-body-messages">
<div class="wb-data-table-body-empty">
<div class="wb-data-table-body-rows" style="width: {{this.rowWidth}};">
{{#each this.showingRows as |row index|}}
<WbDataTableRow class={{this.additionalRowClassName}} @row={{row}} style={{this._widthString}} @rowAdded={{fn this._rowAddedHandler}} @rowRemoved={{fn this._rowRemovedHandler}}>
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isHierarchyActive)}}
<WbDataTableCell class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell" @align="left" @valign="center">
{{#each (compute this._getHierarchySteps row) as |step|}}
{{#if (eq step "leaf")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-leaf">
<FaIcon @icon="square" @prefix="fas" />
{{else if (eq step "parent")}}
{{#if (compute this._getHierarchyOpened row this._hierarchyIndex)}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-parent-opened" {{on "click" (fn this.toggleHierarchyRow row false)}}>
<FaIcon @icon="minus-square" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-parent-closed" {{on "click" (fn this.toggleHierarchyRow row true)}}>
<FaIcon @icon="plus-square" @prefix="fas" />
{{else if (eq step "sibling")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-sibling">
{{else if (eq step "sibling-last")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-sibling-last">
{{else if (eq step "to")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-to">
{{else if (eq step "thru")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-thru">
{{else if (eq step "none")}}
<div class="wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step wb-data-table-hierarchy-cell-step-none">
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.isSelectable)}}
{{#if this.isSelectModeSingle}}
<WbDataTableCell class="wb-data-table-selection-cell" @align="center" @valign="center">
<div class="wb-data-table-selection-selected">
<FaIcon @icon="check-circle" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-selection-unselected">
<FaIcon @icon="circle" @prefix="far" />
{{else if (or this.isSelectModeMulti this.isSelectModeToggle)}}
<WbDataTableCell class="wb-data-table-selection-cell" @align="center" @valign="center">
<div class="wb-data-table-selection-selected">
<FaIcon @icon="check-square" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-selection-unselected">
<FaIcon @icon="square" @prefix="far" />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isSubrowsAllowed)}}
<WbDataTableCell class="wb-data-table-subrow-toggle-cell" @align="center" @valign="center" {{on "click" (fn this._subrowToggleHandler row)}}>
<div class="wb-data-table-subrow-toggle-cell-opened">
<FaIcon @icon="caret-down" @prefix="fas" />
<div class="wb-data-table-subrow-toggle-cell-closed">
<FaIcon @icon="caret-right" @prefix="fas" />
component "wb-data-table-cell"
cellAdded=(fn this._cellAddedHandler)
cellRemoved=(fn this._cellRemovedHandler)
component "wb-data-table-subrow"
component "wb-data-table-row"
component "wb-data-table-cell"
<div class="wb-data-table-footings" style="width: {{this.rowWidth}}; {{this._widthString}}" {{ref this "footingsElement"}}>
{{#if this.showColumnFootings}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isHierarchyActive)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-hierarchy-toggle" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="center" valign="center" {{on "click" this.selectAllHandler}}>
<FaIcon @icon="plus-square" @prefix="far" />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.isSelectable)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-select-all" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="center" valign="center" {{on "click" this.selectAllHandler}}>
{{#if this.isSelectModeSingle}}
{{#if this.isSomeSelected}}
<FaIcon @icon="check-circle" @prefix="fas" />
<FaIcon @icon="circle" @prefix="far" />
{{#if this.isAllSelected}}
<FaIcon @icon="square" @prefix="far" />
<FaIcon @icon="check-square" @prefix="fas" />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isSubrowsAllowed)}}
<WbDataTableColumn @class="wb-data-table-headings-subrow-toggle" @label="" @field="" @sortable={{false}} @filterable={{false}} @align="center" valign="center" {{on "click" this.selectAllHandler}}>
{{#if this._isSubrowsAllOpen}}
<FaIcon @icon="caret-down" @prefix="fas" />
<FaIcon @icon="caret-right" @prefix="fas" />
component "wb-data-table-column"
<div class="wb-data-table-footer" >
{{#if this.showFooter}}
<div class="wb-data-table-footer-actions">
{{#if this._isActionBarBottom}}
{{#if (or this.pageable this.showActions)}}
<WbButtonBar as |bar|>
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.pageable)}}
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="fast-backward" @tooltip="Move back to 1st page." @disabled={{this._isPageFirstDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageStartHandler}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="step-backward" @tooltip="Move back one page." @disabled={{this._isPagePreviousDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageAdvanceHandler -1}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="step-forward" @tooltip="Move forward one page." @disabled={{this._isPageNextDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageAdvanceHandler 1}} />
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="fast-forward" @tooltip="Move forward to last page." @disabled={{this._isPageLastDisabled}} @onClick={{fn this.pageEndHandler}} />
{{#if (and this.showActions this.showActionsBottom)}}
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.pageable)}}
{{#if (not this.isUsingCustomRows)}}
@tooltip="Toggle which columns are displayed in the table."
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this._isFilteringAvailable)}}
<WbInputButton @label="" @icon="filter" @tooltip="Remove all active filters." @disabled={{not this._isFilteringActive}} @onClick={{this.resetFiltersHandler}} />
{{#if (and (not this.isUsingCustomRows) this.exportable)}}
@tooltip="Export table."
{{#if this.showCustomActionsBottom}}
"version": "0.17.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.18.1",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.18.1",
"ember-testing": "3.18.1",
"ember-concurrency": "^2.0.3"
"addons": {
"@glimmer/component": "1.0.0"
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