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Created August 11, 2012 22:09
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Using robotframework with Plone
*** Settings ***
Documentation A test suite with a single test for valid login. This test has
... a workflow that is created using keywords from the resource file.
Resource resource.txt
*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
${username} = Get site owner name
${password} = Get site owner password
Open Browser To Login Page
Input Username ${username}
Input Password ${password}
Submit Credentials
Welcome Message is Being Shown
[Teardown] Close Browser
*** Settings ***
Documentation A resource file containing the application specific keywords
... that create our own domain specific language. This resource
... implements keywords for testing HTML version of the test
... application.
Library Selenium2Library
*** Variables ***
${SERVER} localhost:55001
${BROWSER} firefox
${DELAY} 0
${SITE} plone
${LOGIN URL} http://${SERVER}/${SITE}/login
${WELCOME URL} http://${SERVER}/${SITE}/front-page
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser To Login Page
Open Browser ${LOGIN URL} ${BROWSER}
Maximize Browser Window
Set Selenium Speed ${DELAY}
Page should contain element css=#login-form
Go To Login Page
Page should contain element css=#login-form
Input Username [Arguments] ${username}
Input Text __ac_name ${username}
Input Password [Arguments] ${password}
Input Text __ac_password ${password}
Submit Credentials
Click Button Log in
Welcome Message is Being Shown
Page should contain You are now logged in
Login Should Have Failed
Location Should Be ${LOGIN URL}
Title Should Be Error Page
# Step 2 - Set versions (and use some packages from source for now)
extends = buildout.cfg
robotsuite = 0.5.0
robotframework = 2.7.3
robotframework-selenium2library = 1.0.1
docutils = 0.8.1
decorator = 3.3.3
selenium = 2.25.0
eggs += ${test:eggs}
# Step 1 - Declare dependencies (
'test': [
'selenium', # XXX: This is here because of a missing dependency declaration in robotframework-selenium2library 1.0.1
'decorator', # XXX: This is here because of a missing dependency declaration in robotframework-selenium2library 1.0.1
# Step 4 - Create a test suite using robotsuite
import unittest2 as unittest
from plone.testing import layered
from robotsuite import RobotTestSuite
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite([
from plone.testing import z2
from import PloneSandboxLayer
from import PLONE_FIXTURE
from import applyProfile
from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
from import IntegrationTesting
from import FunctionalTesting
class Theming(PloneSandboxLayer):
defaultBases = (PLONE_FIXTURE,)
def setUpZope(self, app, configurationContext):
# load ZCML
xmlconfig.file('configure.zcml',, context=configurationContext)
# Run the startup hook
from import onStartup
def setUpPloneSite(self, portal):
# install into the Plone site
applyProfile(portal, '')
class Keywords(object):
"""Robot Framework keyword library
def get_site_owner_name(self):
def get_site_owner_password(self):
THEMING_INTEGRATION_TESTING = IntegrationTesting(bases=(THEMING_FIXTURE,), name="Theming:Integration")
THEMING_FUNCTIONAL_TESTING = FunctionalTesting(bases=(THEMING_FIXTURE,), name="Theming:Functional")
THEMING_ACCEPTANCE_TESTING = FunctionalTesting(bases=(THEMING_FIXTURE, z2.ZSERVER_FIXTURE,), name="Theming:Acceptance")
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Note - the test example fails - it's based on the demo app from the Robotframework Selenium2Library. It's just something to see some tests being run. Test output goes in parts/test. Tests are run with the usual bin/test. Note that to filter with -t, use "bin/test -s -t robotsuite" as the test cases are all called "robotsuite.".

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I'll try this out (and should be able to complete it) later today... At least, you shouldn't use SELENIUM_FIXTURE, because robotframework-selenium2library takes care of the Selenium. You should use bare z2.ZSERVER_FIXTURE instead.

As @emanlove has reported, there are currently two approaches for isolated Plone-tests using RobotFramework:

  1. robotsuite wraps RobotFramework-tests into unittest-testsuite (similarly how doctests are wrapped) and allows them to be run with zope.testrunner
  2. @gotcha's plone.act re-implements parts of as RobotFramework keywords to allow isolated (and layered) Plone-tests using pure RobotFramework testrunner

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Note: in this updated version, login.txt and resource.txt live in an acceptance-tests subdirectory next to the boilerplate.

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Ok. See for successfully passing version. (I wonder, if there's a way to "merge" changes from cloned gists.)

A few notes:

  • You don't need to require Selenium explicitly. Selenium2Library is enough.
  • Unless you need drag and drop, you shouldn't need to use the development version of Selenium2Libarary. The latest release 1.0.1 work pretty well already.
  • My clone has also an example of implementing your own Python keywords (e.g. for retrieving defined usernames).
  • Robotsuite generates per-test Robot Framework reports under buildout-directory/parts/tests. (Too bad, it still lacks good merged test report for all Robot Framework tests, because Robot Framework's own report merging tool doesn't work very well.)

Obviously, in the future, could provide the base set of keywords to use with Robot Framework. @gotcha's plone.act is good reading:

About robotsuite vs. plone.act (actually zope.testrunner vs. pybot-testrunner):

  • I admit that using plone.act and pybot without zope.testrunner would be easier for people, who haven't learned zope.testrunner or yet. Also, pybot has many features missing from zope.testrunner.
  • Still, I've been working for robotsuite, because I'd like to run Robot Framework tests with old tests
    and benefit from the other zope.testrunner-compatible packages, e.g. CoreJet (see also: corejet.robot).

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@datakurre: cool - I like your approach a lot. I didn't realise it was that easy to define custom keywords.

I think the robotsuite approach is the only one that makes sense, to be honest. Without it, we don't get proper test isolation or fixture management and tests need to use the UI to tear down state they set up. That's incredibly error-prone, and I've never seen it work well in other contexts.

If you look at the latest gist, we can still have a situation where you just dump files into a directory, so we can probably make this relatively easy to get started with. We could probably even create a buildout recipe that creates the relevant boilerplate. Something like the plone-devstart approach could also work, where you have a non-redistributable package for project-specific customisations.

corejet.robot is really cool. ;-)

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Oh, I just realised why I used Selenium2Libarary from svn: there's an undeclared dependency on the 'decorator' module. It also doesn't pull in 'selenium' as far as I can tell. In fact, I think the released version isn't packaged with setuptools at all.

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s/svn/github/ - old habits die hard ;)

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I hope that @gotcha could comment about test isolation in plone.act. I guess, he's been using it without issues so far. I don't have enough low level experience with zope/plone.testing to review his isolation keywords.

I wonder, why I don't have similar issues with using the released version of selenium2library. It might be, because I've been running robot test only with Python 2.7.

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A few more things to know about Robot Framework:

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Note that to filter with -t, use "bin/test -s -t robotsuite"

Would you have any objections against this behavior in the current master of robotsuite:

$ bin/test --list-tests
Listing tests:
    Can_do_A (functional/activation.txt)
    Can_do_B (functional/activation.txt)
    Can_do_C (functional/payment.txt) #current

In summary, robotsuite.RobotTestCase is replaced with a relative path of the test (including RF-testsuite folder) and appended with Robot Framework tags.

Now you could filter tests with:

$ bin/test -t functional
$ bin/test -t activation.txt
$ bin/test -t \#current

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